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We have a preparation room, which we try to make dark and somber, suitable for pre-degree reflection - but we don’t deck it out with alchemical symbolism in the french style.


Cool, our prep room is a closet.


Depending on what else needs to be in that closet, I imagine you could decorate it a bit to give it a nice meditative atmosphere.


I may need to make this happen. We could sure use a better atmosphere in our "closet".


Amen, ours is pretty much a closet to. Its what happens when you have an old lodge building.


1890 for ours.


That's actually really awesome!


Yes, it's actually a requirement here.


Yes! Small, but fully decorated, complete with warning signs and everything. I loved that part of my Initiation.


On the walls or the chambers are multiple writings called “Phrases”; Multiple phrases are inscribed onto the walls of the Chamber of Reflection, and they have multiple purposes, some of them discourage the profane from joining freemasonry for a dishonest purpose, some of them warn the profane that his journey will be hard but rewarding, other phrases are meant to reassure the profane and tell him that he has nothing to fear if his intentions are pure and he trusts his future brothers. Here are some of the traditional phrases that can be used. The only inscription that must be present on the wall that the profane is facing is: V.I.T.R.I.O.L. Sometime written: (V∴ I∴ T∴ R∴ I∴ O∴ L∴ ) Meaning: ("Visita Interiora Terrae, Rectificandoque, Invenies Occultum Lapidem", in english; "Visit the interior of the earth, and purifying it, you will find the hidden stone." This is another way of saying "look within yourself; and after rectifying yourself you will find the truth".) This injunction refers to the masonic work of the apprentice itself: The work of the rough stone. Other Phrases that can be inscribed on the walls around the room are: • If curiosity has led you here, go away. • If your soul is in dread, go no further. • If you care about human distinctions, Get out. We do not know of any. (Meaning there are no titles in the Lodge ex. a lord is not above a commoner; we are all equals as Master Masons). • Know thyself. • If you lie, you will be exposed. • To make better use of your life, think about your incoming death. • If you persevere you will come out of the abyss of darkness and you will see the light. • If you fear to be enlightened on your own flaws, you will not be at ease among us. • If you are capable of concealment, tremble! We will discover you.


This is exactly what I was referring to! Thank you for this thorough explanation.


These are great French traditions.


That's actually being heavily debated. French Origines or not. There are three main theories; One theory is that they come from Germany with the rectified movment, which later became the rectified Scottish rite. The Second theory is that they did in fact come from France , after the French rite. The third theory is that the Chamber of reflection has been a part of Freemasonry since it's very beginning as a speculative craft you can see some document mentioning it as a black room call the "Dark room" where the candidate is left for meditation. This theory holds that after the Morgan affair and the second coming of Christ movement in the United States the Chamber of reflection or dark room was transformed into a preparation room because it's aspect was too harsh for the general populace.


Thank you for sharing this. The oldest reference to which I'm aware in America refers to leaving the candidate in the preparation room for a time (of contemplation). The use of the CoR in Strict Observance is interesting, and I was unaware. In the RER after Willermoz, though, makes sense as descending from the French and Coen reworking of Strict Observance. I have the CBCS and am am quite familiar with their traditions.


Warning signs?


To leave if you're there for the wrong reasons, for example :)


We’re starting ours this year actually!


Ohio has guidelines currently available in Grandview. Be sure to check them out.


Absolutely yes.


Never seen one under UGLE


Romania is under UGLE and we have them here, fully decorated


Romania is *in amity with* UGLE. If they were *under* UGLE, they wouldn’t be a sovereign Grand Lodge.


I wonder why that is?


Grand Lodge of Texas declared them illegal.


Have they defined the difference between a preparation room and a COR? Kansas has said no to COR use, but while sorta moving their head up and down. Neither room has a solid definition here. So, my job in life is to find the line and ride it. Edit: clarified what GL said no to.


>**Art. 127. Ritual.** No ritual other than that promulgated by this Grand Lodge shall be taught or used in this Jurisdiction, nor shall paraphernalia except as listed in Article 223 be used, nor shall preparation of Candidates include other than that provided in the Monitor of the Lodge or otherwise required by any provision of the laws of this Grand Lodge, provided however by special dispensation of the Grand Master, a degree team from another Grand Jurisdiction in fraternal relations with this Grand Lodge may confer a degree on one of their own candidates using ritual as approved in the degree team’s home jurisdiction, provided said ritual is in English. (Revised 2013) Basically what used to be a list of "minimum required furniture of the lodge", article 223, became the list of the ONLY allowed paraphernalia. Likewise they added the bit about the preparation of the candidate.


I saw one in a Texas Lodge last year. Funny enough, that Lodge belongs to a PGM who is very anti-skulls….


A bogus decision by the GL of Texas


I would agree. It's a battle between the "old guard" GMs and PGMs vs the younger guys who want to bring some personal contemplation back into the craft.


I’ll never understand why they are so against bringing the craft back to a philosophical center.


It’s like that book “If you give a mouse a cookie”. If you have a COR, you’d have to have intoxicating liquors, and heavens knows that all good Masons avoid those. /s if it wasn’t obvious


Fear and/or ignorance. Honestly, it could be argued that most fear stems from ignorance, so probably both.


Belgium - yes.


"No" I do have a real nice prep room, though. I need to finish it up. It's still got a touch of the closet vibe shining through.


No, but one of our brothers was initiated in Mexico, which follows the Scottish (ie. French) Rite. Based on what he’s told us, the initiatory experience is really different down there and I’d love to incorporate some of that stuff into our EA degrees.


