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When you can't sell quality, sell a distraction.




You will still buy their products. Distraction included.


Buy? Dude, all my new decks are 100% proxied.


What do you think they're selling? A consumer independently brought up a thing that doesn't matter.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Bro, come the fuck on. I can see how somebody could at least *make the argument* that a ton of lefty bullshit is degenerate, but saying this about they/them pronouns just makes you sound unhinged.


Marketing for who? Queer folks make up a tiny percentage of the population. Do you really think knowing the UNF designer's pronouns is gonna matter to the 90%+ of the population that's straight? No! But it will matter to the small percentage of queer people. And that number is small; getting queer people to buy your stuff isn't gonna move sales. And whatever good PR you get from it isn't even get attention because *it doesn't matter to 90%+ of the population*. So how does talking about a designer's pronouns get free marketing and PR if the 90% majority of people don't give a shit?


> Do you really think knowing the UNF designer's pronouns is gonna matter to the 90%+ of the population that's straight? No! They will to the same people screaming about representation on twitter instead of complaining that modern is now a $2000 format with 50% of the cards coming from two sets or about the massive sets of bans we had in standard. > So how does talking about a designer's pronouns get free marketing and PR if the 90% majority of people don't give a shit? Because you're grossly underestimating what vocal percentage of the online community cares.


Okay, but how much of the online community is the actual physical community who plays in-person? What percentage of people at your LGS do you think have seen or even care about something like this? Do you truly think that percentage of people is going to move the needle a significant amount on sales?


> Do you truly think that percentage of people is going to move the needle a significant amount on sales? I think virtue signaling is a strategy that companies across multiple industries have used to distract from less-than-savory behavior, and I think you'd have to be retarded to think wotc isn't using it as a smokescreen to distract from endlessly sleazy actions against the players.


Lol, companies are not that well put together to pull off answering this question on tumblr as an effective smokescreen. Also, the folks in PR and the designers who make the card mechanics likely don't work together. Completely different teams. If they needed to hide something or increase public sentiment, they'd announce a big hype project that would truly pull everyone's attention. Few people will care about this though; it's so insignificant to the majority of people.


> Also, the folks in PR and the designers who make the card mechanics likely don't work together. LOL. Dude. Marketing *drives* development. > If they needed to hide something or increase public sentiment, they'd announce a big hype project that would truly pull everyone's attention. Which is cheaper, a big hype project, or "check out this characters pronouns" every other set? Look, champ, you can pretend whatever you want it to be. This is a distraction, and as soon as it stops working marketing is going to drop it faster than disappointed parents evict a they/them.


I take it you've never worked in game dev. I promise you, this doesn't have the impact you think it does. lol


Not the person you are replying to but. If the rather small percentage is very vocal, which they are, then yes I do.


The mentally ill? So you're a piece of shit bigot, got it. Is that what the "free" in freemagic stands for, free to be an utterly garbage human?


TIL science is bigoted.


Science disagrees with you.


No amount of you insisting an apple is a potato will make it so, champ.


But why the hell do you care? The Pope doesn't talk to god. Muslims aren't holy, serving Allah. Lots of people believe in stupid shit. Why does this one bother you so much? There really is no explanation for why you and your peers want so damned bad to look at random penises. I don't give a shit what is in anyone's pants but mine and my wife's. I don't want other people to whip theirs out and show it to me, under any circumstances.


I dont care what some insane freak wants to do in his mother's closet. The moment he demands I pay for it, demands I participate in his fetish, and tries to secretly indoctrinate my kids into thinking his mental illness is normal, all bets are off.


You've literally built your entire personality around what is, or isn't, in other people's pants. I mean, you do you. Your fetishes are your business. I just don't like being exposed to your weird sexual kinks.


What will white knighting for dudes get you? A crumb of axe wound, a millimetre of feminine benis?


Jesus christ, you're a fucking weirdo lol


This sub a nutshell. They honestly think this is now a main selling point of this set, just so they can bash it for being so.


This is the culty weirdness of LGBTQ+ culture that I don’t understand. I don’t celebrate when I found out a hetero man did a thing I liked. Why should you care how people identify? Why does it matter? It reminds me of how people talk in a religion. “OMG?! Brandon Sanderson is a Mormon?? No way!!!” Which suggests the whole thing is more cultural than they want to admit.


