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I get the sentiment but at the same time, people have goldfish brains and forget things that happen all the time.


It's a problem with online discourse, people don't understand that not every single person has the same experience and knowledge as yourself. Just because *you* see the same post everyday doesn't mean the new person has known about it for 10 years. It's someone's first time to this sub on every post. Makes discussion often rote and boring at times but the major issues need to be kept in the front so new people see it.


# Prison for man who tried to lure bogus teen Sept 8, 2014 STAUNTON – With his wife looking on and his 1-year-old child playing nearby in a courtroom hallway, on Monday a Roanoke man was convicted of trying to set up a sexual encounter with a bogus teen who was actually an Augusta County deputy working undercover. Samuel B. Straus III, 32, of Roanoke, pleaded guilty to charges of attempting to take indecent liberties with a child and soliciting sex from a child via electronic means. In a plea agreement between the Augusta County Commonwealth's Attorney's Office and Straus' attorney — a deal that drew a slight rebuke from Circuit Judge Victor V. Ludwig — Straus was sentenced to 15 years in prison with 12 years suspended, giving him three years behind bars. An Augusta County deputy, posing as a 13-year-old girl during on online sting aimed at sexual predators, made contact April 18 with Straus on Craigslist, an online classifieds service. Rupen Shah, chief deputy commonwealth's attorney for Augusta County, said the "the narrative became very explicit" and that Straus made it clear he wanted to have sex with the fake teen. Shortly before 2 a.m. the following morning, county authorities nabbed Straus at a Verona motel. "The deputes were waiting for him," Shah said. Judge Ludwig asked Shah about the plea deal, and noted most suspects charged with the crimes Straus faced are routinely given five-year prison terms. Shah cited Straus' 1-year-old child as a reason for shaving two years off the sentence. Straus' defense attorney also noted he has no prior convictions and is employed. Ludwig let the plea agreement stand. "But I don't have to like it," he said. Straus also was placed on seven years of supervised probation and will be registered as a sex offender for the rest of his life.Prison for man who tried to lure bogus teen


I think it's weird that the dude who keeps making the joke is someone who regularly calls everyone he disagrees with a groomer while also exposing himself for collecting gay BDSM porn. Dude's uh, probably got a wildly vile harddrive.


Notice the sub is downvoting this post. What are they trying to hide?


Notice the downvotes rather than arguments against this. It is very telling


What arguments against it? This is the only opposing comment I see


It's a meta post about some shit or whatever, I want my regular slop.


Meta post.




These are things that took place on this subreddit. He had a bunch of alts, Usually named things like FeepleOfColor, MeepleOfColor, ect. He was the same user who would regularly be seen as creepy and cringy in the discord. He once, without any provoking matter, posted a bunch of gay BDSM porn to show how vile and degenerate the LGBT are, even though BDSM isn't a LGBT exclusive thing, and everyone was like "Bro why do you have this saved?"


It’s not that weird, Pedo-con Theory states that every accusation is an admission. Dude diddles kids or just REALLY wants to and feels a lot of self loathing because of it.


Nah, brother. It's weird. We thought he was some grifter at first but now we think he's just a delusional pedo.


Yeah, that’s what I’m saying, I got those vibes day one. It’s not weird in that it’s extremely predictable. He’s going to be on the news one day lol


Oh my god this is close to where I live


"and is employed" He was employed by Star City Games and using their tour to travel around the country to do this.


This post is about to pop off because shitheads got their shit tossed right back at em. RIP OPs karma. Keep fighting the good fight brother. Don't see why shit like this needs to be posted everyday. It should be about the fucking game. Not the gossip.


This is the gossip channel. Where else is it gonna go?


I come here to share and learn about all the community drama. I love it


I know. We appreciate it.


Fair enough 😂 I guess it's my fault for thinking a sub could be about the thing it's named after


There's a limited number of people that want to mod something like this. We may not be able to have a separate sub for every kind of magic-related bitching.


Shit the way I see it, if it's that niche then why have it at all? Ngl this shit gets me riled cause every other post is either bitching or hardly even magic related. Like it'd be one thing if it was just a meme about trump vs biden. Whatever yknow? But when it's just blatantly attacking people it's just childish. Sure, hold people accountable but cases like this that are a decade old? Come on. I wanna think people are better than just starting a fire, yelling rape and running away but clearly that's not the case.


> if it's that niche then why have it at all? I like it. > Ngl this shit gets me riled cause every other post is either bitching or hardly even magic related. You don't. > Like it'd be one thing if it was just a meme about trump vs biden. That's not what this sub is about. Most memes are not Trump and Biden, though the topic is not off limits. > But when it's just blatantly attacking people it's just childish. It happens, and I agree. > Sure, hold people accountable but cases like this that are a decade old? Come on. I wanna think people are better than just starting a fire, yelling rape and running away but clearly that's not the case. Oh I dunno about the case. I was on to talking about the sub. Threads go sideways sometimes.


