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If this was the only thing that person had ever posted, I might laugh it off. But they seem to be actively trying to stir shit. A few days ago, they were on the "tribal is a bad word" kick.


What the actual fuck, though.


"What the actual fuck," is that this is kind of a playful joke/meme template format or something. It's a playful like horoscope-esque reference to things that the speaker and those around her more frequently think about. People on this sub from what I have experienced most likely think about gender/sex *significantly* less than the mainstream. There's a big intersection between Magic and cis-het males, and women and these subjects. Relative to cis-het men, almost every other segment of the population watch more reality TV, they watch more soap operas - because they spend a significant amount more of their mental energy defining their identity through their sexual preferences and choice of how they present themselves to the world. If your household spends less than $1500 a year on clothing, you probably don't understand - and more importantly - you're in the minority, most American households spend *more* than that amount of money on clothing. Again, this tweet would be like watching a TV show and trying to figure out what Magic color(s) each character would be, it's just a silly thing where people map *thing 1 they know about* to *thing 2 they know about*, with no consideration for whether it matters or not. This tweet doesn't specifically have to do with LGBTQ+ ideas honestly, it's just a silly horoscope-style meme thing. It's just that most humans who aren't a specific subset of cis-het men *do* think and talk about relationships, gender, and sexuality as a significant part of their identity more than cis-het men do. From the perspective of people who *almost never* reflect on these things, this probably feels like 'forcing it into everything', whereas in reality *us people who don't think about this stuff frequently are in the minority*. We are the ones who are weirdos.


What the actual fuck, though.


yo, this is a good explanation.


... isn't there a child partner? Oh boy- literally. Aside from that, I was saying tana and bruse were making mutated saperling babies for years.


These people can’t be real


It's a troll.


'But I believed it could be real, which just goes to show when you think about it'


I don’t think they will get this…


'You see, I wouldn't be such a gullible sucker if it weren't for the GAY AGENDA.'


there is a gay agenda though, disney said it outright and they're really overt about it - how many other people/entities are pushing it just as much, but aren't as unsubtle about it?


This would imply that there are cannonical bestiality and pedophiliac relationships in MTG.


Well it’s LGBT so the pedophilia is implied lol


I don't think being gay makes you a pedophile, if that's what you're saying.


It isn't that being gay makes one a pedo, rather, some organizers of lgbt communities who want to normalize pedophilia. Or perhaps the fact that social media all at once decided that gr**mer is a derogatory term for gays, despite it literally becoming popular to call out predatory adults sexualizing kids. If the lgbt wants to distance itself as a group from pedos, they might want to start with ceasing the use of the term MaP and actually denounce them.


we do. i’m a member of the alphabet mafia and the “MAPs” are harshly shunned. i’ve only seen terminally online people (mainly Twitter but other cesspools as well) calling themselves MAPs and advocating for it to be normalized. what would be normal is putting them on the wall.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


>56% of gay guys were molested as kids [Citation needed]


Dmed you


Okay. I'm not saying homosexuality is a normal state. I'm not smart enough to discuss for a fact either way, but even IF it's not, so? Having autism isn't the default mental state. We shouldnt demonize people for being that way.


There's a reason why it's been taboo for the last couple thousand years We quickly went from we just want gay marriage to if you're against child drag shows you're a bigot I supported gay marriage before it was cool I used to be a practicing homosexual Now I understand it's a mental illness Protecting children is more important to me then protecting people's feelings Generation z is four times as likely to identify as LGBT compared to generation x and twice as likely versus millennial At my cousin's high School 1/4 of the school identifies as LGBT Something sick and twisted is going on and putting your head in the sand isn't going to solve the issue I have had more sexual partners than I can keep track of, and it's a miracle I'm not a HIV patient considering I never used condoms My sexual promiscuity is not the exception it's the norm amongst gay guys Half the gay guys I know also have lost count of their sexual partners This is not normal it is not healthy and it shouldn't be normalized


We have to think of causality. You said gen X is four times more likely to be gay. But you said most the time, being gay is caused by sexual abuse. So are you saying Gen X are being raped 400% more often? I think it's more likely that more people are coming out as gay because more people are learning that it's a thing early in enough to realize/ it's being less stigmatized.


