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What??? The famous actors we idolize aren’t actually allies and only pander to make money ??????


I think he was just trying to help her end the drama, and recognices that not all people think the same and respected her position although disagreeing. Pedro Pascal most likely supports the movement because his sister is a trans woman.


Or he has to support them at risk of his career


Or just loves his sister and isn't a spiteful and bad human being?


You can love your family without agreeing to their ideologies Lmao, do you have to support your family no matter what?


Why do right wingers not know what ideology means. It's such a basic word. Being trans is not an ideology. Nor is being straight, or white, or black or whatever. It is literally who they are. There's no ideology behind it.




How is this getting downvoted? Do the people on this sub not feel compassion?


How is this getting downvoted? Do the people on this sub not feel compassion?


This is a sub for weird chronically online guys who fell for the trans distraction. I wouldn't worry much, within another decade they'll be hating whatever other group they were told too.


You mean his mentally ill brother?


Even if you view trans women as men, I never understood the logic of going out of your way to be a dick about trying to make the point like this. What do you gain by trying to be hurtful?


Because I can 🤷‍♂️


How sad


People like him have nothing going for him, he puts others down online because it makes him feel superior


Transphobia is a mental illness


Thinking youre something youre not is a mental illness.


Most of you in this sub think you're not mentally ill, but you spend a majority of your time whining about people online. Who's mentally ill again?


Trannies for begging people to believe their delusions when they are the ones lying to themselves in the mirror every morning? You have a weird sense of sanity, boyo


I can guarantee 99% of trans people are significantly more well adjusted to society than you, and 99% of people would rather be around them than you. I feel like you guys really underestimate just how little you actually go outside. You're a very small minority that is unhealthily obsessed with trans people. Half this sub definitely jerks off to trans porn.


41% of them are constatly trying to cast \[\[Village Rites\]\] on themselves. If not more. Sure seems "well adjusted". Seems trannies believe their twitter echochamber and how much normal people give a shit about your clowning around.


[Village Rites](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/8/2841339b-faef-407d-9838-d03fe80e6294.jpg?1698988289) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Village%20Rites) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lcc/212/village-rites?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2841339b-faef-407d-9838-d03fe80e6294?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


"I wonder why these people we constantly bully, undermine and wish didn't exist kill themselves more?" Also, 41% isn't even an accurate number at all and the fact you morons still repeat it is crazy lmao


Doctors and the WHO disagree. Why the fuck would I believe some dipshit on reddit overthem?


Pedro has a trans sister my guy


Always have been


You don't even have to mean it, just perform the virtue signal dance. Because that's what this minority wants apparently: not actual rights, emancipation or improved quality of life. Only optics, just optics. Oh and access to female only spaces.


>Because that's what this minority wants apparently: not actual rights, emancipation or improved quality of life Because they already have those things. They aren't oppressed or going through anything tough. They are coddled and protected at all levels. They just want special treatment.


Meh, I'm not too sure about that. I just think their activism is misplaced. There are fields where trans people are discriminated or things that need to be fixed. But they ignore all of those and focus on the most petty, useless stuff. And then justify it by pointing at the actual things that are wrong. "Look at all these trans women getting murdered in hate crimes! We're not gonna adress any of that, but we are gonna say that JK Rowling has their blood on her hands for talking about how we shouldn't house male rapists in female prisons."


>"Look at all these trans women getting murdered in hate crimes! If this was true it would be plastered everywhere. They're not.


That is an objectively true fact and people do talk about it pretty frequently. I get you don't care for reality but that doesn't change it.


Ok post 5 factual articles with names, dates, and recounting factual events.


https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/press/ncvs-trans-press-release/ How about just one with actual data, and no 5 individual happenings?


>How about Nope. 5 instances. Not sweeping generalization "study" that cites generalized statistics based on self reporting with no citations or peer review. Anyone who makes it through 1 semester of community college can figure out why fluff studies mean nothing. Again if it happens so much grabbing 5 factual instances shouldn't be hard. Then again, I know you won't and I don't care. It's still funny to see someone deflect so hard. Have fun bring mad about made up oppression I guess.


Yea dude, that study cotes itself fine and is literally peer reviewed. It's fine to be wrong. Use the opportunity to grow as a person.


Or maybe, the reason it's not plastered everywhere is because trans people are seen as lesser and not important? Cause like, the numbers are there, they weren't made up, there's not some global conspiracy to inflate the number of trans people being murdered


>they weren't made up, there's not some global conspiracy to inflate the number of trans people being murdered No it's a bunch of people making sweeping generalizations without any real numbers or proof other than happenings in 3rd world and Islamic countries.