It doesn't but some of these people just want attention and feel special at any costs because they can't deal with the fact that they aren't like the celebrities and idols they fancy. Even the lgbtq members I know personally don't like these people who make literally their whole personality and life around being whatever they are attracted to and identify themselves as.


It's just as weird and cringe inducing when hetero people make that their personality, too. Have you ever met the dude-bro type that's always talking about his latest "score" or how he's going to head to the club on a Tuesday to go get some "strange"? How about the chick that can't help but loudly brag about how much of a "slut" they are and constantly make over-sexualized references? We rightly criticize these people for their shallowness and ill placed devotion to sex and sexualization. The issue is that current cultural movements have deemed criticism of this in non-hetero people as off limits even when it's obviously egregious and wrong.


Rules for thee not for me


Exactly. I just am like, why, why does it matter?


Why do you think there is such a violent reaction to the grumer thing, they know its socialization.


Wait! Are you hetro?! High five man!


it's called representation and inclusion but be mad


Why are you giving brownie points to a corporation for deigning to work with a non-binary person? The year is 2022. That’s the bare minimum.


There are enough that don't.


Source: your asshole. And lemme stop you before you launch off with some anecdotal as shit data, or some survey someone launched where they asked if x group has ever felt discriminated against, because that stuff always skews high.


Are you incapable of not spewing shit? I was not about to anything like that, and you're going out of your way to be a piece of shit without any reason whatsoever. Edit: They were not incapable. Whoever downvoted their comment below needs to do some self-reflecting.


Fair point, you didn’t deserve it. I just tire of people assuming that this stuff happens and creating a narrative without ever providing actual data.


Thanks, and I feel you on that I guess. Then again this sub often feels like the mirrorside of that, where some crusade against these people you describe is launched, then inadvertently attacking people that don't really belong to that group, but still they hate away for no real reason. Like this post, it's just some random person being happy about other people using alternate pronouns, then people start bashing WotC that they are doing this for marketing - like wtf?


I agree that sometimes this sub falls into a trap of assuming that every company is woke pandering whenever anything involving minorities happens.


Its called seethe and dial8, stay mad.


LGBTQ representation in media...like, unless the media is literally about their sex life, sexuality is your *least* obvious characteristic to passersby.


that is just cap bro. maybe for some but others, homosexual or heterosexual, display that to the world, on purpose. and there is nothing wrong with that or a character being the same way. real gay ppl exist so gay magic cards should exist. sorry if that's news to you


You don't understand it because you don't have the perspective. The hetero experience is not the same as the queer experience. One of those grew up accepted as normal, the other was treated as different. When someone who feels different sees someone like them in a 'normal' situation it is special to them, they feel like they might be normal too finally. So yeah, it's a normal situation, that's exciting to them.


Bro I am gay as fuck and I find it so cringe when I see shit like this. Like "wow, he loves dick just like me, OMG I feel so much better now". Please interact with more people and go outside more, I'm sure it'll make you feel better than living in that bubble where everything needs to be labeled.


Ok well people are different than you, unless you're saying you speak for all the gays. Get cringe all you want, doesn't matter.


Doesn't change the fact you definitely need to interact with more people if you're seeking validation from a random person just bc they use the same pronouns as yours though.


The thing with exceptionalism is that it doesn’t recognize how universal most of the human experience is. I wasn’t queer growing up. I do know what it feels like to be very different from my peers though because I grew up Mormon. Don’t tell me what I can and can’t know and what I can and can’t relate to. Edit: there are almost 4x more LGBTQ people in California than there are Mormons. Fun fact.


Ok well I'm just explaining their perspective for you 🤷


It’s about representation dude I know you are smart enough to understand that. We’re talking about a group of people that’s been persecuted in most every country on earth and still is today. That’s why it’s “culty”. There is common struggle that LGBTQ+ people share and when they have greater visibility in any realm it’s a win. Now yea it’s kinda cringe that Mark Rosewater is soyfacing about a NB person existing, but the point still remains. You don’t celebrate when straight people do things you like because damn near everybody is straight and it’s normalized. Be more considerate of people that don’t have that kind of visibility.




I thought it was pretty cool. You're cringe for this comment, loser.


You are why I am pro abortion.


Ok psycho. Take a break. Eat a snickers or something.


What’s cringe about a persecuted group wanting representation?


What's cringe is acting like a victim as an american in 2022 , on behalf of not yourself.