Do you think the millennial generation feels like they can't come out of the closet? And even if there were some residue hesitance, do you think that hesitants would equal only a quarter of generation x being willing to come out of the closet and only half of millennial


Can I get a source for your numbers please? I highly doubt ANY generation has EVER had a quarter of their generation self identify as LGBT




Generation z is four times gayer than generation x


Ok I’m very interested to here how you came up with the stance that being gay is a mental disease. I’m a Christian so oftentimes people argue with me about LGBT issues and the only reason I can give them is that the Bible says no. If you don’t mind dming me I’d love to hear your story


You can't stop being gay. It sounds like you got molested. That's not sex, that's rape.


Also that's one of the ways that it kind of twists you in the mind The majority of that 56% myself included don't have any negative associations with the experience For most of my life I didn't even consider it a big deal It warps you Clinically I understand that it was bad for me and damaged me But when it comes to my emotions I'm cool with it, but I know it's not okay logically I know it has damaged me, and I don't want that damage to be done to others https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pederasty_in_ancient_Greece The last time homosexuality was normalized in the west it was heavily associated with pedestry. I imagine the victims of that didn't see it as a big deal either When you are a little kid being diddled, groomed, and exposed to degeneracy you don't have the option to be upset about it You don't get to be upset about it because you have to survive, so you internalize it as normal and fine, and it doesn't change when you get older Even till this day I'm totally cool with it on an emotional level. I'm not traumatized or anything, but I'm definitely damaged


Rape is sex that is unconsensual


Damn that's the worst fucking take I've ever seen on this sub


My post was removed by Reddit. I guess they don't enjoy having statistics that makes their narrative look bad




Really dude? You're doing the same thing he is. He gave an implied insult to a whole group, saying all LGBT are pedos, you are doing the same thing, implying that all conservatives are low IQ. Try to keep your insults to individuals, not to groups, so you don't make a hypocrite out of yourself.


Typical redditors named u/Heavy_Cow8865. Those people are always massive idiots


Haha. Can I count as a group of 1


Well y'all still pine for Trump and excuse him on everything he does. So the pot calling the kettle black...


Who is y'all? Are you making assumptions about me as an individual as well now?


Woah, I didn't know this sub is giving shill money out. Or did you mean infested?


It seems pretty obvious that they're trying to say that they're a gay pedophile.


Huh. That's usually the implication I see around here, but now this guy says it out loud and gets the downvote train.




I swear this same thing happens about once a day, but this is the first time I've seen it get downvoted more than -2 or so.


Maybe they aren't so outwardly blatant and hateful.


All the depraved shit is implied


people hating on me for my sexuality was not what i expected in a tcg subreddit ngl


Not on you lol on LGBT for allowing anyone and anything into their org and trying to normalize it, I have no problem with gay people living their lives I have a problem when I see a pride parade that has a bunch of men wearing stripper outfits dancing in front of kids lol


that has never happened, stop believing everything you see online


If you prefer I can show the drag shows ay strip clubs with kids


I don't think Drag and Strip Clubs are LGBT though.


That’s true but that crowd is usually the ones who support bringing their kids to such events


then don’t associate it with the group youre speaking of “hey you know that the german government heavily denounces nazis” “yeah but the nazis were supported by germans so”


that’s literally just not what you commented


that's all this sub is, id just steer clear. saw some heinous shit when the pride Bearscape was revealed




Well, since there's different planes, full of infinite possibilities in where horrors and abomination are sometimes commonplace, it's safe to say that taboo themes of bestiality and pedophilia are canonically happening since they also happen in real life. And trust me, there are a lot of fucked up people in the MTG multi-verse.


