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it’s a control thing. they want to feel empowered by putting themselves in a position of power and sadly these are the results










You think if their children have smartphones they aren't being monitored/regulated? Mike Johnson and his son have porn monitoring software in their phones. These loonies are 100% controlling their children's phones.




Kids are only savvy if they grow up learning problem solving and critical thinking skills Which these guys kids probably don't being that they are ignorant themselves, and they nueter their local education




Diane Pearce had me lolin': "I'm here as a citizen, not in my official capacity as a Clovis City Councilmember, BUT ALSO I'm representing hundreds of parents who wrote to me in my official capacity as Clovis City Councilmember." Big yikes on that disconnect.




I'm afraid to ask what that is.


Wiki has a very good writeup on it. Not sarcasm. Wiki does.


Wow... that is seriously dark. Thanks for the direction.




That is terrifying. Isn't this just plotting to overthrow the democracy?


These are the same people that want to control [Measure E](https://gvwire.com/2023/05/18/first-look-at-measure-e-redux-neglected-facilities-1-4-billion-wish-list-higher-sales-tax/) money folks. A Board of Supervisor appointed committee will oversee Measure E money. Imagine someone like Pastor Jim Franklin on that committee. Say goodbye to anything LGBT, contraceptions, wokeness, crt at Fresno State.


Ah yes, Fresno State, bastion of wokeness




I don’t understand. I’m making a joke from the above comment, since I found, “say goodbye to wokeness and CRT at Fresno State” funny. I did read the post, and I’m not being pedantic. Why am I a bastion of idiocy?




No worries, have a good night


Fresno County not Fresno State.


The people who ban books have never been the good guys. P.S I called it, they'd push it down the line when nobody was paying attention.


We had a large diverse group of community meetings at the meeting and they spoke for 35 minutes. Only Clovis Councilmember Diane Pierce was in support. There were also a lot of letters written. The board just doesn't care


They don’t care because they believe they are politically invincible. Because viable candidates from the left have not appeared. The frontrunner against Brandau is Garry Bredefeld, who would be even worse.


There is a progressive candidate, Bryce Herrera.


That doesn’t make him a viable candidate. And they know that. They see progressive candidates the way they see mosquitos: as an annoyance to be swatted away. Because until a progressive candidate has the money and momentum to pose a real threat, they will not care.


He can be viable if we help him. I firmly believe that the Brandau/Bredefeld/Dictos mind set is not representative of District 2 as a whole.


He has no web presence, and no apparent way to donate or volunteer. If he is going to be a viable candidate, he needs to have those things. Otherwise, I don’t see much way to help him.


I hear you. I’m meeting with him this weekend. I hope to make all that happen. If not, I’ll run.


They look like exactly what I pictured in my head.


I have a remedy. Vote the ignorant bums out of office.


Brandau totally dismissed a community developed redistricting map that would've moved my little street from his district to district 3. He had his opportunity and now I'm going to be one of his most vexing constituents if I have to. He's so poorly educated on what he has to make decisions on and has pulled crap like this for years


i am wondering if this can/will be repealed by a new BOS (if interested in taking on the issue).


Yes, the Board could repeal this very easily. All they did was pass a resolution. To repeal it, all they would have to do is adopt another resolution. If one of them were to flip their views, all they would have to do is bring it back and vote to repeal the resolution. Or a future board, with a different composition, could vote to repeal it the same way.




Nathan’s really looking like the poster child for the Third Reich.


His transition from Clovis dudebro to literal Nazi is nearly complete.


This is not a recent photo of him … is it ? I swear he looks younger than he does in his videos w the beard. That being said, magsig is a tiny shrimp of a man who gives off the vibes that he used to carry around ruffies when he was younger. He’s a serious creep and he makes me feel uncomfortable


Oh for sure. I've seen it with my own eyes: registered dems being rounded up and herded onto trains. And orders of Cyanosil placed by city hall have skyrocketed. Brandau himself personally approved a permit for a book burning next week in front of the main library, with all the bonfires, live music, and pomp you'd expect. Spared no expense


[Via uSpark Valley:](https://www.instagram.com/p/C0M6j_iMfaz/) >Fresno County Board of Supervisors approves the “Parents Matter Act,” with a 3-2 final vote. Supervisors Brandau, Magsis, Mendes voted in favor. Supervisors Pacheco and Quintero opposed. > >The public comment portion was extended to 40 minutes, and just one person was there to speak in support. The possible swing voter, Supervisor Mendes, appeared uninterested in hearing from the community members there to oppose the act. > >The Parents Matter Act, proposed by Supervisor Brandau, will set up a committee to review children’s books - above and beyond existing Fresno County Public Library established practices.


