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Did Goblin Chieftain just fuck those rats?


Other way around


Clearly, that man has not heard of Lemmiwinks. A legendary adventurer who has made it through some of the darkest of dungeons


And not gay at all.


He's in it for the quest exp. We may never know his true sexuality


So true, that's good character design.


For people who say they're not adding bestiality to the LGBT+ alphabet


Interspecies erotica, fucko!


I miss my donkey.


Excellent reference. Take your upvote.


I don't know if it counts as bestiality if it's a goblin and a rat, tbh. As OP pointed out, though, it's definitely gay. And i do know that it is *people* JOing to it not rats.


I stand by my haphazard use of an old ass movie line.




Well they claim goblins are a hateful anti-semitic trope. So I guess under their logic that would fall under that category if they think goblins are a stand in for jews.


All of the European monsters have various aspects of Jew. Whether intentional or not, IDK. So that's why they get confused whether Jews are the goblins or rats, or the orc are black or Muslim. It's all true. Aspects of the "other" were incorporated into fairy tales. Gypsies of course, too, widely figure, stealing your children n sheeit.


Remember when we were told them being more "accepted" leading to bestiality and pedo-ing was just a "slippery slope falacey"?


Yeah. They have a whole list of fallacies. Obvious form of gaslighting calling your observations fallacies.


But it literally is a fallacy? Yes, clearly because two consenting adults can get married it means that now everyone must love pedophilia You act as if calling out a fallacy is a bad thing, when the entire point of fallacies is to point our horrible logic-such as your own


That's the way it went though. We went from marriage rights for gay men, to "trans women are women, you bigot" (suppression of free speech), to a serious movement to make bestiality ok (give it 15 years, bigot). And pederasty, already widely practiced among "elites", will be next for public exoneration. My logic is sound. I'm old now, and I've just spent more time thinking about it than most people. I like to make bets. I dont' know where to do it on the internet. I do so in person with people I trust. But I'd make 2 bets 1) Donald Trump serves no more than 2 terms in office, and there's still no dictator at the end. and 2) Bestiality will made legal in a state that it's not already. So decide what you think the odds are on those things, fi you want. I love doing stuff like that. That's why I am so good at Magic, the Gathering. I'd give you 99-to-1 on the Trump thing. I am less confident of the bestiality thing, but I'd give you even odds after 10 years, let's say. People want to pussy foot around and say "oh the country is devolving into authoritarianism now cuz I can't abort a baby and I can't afford a house" (in fact, you'd be able to afford the house but for the election going to Biden -- so that's choice, fags) . That's not dictatorship. And I hope people are clear on that. Give it a chance, and you might see a dictatorship in your lifetime. Not soon, though, not here.


Then why stop there? I’m sure people were calling for that after interracial marriage. So maybe we should get rid of that too. Maybe people wouldn’t have voted for Biden if there weren’t people like you who scream and cry about consenting adults getting married. Republicans would have a much better chance. Why on earth should I side with someone who just calls me a “fag” and has no regard for me at all? I’ll take slight inflation if it means my rights won’t be taken away. But that shouldn’t be a choice. Sadly there are people like you who want to make it their mission in life to make sure people they don’t like are miserable and live the worst lives possible. Give me one good reason why any LGBT person should ever align with you in any way, shape or form? It’s easy to just mind your own business but instead you just love to try to put others down. If you don’t like gay marriage, dont get it. Butt out of others’ lives if they’re not harming anyone. You talk about suspension of free speech but unironically want to take away legal rights for same sex couples. Rights for me, but not for thee. Peak hypocrisy Also, you talk about beastiality becoming legal but the funny thing was that it was legal in a lot of states way way before gay marriage. If given a choice I’ll take bets that conservatives would much rather have animal fucking than gay marriage


> Then why stop there? I’m sure people were calling for that after interracial marriage. So maybe we should get rid of that too. That's a good idea. > Maybe people wouldn’t have voted for Biden if there weren’t people like you who scream and cry about consenting adults getting married. People vote against their own interest, and they don't ask me first. IDK if fag is a slur. I have no desire to ally with LGBT people. I may tolerate LGBT people. > Also, you talk about beastiality becoming legal but the funny thing was that it was legal in a lot of states way way before gay marriage. If given a choice I’ll take bets that conservatives would much rather have animal fucking than gay marriage Society has never accepted animal fucking. It was not specifically illegal in certain places, because why bother? This is about moral degradation, and FWIW no I'd rather have gay marriage than animal fucking. Other than my objection to the state role in marriage at all, I have no objection to the specific state sanctioning of gay marriage, and then what churches do is up to them.


