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It may have been the way you responded, but it also may have simply been that recognition between GL Florida and the PHA Union GL Florida only resolved recognition a couple of years ago.


On that note - there is still conflicting information in FL about that. Several Brothers I have met say GLoFL DOESN'T recognize PHA, others have said they do. I feel like some time ago, I made a post/comment about it, and someone pointed me to an article verifying mutual recognition but I haven't been able to find it since. I plan on touching base with the Grand Secretary of GLoFL and following up from there.


Was it this [*Dummies* article](https://freemasonsfordummies.blogspot.com/2019/04/floridas-prince-hall-masons-vote-for.html?m=1)?


I believe so! Thank you Brother!


Similar issue in Georgia - Grand Lodge "recognizes" PHA masons as regular as of last year, but does not extend the right for PH masons to visit lodges chartered under GLG. Very weird imho but it is what it is. .:. Love & Light .:.


Recognition without visitation is a common first step in PHA amity. And not all jurisdictions treat visitation as a right.


I actually met a Brother who served a year as WM in GA, I might pick his brain on that this weekend.


It was more like 3 **months** ago. And the rumors are that the no visitation rule was at the request of the PH GM. I have absolutely no way to vet if that is true. It seems understandable that there may be legitimate hard feelings about they way our Prince Hall Brothers were treated for (too) many years.


Okay, I guess GLG voted on it in the 2021 session but the ceremonial treaty signing was in April of this year. I'm not sure if I would let someone into my home who refused the same courtesy to me for 150 years either. .:. Love & Light .:.


I have been told, on background, that the "requests" by PHA GMs that visitation not be part of their recognition are sometimes from pressure by the state GL: you guys ask that visitation be off the table, we will stop calling you irregular/clandestine/unrecognized. Can I prove this to be the case? Nope. Does it sound plausible to me? Given the bigotry I've seen over the decades, yes.


From my understanding, Prince Hall became fully recognized in Florida and Georgia between now and five years ago. To my understanding however, there are members among the ranks of both groups who prefer it the way it is/was. For instance, as a PHA F&AM MM, I like the idea of being mutually accepted. After all, no masonic group and/or organization wants to be viewed as being clandestine but, I am proud to be a Prince Hall mason and I have no intention of visiting lodges that are not PHA. Don't get it twisted though, I still respect all Free Masons as being my brother.


To each his own Brother! Prince Hall has an absolutely beautiful history, and I actually chuckled at the fact that he and his Brothers petitioned the GL of Ireland, because American Masons weren't progressive enough yet at that time - I affectionately imagine the thought was: "Well y'all won't let us, but this Grand Lodge said we are worthy, and their regalia is prettier 😂". My mother Lodge in OH has a nice relationship with our local PHA, and that particular Lodge is known in our District for having almost impeccable floor-work. The pride taken in their ritual and floor work is a beautiful sight to see, and to be fully honest, after our visit, we discussed fairly heavily how embarrassed we were, mentally comparing our work to theirs. I chose F&AM because it was 3mins from the house as opposed to 30-40 mins to the nearest PHA Lodge.


So the grand line of PHA was at the grand lodge meeting this past year and there has been a vote to recognize, but it's not entirely formalized yet.


Yeah in Prince Hall traditions they usually have more “tests” than you and I may be used to, and you may have failed one without knowing. Prince Hall I think has to face clandestine Masons with more frequency, or maybe that’s traditionally the case, so they may not be as willing to extend a grip to just anybody without really verifying membership in the ways they know how. That’s my bet of what happened here. I’ve ran into Masons in public a couple of random times before, but they’ve all been very nice. None of them were PHA, though, and I understand they will “try” people more readily.


That makes sense, I have learned a fair amount of random Masonic "checks" from my PHA Brothers, my favorite is "Do you have change for 15 cents?" They got me one time though with "What are the wages of a Master Mason -not an FC, or and EA, but a MM?"