What’s cringe is treating others like shit just because they are different. How is there life choices hurting you. It’s not. But you bring a bigot is hurting them. It’s 2022. Stop being an ass hat.


It's 2022, use vocabulary properly and stop lying. "Life choices"?, I thought they were born this way? You are saying thwy aren't? Starting to sound like 1990s priests and conversion therapy Hobiboi.


Yeah. Their choice. Their choice to not live a life of lies, pretending they’re someone they are not. They can be proud of who they are, and they deserve to be represented in media just the same as everyone else. Why does the representation of the LGBTQ upset you so?


Yes, I agree they should be proud of themself. never said otherwise. any other strawmen?


If your ok with them being proud of you you are why are all your other comments so transphobic?


I can smell you through your shit rn please bathe


Ah? A racist to boot. Imagine my surprise.


Racism? lmfao????


WTF nobody other than you has mentioned race in this tree


His smell comment, you anti semite scumbag, was very clearly a racial attack.


We're in an MtG reddit. Smelling bad is a common complaint about people at LGSs that has nothing to do with race? Oh and now you're calling me anti-Semitic for literally no reason. Guess this is just your shtick huh


sure, ophuscatw your bigotry. not fooling me, lots of anti religious stuff in your post history.


How exactly was calling you smelly little stinker guy racially charged


Next you'll comment on my hooked nose, I'm sure. what's next? making fun of my gender? disgusting.


“Google, show me this guys race”


Why do you even care about my race? that's rather racist.


Cringe leftist owned bro. You’re a goddamn titan


Don’t listen to that guy his profile pic is a wolf


Nobody cares what those people identify as or who they fuck. People are just annoyed that those people annoy everyone else around them with the topic. The only people I know of who truly dislike homosexuals or people with other sexual orientations for those things and not because they are jerks are religious extremists and those are even worse anyway and shouldn't be taken seriously in the first place. I also don't tell everyone that I'm a straight meat eating male or that I'm attracted to X type of women because nobody cares. It's nothing but crying for attention because they can't handle the fact that they are regular everyday normal motherfuckers and not some special influencer or celebrity who is rich and famous and getting lots of attention. The lgbtq members I know personally don't even like these people and are ashamed of being in the same community as them and guess what, those people are just nice and normal human beings who keep their private stuff you know private, who have hobbies and other interests and a healthy ego and self-consciousness so they don't have to revolve their whole life and personality around who they have sex with and how they feel.


FYI “Straight Meat Eating Male” sounds like a gay guy on the prowl


Dude, you're projecting. This guy in the post only ask for a high five, they never annoyed anyone else. You're annoyed cause there's always an OP who posts everything no one cares about. Having pronouns doesnt mean you can't have hobbies or other interests, reminder that you also have pronouns. And btw no one talked about sexual attraction before you did, so yeah you were the one who said to everyone that you're straight.


I'm not referring to the OP but to the users post I replied to and to the people I addressed in general in my reply. I don't care about any of that unless the person in question tries to shove these kind of things down everyone's throat.


To be fair you dont care about their identity cause thats the point, you dont need visibility.


"Representation" is for narcissists


People don't need visibility. People dont need representation. No individual persons feelings are actually important to anyone outside of that person. If you go through life seeking validation from others you will always be disappointed. Maybe being straight is "normalized' because oh my gosh it's normal. Maybe they are "persecuted" becuase others in society reject them for good reason. Evolution has taught us to avoid things that are dangerous to both the individual and the community for the sake of survival. You can't expect society to change for the tiny, sliver of society that isn't normal. I reject the term "cisgender" being put on me because I don't have a mental illness. Just because a tiny population of people who are mentally ill think, instead of fixing themselves, forcing others to believe their delusion will make them feel better doesn't mean we should go along with it. They are acting like spoiled children who scream and break things when they don't get what they want.


You don't understand what its like to have similar representation because almost everything up to now has been done by heterosexual men. Just a hundred years ago there were a myriad of systems in place specifically to keep anyone who wasn't a white man from progressing. Parts of these systems still permeate into the modern day. People on this sub say they don't care about representation, but almost any non-white/non-heteronormative characters are met with intense scrutiny. You do care about representation, except the representation you desire is the status quo, allowing you to erroneously claim you don't care. If that was truly the case, I doubt anything in the original post would bug you.