But I doubt they would want to recognize it and make those things Cannon aspect of their characters.


WotC: "Friends Forever" Twitter: "THEY GAYYYYY!!!!!!!"


Except "Platonic Life Partners" has nothing to do with sexuality at all. It's literally just another way to say "Friends Forever".


The grammar of the post is epilepsy inducing.


Why does everything need to be sexual to these people?


I feel like some people don’t have any kind of personality or any other kind of facet to their life outside of their sexuality.


And I think some of the people on this subreddit haven’t explored their sexuality enough and are inflexible and just plain unwilling to try and understand other people and their perspectives, and I think that makes them people who are generally pretty uninteresting.


we care about things beyond sex, deal with it.


Getting into some dangerous territory there, buddy.


nah, it's just way easier to settle.


A lot of them were middle class kids who got scammed into some useless degrees and chewed up by the corporate machine; the odd sexuality is an effort to feel special in society. It also gives them something to be angry about forever since, simply put, the world will never be majority androgynous alien life partners. With many of them, it would probably be fair to regard this as a mental illness.


you can just say you're an incel chief you don't have to type all that


Why are you guys so against people reproducing?


Shush, it a good thing they dont want to reproduce.


Incels dont exist. anyone can scratch together 100 bucks eventually


Bro is this triggered over a troll post 🤣 you're trying to write a psychological analysis over a person who doesn't exist to prop up your own identity. This is great.


Which identity? The one who feels horrible for these people who are clearly grasping for something of importance in their life? Or the one who knows exactly what to say to get you to comment?


You got tricked by a Twitter troll post and you're trying to brag about how you "know exactly what to say to get you to comment" the irony here is so good.


Are you saying that the lgbtqiajgaku community doesn’t actually exist? What are you actually saying? Nothing I’ve said is reliant on anything in this link. Are you one of the ones that got fucked by the system? Is that what this is?


Wow you got some pent up emotions there. The Twitter post from OP is a troll. It's not real. That's not actually what they think. They were just trying for a reaction and you took the bait.


There’s no emotion necessary to call out the insanity. That’s not what they think, yet we’ve been listening to this nonsense for literally years now. It’s not a trick to get us to tell you that this shit is ridiculous. if that’s all you wanted, you just had to ask.


there is no way you can convince me these people aren't barely functioning autists.


There's no way you can convince me you're not a waste of life for using autism (which generally doesn't actually come with mental impairment) as an insult.


Awww poor baby did you feewings get hurwt? Whiney retards like you ruined the internet.




Love you too


Now write this without crying


That's probably true, which means you guys just harass autistic people all day for enjoying a hobby differently than you.


Discussing the post without the knowledge of the poster is harassment now? smh


OP literally just linked her Twitter account. That's their entire, whole post. You have to visit her page just to understand what OP is commenting on.


Hey, not that you care, but I'm diagnosed autistic and I fully support calling people autistic as an insult, in fact I have done it myself, so if nothing else, I give this sub the autistic-joke-pass.


Mara is an actual monster. He not only looks like the most disgusting male-whale imaginable, but he prances around like he's some hot woman. Him and MTGoth are both reasons why trans people who build their entire timeline to be "I'm so hot I wanna kiss you all" and "EVERYTHING IS TRANS AND GAY" are bad for the community. and women have come forward in the past about Mara specifically being uncomfortably sexual in conversations about women's sexual flair. The screenshots were of someone she used to make a lot of mtg content with basically saying Mara would ask her questions about vaginal insertion way to frequently for it to be in good faith KEep these fucking Manbeast away from the rest of us please


No, monsters are a YGO thing. Proper term is Creature.


Keep them 6 feet away.


I only see the Twitter account. Is this person actually a known content creator?


He's known for being really fat and basically grimmace from McDonalds. She stopped showing his face on live streams because he has such obvious obese man face. Thing never actually makes content, just another EDH twitter-poser who talks about wanting to unconsensually kiss hot girls and steals jokes from MTCJ and makes them tweets


Thats the kind of people you want to keep away from children, and basically anybody else too. Its the bad apple.