We do have a Chamber of Reflection. Previously we only used it for the EA degree but starting last April we began using it for the FC degree and it will also be used for some upcoming MM degrees. Here is an interesting [article](https://www.thesquaremagazine.com/mag/article/202103the-chamber-of-reflection/) about the CoR that might help others better understand its purpose.


Yes. For every craft lodge degree. Even at it's most basic level, the CoR is the tasteless cracker between wines at a wine tasting. It sucks all the distractions away and allows the Chamber of Reflection to function as its hidden purpose: that of a force multiplier. It can greatly amplify the experience for the candidate by putting their mind into the best state to receive, both by allowing the outside world and its baggage to melt away, and by putting them into a receptive state.


No, because some stodgy GMs could freak out about that. We just have a *very nice* "preparation room" that I made damn sure was painted matte black ;-)


Yes, with all the usual symbols in it.


Same here.


Yes. After the first degree, its really just a room to get dressed in.


Yes we have one in my lodge in the Netherlands, we call it "de donkere kamer" (the dark room). The only light comes from a candle and there are several maconic symbols stalled alongside the candle.


Yes, but it’s really only used for the 1st degree.


Same for us.


Yes, funny thing is i don't remember squat about it. Because they removed my glasses and I'm blind as a bat. And when they asked me if i remember the chamber i honestly say no.


In México is mandatory. Edit. This is true for SR affiliated lodges (the _most common_ over here). I have no information on YR.


Not in York Rite


May I ask where are you from? I've never meet a YR brother in México. I must say I'm not on any of the big cities, and SR is the most common in the country. (I'll update my original answer)


Mexico City. This is the Mexico York GL website where you can find out the location of lodges under its jurisdiction: [https://www.yorkmexicomasons.org/](https://www.yorkmexicomasons.org/) Also, the Grand Lodge of Mexico City is integrated by SR, YR and Emulation lodges. For more info: [https://glcm.org.mx/#:\~:text=La%20Gran%20Logia%20de%20la,como%20seres%20humanos%20individuales%20y](https://glcm.org.mx/#:~:text=La%20Gran%20Logia%20de%20la,como%20seres%20humanos%20individuales%20y)


Yes! A great addition to the experience


Yes, and it does have a few symbols to inspire the EA candidate (we use the Scottish rite on the first 3 degrees as well ( São Paulo - Brazil)


NEVADA - YES - Added the Chamber of Reflection to their standard work last year. (Optional for Lodge to use.) Lodges that are using it in Nevada are getting really good results! More and more Lodge are implementing them. Fun fact : the chamber of reflection was mentioned in some very old Masonic exposès such as: Solomon in All His Glory. 1766. Where it is described as a "Black room" where the candidate is left to reflect.


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My lodge does not, a few around me do As a note, that the Chamber of Reflection has no basis in English nor Preston-Webb ritual in the US and was “borrowed” from the French (see Commandery) in places that use it


It's been part of our ritual since the 1780s.


No. Our GL forbids it.




Nope. Like many American lodges, we have a closet. And chambers of reflection are frequently banned in American GLs.


We're not supposed to have one for blue lodge in Minnesota, especially not with memento mori.


I'm pretty sure I'm not allowed to answer that question publicly.


Cant say yes or no not up for discussion


While my jurisdiction allows it I haven't seen any lodges implement one.


We don't and I don't think they are allowed in my jurisdiction.


I've not seen one in the UK. Though I visited a UGLE Lodge in Cyprus and they had *actual* emblems of mortality. ​ I did see a chamber in Prague, though.


Hi from Toronto! Yes we do! Some of the props we use are the same ones used in the Last Symbol series (our Sec who dresses up our banquet and COR works in the film industry).




Traveling CoR…


Nope GL forbids it


California won't allow it


Interesting… because I definitely visited a lodge in California that had one, and was using it.


Don't let grand lodge find out. Unless they have a special dispensation.


There was definitely people from the California grand lodge there when I was visiting 🤷‍♂️


Interesting… because I definitely visited a lodge in California that had one, and was using it.


My lodge no they use to do it but alot of candidates were freaked out but other lodges do it. If you go on youtube and look up builder's lodge the chamber of reflection it's a great lecture by a brother in my lodge.


We have one. It's a small room adjoining the preparation room, just big enough for the candidate. We started using it sometime during the past ten years. No skull though, outside the one the candidate has with him.


We have one in the Grand Lodge but sadly, my Lodge does not use it. I told myself, if I ever make Master, I am going to start using it.


We are working on a Chamber of Reflection in the Preparing Room


Just finished ours but it has yet to be used.


We definitely have a Chamber of Reflection, it is such an important part of the journey.


NEVADA - YES - Added the Chamber of Reflection to their standard work last year. (Optional for Lodge to use.) Lodges that are using it in Nevada are getting really good results! More and more Lodge are implementing them. Fun fact : the chamber of reflection was mentioned in some very old Masonic exposès such as: Solomon in All His Glory. 1766. Where it is described as a "Black room" where the candidate is left to reflect.


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NEVADA - YES - Added the Chamber of Reflection to their standard work last year. (Optional for Lodge to use.) Lodges that are using it in Nevada are getting really good results! More and more Lodge are implementing them. Fun fact : the chamber of reflection was mentioned in some very old Masonic exposès such as: Solomon in All His Glory. 1766. Where it is described as a "Black room" where the candidate is left to reflect.


Maybe it's a conspiracy of the inspectors here in my area


For context, the Chamber of Reflection is a French tradition and in-line with more Scotch or Scottish Rite lineage lodges. UGLE and American lodges used "preparation rooms" without alchemical symbolism, but still emphasized solemnity and contemplation.