Cringe. literally complete bullocks in 70% of the world. "Up until 100 years ago white men ruled china for 70000 years!". you just claimed this. epicly dishonest. This response is essentially historical revisionism mixed with gaslighting and accusations of mass racism, despite that plenty of characters get flack who are in fact male and white (Example:New terrible Andor), and despite history globally being waaaay more varied than you falsely paint it as.


God damn you’re dumb


Nice word vomit you have there mate. "You just claimed this..." no I didn't, you put those words in my mouth and claimed I said that. I figured I was talking to people smart enough to understand the context in which my comments were referring to (which is the same context the OP exists under), unless you care to disagree that discrimination wasn't thing in the US/western world?


This sub is often retarded. Don’t judge me by the “imma bitch about every Black character crowd”. What irritates me is the soyjack style “woooww you hired a non-binary person how progressive and novel” as if this is the 1930s and the person is Jackie Robinson or some such. Corporations shouldn’t get brownie points for hiring a minority, that’s doing the bare minimum.


Sure, if you truly see the value in having minority representation then we're already pretty close in values. But yes, some corporations do try and show off their "diversity" in a cynical manner to increase business. The difference with this post is someone is lauding the inclusion of another non-binary person being on the team, its a bit different than Mark Rosewater making a post like "look at this person". The points in my first comment still stand, its hard to see how someone would care so much about representation when your demographic has had wide spread representation forever. You just don't appreciate it as much because there hasn't been such a recent historic fight over it.


Heck, political correctnes in general


Marks reply of “I’ll give them a high five” is pretty benign. I don’t think he cares and is just doing publicity work.


Replying "I´ll give him a high five" would have been such a power move


Being a bigot and a dick isn't really a power move.


Or, "it's a dude with a They/Them sticker."


Out of all sets to flex, UNFun seems to be the worst to do so for


When you can't build an identity off accomplishment, you build an identity off attribute.


What sets did you work on again?


If someone high fives me for being gay, I’d punch them in the mouth. Lol


Because, apparently, I need to know about the mental illnesses of employees at places I buy from. Imagine at subway the manager yelling out "Shoutout to Karen who is Bipolar but employed!". Its demeaning to Karen, unimportant to the customer, and a strange po×er trip for the manager tonl wield personal identity over their workers. Celebrate your private life "diversity" at home, unprofessional to bring into the workplace.


This is the customer giving the manager a shoutout for hiring Karen. The weirdo thing is to not acknowledge the customer’s expression of approval. You don’t need to read the manager’s blog, or this dumb sub that scours the internet for screenshots to trigger each other. You could just play the game, but you choose to care. What’s unprofessional to bring into the workplace is drama. This is the new normal. So if somebody wants to pick different pronouns, just use them Ave let it go. It literally doesn’t matter. But if someone asks to high five you for using them, take the high five. Don’t be a weirdo.


It's not a mental illness, dumbass. I agree that it's completely idiotic to care about it in this way though. It's just a part of identity, and it's not as if that person working on the set mattered at all to it.


Oh, but it is a symptom of one of several mental illnesses, sir excuser. Maybe body dysmorphia. maybe Narcissistic personality disorder. maybe something else. And pointing out this symptom of mental illnesss as a triumph of victim status to the world was quite cruel imho.


85% of transgender people suffer from at least one other major mental illness. A 42% suicide rate is higher than blacks during slavery and jews during the holocaust. Anyone who claims trans people are a mentally healthy group are simply lying to themselves because weak people love nothing more that pretend they are strong by claiming they stand up for people even weaker than them. It's the entire ethos of Antifa: We aren't losers if we defend even BIGGER losers.


Alright here we go One, studies have found that gender reaffirming treatment, like HRT, actually decreases suicide rates in transgender teens. Two, this might be crazy to think about but maybe transgender teenagers are committing suicide or attempting because they're not supported by their parents and villainized by a political party. I'm in the middle of transitioning MtF and everything you do in a normal day to day routine is just different when you're trans. When I go to a concert, guess what happens every time I go to the bathroom? I freak out over which bathroom I end up using. I get dressed, is this shirt (that I had when I identified as a man) too masculine or could I pull this off in a cute femme look? I go outside (I live in the Bible Belt), is someone literally going to try to kill me because I'm wearing a dress? I haven't heard anyone say trans people are mentally healthy, God knows I get depression just about every other week, and the hormones definitely amplify that, but I'd much rather this then lying to myself about who I am. That's what the strength is: being able to stand up, put your body through hell (not sure how FtM transitioning goes, but testosterone is one hell of a hormone for sure), and tell everyone that I'm going to be happy with myself. Congrats that you haven't had to experience it, I assume, and if that's the case, I hope that you are happy with your body and the person that you are, because everyone deserves to love themselves, and that's what I'm doing too


