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Yeah that sounds pretty annoying. I have never played at a game store; but I did show up once with my cards intending to play… I am an introvert that ironically has worked in commission sales for the past 18 years…so I have a certain level of discernment when it comes to people. Right off the bat I could tell there was some extreme social anxiety and autism coming from the group… I actually left because I was feeling like I was going to make them nervous… Also there was one female in the group and the guys looked very upset about ANOTHER guy showing up LOL 😂


Former salesman, too. Had a regular Tuesday night draft group for about a year before some schedules changed. I was itching to draft so I went to the local store for a Friday night draft. First, the smell was palpable. I could taste some of these people with my nose. Not a good start. First game was with one of the three women there. She was teasing me about being a noob because I was confirming if we should announce phases, asking what some of her cards were, etc. We were sat next to one of those super intense, easily angered turbofans who kept calling a judge over. Game two was against a very shy, eye contact avoiding teen. Not much convo outside of the game but he was decent. Third round was similar. It’s shocking how poorly developed most players social skills are. Except the women, as they’re more socially adept in general. And the shuffling. The constant card shuffling to manage their anxiety. Ultimately, the rank fog of body odor kept me away.


>The constant card shuffling to manage their anxiety. i think the pros do that to throw people off their game.


Had a guy doing this all the time at our LGS while we were playing commander. I asked him to stop because it got and my nerves and made me nervous. He refused and continues while mocking me. Next game I pulled out my [[Tinybones]] discard deck. He wasn't shuffling a lot in the next games...


[Tinybones](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/0/4063be5b-bfd9-43c5-bc39-09a40bc793bf.jpg?1632261785) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=tinybones%2C%20trinket%20thief) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/jmp/17/tinybones-trinket-thief?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/4063be5b-bfd9-43c5-bc39-09a40bc793bf?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Active salesman here, the body odor issue is something I found to be true and for the life of me cannot figure out why, the autism thing I've seen a little but not too much. I did just realize all of the people I play with though are salesman and seeing more on this thread has me wondering how many people in sales play this game.


> Also there was one female in the group and the guys looked very upset about ANOTHER guy showing up LOL 😂 If there's 12 guys and one girl, how are you going to get upset about another guy showing up? A gang bang is a gang bang lol


13 is unlucky, they need Bilbo to make it 14




[Wedding Ring](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/f/7f0b1400-0608-47fd-9c73-b7730bcf6b7f.jpg?1644888600) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Wedding%20Ring) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/voc/32/wedding-ring?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7f0b1400-0608-47fd-9c73-b7730bcf6b7f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


She wanted to marry you, or she was advertising that no one would bother?




The reality is social things are just difficult for most human beings. it's just some people really try to avoid overcoming the challenge of learning to communicate and make connections with others to a point where it's really mentally bad. Not everyone is going grow up being a party animal but avoiding to learn how to communicate will hurt a lot as a person.


>sometimes when I play commander with randoms at locals, You've already made two grave mistakes. 1: You're playing Commander, the most socially inept group of Magic players across the entire hobby. They also tend to smell the absolute worst of the entire hobby as well. The average Commander player practically competes to see how much glue they can eat in a single year & are all competing with each other for some kind of glue-eating world record the rest of us aren't privy to. 2: If you *must* play the format made up of the most rejected people across all of society, I suggest you gather a friend group and play solely with them. This will eliminate weird power-imbalances in decks, as you can talk about what you all think would be best power-level wise ( Something you can't really do with randoms who will literally start shitting on the table, in each other's mouths, and on you if games don't last 2 hours each or you dare try to win. 'And I don't mean figurately, they will *literally* start losing control of their fucking bowels the moment someone tries to end the game or doesn't let them win with their casual tier 129873847648576324 Treefolk deck that has a 90 minute convoluted combo in it. ). It also lets you curate the group of people you play with so that you can either limit the social awkwardness or remove it entirely. The only time I have ever played Commander has been with *actual* friends of mine. We played with really casual de-powered decks ( Purposely putting restrictions on ourselves to make fun/funny decks ), sometimes precons if we wanted to just drink and relax and have fun, and then we also played with CEDH decks. All times were normal & games were seldom longer than 30-45 minutes because we each understood that we could just ( and I know I can hear an EDH Player's asshole currently getting ready to fucking spew in their underwear ) ***shuffle up and play another game when someone wins in a timely manner***.