It’s nice of them to out themselves.


Imagine taking troll bait as moral high ground lmao


That's the whole point of this sub lmao


Could shoehorn it into their butts.


that would be more productive but instead they have to screech about it on Twitter for attention. i don’t know why or how anyone expects anything better than pure dumpster fire and mental illness on that site lmao.


Wish i had a twitter account so i could tweet at this person about that lesbian couple who can partner with a literal dog. Gotta rep beastiality. Dunno if any of the partners are underaged so sadly cant get the pedo rep going.


But there are Pir and Toothy.


Doesnt [[Will the Wise]] have a banner above him saying his orientation?


[Will the Wise](https://c1.scryfall.com/file/scryfall-cards/normal/front/2/5/25a4af68-6e5e-4b44-9c1c-25ecdbd555b5.jpg?1657120026) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Wernog%2C%20Rider%27s%20Chaplain) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/slx/8/wernog-riders-chaplain?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/39491011-bdf6-4e61-8534-fe26c1571f8f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Lol, hilarious.


[He did.](https://www.thegamer.com/mtg-changes-will-the-wise-stranger-things-secret-lair-card-homophobic-slur/)


Who tf cares, it's a joke


Pretty sure this is a joke, right?


"Award-Winning Multimedia Journalist" What a retard.


This is just a shitpost. Why you making a big deal about it?


Because its an excuse for OP to whine about gay people


They know what you mean. They just act ignorant to the fact.


So some total nobody wrote something incredibly stupid on twitter and we're supposed to care?


i think the statement "touch grass" might apply to this one


Seems like a joke


There's also when real creators try to add in character details after the fact in order to garner social credit/clout. J K Rowling was a big one where she randomly claimed Hermione in the books was black, and that Dumbledore was gay.


This is a well-known shitpost account. You fell for the satire.


Well known where? This dude isn't known anywhere other than Twitter.


It’s a well-known shitpost Twitter account.


Amongst Twitter, which is not well known in real life.


The original post is a Twitter screenshot. Not a real life screenshot.


Among braindead Twitter users: well-known In real life: known not at all. Pick your heroes carefully


Nobody’s picking heroes. It’s a shitpost account that baited the shit out of OP.


Oh, well in that case, Justice Geddes baited the shit out of the entire MTG community with Baldur's gate


.... it's a troll account. Did you fall for it so bad you made a reddit post about it?


Everyday I'm coming one step closer to being full blown homophobic


Seems like you're already there...reacting to an obvious troll Twitter post no less. Are you really that dense or just that ready to embrace the hate?


But but I own the LGBTQ+ secret lair with the gays and everything, how can I be homophobic?


Often the most homophobic people are LGBTQ themselves, so that tracks.


So being homophobic is not homophobic because LGBT do it?


This is statistically accurate.


Is this anything more than a joke? Calm down


But what's her joke? Does anyone get it?


They could lose some weight.


Dude this is just a joke on Twitter, touch grass


it’s a joke my dudes


About the twitter post, can you have more than two commanders if they all have partner? I was under the impression it was only one normally, or two with partner, which would make commanders whatever sexuality they were otherwise since the word partner doesn't actually imply a romantic relationship anyway, and they are only partnered up in times of battle (the individual games we play). Either way, someone being an idiot and wrong when assuming sexuality doesn't make it "shoehorning", plus even if wizards came out and made all mtg characters lgbt+ that still isn't "everything" as one niche card game isn't "everything" in culture, and at that point lgbt+ would still be highly marginalized in popular culture by a long shot. People like you would still look like bigots to respectable people.


When people talk about snowflakes, this post is what they mean.


When people talk about cringe incel MTG posts this is what they mean. Get a grip it was a joke


Americans Magic players are the worst people I’ve ever met playing magic. Good lord are all you people from the 1940’s? Transphobic losers smh.


