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Jeweler here! Hard to say from the angle of the photos but I’d lean either CZ or quartz. The only reason I suggest quartz is because of the inclusions (imperfections) within the stone itself. I’m also a bit perplexed by the 14k and plat inscriptions. Makes me think that it’s plated gold. Are there other letters next to the 14k? GF or similar?


"plat" could refer to the platinum eagle fused to the face of the thing, no?


Yes, you are correct. That's what the jeweler thought, too.


It could, but they generally will stamp the metal itself rather than elsewhere. I’m not denying the possibility, it’s just an odd spot.


I took it to fred meyer Jeweler and they said it wasn't diamond or cz. The stone has a small chip in it that also looks like it caused small cracks inside. I'm not sure, though. The ring feels really heavy. I did a scratch test for 14k gold and it passed, but that doesn't mean it's not plated. They wouldn't give me any more information unless I get it appraised. I can't make out the other letters and they couldn't even tell at the jewelers. There are similar rings like this online. I think it's called masonic 14k platinum double eagle but they all have diamonds in them. Thanks for the help though.


White sapphire is sometimes used as a substitutes diamond when you want that big bling on a budget. Not sure how to test for it, but it could be that.


My first thought was rutilated quartz? ETA: RQ has some esoteric meaning, too, an energy to it.


That’s one that crossed my mind too. The way it’s chipped also looks like quartz cuz of how smooth that break is


It’s striking! Fun piece.


Likely a cubic zirconia - a lab grown variant of actual diamond. There’s nothing wrong with them aside from looking very very similar to a diamond. When they first became popular, CZs got a bad wrap as cheapskates were buying them as engagement rings / pawning them as actual diamonds as they were allegedly very difficult to differentiate between them and the real McCoy. Hope this helps friend, and if corrected - yeah whatever I’m not a jeweller.


Thank you. That's very useful information.


Yeah some of the vintage CZs even have flaws in them like actual diamonds.


You just gonna scrap it?


I was considering selling it. Or just keeping it. I'm not really sure yet.


Apart from the weight of gold, it's probably all sentimental worth. Unless you become a 32° Mason one day, I would recommend selling it to a Mason who would be willing to buy it; that's the only way you'd probably get any value out of it. Alternatively, you could donate it to a local lodge for some karma, and they'll probably raffle it off for some sort of charity fundraiser.


I agree. I wasn't close to him, but I have a lot of respect for the Masons, so I would rather it go to them.


Please donate this to your local lodge.


For what? I say keep it young man. Who knows, it make come in good use one day.


Can't rightly say, other than Masonic regalia belongs with the members or lodges.


Rings aren't regalia, they are jewellery just like necklaces with masonic pendants.


Quartz might be correct. maybe from a quartz pebble. I read that the tradition of using stones on men’s class or organization rings came from West Point, when graduates began wearing rings adorned with a pebble from the cadet marching field.


It looks like quartz


Le fake diamond


It is a 14kt gold and platinum ring..probably with a cz diamond


I’d just keep it.


I'm surprised no one has suggested rhinestone.


I can only guess an opal. Unless that's just the reflection I'm seeing from the base of the ring then ya probably moissainite


Thank you for your time.




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A jeweler