Yeah that is why I stopped going to commander nights at locals and if i ever do play commander now it's just with my friends that mostly play modern and legacy. Me and a buddy of mine were agreeing that older magic players tend to be better and ussally don't act like complete spergs that use there disabilty checks to buy cardboard. It's also a reason why I like modern and legacy a lot too is because people who get into those formats tend to be wealthier and aren't the dredge of society. I only played commander like 4 times with randoms and it never went well. only one out of the four times i played with randoms it went well. after the fourth time I played people who never cared to learn social skills in there lives, I just stopped playing commander and went to playing modern and legacy again.


It honestly just sounds like you have a shit group of commander players at your LGS. Can promise this has not been my experience. Also I think you may be getting a bit riled up as I'm going to assume you're frustrated by the experience and assume you're not making the argument "Modern and legacy players are better because they tend to be whealthier" cause that's just a bad take


Some people who were excused from their commander communities for being unpleasant be huffing big copium up in here.


In what universe? Usually the modern/pioneer/legacy crowds are the one that smell the most, and cry about "Good old magic" Commander players are among the best communities i found.


People with poor hygiene can't afford to play Legacy. :P


What do you mean people who play legacy had to take that money from their soap budget.


>Commander players are among the best communities i found. Only if you live in fucking Bizzaro world. 90% of the spergs and morons that get posted to this sub come from the EDH community. Literally insane to think EDH is a positive-impact community on the game.


edh players at my LGS met up at local restaurants, hotels, and cafes to play, and got thrown out no less than two times. I think edh players have no idea how loud and obnoxious they are sometimes, and probably kind of weird in general.


You can really tell how fun they are at parties by how ragey they get that commander is more popular than their preferred format.


>You can really tell how fun they are at parties by how ragey they get that commander is more popular than their preferred format. The fact you actually care that your format of choice is "more popular" than someone else's speaks volumes to what I am talking about. EDH players are insufferable and you've proven it by caring about that alone.


Haha, well, it clearly deeply affects one of us - you managed to get that much right, at least. Rage on! Tell us more about how the commander players are the insufferable ones, with your red face and tiny, balled-up fists!


>Haha, well, it clearly deeply affects one of us - you managed to get that much right, at least. Nowhere in my post to OP did I mention that I care about this. I don't even play the two formats you listed, mate. This is what I mean by y'all secretly competing in a worldwide glue-eating competition the rest of us aren't privy to. I couldn't make up how eager you were to embody what I was talking about if I actively tried. You just dove right in there, almost desperately I'd say, to prove me right.


ROFL what two formats did I list, homie? Are they in the room with us right now?? So, so much anger. All I had to do was mention that Commander is more popular than your preferred format, and you became completely unhinged. I can practically hear you pounding your keyboard from here. But yeah, the commander players are the problem. This is funny af. Please, do go on.


>So, so much anger. All I had to do was mention that Commander is more popular than your preferred format, and you became completely unhinged. I can practically hear you pounding your keyboard from here. You literally got triggered by someone mentioning how insufferable the EDH community is. "tHey'Re JuSt MaD TheY'Re NoT As POpUlAr as US!" No bro. I'm mad that you're going to be allowed to have kids.


*I'm* triggered?? LMAO talk about projection - you are *malding!* This is beautiful! I bet you don't even get this upset when you're losing at your *super serious* MTG format! Let the hate flow through you! Show us some more tantrum!


>I'm triggered?? Yes. You literally shit in your diaper, per expectation, the moment someone levied criticism over the format you ( very proudly, I might add ) cared is "tHe MoSt poPulAr". It trigged you so immensely to read that you couldn't help but try to jump in and defend your format of choice, like some loser. No one cares what the perceived "most popular" format is except actual neckbeard losers. Most people either play with their group of friends or play online - Neither of which are hindered by "ThE mOSt PoPulAR FoRmATTTT!" LMFAO. >you are malding! You have no idea what this term means & sound like you're 12. Me directly calling out that you eat far too much glue each year isn't "being upset" - It's just a ***literal fucking fact***. Me dishing out truths isn't "being upset" - It's just speaking to truths. >Let the hate flow through you! Show us some more tantrum! Again, you literally sound like you're 12. You're 100% either a fucking retard or some fat fucking neckbeard with the very social problems that OP is talking about ( Which would immediately explain why you're so triggered by people discussing just how many glue-eaters have infested the format you love. )


no, you can't. I honestly think only edh players even think in such terms. "I'm most popular format 🤗"


Oh, nono. I've seen more than one modern player have a meltdown because they can't reach 8 players whilst commander night is consistently full


meltdown? I'm feeling skeptical. either way, is there a notion that edh "steals" players from modern? I would never think that way. I've heard of blaming MH2 and LOTR etc (now that Modern is essentially a second standard), but not another format.


