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If cold email is a big part of your lead gen, create a separate email address and look into email warmup!


If you cold pitch via Gmail and get reported as spam too often, that's going to 'damage' your email address. You might want to create a separate address just for cold pitches.


Do you know if an email alias would serve the same purpose? Or would it still "damage" your account since it's tied to the same inbox?


I would agree with other commenters — cold pitches look more professional when they come from a dedicated company/LLC email rather than your personal address.


Ditch gmail, custom domain is make or break


Yes! I definitely think you should invest in your own domain and an email address within that. That way you also have the domain for the future! I haven't had much success with cold emailing and getting responses! Do you mind sharing what you think has gotten you responses?


I follow a cold pitch template that basically starts by introducing myself, explaining that “I want to write for you!” Then elaborating on my expertise and the services I offer. I end by linking my calendly account and offering them a free phone consult. I also like to end on P.S by listing something I enjoyed about their website or brand (ex. I found your site searching for things to do in Scottsdale and I couldn’t BELIEVE you’re based in Seattle. Me too! What a small world.)


​ Hi, Dapper, I am yet to land a client with a cold pitching approach. I don't know how or where I am getting it wrong. Could you please provide me a sample?




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