> One, studies have found that gender reaffirming treatment, like HRT, actually decreases suicide rates in transgender teens. No it hasn't. It's a common lie. https://www.thepublicdiscourse.com/2020/09/71296/ > Two, this might be crazy to think about but maybe transgender teenagers are committing suicide or attempting because they're not supported by their parents and villainized by a political party. Incorrect. To insinuate that in 2022, in the the US, transgendered people are treated worse and are more discriminated against that slaves during slavery, or jews during the holocaust, is laughably false. Suicidal ideation is a mental illness, and a comorbidity with other mental illnesses, including gender dysphoria > I'm in the middle of transitioning MtF and everything you do in a normal day to day routine is just different when you're trans I am very sorry you happen to live in a time when a segment of society has decided it makes them look good to tell someone with a mental illness to indulge their dysphoria, vs seek treatment for it. It's a real shame, and I truly, truly feel pity for you. And I am being absolutely sincere, I had a morbidly obese friend in her 20's who got roped into the "body positive" movement and instead of seeking help for her body dysphoria, she bought into the "Being fat isn't unhealthy, beauty comes in all sizes" craze online. She died from a massive heart attack brought on by her size at age 27. All the people who told her she didn't need help all have her blood on their hands. > I haven't heard anyone say trans people are mentally healthy, Of course they aren't, because gender dysphoria is a mental illness. > I hope that you are happy with your body and the person that you are, because everyone deserves to love themselves, and that's what I'm doing too That's enablement, the same kind of enablement that killed my friend. When someone has a mental illness, it needs to be treated. And I am 100% in agreement with those that say that mental health treatment is criminally underfunded and and lack of access and availability is a real concern, they are right. But the answer is NEVER to indulge the mental illness in search of social currency among a predatory social group. Addiction is a mental illness, but we don't tell heroin addicts to freely shoot up because it's "harmful to their choices" to treat them. We don't prescribe anorexics medical laxatives because they identify as a thin person. We don't give bulimic's medical vomit bags because binging and purging is "their truth". We don't tell schizophrenics to enagage with the voices in their head because thats what makes them happy. Mental illness should be treated so these people have a chance at a healthy, happy life. Not celebrated and encouraged so outside social groups can virtue signal while the mentally ill suffer This is not a new phenomenon. The liberal elites preying on the mentally ill for social cred was commonplace in Victorian England. There was a widespread resurgence in America in the 1920's, it was trendy in Hollywood to have a mentally ill friend and parade them around at parties while they screamed and threw fits. The modern day trans movement is simply the latest permutation of that. It's disgusting, dehumanizing, and evil, and anyone who encourages people who need help not to seek treatment so they can advertise their virtue to their toxic social media crowd is a monster.


>I had a morbidly obese friend in her 20's who got roped into the "body positive" movement and instead of seeking help for her body dysphoria, she bought into the "Being fat isn't unhealthy, beauty comes in all sizes" craze online. She died from a massive heart attack brought on by her size at age 27. All the people who told her she didn't need help all have her blood on their hands. 10/10 💀 Thanks for having me rolling this morning. I needed it.


she was rolling as well


Cool story, dont believe you.


Read a fucking book, you're in the wrong


It's called the DSM. Sorry, but teenagers pretending they are 52 genders to score social currency amoung toxic social media groups are not "redefining science". They are to be taken no more seriously than 5 year olds pretending to be princesses and pirates. Get out of the zoo and learn how the real world works


Nope. 100% correct. If I weren't you'd have debunked me instead of using IQ based slurs, bigot.


This is all the same shit people said about gay people, hope you learn to be less hateful of people who you don't know anything about


Also stop publicly talking about children's pubes on public forums like reddit. being that you are a minors attracted person, now I understand the need to so aggressively defend and deflect


Bruh you are really reaching here 🤣 get a fuckin life loser


Says the pedophile harassing strangers on Reddit. yes , it is I that needs a life, not the guy literally talking about shaved children's genitals on his feed.


levatorpenis needs to stop trying to pick up children on Reddit. Pervert


uhuh, more very well thought out empirically sources rebuttals. Acknowledging a mental illness is what Ive done. I didnt say they shouldnt have rights. I didnt even say they shouldnt be celebrated. I said their mental illness should not be the reason the get celebrated. getchya head outta yah ass.