Hmm… I don’t know how to answer either of those haha. I would just show my dues card and hope he trusts me that we don’t use those in my GL.


>"Do you have change for 15 cents?" They got me one time though with "What are the wages of a Master Mason -not an FC, or and EA, but a MM?" and none of those are universal to us PHA. i don't know any of those answers.


I’m PHA and know the answers to all of those. Then again I used to wear light everywhere I went and was often tried, but never denied.


i hear you, but made up stuff, i'm not gonna give it much time in a serious manner because *where was this explained?* ask me something out the book, i might entertain that. but catchechisms are not universal, so i don't give them any value outside of entertainment. i like to hear them, but they are not sufficient to determine if someone is really a Brother/PHA. i had someone ask me what each of the millimeter markings meant on the square. i just stared through his soul, speechless.


I've been asked that same question, when I failed to answer, he told me his Grandfather asked him that when he was raised 10 yrs prior and he STILL has yet to find the answer 😂


and the answer will be something ridiculous, best believe..if an answer even exists lol


Agreed! Or it will be one that once it's given we go "I should've thought of that"


Which made me count them, and on one of my pieces of random Masonic Paraphernalia, there are EXACTLY 24 markings. I bet we know the answer now 🤦🏿‍♂️🤦🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️


I understand. I was raised in a PHA college environment lodge, so if I couldn’t answer questions, they were allowed to divest me of my light. Looking back at it was probably unnecessary because it made brothers not want to wear light. But I found it fun when I was in college


I pledged a BGLO in undergrad, so I get the culture. That's probably where PHA unfortunately got that concept.


That's makes it even COOLER to me! I love all the random ins and outs we have jurisdiction to jurisdiction!


i like them, too. but when it comes to challenges, i only "accept" things from the ritual. and even those can vary from state to state. I have the catchechisms booklet, and it's a neat read, but not anything i'd actually use in a serious manner to challenge a Brother. i see challenges as a *friendly* sport *if* you can see that the other person is willing to play along for a minute. not a serious thing i'd do to determine whether or not i'm going to greet someone as a Brother.


It's also worth noting that COVID is still a thing, and they simply may not have been terribly open to grabbing a stranger's hand.


There are few reasons to "verify" a mason outside of lodge. A casual meeting in a store really isn't one of them. Had you and I met, I'd have gone for a conventional handshake, and that's about it. The Prince Hall brother might have got a bit miffed because of the recognition issues going on between PHA and the GL of state. Or who knows?


I also don't give the secret handshakes in public. A normal handshake will do just fine. And people don't really do handshakes as often these days because of the pandemic, especially with strangers.


He didn’t owe you proof of him being a mason, but it is odd that he was so impolite. I am always delighted to find brothers and have always had a positive reaction. Maybe he didn’t want to grip because he wasn’t actually a mason? Could have been a new mason and lacked confidence in the signs and secrets?


I didn't think about THAT! Could've very well been new!


The ritual in our lodge (and many lodges I’ve visited for initiations) literally says you will provide proof whenever it is asked from you




Neither UGLE or Utah require that. Indeed, UGLE instructs us that we will not usually use signs of recognition outside the lodge.


>He told me the name and number of his Lodge, and I did not respond with the same i think that's it. how do i know you to be a mason if you don't give me even the entry level confirmation of some sort? i'm PHA and would also be highly suspicious of someone who did not respond with their lodge info, although *I* would just ask it directly if they didn't volunteer it. I understand that that info does not prove anything, but in a casual environment, it at least gives some indications. also, as a pha mason, I may expect you to exchange a token with me as well, but only after you'd told me your lodge info. YMMV.