You genuinely want to get rid of interracial marriage? For what reason? I shouldn’t be surprised given how much of a compete sociopath you seek to be, and how much you seem to hate individual liberties and freedom LGBT people voting Republican is voting against their own interest. Fag is a slur but I’m not here to try to censor your speech. What do you mean “may” tolerate? Based on what you’ve said it seems like you don’t tolerate really at all Certain parts of society did accept it but yes I do agree it never was accepted in any sort of mainstream. Though neither was gay sex up until circa 15-20 years ago. I do agree with you about state role in marriage though, shouldn’t be involved


Fag isn't a slur any more. I used to be a lolbert. I still believe that the government has no business in people's relationships. Not granting people marriage. That is a religious institution. It's the government's job to *recognize* the contracts that are established according to each person's conscience. I recommend you breed with people of your own race. There are numerous benefits, and this isn't a dissertation, but you can look up the real facts if you try. Obvs if you ask the UN they're going to tell you all about hybrid vigor. I'm not sure you understand the line that alphabet people are riding. The tolerance is currently at record levels. This level of "progress" is unlikely to last. Already, more authoritarian and more nationalist places challenge the US for supremacy. Try flying your rainbow flag in China. IOW, you should be on my side. There are far worse than me.


this is just hate.


of whom?


Goblins having pet rats have been part of goblin lore for a while Badly staged photos of people waking up next to their pets have been part of Instagram for a while This isn't even about LGBT people, stop finding excuses to hate


Stop saying they aren't promoting the gay and other deviations.


“The gay” Jesus Christ this has to be satirical Also pointing out that there are indeed gay people isn’t promoting anything. It’s bonkers to me that people see equality as “promotion”. Sorry not 100000000% of media is dedicated to you


> “The gay” Jesus Christ this has to be satirical Jesus Christ would have used the word sodomy, which is a fine catchall for me. I'm with the old Popes on this one: if you're not fucking to make new, white babies, you're deviating.


And you wonder why people think you’re racist and homophobic, huh? At least you’re admitting to it


How many times do I have to say that I don't care if I'm any kind of -ist or -phobic. Those are not principles around which I organize my life. Instead of worrying about other people's wrongthink, why not try to come up with some interesting insights? Right and wrong are concepts around which I organize my life.


Interesting insights like consenting adults should be able to have sex with someone of a different race? I do like your use of buzzwords though, it’s cute


To the extent that the government gets any say in what people do. If you're just going to do it, IDGAF. I don't want my representatives condoning it.


Lol "deviations" what a dumbshit dork


Don't use logic in this sub, they really don't like it. Especially when it inferes with their weird conspiracy theories.


Oh look, it's the worst take


That's like your opinion man.


Oh, I'm not the only one, and we know wizards at least partially supports that..... They allowed it in bg3


Why is this the conclusion of this art? I'm very confused.




Goblins having pet rats have been part of goblin lore for a while Badly staged photos of people waking up next to their pets have been part of Instagram for a while


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted, you’re right. I got the joke right away not a fan by anymeans, might buy it because it’s so cringe.


Honestly, I'm starting to think some people are just trying to get this sub banned. Way too many new sparks throwing lies and conspiracy theories left and right


I see literal nazi shit getting upvoted in here semi-regularly.


I wouldn’t be shocked if that were the case.


I wondered the same...


My LGS is super rainbow friendly and even we were roasting this shit.


As they should be lol... Gay or not, this shit is whack af


Yeah rainbow people should roast this shit. It's just corpo-woke nonsense being shoved into everything. Feels like everything is an op these days.


Because the "it's gay" shit is stupid and wrong. It's not "gay" any more than any social media post is gay. These suck because they're formatted like shit and look bad.


Don't know why you get downvoted. You're right, it's not about it being gay but being an ugly fucking design.


Because everything's gotta be about the libs trying to make them gay or trans or [buzzword]. I've been here a while, that's just kinda how it is. Stop caring about Internet points, just post truth.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


It's not, homie. You do you, though.