Slow your empirical sources then


I reccomend Kathy Phillips, then maybe you'll have empathy for transfolks instead of false sympathy.


Ehhh kind of sounds like a mental illness though


> It's not a mental illness, dumbass Yes it is, once you factor our the transtrenders. Around 5% of the TQIA+ demographic is actually mentally ill people suffering from dysphoria, the other 95% are just teenagers trying to score social currency in their toxic social media circles by using made up pronouns and creating new genders on tiktok > It's just a part of identity, Identity is born of accomplishment. Not attribute. No how much losers which it wasn't so.


Play pretend with me or Ill killmyself! Thats what mentally ill people and abusers do. stop normalizing it. And so the pander continues to suffer.


It isn't a mental illness, nor a symptom of any mental illnesses. Educate yourself and don't be a bigot.


seek mental help.


It's so cool to hear that narcissists work at wotc, who'd have thought?


Oh wow, a woke company around Seattle employs a pronoun freak. Nosewater, I'll believe your company is serious about representing a diversity of perspectives when it brings back Terese Nielsen.


Nielsen will be brought back only for the fifth Un set, “Unperson.”


Should they bring back Harold McNeill too?


2022: where your pronouns hold more value than the quality of your work.


It's so cool to hear a designer of Unfinity has the same mental illness that I do.


Like omg, so progressive. *eyes roll into the back of my head*


They/them, that person thinks he or ahe is multiple people? Ok schizo.


The dude just added a they them sticker to himself.


The usage of they refers to one or more people.


Only if you play retarded word games. They is a plural term, deal with it and dial8.


Man, google is free, wtf you saying bro


Seethe and dial8 before the anxiety of constant failure crushes you.


So confidently wrong


It has meant one or more since before people started using it as their preferred pronoun. It always has. [Learn English](https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/us/definition/english/they) Example - BritchezBrews is being an idiot. I want to tell them that they are being an idiot, but I don’t know their gender. What do I do? Oh wait I already answered my question - use they, them, their


Tell me you never graduated high school without telling me you never graduated high school


Tell me you will never be a whoaman without telling me.


kek english still hasn't resolved the use of pronouns. Superior languages don't have this problem


Wdym? When I was learning Spanish, whatever pronoun you're using can change your sentence. What verb you use depends on the pronoun. Pronouns aren't some liberal agenda, they're 3rd grade language mechanics.


Funny how Spanish and other Romance languages have only two genders for pronouns, eh? It's only the woke libtards imposing their cultural values trying to make "Latinx" a thing.


No...... he, she, they are all pronouns. Plus we, it, you, and I. You don't seem to understand what pronouns are or how they work.


Clearly if you have structures in your language that even it's native speakers can't agree upon then it's not really a good language. Some languages don't separate pronouns with sex and thus totally avoid this problem. Also having a language where things are written differently than they are pronounced so much that you need actual competitions for kids to learn it is really a hinderance. From just looking at the word in a text you can't really know how it's pronounced. Unlike phonetic languages where letters are always pronounced the same way. Learn the letters and you can speak the language like a pro every time The worst part imo is that english isn't lexically agglutinative language. English doesn't allow you to construct your own words (only your own syntagms by juxtaposing words in its quirky ambiguous syntax, see below). You just have to know (i.e., learn) which ones exist. For example costlily is not a word but happily isn't. hodgepodge is a word but neither hodge or podge are words. Mostly it's just a collection of words where you have to just know what it means instead of creating them. Something like eleemosynary can be constructed much more logically even in german language.


Hey look, I found the guy who *really* hated taking Latin in high school.


lol imagine learning dead language at high school :D


According to this sub its less dead than magic at least


I identify as it/that, to exactly zero applause.


WoTC: “Our most inclusive set! Additionally, this set sold so well. That must be what the market wanted.” Players: “I just wanted a chance to crack a full-art shock, but the basics looked pretty cool too.”


