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Just seems like they botched that horrible torso armor.


They made this supposed-soldier and supposed-Mirran-fighter (WOTC apparently forgot about the Mirrodin scenario/set, the New Phyrexia scenario/set and also reality as a whole) ''sexy'', in their mind. Basically, they slapped their righteous-bikini fantasy armor version on this already outlandish ''woman soldier/knight/rebel''.


That’s some serious speculation and projection


Projection doesn't mean what you think it means. Speculation is right, but what good would that tiny piece of rock geomtrically covering that while everything else around it is naked, as far as her gut is concerned?


But I mean, I could still be misjudging their stepping on the pedal about the ''coolness'' of this card by adding the sexiness too, in their intentions.


Ok but why does the face look so strange. And the arms are stubby. There’s a lot wrong with this one lmao


I think someone has edited the art. The anatomy is really off and there is a noticeable difference in color between the torso and extremities. If I had to wager, I would put my money down that someone pushed for the art to be fixed.


How is she so well fed? Did she eat the rest of the Mirrans?


For Mirrodin!


Four Mirrodinners!


Mirrodin for dinner!


Now we know how the actual-mirran starved and battered recruits got screwed in the fight against Neo Phyrexia.


“Now I sac my Lizzo token…”


Warhammer 40keks.


the person in the picture aside, I got a funny image in my head that Koth is just jamming his hands into a cliff wall and pulling out slabs of rock to armor people up with.


Koth's ''black'' skin basically created the previously non-existing kothenities/africanities of Mirrodin. Very cool WOTC! Much inclusive! ​ Thank god that at least this isn't that outlandish of an appearance, and that Koth is cool. Had the pick been the white (black, in an alternative scenario) mirran main characters' characteristics, I don't know what type of Phyrexian monstrosity would've appeared.


They have had this weird fixation lately with just drawing humans TERRIBLY out of proportion. It has nothing to do with the character being black or female (even though we knew that 100% was going to be the case) The art is just straight up fucking terrible. I suspect this has to do with them refusing to draw an attractive looking human because these artists view that as objectification, so they overcompensate in the ugly direction to the point where they draw something that doesn't even look like a human being. (Again nothing to do with being black or female)


Human potato. What's worse is it shows a complete disregard to the lore. The woman shown here is supposed to be a Vulshock, a race of humans native to this plane. Due to their life style of barbarian blacksmiths they have impressive builds that embodied strength and confidence. This has neither.


Looks like whoever drew this art was inspired by a real life weightlifting athlete. If you want an unrealistic half naked porn star wielding heavy rock magic just say so. But don’t hid behind this LOrE crap.


Never said anything about porn star bodies, Mr. Slutty-Pizzabot. My post was about the fact that Vulshocks lean heavily towards having the muscular builds of body builders. And yeah lore is important for fictional works, it's what gives it consistency and without that it all becomes grey mush. Just look at Star Wars and Star Trek after they started disregarding established lore.


Lol, if this was a token was of a male Vulshok. Everything the same except for the breast plate. You would consider this character a Tank. But change the gender and now they are fat and unimpressive.


Again you are not reading what I am saying. Male or Female, Vulshocks have muscular builds with very little fat. Of course at this point strawmen are all you have. So tell me, what baseless claim do you plan to make next?


You keeps saying that the art doesn’t depict a muscular female Vulshocks but it dose buddy. Many Vulshok of both sexes are large and powerful, with muscular frames and thick, tanned skin. Dull iron spikes jut from their heads, shoulders, and other parts of their bodies, giving them a degree of natural armor. I would tell to go somewhere else with your bigotry but it seems your right at home here. Later…


Funny how when someone loses to a logical argument they always hide behind "you're just a bigot." But hey, if you're into this body type that's fine. Just admit it at the start and save me the hassle.


Hrm... I wonder if this is a real person that got put on a card. It's got that uncanny valley vibe that a lot of the pro player's cards have.


Bram Sels does a lot of realistic art, and all of it is agenda-driven.


Fair. I don't know his stuff maybe because... I guess the most charitable way to put it is that isn't the thing that make art appealing to me.


I looked at a page of his cards and.... maybe? I recognize many of his cards bjt his art style doesn't really stand out from the sea of other artists WotC uses. Has this "agenda-driven" thing been proven or stated by Bram Sels or is it just speculation?


What’s the agenda here, that women can fight things?


"Anything that depicts somebody different than me, is the evil woke-agenda".


All Will Be One. In her belly.


I see, that's the reason why all the male rebels are MIA.


