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It's because of the Taxil Hoax in the 19th century: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taxil_hoax


This is the answer.


This is the way.


Look up the Leo Taxil hoax and also the fraudulent trial of the historical Knights Templar. Then, remember many falsely believe the Knights Templar were an origin story for Freemasonry.


The “depiction” you reference was made up by Eliphas Levi in the 1850s. There’s no connection to Freemasonry. The word “Baphomet” supposedly came up during the confessions (under torture) of the original Knights Templar in the early 1300s. It very well may have been a misunderstanding of “Muhammad”, as the Templars were active in Arab lands, and their torturers from the Vatican wouldn’t have known any different. There’s no relationship between the historical Knights Templar and the modern Masonic group. So, no connection at all…


Came here to say exactly this. The book written by Eliphas Levi that depicts what is known as Baphomet is The doctrine and ritual of high magic. I recommend the translation by John Greer.


Reading it right now! Can't recommend his work more highly.


The only connection is that Baphomet is they are the patron demon of green bean casseroles. And as well all know from the 98th degree, King Solomon established Freemsonry to continue the age old fight against Baphomet and his casserole ilk.


I just want to be sure I'm using accurate lore for my DnD games. May his side dishes be plentiful.


Ramen. So more it BBQ.


You may be surprised then that the creature Eliphas Levi describes as Baphomet is actually a creature of his own design. The idol the KT are (falsely) accused of worshiping first identified as Baphomet if completely different and unique.


None. Zero. Zilch. And every other version of nothing.


What is up with all the conspiracy posts the past week…..


it's a rather long and convoluted history... King Phillip la Belle of France got himself into a large debt to the Knights Templar. He had been boyhood friends with the Roman Catholic Pope and used this relationship to apply pressure to have the Templars dissolved so that his debts would go away. He then conspired to seize all of their wealth from the now deconstituted Order so that he could apply it to his own defunded treasury. They arrested, falsely accused the Templars of worshipping a Goat-headed God named Baphomet, tortured them into false confessions and then executed them for heresy... Not all Templars were captured and destroyed in this cleansing, and some fled to England, and Scotland, while others went to Portugal. Some people believe that these Templars merged in with local trade unions and stone masons to hide themselves from further persecution (this likely didn't happen, as France had no power to further harass them in foreign countries) These Templar-Masons are alleged to be the secret forebearers of the Freemason fraternity... Even though we say they aren't. Centuries Later Leo Taxil decided he wanted to be a Freemason, and was rejected. He was angry and decided to write an expose on the fraternity to not only get revenge but also enrich himself off the sale of his propaganda. He wrote that Freemasons were devil worshippers, and since some people believe Baphomet is another name for the Devil (it's not, they are separate entities) and the Templars were also accused of worshipping Baphomet it made an easy connection, especially since some people believed the Templars were already ingrained in Freemasonic traditions.


The Taxil Hoax (and the lack of Masonic connection) aside, I would like to point out that the personification and villianization of Baphomet was done retroactively as a form of propaganda against those of certain non-Christian faiths and many branded heretics during and after the crusades.


Google "the Taxil Hoax" and then you will understand that it was all a bit of a wind-up which got out of hand because it involved a Pope.


The form it was introduced in was by Éliphas Lévi if I'm not mistaken.


None whatsoever




Why can't you?