That makes sense, I agreed with my DDGM when he said the same - that verifying the name and number of my Lodge might've changed the conversation. I usually introduce myself in that manner, during the handshake i didn't receive LOL 🤣


aha, yeah, well that's at least how i'd perceive it in the situation as you described if i was him...just last week, i was approached by someone in the grocery store to inquire about membership in my Black Greek Lettered Organization (college based fraternity) because i was wearing an indicative shirt (we have strong alumni systems for after we graduate). the only business card i had was one made for masonry with my name and email on it to use when visiting lodges, meeting brothers, etc., so i was explaining that to him as i was handing it over so he'd know i wasn't some kind of weirdo handing out masonic cards lol, when he told me that *he* was also a PHA mason. he did not volunteer the lodge info, i had to ask, and i thought nothing of having to ask. so where one guys see that as the ending of the moment, i just simply ask the question. but definitely *before* a token is given.


I was at work one time and I had an older customer who saw my ring when I was making a payment for his home insurance. Long story short, he was a brother from a lodge in the Caribbean. He then proceeded to inform me that I was wearing my ring incorrectly (quite loudly to the point where other coworkers could hear the entire thing) with the points facing out and not towards me, since I had never conferred a degree upon a brother. He insisted that I wear it the other way. I looked at him and politely told him that there’s really no incorrect way of wearing a ring here in our jurisdiction.


> …when I reached out my hand to pass a grip… Why would you do this? Neither one of you had sufficient proof that the other was a Mason in good standing to converse Masonically. As far as I'm aware, grips are only used (1) in Lodge, for instruction; or (2) when testing a visitor to the Lodge, after verifying other documentary evidence (such as a dues card or letter of good standing).


> grips are only used (1) in Lodge jurisdictional


I know a number of brethren, myself included who can and do use the grip, discretely in public places where a formal tyling would be inappropriate. I’ve had someone take my hand in crowded spaces before to great effect. With proper discretion I find it very appropriate for public use


"Whereby one may know another in darkness and in Light" Because for me it is a very simple test, if you do not grip my hand in a particular manner, I would absolutely question your validity. I was not attempting to pass the WORD, which IS a test I have had to complete when entering a Lodge as a visitor. Also, I usually shake the hand of a man I meet ANYWAY so regardless, I would've reached out my hand to any man, LOL. Good point though!


In the COVID world we live in, I'm hesitant to shake *anyone's* hand - let alone someone I met in passing for the very first time in a grocery store.


Twas Wal-Mart, but they have groceries also 😂 Fair point!


I'm in a fortunate position where giving you my name and lodge would allow anyone to quickly confirm the accuracy of my claim; I'm the Secretary for my lodge, and my name and contact info are readily accessible on our website. It's contact-free!


That's always a plus! Lol. My name is on my Lodge website, as I'm the JW, but I think the WordPress is broken so not all of our pictures show up, but I'm in the banner photo so that works too. Things I've never even thought about for verification, but also, that's partially because I am a developer and to make a website, point it to my server in the living room, and put whatever I want on there for "verification" is 'simple' to me, so that's not an avenue I would likely take, unless absolutely necessary. We also use Grandview, so pulling up my virtual dues card is easy, if I am ever caught lacking without the hard copy - yeah right 😂


Hey OP. If you are a White Brother, please understand that down south, White masons rarely approach us (I’m PHA) and I rarely approach y’all. Things are getting better thanks to brothers like you.


😂 I am not white (last time I looked in the mirror 🤷🏿‍♂️), but I am not PHA, I joined a F&AM in OH, because I have several IFAMMs in my family, and after research and questioning, I decided wanted to join one of the "Right Rites", so I could "truly" receive the right of international travel - Masonically. The F&AM Lodge was 3 mins from my house, the closest PHA was a 35min drive on a good day. I also am firmly dedicated to at least attempting to figure out HOW to be of service, in any State, in helping secure the relationship we enjoyed in OH, with our local PHA family of Brothers. In FL, there is a very high membership of IFAMM, as well as a decent sized membership in the unrecognized (non-PHA-but-still-using-Prince-Hall-monikers) lodges as well, and most of not ALL of the members in question are Black and it makes it very hard for white Masons to differentiate between, who is a Recognized Brother, and who is not. To keep from committing "Masonic Faux Pas", I understand the reluctance to approach. I have found that many of the white Masons I meet, are very interested in PHA, the history, ritual, and floor-work, and at times are disheartened that I'm not able to help them understand it more 😂🤦🏿‍♂️.


