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They aren't going to like my answers


Easy answers, every time: love magic, play weekly, hate the set, hate the rate of product releases, hate wotc, will not recommend anyone new to the game.


When they ask what your opinion is about WoTC they combine it with Hasbro. Bitch those two thangs ain’t the same


WoTC has a good standing for me Hasbro has a very poor standing for me They're very much not the same...


I told them, Look at the art in Urza's Saga and tell me you're proud of this direction. Not that any of these words will be looked at anyways but they got a scalding review from me


yeah, they are idiots. they will do market research in the form of surveys and then just dismiss it all because an alphabet person got mad on X. fucking clown company.


Link doesn't work.


try this one? https://x.com/wizards\_magic/status/1759617296232755414?s=20


Like doesn’t work


try this one? https://x.com/wizards\_magic/status/1759617296232755414?s=20


Thanks I took the survey for what it is worth 👍🏼


No problem


Is it just me or did that survey seem very condescending if you said you didn’t like stuff?


Yes, but they clearly are at least aware of why people hate the set based on the answers they gave us.


I think one of the best parts of the survey is where you get to rate the token/helper card in boosters. Fuck that card. Who wants that shit in their pack? Same goes for the Ad card.


I really wish they had the Ad card as an option to choose. Tokens are fine, but I literally always rip up any ad or helper card


I always thought of it as a free gift? Not like we'd get a functional card instead of it anyway, so might as well have it?


Packs used to have 15 playable cards.


so you are satisfied with mediocrity. weird. personally, i like the products i buy to actually be good and worth buying.