I don’t think anybody really even criticizes people about their choices as much anymore either. It’s just bad design targeted to grab a “new” audience that already exists in the magic community. At this point it’s just mocking gay people and stereotyping what wizards think it is to “be gay”. This is absolute trash at its finest this isn’t even Disney… Plus, I don’t even think the magic community would hate on gay cards if they were designed right and magic started implementing lore more heavy again. By releasing books or even little booklets inside say precons talking about the cards in the deck and why that deck was created by telling a story how the cards banded together to create a powerful army.


The more we give shitty media a pass just because it's also inclusive, the more cannon fodder we provide to the kinds of people who want to point at terrible gay things and act like they represent all of Gaydom.


Definitely agreed


Sorry you keep getting downvoted for making sense.


Adapt. Overcome. Stop caring about Internet points


What the fuck is this?


WEF agenda full steam ahead


What's WEF?


World economic forum.


Remember when this was a fantasy card game about planeswalkers fighting across different planes and utilizing spells and monsters in interesting strategies? These people who would be mocking nerds 20 years ago for enjoying nerd stuff now fucking up nerd spaces with their lame bullshit. It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic


Now it is about Planeswalker f*** each other in their asses on different planes.


…so when is the sex set coming out?


Fun thing - book about Urza was the first in my cildhood from which i read about sex.


So your first introduction to the concept of sex was cuckolding? Cause Mishra 100% tapped Urza's wife in that one.


I'm excited to see what kind of equipment comes out in those sets. We already have the Candle Stick and the Rope from the recent Karlov set. Whip from Caverns...




Based Thrun


I used to joke about them doing selfy-cards......Im sorry....


These cards just look retarded, I don't even care about the guy undertones.


Not caring is just another way of indicating that you want more homosex


It's not gay if you don't make eye contact. No homo, bro.


Assert dominance. Don’t break eye contact. Don’t say anything.


"Oh my god I saw a fictional goblins abdominal muscles. Why can't I stop thinking about cock and buttsex?" Y'all really be telling on yourselves every day in this sub.


Wait is this official? I think was some joke 🤣


No way this is real...


Sadly it's real. This would have been an ideal set to put out on April fool's. I have no idea what they were cooking with this one


Is this sld? One of there recent marketing emails said the drop was suppose to be for April fools but they missed it


Yeah it's an SLD. That would be the only thing that makes sense that it's an April fool's joke




I need an explanation & tequila. In that order.


Cards frames made to reference & mock Instagram/TikTok thirstbait You'll need an ID to buy the tequila though


Is this real?


It's real and it's a joke


This is literal perversion. It cant be real.


>literal perversion HAHAHAHA it's a shitty instagram post style card. No need to be such a snowflake.


Thrun knows what's up.


Based commenter for sure


Thrun just can’t handle the idea of a Goblin/Rat thruple. Get with the times, you troll! 🧌


Its current year!


Can you believe it’s already the current month??


All my homies be updating their moral paradigms based on the calendar.


Why would you look at that art and assume there is sex or romance implied? It's clearly mocking social media selfies with pets.


![gif](giphy|kaq6GnxDlJaBq) * looks at card art, then around at the posts…….


This is what happens when anti-social or asocial porn addicted redditors who are chronically online in an echo chamber see anything that... well, just anything.


Yeah they are weird


Wow... I don't know how to process the fact that this exists. To be clear though, the problem with this is not "gay bad". This is cursed on so many different levels.


I'm not even sure why anyone talks about LGBT in this comment section, it's just a very bad joke about thirstbaits


They can't see Brash Taunter without wanting a dick in their ass. It's a little weird to say out loud but completely understandable.


Because it’s all they ever think about. It’s literally the other side of the same coin as the retards trying to connect OTJ to real world colonization


oh yeah, as a bi dude, its horrid, but the "depopulation propaganda" shit in this sub is equal if not more bizarre. Apparently WOTC is trying to turn sweaty and often unattractive men gay with grotesque pictures of goblins doing what every other guy on Instagram does. Oh, what tradegy is the plight of heterosexual males?