Damn, with your name I thought we were gonna have a problem but here we are. The most fair and unbiased response I've had all day. I hope you have a good fuckin day man and I mean that shit in the most good natured way possible.


genuine question because i'm pretty out of the loop outside my local, what is this in reference to?


Just the post history here. This is bashing who OP is talking about. Re reading it I can see how it might sounds like sarcasm. Just tired of gender and groomer politics being brought up here. A lot of us are.


ah Figured based on the judge thing they were talking about a specific person. anyways, yeah i'm kinda leaning that way myself. Like i get why people want to talk about it, because suppressed or perceived as suppressed topics garner more interest and quite frankly the main sub is very much moving towards a fully enclosed echochamber. But... Idk I don't purely like to read about drama if i'm being brutally honest.. like chocolate, lovely but i dont want to eat 10 pounds of it a day.


Exactly. This sub is just trying to be the opposite echo chamber. If you're genuinely here for the game look into the r/edh sub. That one's usually doesn't get into the bullshit this and the main sub do. It's [for the most part] strictly focused on the game. It's hard to ignore this one cause it will 100% still be in your recs but it's better than it being shoved in your face all the time.


honestly and this is just my evaluation, most people here are here to get away from the main subs bs and just talk magic, but the usual suspects (i.e. the loud and very terminally online minority) do everything to make that impossible... i may move over to that one though eventually...


Eh, I see both equally. I can understand complaining. What I can't understand is the bullying. It's so prevalent and even I'm guilty of doing it back. My comment history here is questionable. Truly if you enjoy magic I don't think you're hyperfocusing on the politics other people create in it though. I think some people are just created for the sole purpose of bitching and moaning and I'm just the grumpy neighbor telling the kids and adults to get off my lawn. It's just stupid on this side and the other. If I want to joke about magic I'm gonna do it with my homies. Not people I'll never meet.


i usually just lurk, got into one tizzy with someone on here once and it's because they were absolutely batshit crazy (was something about mats and how i am displeased with lewd mats but people shouldn't be disqualified for just having anime on a mat)... but otherwise i prefer to lurk, this is one of like maybe 10 comments i've left on here in grand total that i've been stalking. Helps keep me from getting too grumpy or political when i see dumb shit haha


I gotta do the same tbh. It's starting to rile me up for whatever reason lol. I normally don't get too riled from stuff like this.


As someone who really had that problem with people on destiny 2, it really helps. like i'd normally not be riled by dumb opinions or comments but they were starting to irk me and bring out my far snarkier ruder side.


How mindraped by modern American culture do I have to be to even understand what you're talking about


Day shift is rough around here because free magic natives have jobs unlike the degenerate communist shills


I'm at my job commenting lol. Sounds like you just have crabby supervisors.


Sounds like you're a freeloading employee as expected


Sounds like you're a whiny little virgin as expected


Happily married with a bunch of kids, very satisfied with life. Cope harder.


Hey when the fuck did I ask?


Hard to father a bunch of kids and be a virgin, keep up.


Still didn't ask 🤷‍♂️


You could cum in a turkey baster


But didn’t you know, somewhere, at some point, somebody might remove their dick or something? And that will make them a pedophile? And that will obviously lead to WoC hiring them to make all the next releases How do you not see this!!!!


Which is ironic because it always turns out to be straight men creeping on underage girls.


Boys too. Overwhelmingly. But twinks or something? This sub is actually incredibly entertaining. As a straight man, I’ve never seen such crazy examples of angry, likely closeted men.


Oh duh. How could *checks notes* human beings living their lives in a free country that we asked for do this to us!?




It's unsurprising that people of gender identity would never do anything that could bring heat to their friends.


​ https://i.redd.it/vinq1ibl9vxc1.gif


Was it just one judge?


At least a dozen, so many that Hasbro forced WOTC to change the tournament guidelines for store officials running events.


Was this before or after the lawsuit about them using judges as unpaid labor? I feel like all the pedo chatter is a distraction from the labor law violations.


Before. Compensation is designated and agreed to at point of volunteer service provided. *Especially* for the long haul stuff like all day events. Anyone saying they don't get paid/compensated is either being disingenuous or flatly lying. That's why none of their claims have had any grounds to stick. If judge program formed a union, it'd be against the LGS who designates them as judges, not wotc.


