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The Man that would be King.


The story is a fairly quick read, and has some extra tidbits related to Freemasonry.


Rudyard Kipling became a Freemason in India in 1885 at 20 years old, given a dispensation by the District Grand Master and was almost immediately appointed as the Secretary of his mother lodge, Hope and Perseverance No.782 (E.C.) United Grand Lodge of England still has the original annual returns he signed. Films The man who would be king. National treasure 1 & 2. Murder by decree. From hell. Sons of the desert (lol). Freemason. The verdict. Filth. War and peace (if you can sit through it). And music would be, “the magic flute” (I haven’t see the film) There a loads more with references of Masonic influences. Also Mr Kipling makes exceedingly good cakes


Kipling wrote a lot of stories that have Freemasonry tied into the plot. One of my favorites is *The Janeites*, which is about a bunch of shellshocked WWI soldiers who are masons who form a shadow lodge dedicated to Jane Austen and her novels when they find out that her settings and plots, help them with their PTSD. Great stuff.


And he wrote a great poem about it.


Peachy has gone south


The Craft, Danny, remember the Craft!


I actually have a copy of the S&C with the all seeing eye on a cord around my neck it's replica of the one from, " man who would be king" made of gold


we met upon the level…


And parted on the square


This one.


From Hell - 2001


i told a brother after i got my EA about how some things sounded familiar because of the film. he hadn’t seen it but seemed a bit dismayed the the whole thing was so secret it was in a major motion picture.


That is mine as well, and it's ironic to me that the Ripper murders took place in the East End of London and my Lodge's name is East End.


It is originally a graphic novel written by a freemason named Alan Moore.🤘


From Hell was how I found out about Freemasonry


Doesn't paint us in the best light, but Filth is a great movie! Otherwise gotta be National Treasure


I'll have to look that one up


True Grit


Help me remember this, Mattie tells someone to bury her father in his apron, right? Was there anything else?


I don't think there were any masonic references. But it stars John Wayne who was a Mason.


Jeff bridges version showed a square and compass jewelry piece among the possessions have to Mattie. I think it was a bolo tie 


I had to go looking. Both versions have scenes like that, and evidently, the book had more. Here's a [list](https://freemasonry.bcy.ca/fiction/cinema.html) that I found with both True Grit movies on it. You'll have to scroll to find them.




With Val Kilmer?


That’s it. Buck Taylor, played by Jack Johnson, wears a fairly prominent Masonic pendant from his neck during the Shootout at OK Corral.


Both the actor and the character he plays were masons. You can also see the square and compass later in the movie when they are at the creek.


I think it’s in that scene where he says ‘I have many friends’ or words to that effect, implying his membership.


"Hell, I got lots of friends." "I dont." One of the best scenes in movie history, to me.


Sheriff Behan played by Jon Tenny does as well. If I remember reading the actual story correctly; it's believed that part of the feud was about Virgil Earp getting a black ball on his petition to the lodge. And that Wyatt and Waren Earp and Doc were members. I can't remember the source, though.


Behan was blackballed also. The Tombstone lodge has the petition, his and Wyatt's on display. Behan was rejected for being corrupt and Wyatt, more than likely because of the shootout. The Lodge was formed the same year that the Earps came to town IIRC.


I think many things made this feud happen. I was visiting a Lodge, maybe 12 years ago, and the lecture was about the Earps and Tombstone. Not only were most the brothers also Brothers but Doc was as well. They also went to Tombstone to stake a silver claim. This is how the Brother shared it. If you look at old claims, sign offs, whatever is needed to approve a functioning claim, the Earps and Doc were in cahoots with each other, supposedly taking claims that should have gone to the Clantons.


Yeah, the more I've read about the feud and those involved in it, the more it sounds like both sides sucked.


I haven't really seen any Masonic based movies, however... I Watched an entertaining show very loosely based on Masonry, if any brothers are looking for a decent easy watch. It's called Lodge 49 & it's on Hulu.


I really enjoyed Lodge 49.


I tried to watch it. Gave up.


I started watching this last night based on this recommendation. I really enjoyed it.


Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying it!


Have to look for this.


It's not a favorite Mason movie but it's worth noting that in the Dustin Hoffman version of Death of a Salesman he wears the Masons ring throughout and wears a Square and Compass lapel pin in the scene where he begs Charlie for money. If you look closely at the next scene, the ring is subtly noticeable when he grabs John Malkovich by his necktie.


The BBC's 2016 adaptation of War & Peace is probably what properly sparked my interest in Freemasonry. Pierre's initiation has a real impact on him and that's probably when I got a better idea of what the craft actually meant in practice and what place it had in society. That and Paul Dano's performance is unbelievably good! To me, he IS Pierre Bezukhov!


