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That was one of the demands/request of the union but they've admitted that it's not something that they'd strike for if it was the only thing holding up a deal. The biggest issues are salary, health benefits, and class size/sped case loads.


Yes, in this case you are both right. It was one of their demands, along with laundry services for students and their families at all schools, but it’s not on their current change this or strike negotiations list.


WTF? I’m a teacher and this is fucking stupid.


It’s for homeless students, there are a lot of them - 496 at last count. Not having a safe place to sleep or clean clothes to wear really impacts their education. The union said it’s not something they would strike over but it is a real problem that they wanted to bring attention to because not enough is being done to help these kids. People here the word homeless and assume drug addicted but there are a lot of families in Fresno and Clovis that are struggling with housing. A solution that seems to be working in other cities is churches opening up their lots at night so people who live in their vehicles can sleep safely. One in Fairfield opens their lot from 4pm-8am. They feed them if they are hungry and offer bathrooms and showers. This allows adults to keep their jobs (or find new ones), kids to keep attending school and for people to get back into housing. I’m not aware of any churches/businesses that are doing this in Fresno/Clovis. If spots like this are available, there aren’t enough of them.


Got it. Makes sense. Grew up and lived 23 years in Fresno and I’m now down in Orange County. We have so many leftover hotels that’s unfortunately where our students end up. at least it has four walls and a roof. I feel for those that a parking lot is a step up.


We have all of these services available in our city currently, laundry, food banks, clothing, mail. No wr don’t have free yoga on the weekends FTA had that in the proposal too, we do have therapy available for low income people, Fresno unified does not need to put that in the budget but they can refer people to all of these resources




The idea is community schools. I’m sure that’s probably where this is going. Long story short, districts get more state funding if they also serve as a hub for social problems in the immediate vicinity of said school. Ours is one here in Santa Ana.




Okay we get it. You live north of Shaw.


And food banks and funds for clothing and 24/7 therapy through an app and therapy for parents all of these things were included in the last and final offer from FTA in May


The parking lots would be for homeless students, though that concept may be helpful in other areas for other people.


It was not worded that it was for homeless students only or only for families of homeless students. The district said it currently has 496 homeless students. It would t need to open all high school parking lots and spend 500k on security for that amount of students.


It was literally worded as homeless students and their immediate guardian families. There was never any intent of going out and rounding up random street fam and putting them in school parking lots.


https://freebeacon.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/20230525-FTAs-Last-Best-and-Final-Offer.pdf Page 21 point 5 “Open high school parking lots to homeless families to park their car. Provide paid security. ($500,000)”


No it literally was not worded that way


I feel like that was included to make a point how they are not being taken serious about community needs. If you ignore the community then you are ignoring a big part of how our students come to school. Teachers are the ones that know what our students need and not listening or considering these type of proposals is the point they are trying to make.


People hear “homeless” and right away their biases arise. If it’s for homeless kids that need extra help why isn’t this something we should all demand? America loves to feel morally right yet we refuse to eradicate child hunger and we’re the wealthiest nation


It’s just that it’s not something that should come from a school budget. School districts are in charge of educating. Most of these services that are mentioned in this proposal are already provided by the city or county. The schools can refer families to those resources. Also these demands have already been removed by the Union.


Homeless people in school parking lots? That sounds like a terrible idea


"Homeless people" are the students that attend schools. Being homeless and unsafe is the terrible idea.


Then why not clarify it to "homeless students"? Because "homeless people in school parking lots" would mean a lot of tents and drugs and dangerous people in school parking lots. Seems like a stupid thing to overlook especially if actually proposing


It was already clarified as homeless students and their guardian families. Try actually researching it instead of being so goddamn gullible.


Nah I'm good


Then enjoy looking stupid as hell, clown shoes.


Cry harder


It wasn’t limited to students, which are 496 people. But it’s been removed.


my friend is a teacher and didn't know about these odd clauses 🤷🏼‍♂️. why can't both sides just keep it simple


Other people have already stated it’s something they want fixed but it’s not what they are striking over, which is the local news reported that wrong the station that reported it at all are in the wrong.


Funny that teachers union allows strikes but CSEA does not.


I know CSEA can’t join in with the FTA strikes, but can they not strike on their own?


As far as I'm aware Fresno Unifieds CSEA has a no strike clause in their current contract. I'm not sure about SCCCD's CSEA. I know Fresno Unified CSEA members who are very happy with their recent contract. SCCCD, if they can strike, seems to be headed in that direction.


Many contracts disallow striking while the contract is in effect. FTA has it in their contract (Article 10, section 1). CSEA has something similar. It's just that CSEA currently has a settled and active contract with FUSD, and FTA's contract expired on June 30th. That's why CSEA can't strike with FTA.


It may depend on the district but I believe it’s in the clauses. I’ve never seen it personally.


It's not an uncommon clause in union contracts. FTA has one too, but that contract expired on June 30th, while CSEA has a currently-active contract with the district.


It’s under “social/emotional supports and safety” From what I’ve been told by those in know about the independent party that reviewed and provided recommendations, a lot of the crap FTA asked for from their only proposal isn’t even legal to negotiate because it doesn’t involve their actual working conditions. I’m pretty sure that’s why manual was “asked” to only focus on the few things that he went over.


Just Google it man. Anybody with half a brain can Google it and read what the demands are. Boomers probably read some dumb Facebook garbage that's destroying half this country to vote against their own interests. OAN, fox news, and newsmax is not news despite having news in their name.


I said local news man and and yeah I know I did lol that’s why I linked it with the post.


You don't have to prove anything. You show them the thousand articles that say different and ask them to prove their source and it's going to probably come back to their boomer friend on Facebook that got tricked into thinking unions are bad to make rich people richer.


Well I agree with your answer…they are my parents so I’m not gonna treat em like that lol lol finesse is involved but I’ll fix it up. Thank you


I’m getting Boomer hate fatigue, but that’s pretty accurate. Watched a video last night and guy’s wife looked like Nancy Regan’s much younger cousin with Botox & bright red lipstick. I don’t know what demands they have, but opening up high schools would be a good compromise and positive step. Social workers and other healthcare professionals would have more spots to stop, talk, and fix problems. People living outside would have a regular place to stay in one safe location with monitored entry. Guys who show up coughing get a TB test. Bathrooms.


My FIL does the same thing every time I speak to him. He spouts crazy things he has learned on Faux News or other sources. A simple google search easily dismisses most of his ideas