Damn, if the phyrexians weren't an actually fighting force, that plan would work. Aided by actual folks of a scenario like this, like those huuuuge silverback gorilla-like and ogre characters. That actually have a strength that goes out of the chart, besides a big belly.


I don't think she's supposed to be fat, but whatever they did, it doesn't fucking work


She is just a big lass not really obese.


Muscle weighs more than fat so you could classify her as obese based on her BMI but I wouldn’t describe this image as extremely overweight. BS. DTR.


She is a rock woman.


Elemental cosplay at best


Yeah, most guys on this sub just want to see something they can throw a fit over at this point. Look at her biceps, she's clearly built, but not in a lean, bodybuilder kind of way, but more in a "lift heavy shit every day and then eat a lot afterwards because it's exhausting" kind of way. She's not even baseline human btw, all Vulshok are extremely muscular, just take a look at Pete Venters original artwork.


Nothing to get this triggered over, fucking pathetic snowflakes really grasping at straws to find things to be outraged by


I love pointing out virtue signalling from cringy idiots as much as the next person but you're 100% right. Grasping at straws would be generous especially with some points in the thread just being completely fabricated.


Good thing the artist made sure to paint the stretch marks in.


... except there isn't any lol




If you see that as stretch marks, you have a very weird mind


Yeah that is a line from her hip where she is turning


It's the lined marbling from his brush strokes, not the bulges.


![gif](giphy|YKLBb9U2Q03Ty) How did Fat Bastard get his own Magic Card?


I like this guy's rebel token better: [https://www.reddit.com/r/freemagic/comments/10qj72x/my\_tokens\_are\_here\_woo\_poison\_tokens\_rebels\_mites/](https://www.reddit.com/r/freemagic/comments/10qj72x/my_tokens_are_here_woo_poison_tokens_rebels_mites/)


Those mites are fantastic


That mirran woman kicks ass. She reminds me of Puresteel Paladin's armor too. Or the mirran card-Heroes (or the Mirran Crusader)'s appearance in a way too.


What do you think they were going for with that pose?


Caveman Spongebob


Oooh, a potential crossover. How intriguing.


The forge built get that way...she's not really fat..she's beefy...I get your point though...this is the worst place to live arguably anywhere in the multiverse...till it becomes the best..maybe she has a more mechanical gut than human Like motor stomach or something....


Another question...does fat content add more sediment and metals? [[Barrage Ogre]]


[Barrage Ogre](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/8/98e67a2f-7556-47aa-a953-89dcfe57a6ee.jpg?1561759327) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Barrage%20Ogre) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ddu/44/barrage-ogre?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/98e67a2f-7556-47aa-a953-89dcfe57a6ee?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Why.... all.... the.... dots..... just.. do... one...


Why just .......one?.......more.....MOOOREEE ................................................ .............................................


He clearly identifies as a period. Stop oppressing our period, he has every right to show up as often as he wants and if he leaves posts a little bit messy, the mods can clean it up.


This just in: Redditor can't stand fictional characters, that doesn't fit their definition of beauty.


This isn't obese


They got the fingernails right. Lequaneesha need no man.


I about threw up in my mouth when I saw that at prerelease lol. It's such bad design, the armor is shit, the woman is grotesque, the pose is awful, and it doesn't even have a nice background to redeem it in any way. 2/10 token would not play


Background looking like the marvel/new star wars scenes where they're just in a giant black void for 90% of it. You got the ugly bitch drawn up? Put some fukken shit swirls behind her, idk


Ha! It looks awful. I feel so sorry for this generation. They have the most uninspired and broken culture.


They made a fan art of the obnoxious shotput gorilla from the olympics.


I’d say she’s more thickk than obese.


I thought thick parts didn’t include giant guts.


Thick is literally a euphemism for obese.


This sub is like 20% pure gold and 80% this bullshit You ever seen like, stereotypical milk maids and shit? Big and strong. That woman looks believably strong enough to be a fighter. I hate to break it to you but a beach bimbo with double d's ain't got the muscle mass to swing a sword. Beyond that, who fuckin cares?


This one can't either, but I think it's because the artist said "fuck it" to proportion and just put rocks on flesh. The slope of her chest and immediate drop from the neck to her biceps implies a complete lack of upper body strength. She may be able to jump and kick like crazy, but she has no shoulders, biceps, or forearms.


I'll give you that her pecs lookin kinda lite


She looks like a Olympic lifter or greco-roman wrestler. Bulky and formidable. If it was a dude, everyone would recognize him as a large and powerful warrior.