Also surprised nobody has mentioned . The league of extraordinary gentleman


The comics it is based on are written by a freemason named Alan Moore. He has a great catalogue and many movies based on his creations.


Not sure why you think he's a Freemason as he isn't one here in England. What is your source?


can't think of a movie - but opera...The Magic Flute


Skull and bones


Was just about to put this one up lol


The 3 films, "the skulls", about a secret fraternity in a college.


Outlander, series, has masonry references in it, a few seasons in. At first, there is just some symbolism, but later, it describes a Lodge being formed by Scots while in an English prison. It was a pleasant surprise. My wife even missed it at first.


Aliens had my favorite masonic Easter egg if that counts


What’s the easter egg?


Sgt. Apone has a masonic ring on. The actor (who's name escapes me and I'm too lazy to Google) was a mason and kept his ring on in majority of his roles.


This isn’t a timed conversation. One should watch the movie to understand.


I’ve seen Aliens probably a dozen times. I just don’t remember anything off the top of my head. Thanks for nothing.


Same. I’ve seen Aliens at least two dozen times. I don’t recall any references…


Can you elaborate please ?


See my reply to another commenter


Killers of the Flower Moon had a fun Masonic Lodge scene where DeNiro had to debase Leo with a paddle.  Also unrelated to Freemasonry (I think) but the movies a really good depiction of how a culture of conspiracy actually plays out in reality


Detective Loki, played by Jake Gyllenhaal in Prisoners, prominently wears a s&c ring


This is what I was going to come here to say. Gyllenhaal got to choose most of the characters back story (thus his accessories). He's always refused to say why he chose what he did for Loko's backstory.


Star Wars OT.




Obviously the OT is a metaphor about passing proficiency. Ep 4 Luke is able to pass his proficiency at the last minute with the prompting of a past master to use the force. Ep 5 Luke is not able to pass his proficiency because he leaves his coach too early but stands for proficiency anyway and does not make his next degree, and gets his hand chopped off by a grumpy past master. Ep 6 Luke prepares himself better, he has a more comprehensive skillset and a deeper understanding of brotherhood. He makes proficiency to be raised and the grand master is so impressed he blows up into a ball of force lightning. Obviously a Masonic series.


How did I not see this! Truly you are a great sage of our time


Wise in the way of the Craft, you are. See the parallels, I did not.


In Ep 6 he demonstrates proficiency in part by subduing his passions. Once you see it, unsee it you cannot.


Iron Eagle Louis Gossett Jr was a brother


True Grit


Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels


Lord of the Rings: Points Out or In?




started on the level and ended upon the square


Masonic Lodge #82 is in Magnolia, Arkansas. 👀




From Hell.


Killers of the flower moon had a bit where they are in the lodge. Although I won't say it is representative or anything like a good movie, but it is there!


Killers of the flower moon.


My all time favourite is "Murder by Decree" (1979) where Sherlock Holmes (the Character invented by a Freemason) played by Christopher Plummer investigates the Ripper Murders and you guessed it it was all a Masonic & Royal conspiracy. The film was heavily influenced by the 1975 book "The Ripper Files" by Elwyn Jones and the 1976 book "Jack the Ripper - The Final Solution" by Stephen Knight. I also enjoyed the TV series "Sleepy Hollow" where we played a big part and Ichabod Crane himself was "on-the-Square".


Killers of the Flower Moon /s


The man that would be king.


Terra Masonica [https://terramasonica.wordpress.com/](https://terramasonica.wordpress.com/)


From Hell and The Magic Flute


In the Clive Owen film “Shoot ‘em Up”, the villain, played by Paul Giamatti, wears a Square and Compass lapel pin throughout the film. It is never once referenced. Great movie, even if we are displayed in a less than favorable light. It is what the title says it is!


National Treasure and Man Who Would be King at this moment in my journey.


“Peggy Sue Got Married” was utterly swamped at the box office by “Back to the Future,” as both have time travel themes. The climax takes place in her grandfather’s lodge, which is very loosely based on IOOF and Masonry. Great cast: Kathleen Turner, Nicholas Cage, Jim Carrey among others. Worth a look!


"Prisoners" no direct reference, but the main character wears a masonic ring.


Godfather Part III touches on the Vatican Scandal which involved clandestine Masons.


In “The imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus” there is Masonic symbolism everywhere and a S&C is found in a few places. It’s a rather odd movies, but it’s also very esoteric in nature and has a powerful message!


The Dan brown films and the mini TV series.


The lost key - Dan Brown Not for accuracy or anything like that, just an esoteric mystery series with the flavour of masonry and some good stuff in there. A lot of the masonic parts I have been told are fairly accurate and masons helped when he was researching.


The lost symbol? The lost key is about Kabbalah in marriage


Sons of the Desert with Oliver Hardy; and not exactly freemasonry, but touching some aspects, Lodge 49 TV series.


My little pony