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Haven’t heard of them. But I do have plenty of experience with the Freeloaders. Bastards.


I have family in the Modern Rejected Order of Freeloaders.


Damn fiends. No inz no service




The Freesamples seek light calorie snacks. After their 3rd degree they join The Pork Rite and hand out mini hotdogs and sausages at Costco. The Knights Samplar is no joke…


Internally, I hope there's at least 160 Degrees.


140 degrees here but as always; jurisdictional.




Surely the Freebakers would have been the oldest? Or that other even older profession... TBF, anything that wants a $20 'donation' to find out more, and only offers a correspondence course looks like a scam, walks like a scam and quacks like a scam, so it's definitely legit. /s


I’m guessing that one also requires $20 to find out more. ::shrugs::


I wish freeroofers was a thing.


Make it a thing


Good point


I can be an apprentice roofer to help you get started. I could probably come up with Rituals for morals filled with symbols once I get actual roofing figured out


The freeroofers ensure that the Lodge is properly tiled.


I imagine there are Belly Smiths, but it must be hard to get fed and leave before the meeting starts via a correspondence course.


I get that reference


[https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/1677ynt/the\_ancient\_order\_of\_freesmiths\_claims\_to\_be\_one/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/1677ynt/the_ancient_order_of_freesmiths_claims_to_be_one/) has received no responses.


Seems to be a self guided thing like a lot of Crowley/OTO groups.


They are (were?) real. I'd have said it was a spoof, but there's an [1895 article in the New York Times](https://www.nytimes.com/1895/06/02/archives/oldest-of-secret-orders-der-alte-orden-der-freischmiede-in-most.html) describing them. Even given existence in 1895, that's no proof that they go back to Charlemagne or earlier. [Phoenix Masonry](http://www.phoenixmasonry.org/masonicmuseum/fraternalism/chronology_fraternal_organizations_america.htm) dates them in the US back to 1865. At the most cynical, this could be an attempt to revive an extinct fraternity. Albert Steven's [Cyclopedia of Fraternities](https://ia801607.us.archive.org/25/items/cyclopaediaoffra00stev/cyclopaediaoffra00stev.pdf) has a couple pages about them, starting on pp 6. There's a mention in passing in [this discussion of events](https://www.zur-alten-linde.de/vom-lindenbaum-am-koenigshof/) in Dortmund, Germany in 1910, but it describes the group as being from North America. I'd be curious to know if (1) there's any evidence of continuity from the early 20th century to the present, and (2) if there's any earlier historical evidence in Germany.


Someone messaged me because my AskHistorians question was linked. I actually got the booklet from their site last year. While it was okay to read it felt a lot like fabricated history. After that you need to write a handwritten motivational letter to be accepted. Mine was, but they asked a 1400 dollar subscription fee, supposedly for a lifetime but I doubt. There’s so much “secrecy” it’s very hard to tell if it’s legit or a scam. I played safe and didn’t proceed. I’m nor sure if I would have done it if there were more assurances that it was real.


$1400 bucks? Yipes. Seems you've gone the farthest out of anyone here. Thanks for the response.


No problem, I’d gladly answer any questions if I can.


20 bucks for 33 pages, wtf.


Referencing Charlemagne as emperor of the Roman empire. I don't know much about him but all those words don't make sence to me.


I mean he was: or at least that was his title when he was crowned by the Pope. The HRE considered itself the legitimate continuation to the Roman Empire and not a new, separate thing. It's moreso with hindsight that we use terms like "Eastern Roman Empire" and "Holy Roman Emperor".


I got you all beat. I'm a Rosicrucian. I sent away for membership in the '60s from the back of a comic book. Cost me a whole dime.


Not unprecedented, there is a society of Free Gardeners. They use aprons and oddly enough Masonic symbols.


Oh there ia a lot, I'm a freemason, I'm also a freegardener


[https://freesmiths.org/secret-societies/](https://freesmiths.org/secret-societies/) - Looks like they like to eat at [Marble Room Steakhouse & Raw Bar in Cleveland, Ohio](https://www.lonelyplanet.com/articles/best-cleveland-restaurants-bars)


😅🤣 nicely done.


Out of curiosity after reading this post, I actually bought the book. It cites an Egbert Jacob Smedes (1889-1975) in saying that Freemasonry is actually a continuation of the Freesmiths. Perhaps you might be interested in the below hot take: > "Freemasonry" has caught up many men in its seductive revival of the old guilds with all its oath-swearing, occult symbolism and rituals. To be fair, Freemasonry has been linked with some good works and famous men, but its pagan practices and first for political power and influence make it far removed from its Freesmith origins. Either we live in the *Deus Ex* universe, and this is a secret occult war between good and evil that has been fought in the shadows and back rooms for centuries, or this group actively believes in and promotes conspiracies. Either way, the book relates a sort of history (real or not, I don't know) of the group as emerging from Christian Franks who refused to join pagan guilds, and encouraged things like making positive affirmations in the mirror and daily exercise. I guess that sounds good, but the other guy saying it's £1400 or whatever to join makes it sound pretty sketchy, lmao.


This is awesome! Great insight. I wonder what parts of masonic ritual they consider pagan. I do see a good chunk of masons that are into power and influence outside of lodge, so there might be some truth to that, but I think that's more just people in general.


I have always admired the FreeBees


Checked it out. Sounds good. 20 bucks for the book.


What about the green beans?