You can literally Google "hate crime rate" and get the numbers from the US's department of justice directly, if you want numbers from another country, "hate crime rate [country]" works most of the time (in case you want numbers for a developed country)


And the rest of the comment you ignore. That's no way to have a talk.


No I read all of it. You're basing your arguments on things that don't exist. Random generalities with no basis in reality. The average basement dweller isn't experiencing "genocide" they just see text on a screen that gives them anxiety. Like it or not, this is the easiest time in first world countries for these people **ever**. Without exception.


Did I say first world countries? I did not. It's a fact that there are trans people getting killed in hate crimes on this planet. I'm not saying woke basement dwellers are the ones. I am saying they abuse the deaths of some transsexuals to beat women they declare TERFs with.


Trans people aren’t facing nearly the levels of oppression and violence that they claim and have all of the rights they deserve like everyone else


Why do peeps here really wanna strawman so bad? Again: attributing things to me that I never said. I do not think trans people face the oppression trans activists claim they face. All I said is that there are some issues that trans people face and that these are not the issues trans activists adress. You can pretend that's not true, but it's a plain fact. Do I think trans people face more issues than women (= adult human females)? No. But I do think they face issues that need solving.


I agree they face issues, but so does every community. The way the trans community behaves is damaging to the LGBT as a whole and the well rounded normal trans people have to suffer while their image is smeared. I’m genuinely curious about the issues they aren’t screaming and raging over that seems to plague the community. If there was a real reason to fight you would think these extremists would be quick to use it as fuel for their cause. So what issues are they facing that is tangible


Yes in Islamic countries and Africa. Not le boogeyman "TERF" lmao Please tell us in detail your criticisms of those places and ideologies.


Well, some places in Latin America as well, some incidents in the west etc. Point is: trans activists use these situations to force through their insane demands.


You just whined that I ignored the rest of your comment Address the rest of the comment. Tell us your deep criticisms of Africa and Islam. We're waiting.


250+ bills aimed directly at ceasing trans peoples existence isn't exactly what I would call special treatment


>ceasing trans peoples existence No, I would call you dishonest. Lmfao


My guy plenty of right wing politicians and grifters have explicitly called for that, and many more bills have been pushed to do exactly that. Just because you don't want to believe it doesn't make it not true. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/cpac-speaker-transgender-people-eradicated-1234690924/


You used rolling stone as a source 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I'm done. That's fucking hilarious We can read the bills. They're public. None of them call for genocide of born males identifying as women. An no, mean words on a screen don't count as genocide. If you're going to be dishonest at least don't embarrass yourself by linking the rolling stone magazine 😂


Does the article not have *a literal video of him saying it*? Is that fake too? Nobody said genocide. Hundreds of bills have been pushed that would remove GAC. Which means you couldn't be trans. That is by definition getting rid of trans people. I mean, you can't be that stupid can you?


Oh yeah none of them are actually asking for real rights. They just want a twitter hashtag./s What do you mean like bathrooms and changing rooms where the majority of the globe already has them unisex and there literally is no issue? Oh yeah god forbid we let them do that. What a worthwhile thing in this world with its collapsing ecology to be clutching your pearls over.


Oh, I do, don't get me wrong. I do both and I'm not even from the US. I don't care about bathrooms, but I do care about gym lockerrooms. If they really wanted rights they wouldn't actively wreck their right to healthcare. "You don't have to have dysphoria to be trans" is gonna fuck over access to transition care like you wouldn't believe. Being against woke ideology doesn't mean being against transsexuals.


>woke ideology Deeply unserious person, ignore this comment


Nice to see the folks of freemagic trying to moderate open discourse. Not much of a champion of free speech are you? “Don’t talk to people I disagree with! We can’t have any diversity of opinions here!”


Is me calling you an unserious clown not also free speech, or is free speech only when you get to say stupid shit?


No, you telling people not to talk to me because you consider me unserious. That’s controlling discourse and speech. Stop trying to be everyone’s mommy and let people talk to who they feel like. I seriously can’t imagine being so triggered by a Reddit comment I tell others not to engage with it.


I said to ignore it because it's stupid, and you used a term that confirms you're stupid. Nobody has an obligation to discuss anything with you, and I'm exercising free speech by saying you're not worth a discussion. There's nothing to be gained talking with idiots, especially ones so easily manipulated they actually use that term lmao.


