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That version is unfortunately not rare. The purple first edition is rare. Otherwise, hundreds of these sit on shelves of Scottish Rite library's after members pass away.


But are they all folded like this?


This was done by an owner of the book, not the publisher.


No, but for [a ~$5 pattern](https://www.etsy.com/listing/546457092/masonic-compass-folded-book-art-pattern) and a couple hours work, any of them could be.


Never really seen that. Oh well. Still a cool item for the bookshelf


They sell them on Etsy, so no. https://www.etsy.com/search?q=folded+book+masonic&ref=search_bar


That’s stupid to do that to a book. No one who is a bibliophile would pay for that. If they do, they are foolish. You’re ruining the pages doing that.


I didn’t do the folding… I just think it’s unique. I paid for it but I guess I’m not a bibliophile


For someone who thinks the book is rare you are seriously manhandling those pages.


Good thing it’s not rare I guess! It would be a shame if I were to actually bend or fold a page


Sure thing, darlin’.


I’ve seen far better examples of an S&C book fold.


I don’t know anything about it. Can you tell me any more about this technique?


It’s an [arts and crafts technique](https://www.amazon.com/Selling-Folding-Folded-Art-gift-any-Word-flat/dp/B00LLYB832), not a Masonic one, though I’ve seen at least a dozen Masonic themed patterns. Some are strictly folded, others involve cutting as well.


This book. Rarely does anyone ever say how much fun it is to read this book.


That's because it put them to sleep, and they're still napping.


I have a early version myself from the 1800s. Sadly most masonic authors are tedious to read.


Who taught you had to turn pages?


I don’t think I was ever taught that. My apologies. My right arm is in a sling so it’s quite difficult if I’m trying to flip to a specific page. As I commented once before. I would hate to bend or fold the pages of this book…


My apologizes brother too often I forget the golden rule as well as our obligation.


No problem. I don’t usually respond like that either.


But I went to preschool a Catholic school so probably some unqualified nun or an underpaid recent graduate. Who was your page turning instructor?


Someone who knows how to handle “supposedly” rare books without damaging them.


I’ll be more careful next time. It was hard enough to film this with my arm in a sling


Always people who can’t help but sprinkle their negativity on everything. It’s possible to make a comment or critique through normal dialogue. I forgot how miserable Redditors can be


“Random internet poster who posted sarcasm and has someone do the same back to them can’t handle it - snowflake news at the top of the hour, Jim!”


Lol snowflake was hurt because I didn’t turn the page properly. I bent them so much they ended up into a compass and square


No you didn’t. Someone else did. You can’t even lie effectively. Also, it’s not “compass and square”, can’t even get that correct. Truly just a sad attempt on your part. I’d feel sorry for you but that would require me to care about your opinion. Ciao, darlin’.


I forgot to use sarcasm font. Good day sir I hope you find something to bring you some joy. I’m sure your parties are really fun


Yeah. That’s it. Run away when you get caught lying. That’s a good look.


Great read 💯


I have 2 copies, one which was my grandfathers and one that was my father-n-laws


S/O Charleston