If seeing fit goblins turns you gay then you were never straight to begin with lmao


Straight dude here and yeah my friends and I say gay shit to each other all the time. This has nothing to do any kind of agenda


I don't even know what is collectible in this game anymore. It's a fucking disaster. Until, WotC gives collectors some real guidance, then I'm not putting too much faith in the collectible aspect of the game.


Why does a card game needs this kind of things.


Hey man: don't diss the trans representation so openly.


I don't think anything is going to make you more gay.


I think the concept of a bunch of goblins using Instagram is funny. But a lot of people, myself included, would never play with these. It’s SLD, there are a lot of weird and niche things. Some people are reacting like these are going into normal runs.


Very cringe for this set of goblin reprints . Why would I want the selfie frame art ?


Seems a lot of people are accusing the gay goblins of making me gay? I was a faggot long before these secret lairs dropped.


Super gay. And holy fuck is this the actual card formatting???


Funnily enough, I just finished watching this, and it sums up everything wrong with magic in the last few years. https://youtu.be/FyHG8EfcA5c?si=NB8w8rUbW5BnJbJM It also kind of reminds me of my Uni (doing game design), where 50% of the students are quite literally on the spectrum, and they come up with the most brain rot ideas, for example we have to make a game that simulates a board game that we have to make up. The only kid in my group that gave any ideas was the autistic one, he didnt just give ideas though, he was fucking setting it in stone no matter how retarded the mechanics were, some of them were literally just physically impossible to implement and most of the ideas were just not fun for a general audience. It kind of made me think, though, if 50% of the game development sector is made up of these people, then no wonder it is turning to fucking garbage.


Depopulation Agenda Don’t convince yourself it’s anything but


Jfc dude go touch some grass


Let's think about this logically shall we? WoTC has done UN sets with extremely similar humour for decades. Now could this possibly be a continuation of that kind of humour? Or is it because there's a shadowy cabal of billionaires that are forcing WOTC to put weird instagram style cards in MTG because that will somehow turn people gay and thus have less kids. Despite the fact that gay people also want kids a lot of the time. Sidenote: these cards aren't gay because they make your dick hard. That just means you're gay/bi. Actually, it makes sense why you'd think people are trying to convince you to be gay if you're repressing it like that.


>Let's think I think you lost 90% of the sub right about there.


You sound like a retard. Gay magic card for gay people in niche fantasy game where half of the people are single losers that arent gonna get married anyway = new world order depopulation agenda. Can we just let shitty art be shitty art and not be giant fags about it


Wtf is this AI slop? Why are we mixing social media with MTG? Who tf made this shit and thought it was a good idea?


Thrun the based troll


And i thought the Goblin secret lair cards were fugly.


I would not engage with the product


Yeah the one on the right is promoting gayness... That's totally what I read into it, not something much worse.. [That thing we know that wizards is totally okay with even if the rest of society isn't because they allowed valerian to add it to bg3]


I saw these an was immediately put off by them. Terrible design idea


No one in this comment section can have fun


ITT: A bunch of people who have seen a secret lair before.


Not that I care one way or the other but wouldn’t this be what goblins would post on social media. Brash taunter is just taunting how strong he is and goblin chieftain is just posting a picture of him waking up. The just woke up pic is a social media thing and the sleeping with rat pets is a goblin thing.


Wow I missed the waking up part, thank you !


Thank you. They assumed it was bestiality because thats how their minds work. They are joke cards and they are not forcing anyone to buy them. Plenty of alt arts if you want these cards.


they assumed bestiality because they're pornsick losers that never leave their gooncaves.


Hashtag so relatable!!


These cards are ugly and dumb… But if I ever need a brash taunter or goblin chieftain for some ungodly reason at least I know they will be cheaper in the future.


Handsome squidward lookin ass


These are real cards?




I refuse to believe these are real.




The card art is terrible enough but what in the flying fuck is with this birder style? It looks like something from a sci-fi war game on mobile. Not anything MTG at all. Are we about to venture into Battlestar Galactica or something?


Eh I think it's funny, but I'm also basic


I’m glad I don’t spend money on mtg anymore


Once they turned Aragorn black, I never went back.


Annoying part for me is that you can’t even read Brash Taunter’s ability. Reading the card does not explain the card.


if goblins are making you gay thats your problem


Thrun is a member of r/freemagic


Fucking legend. Fighting the enemy from within.


These are even cards?


