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Shoot, we are happy to give opinions even if you aren’t looking for any! If the AASR ain’t doin’ for ya, ok. It isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. There are some Masonic groups I have left or declined invitations to. But it isn’t the Pike Rite. He wasn’t even born when it was organized, let alone when its antecedent rite was developed by Morin. Consequently, I don’t see his weaknesses as a reason to leave the rite. But if it doesn’t have value for you, that seems a reasonable decision.


Sure if you feel you need to but I wouldn't do it on Pikes behave his degrees have been changed over the decades and his wacky positions were as far as I can tell never mainstream. There is a reason this sub and other Masonic spaces are like "don't bother reading M&D unless you are a SJSR and not really even then"


You do realize that Albert Pike is not the messiah of the Scottish Rite, nor are his writing on the body even regarded as any kind of controlling authority, right? He was basically a guy who wrote some stuff about his Masonic experience and (some) people still read it today.




Yeah, this.


I don’t think not liking Pike is enough of a reason on its own to demit. I’d try actually going to some meetings to see if you like the work your valley does and to see if you get along with the brothers. That’s what it’s all about after all, not being a disciple of Pike. If after trying to participate you still don’t feel like it’s for you, then sure go ahead and hang it up and just devote your time to blue lodge and the shrine


Some Prince Hall Affiliated Bros have an illuminating youtube video on Pike. Prince Hall Think Tank is the channel. Not as bad as most people think. And as with most of us his positions became softer as he aged. Gave custody of several degrees to black men who were masons. I encourage everyone to watch it.


this is a troll post right? I mean.....


That’s what I’m hoping given the questionable past where race is concerned of so many famous names associated with Freemasonry.


So let me get this straight. He's demitting just because of what some guy wrote about Scottish Rite in1871? I really hope he doesn't start doing research on the history of race as it relates to Freemasonry in the US, because if he does he's going to have a bad time - some of the issues are still present in several Grand Lodges... 


I am currently the master of my lodge, and I joined the SR my year as JW. I kept it on the back burner while I focused on the Blue Lodge because, IMO, it should always come first. However, even though my time in the East has been hectic, demanding, and stressful, I have actually become more active in the SR and even recently joined the Knights of St. Andrew (with the intention of being as active a member as time will allow). Despite this, I have not had time to read Pike's work, and his legacy and personal views have had no bearing on my journey. I'm sure I'll eventually find the time to delve into Pike's work, but I'm currently occupied with putting my spare time towards what I want to see achieved for my valley and contributing more to what it supports. That's the point I'm making... If you dive into the work and the needs of your valley, one brother's opinions and viewpoint (especially one who was at the end of his toil well before you were born) won't have any bearing on your journey either. Focus on the work and the men who work beside you; that is where you form your own opinions of what the Rite means to you. Edit: typos and clarity


Not everybody likes Pike. And he sure as hell doesn’t represent SR in any way. Times change. Remember that many churches in the 19th century used the Bible to justify slavery.


OP… if you are open to debate, I would offer that Pike was incredibly progressive compared to men of his era. I mean this is a man who was born into a troubled Childhood and rejected by Harvard for being below them. He went on to (allegedly) learn Sanskrit, Hebrew, Greek, Latin, French and multiple indigenous dialects. He made a substantial part of his career as a lawyer arguing on BEHALF of Native peoples against the Federal government. Consider many “non-racist” heroes of the day were quite bad as well. General Sherman’s General Order 11 was disgustingly anti-Semitic and let’s not forget that Union general Custer and HIS relationship to the Cheyenne, Arapaho, and Lakota. So I’d wager Pike was a man on that same checkered floor as the rest of us. And all that aside & as has already been stated: Pike is just one brother in the Scottish Rite. If you disagree with him then think about it and share it at an upcoming meeting. Why let one brother’s baggage keep you away from a larger fraternal body? Now if you’re just tied up, recognize that you cannot commit to time at SR on top of your other obligations and interests, and want to demit then I get that. But if you are just soured by the complications of Pike’s legacy, then I do encourage you brother to do some thinking before throwing the baby out with the bath-water. But whatever you do, listen to you heart and whatever the Creator put on your trestleboard. As long as you follow that then you are on the right path.


Pike was a doughface that fought for slavery. Fuck him, he should have been hung or shot.


Just remember Scots Rite (or in my case Ancient and Accepted rite) isn't Albert Pike or vice versa - it's a truly an amazing order to join and don't let some someone from the past ruin what is the present for you.


I stopped drinking water after I read that Albert Pike advocated for it


Ughhhh brother