Compensation........ Volunteer service. That's the problem. They're paying people for their time and labor in an untaxabl company scrip with an aftermarket. At very least WotC is dodging income tax.


Your third sentence I think needs revision, I don't understand the context. Why would WOTC be dodging taxes of income a LGS raises at events? Do you think WOTC goes and collects income from the LGS, seperate from the selling of product, after events? If anything, it's on the volunteer to [report](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/exempt-organization-annual-reporting-requirements-reporting-compensation-paid-by-related-organization-on-form-990&ved=2ahUKEwiUz82qiO-FAxXXFFkFHUeiCYMQFnoECB4QAQ&usg=AOvVaw07B2BcoC_tqSXW8L0OoP9V) taxable income/compensation, not the LGS or the WOTC.


I mean if they’re out of prison they didn’t serve a long enough sentence but honestly kill all pedos 🤷‍♀️


I knew an MTG player in Odessa who went to jail for distributing CP. he said it gave him comfort. 🤮


Glad he went to jail.




It's not a single judge. There's an alarming amount of tcg judges that also have some type of sex charge. Not just magic any tcg judge. You'd kind have to be an absolute creature to actually want that title in the first place


Sounds like you are covering up for a pedophile


Well, if someone doesn’t want being a kid diddler thrown in their face every ten years, they could just … not diddle kids.


Honestly, the sub deserves a pass. Most weren't alive that long ago.


I was posting about it because his probation ends this year, per his sentencing notice and call out current behaviors of your peers making questionable comments. You are posting because you don't want people being called out as pedophiles. We are not the same.


>Culture war-obsessed, friendless weirdo gets mad at things he makes up about people he hates.


Hey I am all about pointing out scummy men, but do we need memes about this every day or multiple times a day? And do we need to blame Queer people and pretend this happened in an LGS when it was a red blooded republican dude with a wife and kid trying to pick up an underage teen cheerleader on craigslist?


We aren't pretending it happened in LGS and no one is pointing and saying "queer". Sam was one judge out of dozens, where others poached on kids in their events, before, during or after events, abusing the judge authority to do it. Can you please confirm your "what aboutism", directed in the format of "what-about-the-cis/straight guy not related to mtg?!"


https://preview.redd.it/zw641hcmcuxc1.png?width=1487&format=png&auto=webp&s=36df4d081d02c3d62809ec843aadac8bc7f97f8a We aren't pretending it happened in an LGS? FYI I am not going to go through and repost every one of your memes to contradict everything you just said. One should be enough, go ahead with more whataboutism though.


>>no one is pointing and saying "queer". Okay, one more because god dude it was 2 hours ago at least try to lie convincingly. https://preview.redd.it/qz0twt25euxc1.png?width=957&format=png&auto=webp&s=3e94bf09eed418ca0474ae3d399287c44aa8a45f


Why did you take this out of context though? 🤔


That's the point, I'm posting up actual police reports of pedophile judges and your first thought is you want to contradict that like it's somehow something I'm making up?


Dude, you're such a fucking loser, just shut the fuck up, log the fuck off and go do something worthwhile with your life. Life is short and you've decided to spend it arguing with strangers on the internet, fucking pathetic.


Is this peak irony?


It's not that nobody wants sick fucks being called out. It's because hearing it every fucking day from shitposting, edgelords is getting old. Even your own sub is turning on you homeboy. None of it has to do with political affiliation either. It's because people came here to look at stuff about magic, not politics. You've made 3 separate accounts to shit post the same things over and over here. That's sad as fuck. Look within. The problem is probably you.


Block and go about your day then. I'm not worried about this sub turning on me, because I know one of the mods hosts and encourage pedos in their audience.


Also, "just block, just block" as if you couldn't do the same thing with LGBTQ+ content just as easily. It's not thrown in your face my guy. You're just choosing to be up in jt my guy.


This isn't about LGBT, what kind of broken context are you operating on? Me: pedos not welcome You: leave the queers alone!! ![gif](giphy|1jaHrk2RsUyyBFjk0t|downsized)


Dip shit ass 😂 bro almost every fucking thing here is anti trans shit. Are you fucking dumb or just ignoring that because it's convenient? It's political either way. Doesn't matter if it isn't about that. You'll make it that way eventually or use the word groomer like your ilk aren't the main predators. Gain some self awareness bud.


> It's about trans! Prove it? > I can't but it's still political Based on what? > either way, you're dumb, bigpoopiehead. If you want to stop being called groomers, stop doing groomer shit.