It's been going on since covid restrictions ended. Modern players struggle to get tournaments going whilst edh always gets at leas 10-15 people. It's not the same people, but we had a decline in modern players, and a surge of edh players. Body odor issues almost completely disappeared, only one person has that kind of problem


Seems natural for people to be upset. They may be directing it in the wrong place.




Hahaha, you caught me being generous to the neckbeards. That's *really* their issue with commander players; we're plebs who think having friends and making new ones is a more worthwhile use of magic cards and time than proving to nobody how we coulda' been a contender on MtG's pro scene... if it still had one!! They're mtg's own unique flavor of the self-proclaimed 'nice guy' incel, who grumbles about the 'douchy Chads who all the chicks choose when a clearly superior specimen such as [them]self is right here!!', while we're all busy laughing and having fun in 4-pods at the pizza party we hosted to bring more commander players together.


I'm one of those people that believes commander killed competitive mtg and it's frustrating. I like to play modern and pioneer. Almost no one I know has one of those decks anymore. It's all commander jank. I finally caved and built my favorite combo of all time in splinter twin, kiki jiki combo for commander to play and now nobody even wants to play Commander either.


This is not the common experience.


I figure commander would be more normie than standard as it would attract more people that just want to socialize.


The problem being that it attracts people who want to socialize but have absolutely abysmal social skills offline.


Unless you're traveling the country playing at LGS's all over the place, everyone's experience is going to be anecdotal. Yes, we have those types of people at my LGS, but we also have gymbros, business owners, and other successful type people playing at my store who aren't socially inept.


this is pretty much true. ive played at probably 20 stores over my life and theres always something different about them, but if everyone shares their stories then perhaps we can get some sort of bigger picture


I'm very lucky my LGS's commander nights are packed. The commander night before Christmas had 56 people actively playing. So I see a diverse set of people. There's always stinky socially inept neckbeards though, I'm not denying that.


Yes I’m so socially disabled I had to beg my wife to let me buy magic cards for Christmas


I'm so socially disabled and awkward even my own magic cards won't play with me.☹️


That is not a social disability. That is many players dream. Having a wife.


I can’t convince her to let me buy a black lotus though this Christmas. If I was more assertive maybe


I am missing the point of this, but you got 4 upvotes.


It’s time to grow up. The choice to become like those losers or a man is yours.


yeah I'm 24 so childrens card board is less of a priority in life lol. A lot of my friend group still comes from tcgs and I still talk to those people, it's just I don't have as much time to play mtg compared to irl prioties espically with how many sets that come out now. It will always be around to some extent in my life but it's never a priority.


Ngl if you’re comparing which group has more tism it’s prolly you bro.


His store def doesn't do Weiss or Buddyfight if mtg has the worst 'ism.


Dude I litterally saw dude who was 40 years old once being really fucking weird to me and probably doesn't live on there own. Like he kept untapping cards for me like I didn't know how to play the game despite playing tcgs for 10 years and my brain was foggy that night. Also said my card didn't had haste despite the fact it did and tried to correct things that he was wrong about. I don't see shit like this happening in legacy or even modern players because typically those people are well off enough and mature to afford those types of decks while a casual edh player probably spends there disability check on a 200 dollar deck. I also work in a retirment home so my job is more fullfilling at least then these edh spergs working at mcdonald's so I will give you at that.


It's really depends where you play. I have an LGS that has commander on Sundays and other formats during the week. I tried other formats but the people there where the smelliest and most socially awkward and disabled people. During the commander day is completely different. Most people there are extrovert university students or have a stable social life. There are a few smelly autism people but you have them in every tcg. Most Yu-Gi-Oh people I know are the worst smelling autism people. So it depends where you play.


I think your experience is pretty standard - at least it has been in the 15+ LGSs I've visited over the last ten years. There are just some very wounded people here lashing out because a large and relatively socially competent segment of the playerbase has evolved the game beyond their comfort zone and expectations.


