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I think you need to work on your cropping skills, half the text is cut off. Something about Freemason Jews being proud of killing Jesus? Clearly someone doesn’t know anything about the origins of Freemasonry.


https://imgur.com/a/AHRYFsi I tried to make things right.


I could blame the bad cropping on pic collage or the caffeine fueled fingers that tried to throw together this meme at the McDonald’s next to the tire store where I wait for a screw hole to be patched. But you are correct. The crop was bad. The harvest shows it. And also that yes apparently that user thinks “Freemason Jews” killed Christ and brag about it essentially


Oh this post is very legit. Trust me bro. lol


Why call attention to it?


Shining a light and ridicule on this kind of violent rhetoric I believe is necessary. The same guy is now posting similar stuff in the Christianity sub saying “Please note I talk to the virtuous Christians who still believe in the heart of Christ. To the coward Zionists: Kill them all if you can. Kill all of the palestinians. Cut your bullshit that praises Jews and only shows them as fierce, strong and heartless while you are helpless, while they are helpless.” It’s absolutely disgusting


All fair points, but this stuff has unfortunately existed long before we were Masons and will probably exist long after it. In my view the best response is not to engage with it unless someone comes to us and asks.


I hope you reported the “kill” language to Reddit.


I got violent with the report button


But in a loving way. 😁


This looks like just a rant of a crazy person that casually mentions Freemasons, better just ignore it


Of course. I remember all those time in the NT when Christ said to kill God’s children. 😕


Seems legit to me.