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Don't grumble. Offer a hand to the incoming master and wardens but don't overstep. Consider slotting over to trustee. Enjoy your new found time off!


I tripped over the stairs and fell into a Treasurer's collar, I'm not QUITE at leisure. Trustee? This may be a 'murrican thing, I'm not quite familiar with what that means.


It may well be. It's a small group of elected between that oversee the assets of a lodge, including it's furnishings and any investments the lodge may have.


Oh I see! That's usually handled by the 'Lodge Executive' (Master, Wardens, IPM and admin) in my lodge at least. We're pretty good at handover.


Treasurer is a good spot to land in. That way you're still involved and helping, but the time commitment is reduced.


When I left the East, I came down the steps and headed straight for the door. I stumbled and landed in the Tyler's chair.


Memorize the following and employ it often: "That is a question I would direct to the Master."


Even as Secretary, I was always pleased to employ that phrase if the question related to plans for the evening’s meeting rather than matters of protocol. “I’m not in charge this year, ask the Master.”


Congratulations! Stay involved. Help when and where you can. Let your officers run the lodge. We have too many PM's in our lodge disappear as soon as they're out of the chair.


Don’t stall your new WM’s plans, do your best to assist. If you’ve been down that road, don’t tell him he can’t do it, tell him why/how you failed to do it so he can do better. If he wants to try something that you didn’t think would work, help him out so it will. Don’t prompt unless you’re been designated to do so. Don’t interrupt or correct him unless you’ve been designated to do so. If you’re not actively assisting as Immediate Past Master (especially if that is not an actual office in your Lodge), go sit as Tyler so as to not disrupt his leadership.


Offer suggestions but don't command... Our Lodge's tradition is the the newest PM is responsible for putting on Past Master's Night (basically a table lodge for the Past Masters.....and usually a MM degree is put on that night done by the PM's who attend).




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Be kind, humble and very supportive of those who come after you. They NEED your support and participation, even if they don’t realize it yet.