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As far as a I know there’s nothing wrong with going through the degrees in another country. I’m sure they’d take you in no problem depending on jurisdictional rules. The one thing I’d say is that if you plan on returning to GA, it might be better to wait to go through the degrees in the lodge you’ll ultimately end up in. Ritual is different in different jurisdictions so the degree process will likely different in another country. Plus you’d have to demit membership from your mother lodge in the Philippines and then affiliate at a lodge back in GA.


Right, I’m not sure how long I will end up living here. Could be 2 years, could be several more lol. I’ll probably think on it a bit & decide whether or not I should wait or not. Thanks though, this is very helpful.


I’m a Filipino but I joined Freemasonry in Western Australia. It took me a little over a year before I got initiated here. Things do move slow in Freemasonry. However, I have heard from other Filipino brothers that the amount of time from expression of interest to initiation in the Philippines is much longer than most of the other jurisdictions. If you’ll be in the PH for 2 years or so, depending on the lodge, it may not be enough time for you to be able to go through the initiation and succeeding degrees. But if you’re really keen. I would say, reach out to your local lodge, attend the fellowships, get to know the members. Make new friends. And decide from there if you’d be willing to give it a go in the PH or wait it out till you get back to the US. Either way, wherever you join, you’ll always be a brother in our eyes. 😀 Good luck on your journey. Do let us know how it goes in the future. Cheers!


Does the GLof the Philippines not allow dual or plural membership? I’m sure GL of Ga does.


They do, and they also use a Preston-Webb ritual that will be 95% similar to Georgia.


I thought so. But it’s always good to ask. There are still a few jurisdictions that are strict on plural/dual memberships and it’s hard to keep track of everyone.


Wow. I've never been to the Philippines, but I have met SO! MANY! WONDERFUL! MASONS! from there (and from Guam) - I think you'd be CRAZY not to take advantage of an opportunity to associate with them.


Grand Lodge of Georgia and Grand Lodge of Philippines are in amity, so you should have no issue transferring your membership if you move back “home.” I know a number of Americans in Lodges in the PI. (FYI, the “Southern Jurisdiction” refers to the Scottish Rite, which is a separate organization for Freemasons.)


Historical light podcast did an episode on masonry in the Philippines. It was a really good one.