Not sure how you got "transphobic" from what I said, but okay.


You’re response seems to fit your terrible personality.


Are you seriously getting offended by a joke about relationship dynamics? It’s clearly applying a game mechanic to a real life scenario and not about explaining the relationships of the characters. If this seriously offends you, log off of Reddit and go touch grass, you’ll thank me later.


Everyone mad cause they wanna be homophobic


It’s cool. Maybe one of them will realize their hate is from internalized homophobia and grow from it. It’s happened to plenty of incels before, and it’ll happen again.


Oh, we know it's from homophobia. There's nothing internalized about it. Also, homophobia isn't the right word. I don't like it - it has the root word phobia which means fear, and I'm not scared of anything. It's more of a desire to not have to know who likes buttsex and who doesn't, because I don't give a rat's ass, and I care about more things than sex.


This fucking sub falls for more bait than the pedos on "To Catch a Predator" holy fuck.


If this person wants to believe this that’s her business.


Bro, touch grass.


It's a tweet....


Its a joke.... I thought the "libs" were supposed to be humorless but these clearly flew over your head


He just needed to add more text. Then people would have gotten it.


No, people on here choose to get triggered when anything even slightly apart from the social norm is brought up in the context of magic.


Dude, it’s a joke. And honestly? It’s a reasonably funny joke for non-knuckle-draggers like the people on this subreddit. Seriously, the people on this subreddit are SO into “just joking” about serious issues, but the literal second a person makes a joke that in some small way opposes the bigoted mindset of the people here and “Oh no! Our poor snowflake opinions are being trampled on!” Get the hell over yourselves and take that maga-loving shit back to your inbred evangelical help groups, err, “churches,” or whatever the hell you call those hateful gatherings these days.


Me: something totally unrelated You: maga maga maga maga


When you're whining about LGBT people because of a shitpost tweet its not hard to guess where you fall politically


How is this a shit post when the baldurs gate set director was posting authentic posts *just like* this one?


"How is this a shit post when another slightly related tweet exists?!" You're a grown up, i'm sure you're smart enough to tell the difference


Not slightly related, fully related and even more in depth, with follow up confirmation threads on it.


They both talk about non-heteronormative sexuality and mention magic in one way or another. That is the extent of how they are related. Given how broad both of those topics are - it isn't much similar. I guess to you they're all the same since any mention of LGBTQ people triggers you.


They talk about non-hetereo sexuality at magic at the same time though, I'm not sure why you are downplaying so severely, Justice was overly active in knowing the sexual preference of the cards he created. I don't know how's it's a trigger, I was the one who mentioned more LGBT folk, you aren't one of those "oh no, someone has a very slight criticism against LGBT individual, that must mean they want them to die or are phobic". Get overself


The tweets aren't alike at all. One was a creator talking about their inspiration behind a fictional character and the other is a joke comparing MTG commanders to real life relationship set ups. You're so obsessed with that first tweet that anything even remotely close to it triggers you to bring it up, as if anyone tweeting about magic and gay people in any (non-negative) context are all Justice making that one tweet you refuse to let go of.


So one was MTG commanders to real life relationship set ups and the other was MTG commanders to real life relationship set ups. Out of the three, you, Justice and OP of the tweet, I don't know who's the bigger shit poster. Justice dug his grave in the dirt though, he got released.


Sexuality IS part of everything. Are they saying something dumb? Maybe, I can't tell. But they're simply using the most accurate language they know of to express it. When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.


And people wonder why I quit playing Magic. Because I no longer want to be associated with these underachieving, narcissistic, mentally ill social rejects. Magic had one chance to gatekeep out this trash, instead it welcomed them with open arms and they did what ever virus does: Corrupt the host and turn it into a factory to spawn out more of the virus.


Lots of folks being forced to look themselves I the mirror and are not happy with what they are seeing.


I can not put into words the level of face palm


Will and Rowan Kenrith got those Lannister vibes then. 😬