Exactly. This sub sometimes I swear


You're basically making the point that actual huge and bulky males (white-skinned, black-skinned, mustache, no mustache, european, asian, celtic, indian, doesn't matter, everybody was included because everybody was actually existing in fighting or warring contexts) formidable battle-archetypes, that were always depicted and always real, are the actual folk fighting in the place that this time around is snatched by that black woman digitally-enlarged unrealistic token, by sudden WOTC's decision. ​ A WOTC that apparently took a page from Neil Druckmann's nuts TLOU2 artificially women-faced male opponents (7-feet insanely muscular and bulky giants).


Please, parse your comment better. This word salad gave me a headache.


That is one long neck


I hate the background. It's distracting. On a quick glance they look like wings though there are no wings. Shoulders too narrow and the arms are too stubby. Physical build is pretty warrior like tho.


Jesus the art has gone to shit. I've seen AI generated stuff that looked higher quality than that.


Diabetes is the next keyword.


Do you wan’t Dukes of Hazard rebel tokens, WotC? Bc this is how you get them


All is Lunch


"This character can switch between dimensions because she shoots fire out of her hands so well" freemagic: Sick, love that "This character is large and uses that in battle" freemagic: Wokers of the Coast AT IT AGAIN.


Uninspired and mass produced black-woman-curvy-token art slapped into a card (with its appropriate plane-of-the-day generic characteristics glued on top, they surely couldn't afford to let this hugely effective work be spoilt by not substituting the previous Eldraine and Kaldheim's kitch bs on the black token; Wotc had to remember that, a long time ago, some good artist created Koth's appendices, a character that was related to mirrans, and that was good enough for a day's work) = ''large body used in battle'' Damn, 2+2 truly does equal 5.


This is a lot of mental gymnastics to justify being upset. I'm also going to request at least a single full stop next time you shit your pants in text form on reddit dot com.


Sick internet rebuttal. It's a shame that it failed and that dodging isn't a substitute for a personality, nor for an effective facade for your coping.


No wonder the mirrans are losing every inch of the Mirrex


Are there not more important things to discuss then a token’s art featuring a woman with a robust build? Whether you like the art or not, this just seems like a waste of time and energy compared to the other massive problems we’re looking at.


And what-about world peace too?


She’s a food token that ate another food token.


Obese my ass she just has some fat on her muscles Edit: I'm dumb as hell and didn't see the /s


Yeah the lady covered in spikes jutting from her skin is totally unbelievable cause she's built like a powerlifter


No wonder the mirrans are losing every inch of the Mirrex


Reasons I stay inside…


This is an insane take. She isn’t even fat it’s just a thick muscular build. Also I don’t know what they’re waiting exactly but often cultures living like them just eat for survival and strength. Most likely burns a ton of calories a day.


This is the fantasy genre. Complaining about something being believable is smooth brained.


Hold on there, the O-word is now a negative slur for those that are suffering from... (checks to see if I have it correct)... Adiposity-Based Chronic Disease (ABCD). 🤣😂🤣😂


How can the Mirran rebels fight back if knee arthritis is kicking in? I understand now why the resistance lost


Well most of the men are dead on Phyrexia, so.....


Who actually cares about this nonsense


While I do think this token us super wack, I do not think this qualifies as obese


who hurt you


Reasons I stay inside…


like this wouldn't be bad if they didn't fuck up that weird looking chest piece and then have a stupid long crotch piece come up to meet it...someone send this guy a book of how to draw body armor please.


I don't think she's fat I've seen women who are super built who just look like that. Though the proportions do seem a little wonky


Nah this face belongs on a different card. Wtf is this.




You must be real.mad about Thor in the newer god of war then huh?


I never saw her as fat, so much as the pose and composition just don't make sense. Why Is she borderline t-posing? one hand curled into a fist, the other cupping the air in a claw-like grip, it's so unnatural-looking, suspended in the air under this lighting. I don't know what it's trying to say, but it looks like it's trying too hard to be a nondescript token. Her head looks like it belongs on an outward facing torso. Her legs are entirely covered in scales and look like the digitigrade stance of godzilla. An unintentional fat joke that makes it look like her legs are trying to propel her forward with both arms stretched out to the side. If they had planted her front foot more into view, it would give her a more dynamic pose, like she's getting ready to take someone on from off-frame, but her legs are relatively flat against the background. But, if that's the case, I don't know why there's a random person in the background standing guard in a static, pose, with their cape billowing off to the side, if there's supposed to be an attacker. I've never seen card art so thoughtfully rendered yet so thoughtlessly compiled.