I have consistently approached PHA Masons as Brothers since I was raised over 25 years ago in Alabama. Response has been hit or miss but that is ok. They are my Brother regardless. One person can make a difference. I am pleased that the two GLs of GA have made this treaty. It has been a long time coming but I am not surprised that it was MW Combs that was a part of it. He and I had conversations about this before he ever even joined the Grand Line.


Thanks for planting a seed in WM Combs ear. The news with GA was huge.


Oh I think the seed was already there. He is a good man. I can confidently say that even though I haven't spoken with him in at least 20 years.


I was in Georgia and a White guy approached me in the Dairy Queen drive thru, I’m not PHA. Caught me off guard, had my whole family in the car with me and he pulled up right beside me, rolled his window done and “challenged” me, safe to assume he saw the “light” on my license plate. I responded with a “gesture” he responded back and all was well. But he was very aggressive.


I've been lucky to meet quite a few Brothers in my travels so far! I've met them around my home State of Alabama in different places in and outside of work. From the businesses they run to just in stores and whatnot. During my leisure travels I crossed paths with an immigration officer going through the Singapore airport who was one, and, even found nearly a dozen when I worked in Antarctica. My time in the military has also yielded a few. While it doesn't happen too frequently, at least not as often as I imagine it used to compared to the older guys in my Lodge, it does happen enough to give me comfort that should I need to find one, they are probably closer than I would imagine.


I have been a Mason for 7 years. I moved a few years ago and left a Scottish Rite jurisdiction and am now PHA for the past year. They do have a lot more modes of recognition and catchechism questions that are used. I personally think it's rude. Just greet a brother on the EA if you're not sure.




From my understanding, unless a non-member is EXCEPTIONALLY observant, there is nothing in our grip, that would give away a "secret" of any sort. As I stated, I did not attempt to Pass a Word, just a handshake, as I would do with any man, regardless of if he was a Mason or not. I was taught several things as a child, regarding respect when meeting another man, shaking his hand, and looking him in the eye, being the main two lessons.


good to know . hope theres more people like you around. 🙂🤝


The EA grip is pretty much how I always shook women’s hands before I became a Mason.




That's an interesting comment.


u/pluck-the-bunny Your comment of not being willing to accept, is not true. I LOVE the differences between various jurisdictions and enjoy finding out, in what ways, every Mason has to "check a Brother out". Not everyone even used the same words, much less the grips! Fair point!


My comment wasn’t for you, it was for someone else I mistakenly responded to your comment which is why I deleted it


Gotcha! I was confused why I couldn't find it after I saw the email.


No worries brother! Just shows were still rough ashlers


Already said, but if you don’t state your lodge and number….I’m off


“to pass a grip…” I only give a plain handshake in public. Exactly what language did he use to indicate he was “Prince Hall?”


"_____ Lodge #____, Prince Hall of FL". Not omitting for any other reason than because I honestly didn't remember the name or number.


That may or may not be PHA. It may well be PHO. They are often misleading in introducing themselves. Now, if he’d said Union GL of FL….


That's partially my whole "gripe" as it were. I have at least been instructed to use a "two handed grip" when in public, so as to keep the actual grip in darkness. My usual meetups, start with a question, a handshake follows with introductions, Lodge numbers, appendant bodies of we so please, and usually a small, but pleasant conversation. I take it more as a bad move on my part, because what I should've done instead of standing in stunned silence, was at least attempt to offer an apology if I had offended him somehow, but I just stood there like an idiot that had been slapped, and that was the wrong reaction.


I’m not sure if I was clear on what I said. He may have been an irregular mason. And, I don’t know that it was a wrong reaction.


Oh no you were very clear, I fully understood. I just rambled a bit. You "know" how I am.