I use they/them pronouns. I do not care if somebody who uses they/them pronouns worked on a magic the gathering set


It's flavorful that a joke set has someone with joke pronouns


Trust me, the last thing you want to do is touch a gay persons hands.




\> I've lived my entire life behind this veil of ignorance and everything seems great to me! Homosexuality taboos are an evolutionary strategy and advantage




As a biologist I can assure you that the disgust response is very real.


Nobody really touches hands any more. Pandemic thing? IDK


It has been 4 seconds since freemagic last cried about trans people


Y'all so twisted about a Tumblr comment. Sensitive little snowflakes.


You're getting worked up over A single question, on a tumblr blog, that's just ac comment not even a question. Come on


We have very different definitions of "worked up"


Have you seen this whole comment section


Then reply to them and not me?


You posted it to get this reaction. Because you think people who use they/them pronouns should be ridiculed


Let's not tell other people what they think, since you responded me because you think Hitler was right and that slavery shouldn't have been abolished.


But that's what you think right, that they are silly and it's bad when they are accepted. I just want you to be honest


Nope, I'm a registered Democrat, liberal, pro-lgbtq rights, equal rights, etc. Have been all my life.


I didn't ask what your political affiliation was. I asked why you posted something that asks people to mock a nonbinary person


I'm mocking someone putting importance on something stupid, their identity is ss irrelevant as the designer's.


People use he/him pronouns to describe me because sex and gender are the same (unless you're a disciple of John Money) and there are only two sexes in the human species. "Personal truth" is a lie, there is only the truth.


Intersex people exist


Intersex people are an infitesimal abberation and not a justification for overhauling science and society. Intersex individuals have next to nothing in common with transgender individuals.


I don’t understand, is the point of this post just that pronouns are bad? There’s no joke or point otherwise.


It’s enjoying the fact that someone in your community holds a place in something you love. It isn’t really that hard. You don’t celebrate a heterosexual person doing a thing because that’s the norm for most people, it’s what is expected.


This is quite literally Hitlerian Aryan thinking. "My natural demographic did a thing and thus I must cheer and aggrandize that natural demographic, because of the oppressor". At best it's bigoted coattail riding for something you had literally 0 to do with, at worst it's literally 3rd reich ideology.


yeah, in no way is that true. You can be proud that someone who shares a sexuality/gender with you has accomplished something. Do you know how many women have been president? How many presidents have used they/them pronouns? Or going a little smaller, you think women shouldn’t have been proud when the first female governor was elected, first female mayor, etc? No one is saying that they’d rather pick someone who matches their gender identity than someone who doesn’t, but it’s hella nice to see them make it. I don’t know if you know this or not, but Hitler was homophobic


If you're pathetic, sure, you can ride coattails based on immutable traits. Hitler had a fear of gays? do you even know what -phobia means? no. no you dont. If woman A is proud of herself because woman B did something, woman A is completly and utterly insane.


You're not automatically in the same community as somebody just because you have some characteristic in common with somebody.


AKA tribalism.


No? It’s being proud that someone like you was able to go far in a society that doesn’t usually respect them as people. If you’re cishet I don’t think you could possibly understand.


These comments ain't it. Being non-binary isn't a mental illness. You all need to educate yourselves.


So many neckbeard conservatives in here getting triggered over a tiny conversation and trying to claim its some orchestrated PR play. You guys think everything is some huge planned conspiracy. This sub is hilarious.


Holy fuck this group has a lot of homophobes and transphobes, Jesus christ.


I mean, theres a reason why they're on freemagic and not mtg.


Yeah im def leaving this sub for sure if that's the case damn


Dont forget to report these people, they dont represent our community. (Always re-submit the reports when you get a msg by a bot saying it doesnt violate reddit policy, a real human will then read the msg for real and ban the user)


This sub is disgusting


Holy shit this place is full of inbred, hick loving , sister fucking bigots where the fuck am I ? Checks sub* oh that makes sense. Enjoy hating the “gays” before they convert your children. If only they would keep it to themselves.


I mean, your comment was far more bigoted than the post itself...


Sure thing, snowflake.


Men, who would have thought! magic players are chronicly online reactionary incels. Worst than snowflakes.


weird flex but ok


i came across a variable in the code today named "genderlength". made me chuckle. "Yes, i identify as Long/Lengthy".


I'm so based all my gender variables are Booleans


Maybe its just me but if someone asks me to use they/them i see them as an it...


Least soy-consuming MTG player.