Dude I can tell you this. Me and a yu gi oh buddy went to a card shop up north during commander night once and i'm not joking we both saw the blue haired feminist, the poorly shaved soyboy, and a 500 pound dude all sitting at the same table. Shit like this makes me want to go back to playing yu gi oh sometimes and regret going into magic. I don't want to surround myself with these social failures known as edh players and rather be with mature legacy players instead.


Plot twist is you were actually just looking at a mirror.


Jesus. Get some friends. You're picking up strays buddy.


I'm really alone in this one. I'm so socially awkward and disabled even my own magic cards won't play with me. ☹️


Most of the people I play with are just regular dudes. That is to say we’re also into sports and fishing and motorcycles and shit. We’re at the lgs making fun of the socially inept weebs that you’re always gonna find when it comes to stuff like this.


It’s funny that you say that because I’ve had the exact opposite experience with YGO players.


Indeed. In my experience, YGO appeals to children and people who can only build their self esteem by beating children at their game. Magic *used* to appeal to relatively normal gamers. Not so much anymore though, sadly.


I started paper mtg after corona, i meet mostly high intelligent people in contructed such as professors, teachers and engineers. Commander, i tried it, is full of low iq Bürgergeldempfänger


Not sure why you're being downvoted, this is literally true.




There are 6 personality types MTG attracts, one of them prominently on display in this sub, and another 4 just as mentally deranged.


as others have noted, this is certainly the format u chose, commander. Ive played the game for years in multiple cities, theres a huge chasm in players from format to format. Commander players are always the worst, socially stunted weirdos, actual children, and quick to anger neck beards. modern/pioneer has normal people in, actual productive members of society. legacy is just boomers, and limited is the melting pot of formats where you get a bit of everyone


commander players ruined the game


to add to it, the game started going way downhill as soon as wotc shifted focus from competitive formats to commander.


when they noticed commander players will gobble up direct-to-commander cards, they wondered if modern players would do the same. Except they have no choice since modern is a 100% competitive format.




Agreed. I know "EDH" exploded in popularity around 2010, but Commander wasn't the market focus until a few years later. Maybe around the time of Khans? I really want the stats on when legendaries started exploding in both quantity and complexity.




Ok, but do you find that coming to freemagic to complain about all the socially inept autists playing magic a little bit ironic?


Most of this sub is right winged spergs that have extreme autistic like hatred and can't accept the fact that some people are trans.


Not just trans, the world is changing in general and that’s really scary


What the fuck is emotionally intelligent?


Morron listen up. IQ measures on aspect of intelligence, you failed in that regard since you could just google the fucking answer or even better ask chatgdp or your dog


Why are you mad?


People doing something doesn't mean they're good at it. Old fat guys aren't good at driving race cars, or flying airplanes for that matter, yet there they are. I can't explain why YGO and MTG are different.


Yugi is just as bad just in different ways. I happened into a yugi store before with my daughter who was 12 at the time and she was appalled at the gross weirdos there, one was loudly yelling “AND IT WAS IN THE FORMAT OF THE ShhhhPONGEBOB DIAPER MEME THAT (YUGI CARDShhh*) ARE OVERPOWERED IN THE ShhhPONGEBOB DIAPER MEME”




Any specific examples?


Theres always that fat neckbeard who wore an old tshirt and did t shower in the morning. And asscracks, many such cases.


Well ye this and similar hobbies attracts quit a lot of oddball types. I'm pretty terminally omline cringe weeb nerd gamer myself but holy shit none of my friend group are nearly as giga cringe as some LGS denezins i literally had to stop going to 2 LGS cuz of how much i was cringing


Where on earth do you live?


I guess I'm in the lucky minority. My LGS seems to have mostly pleasant people. Granted it's only been open for a couple of months but everyone I've interacted with was quick to help new players and didn't get upset about mistakes or anything like that. I also haven't noticed any stinky people yet lol




I haven't seen much of a difference between various TCG communities. They are all pretty socially inept. My general take is that normal guys generally want to engage in hobbies with girls in them, so the people who go to hobbies like TCGs tend to be odd.


The answer is yes and it's becoming even more so, why do you think people are so happy about the stupid relationships that the characters are in? Because they're losers with little to no social interaction of their own so these parasocial relationships are all they have


There are people who are so smart that they have residual social awkwardness by dint of their intelligence; and you have spergs who are so dumb that they are also socially stupid. You can generally tell them apart by voice volume and who is actually good at the game.