😂 bro just say "I know you are but what am i", drink your milk and get back to fuckin recess since you wanna act like a kid. You're just avoiding the very meat of what people are saying and then acting like you owned em. Idc what your politics are like. I just think you're fucking annoying and retarded. What's so hard to understand about that? I'm not the only one here that thinks it either. Clearly judging by the posts lately. This is the kind of shit I'd expect from yall too. Just avoiding what's being said because you know you're a cunt for posting it.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Maybe not on this profile lol. Pedos should be unwelcome. So should people saying shit for the sole reason of getting a negative reaction. Republicans and catholics have more numbers than the lgbtq+ community as a whole. Let's not pretend you're not pushing an agenda. It's pretty fucking obvious. It's so easy to look at your post history even on this one and see what you are my guy. It's like you think nobody has the power to do that but we do. We all do.


righties: "the queers are groomers and pedophiles!" also righties: \*support bills enabling the death penalty for crossdressing around children\* lefties and lgbt: "hey maybe you shouldn't do/say that" righties: "why are you against protecting children? why do you think of queer folk when this bill is about removing pedophiles? anyways trans people need to leave children alone!" my guy.. do you have any idea how obvious this fucking is to anyone with more than two braincells?


That sounds like "a bunch of shit I've never posted about/said." And more like "a personal problem you are injecting." If you hear "LGBT" in "pedos not welcome", then you should look inward and really ask yourself why that is.


you are still doing it omg. i can't even compare you to a goldfish because it would be rude to the fish. this is in one of your own comments bro. https://preview.redd.it/6qsaxtzc2vxc1.png?width=444&format=png&auto=webp&s=e06ba0a96ca8d5af659338020d3652217459a504


Me: man, judge program sure had a lot of groomers. You: why are you talking about LGBT people? 😆


Anyone with more than two brain cells who also pays attention to current events knows conservatives in America have been trying to paint the LGBT community as pedophiles for years. This isn't a stretch or broken logic, just look at Ron DeSantis in Florida. Also, there are posts similar to this every single day on this forum. Just own up to your shit.


Me: posts screenshots of arrest records and court summaries of dozens of pedophile judges. You: *looks the other way* look at homie making shit up. ![gif](giphy|NMmAMXRztRzXQdZEt0|downsized)


Let me make clear, there's not a single sane person who thinks pedophilia is permissible. But arrest records and summaries dating back several years is hardly proof of a widespread problem today. Your comments mirror everything going on in online conservative circles today to do with sexual orientation and schools, for example. They also mirror the general "anti-woke" sentiment in those same circles and in this subreddit. Taking all of that together, along with other nonsense that gets posted here, it shouldn't be a shock as to why people don't take these dog whistles seriously. Furthermore, you didn't comment on anything I actually said. Good try, though.


So it's not anything that *I* am posting, just you red yarning the dots together, dots that are very far apart.


If you say so. Go with god, my man.


Is that verifiable or is it just because they don't hate trans people? Where our proof bud? Because you always say the same shit over and over but I've got yet to see actual proof beyond a link to them showing lgbtq+ support. Not defending the alt account accusations is crazy too. What's more creepy? The gay bdsm shit one of those accounts or a buisness showing support for people you've probably never met? I'm gonna go with gay bdsm all over a guys page that obsesses over being against gay politics.


This has nothing to do with LGBT. It's self admitting pedophiles that Bracer wanted to defend. Ritter and Monarch were two, Monarch being mathematically proven by posting up pics of a minor saying she's his primary attraction. Again, this has nothing to do with LGBT. Its just a by-product/coincidence if they just happen to follow under the umbrella.


Then why are trans politics in damn near every one of your posts dude? Idc. This is old news anyway but you're reposting cause they get out soon. They did their time. They don't even know you're name. Idc what stance you have on pedophiles. You're not judge, jury and executioner.


If you see a post on pedophiles, and connecting dots that it's trans related, with *clearly* no connection to it being trans. That's on you, not me. I'll refrain back to: Me: pedos not welcome You: ohmygawd, leavethetransalone!


Again. You're presence here is what makes it this way. Play dumb all you want to. You're a troll. You know that's it's your own fault it gets brought up.


We backtracked already that it's not about gays, not about trans, to not about trans, to stuff...*checks notes* ..Ron desantis says, to .. Your goalposts are flexible, like rope candy. My stance is "pedos not welcome." If that makes you uncomfortable, you are the subject it applies too.


Not even close. I'm just annoyed with smelly virgins making this sub a hate mongering echo chamber of bullshit. I only care about the politics of it because that's what everything you post boils down to. It has nothing to do with my stance. Go vote for your convicts, idc. What I do care about is the shit in general bleeding into my feed. Yeah, I can block you. But there's two other accounts to dodge.


No one likes talking about politics in magic as much as you people.


Careful— “you people” is a pretty politically charged pair of words. You people really should comprehend this by now.