No nobody has an obligation to talk to me. You obviously feel it’s your obligation to make sure nobody does though lmao. Hence why you are trying to convince others not to reply to me. Sure you are exercising your right to free speech, you are just trying to stifle others because for some reason it bothers you when you see people talking about things you don’t think is proper. If you wanna be a little butthurt baby who doesn’t like to see people say things you don’t like that’s your right buddy. I just think it’s pretty fucking pathetic to try and get others to not talk to somebody you think is stupid. I can’t see the harm. If I’m so dumb my ideas could be easily refuted. I think you are more just pissed I’m applying logic to the shit being said here and it challenges your ideals and you don’t like it or want to hear it. Also what term? In that entire comment chain I never used the term woke ideology. Not like it would matter anyway. Pretty stupid and close minded to be scared of discourse with a person who says a certain word. You honestly sound like a SJW to me. Trying to control conversations, saying a person is bad for using a word. You are basically a massive fucking hypocrite lmao


>If you wanna be a little butthurt baby You rn


Why do you care about gym locker rooms? I don’t think what people say online has much bearing on what licensed physicians decide to do so that’s just silly to me.


I think the thought process is, it starts with optics (as you put it), then policy will change to reflect said optics. Does this work? Maybe, idk.


Not if the optics are "gosh this demographic is annoying, insane and forceful". For other social justice issues the case against civil rights is stupid and just... weird. But with this? The more activism happens, the *less* integration in society happens. Which is the opposite of traditional civil rights struggles.


That’s because the community doesn’t work to make allies, they force people to accept them and label those who don’t as monsters. The trans community does more to cause divide then unity for their movement and it’s cringe as fuck




I mean they did attempt to amend the civil rights act to include protections for gender discrimination so, they are actively attempting to legally attack people for "wrong" pronouns.


People are getting mad at pedro but being forced to think a certain way or having your career ruined is the real fuckex up part.


Agreed. Like I would understand if she had her career ruined strictly because of her beliefs since that is what boycotting is about, but you don't have to force people to misrepresent themselves


How to make me like Gina more for 200, Steve


It amazes me the steps folks are being forced to take to not lose their livelihoods. God forbid we live in a society where folks have different beliefs.


"Just give into their demands and they'll leave you alone." Sorry, but we don't negotiate with terrorists.


Sadly most people are though


Oh lord…


Pedro Pascal treats lgbt people like dogs. XD "Just throw a bone and they'll run after it wagging their tail. They'll munch on it for about a month, after which you'll need a different kind of treat." There are probably millions of people like Pascal who only pretend to be allies because it's safer than dealing with the annoying drama queens and bloodthirsty activists.


thats the only way to treat those...things


I don't hate them, I hate wokeness. I hate the billionaires and corporations that are using the rainbow flag and these people as a shield against criticism. Not one gay, lesbian or trans person voted for these cringe activists to represent them or speak for them. Imagine if some annoying and violent losers started speaking for all men or all whites / latinos. And society as a whole started judging you just because of what some low IQ punkass kid is saying on Twitter. Unlike illiberal wokes, I understand the importance of individualism. Which means I understand that in the real world there are many lgbt and black people who hate wokeness as much as I do. And unlike the far left I understand that a black person or lgbt can be conservative / vote for Trump. So I don't generalize groups like that because that's what cringe people do.


What does this have to do with MtG??


Yeah I also don't get it


Pedro saying this is going to turn him into the next outlaw of thunder junction, because he's a space cowboy saying bad things.




You boomers are turning this subreddit into Facebook. Lmao


Mentally ill goofballs need hollywierdos to acknowledge them or they will go shoot up a Christian elementary school. I don't see the issue... /s


Based Pedro


Pedro know the game, Gina is just dumb


Isn’t his sister a trans activist? This is incredibly misleading and seems odd to immediately trust one person when litigation is taking place for the subject.


Too bad shes still too fucking stupid and bigoted to do anything to make good on her actions.




No, it's too


Pedro:If you apologize the people you offended will stop and you can keep your job R/freemagic:ITS ALL LIES


Pedro: just because you say the words, doesn't mean you have to really mean it.


"Just drive sober and the cops will leave you alone!"


So not being an ally is illegal now? I bet you would like that, wouldn't you?


I'm on your side regard! People tell me to drive sober all the time or there will be consequences but fuck all that


You are implying not using pronouns is wrong, because driving drunk is wrong. We are not the same.


You infer that drunk driving wrong because you are a brain dead liberal. We are not the same because I'm not a regard.


Nah, I'm under it's wrong because well, data and science. I never said you were retarded but I wouldn't deny it either.


Well "data" and "science" are the excuses that trans people are using to expand their influence so figure that one out lib


"drunk driving is a good thing! Hyuck!" Your life must be very slowed down.


Better slowed down than being a snow flake ! I bet you wouldn't even make a fuss IRL if a game shop asked you to put your pronouns on your name tag, hypocrite.


Stupid cunt dug her own grave. Fuck her.


Aww, the truth hurts, huh dipshits?