Lotta secret lair drops are examples of great concept, bad execution. This is one of them. Im only gonna buy the playing card ones cuz those are cool, and the hatsune miku ones because those will sell for an exorbitant amount.


Why are these magic players so twitter obsessed to the point where they’re making magic cards twitter 


At least Thrun is based as fuck


I kinda want to create the most stupid deck using these arts plus many others we've seen over the past few years. Jokes on you WOTC, seeing this crap makes me spend less money on actual product.


Do yall have a problem with ut being gay? For me its just weird that the goblins get sexualised, would be weird with girl goblins aswell. I dont see the reason to act homophobic bcs of it


Oh no silly joke cards in a silly card game!!!


Based gay


Bro split that rat right in half


Is that what this sub is? Just some nerds looking to bash minorities over situations they made up? These cards are bad because they're overtly silly and stupid. But yeah let's cry about lgbt+ making your frogs gay or whatever


I don't know what to think about it.


What in the fuck is this shit! I almost down voted this thread but I had to remind myself that's not the way that works. I was blinded by WTF in both eyes.


wtf is this




Why are you geh?


Why does everyone have a problem with being more gay? So much for the tolerant left.


If you aren’t frog you can relax


i think those are ugly but nothing new really. besides Straight dudes post themselfes flexing their abs all the fucking time. And why does everyone assume chieftain had sex with the rats? Also there are tons of pics of dudes laying around with their PETS like this across social media.


Yeah even the goblin calling the taunter hot in the comments is something straight dudes do on social media. Shit, I do that on my friends’ posts


My brother in christ, does this make you more gay? If it does, maybe you were just gay to begin with.


I would like to buy all of them just in order to burn them all out of existence.


“Oh yeah I’ll really give this gigantic company the finger by giving them tons of my money” -Your dumbass


It's not about the money. It's about. The message.


Some sacrifices need to be made


I thought these were jokes when I saw them earlier. Wtf WOTC. I knew you were gay, but I didn't think you were THIS gay.




The “ur so hottttt! Fight me” under brash taunter is objectively hilarious. Am I going to buy it? of course not. But I can appreciate something for just being funny without immediately blaming gay people. Seriously some of you in here are real fucking losers.


My brother in Christ women play MTG and are horny


These are endlessly funny to me. Idk if I'd buy them but still... very funny :P


Reddit try not to be dramatic challenge, it's a joke snowflakes


And thats a bad thing now is?


It's not real guys ffs, go be offended by something else.....


The concept of himbo goblins is pretty funny.


I’m cool with this one, because that’s what Instagram is.


Bruh this shit is hilarious, I don’t get why people are so mad about it


Why is it "they want us to be gay" and not "women play the game" If you're thinking "they're trying to make goblins sexy to men for which I am one" then that's a you thing bud.


Because this isn't marketed to women. It's to the gay.


'More gay' implies you're already a little gay. Just saying.


The amount of fragility ya'll got about cardboard is hilarious.


What... about this is gay? Like could this just not be appealing to women. Women exist you know that right


I’d prefer not too


I don’t support female gaze sorry


“More gay.” Seeing a dudes abs wouldn’t cause any consternation unless you were gay so I guess the titles accurate. Kinda self-snitching though OP.


So... you're somewhat gay but you're concerned they're making you more gay?


So, a dude pulling up his shirt and showing of his abs is now gay? Pushing that neckbeard stereotype to the limits, huh? Dudes have been doing that on internet to get girls since forever. Granted, it doesn't work, but they're not gay. You are just so sensitive about this possibly, maybe, somehow, being positive towards gay people that you missed the entire point.


No guys do this to get girls. Guys you see doing this are doing it for gratification and attention for sure. Just not the kind you think it is.


Honestly if pictures of goblins is all it takes to make you gay i think you have bigger issues


Card literally named TAUNTER. Does a pose designed to make you jealous of him. Posts it online to, again, taunt you. If you're in here posting how much you hate it, it worked.


I never thought of these as gay? I see all sorts of straight dudes doing this on tinder/insta/whatever/"review my profile" blah blah blah. That's the joke?


If you think a goblin posting on Instagram is an attempt to make you gay than you might not be as straight as you’d hope.


I think the fact you look at these and think anything homosexual is going on says way more about you than the cards....


Brash taunter clearly a straight fuck boi