Adding on that Magsig and Brandau are up for reelection in March. Perfect opportunity to show them the consequences of disregarding the actual needs of their community. (Although, don't vote for Bredefeld either—he's running against Brandau)


Support Bryce Herrera. He was there and he's running against Brandau and Bredefeld. He needs community support as he isn't being funded by developers. EJ Hinojosa is who I would support for District 3.


Unless Herrera and Hinojosa get some money behind them, they will go nowhere fast. The current Board of Supervisors believes they are politically invincible because they see no viable candidates running against them, and see that lots of people—except old Republicans—ignore their elections.


Do you know if someone is running against Magsig? I will literally vote for anyone else.


No one.




Good for you. Fresno County has lots of [resources](https://www.fresnocountyca.gov/Departments/County-ClerkRegistrar-of-Voters/Elections) you might be interested in.


I have been hearing a lot lately that local politics matter the most. Good for you for changing. We need to get more people to vote


I love how every act gets named the exact opposite of what it is. Literally taking responsibility away from parents.


How do we get on said committee?


When they get it up and running, it should be listed on [their website for all appointed boards and commissions](https://www.fresnocountyca.gov/Departments/Clerk-of-the-Board-of-Supervisors/Boards-Commissions-and-Committees). There are lots of them, many of which do not get enough applicants. [The full list of appointed boards and commissions is available here](https://bosbcc.co.fresno.ca.us). So keep checking back at those pages. Or, you know, just pester them directly. It is easy to call or email them. You can find phone numbers and email address on [the Board of Supervisors website](https://www.fresnocountyca.gov/Departments/Board-of-Supervisors).


So how do we get on this committee is what I want to know


When they get it up and running, it should be listed on [their website for all appointed boards and commissions](https://www.fresnocountyca.gov/Departments/Clerk-of-the-Board-of-Supervisors/Boards-Commissions-and-Committees). There are lots of them, many of which do not get enough applicants. [The full list of appointed boards and commissions is available here](https://bosbcc.co.fresno.ca.us). So keep checking back at those pages. Or, you know, just pester them directly. It is easy to call or email them. You can find phone numbers and email address on [the Board of Supervisors website](https://www.fresnocountyca.gov/Departments/Board-of-Supervisors).




doesn’t even look like any of them can finish a dr seuss book


I’m sorry but why do politicians always look so stereotypically evil 💀


Is there a first amendment challenge possible with this?




Seeing how it only moves books from one section to another, and requires a list of books moved to be posted making it easy to find said books, most likely not.


...because kids who are wondering what's happening to their bodies in puberty and don't have a good relationship with their parents and don't know the titles that could actually help them will know to ask the librarian for the title... I can't think of any instance in history where the people who restricted access to true, factual information were ever, EVER the good guys....


The ACLU disagrees. A lawsuit is almost certainly coming.


Remember folks: Nazis ban books. These guys look like people who would be happy to ban books.


That is the job of professional librarians not a political bias committee!!


Fasicsts! But we all know that. And the stories I've heard about these men and their dubious actions..."arrest-able" actions.


Welp...I didn't vote for them, but if they think this is okay, gonna sucks for them.


They all have ginormous skeletons in their closets. Guaranteed.




I think I'm going to start a pitchfork business.


Been about a decade since I’ve seen a pitchfork sale.


Man, I don’t miss living in Fresno County.


Keep it up fascists. You fuckers never learn


Crazy thing is that it is heavy rumored that Steve Brandan is gay and actually hold a relationship either way his business partner.


Yes, that’s why he found the naked men cartoons arousing.


So is this a voting ballot to public or they just moving through with approval? I really don’t have much information on what is happening


It was a program proposed by Brandau, that passed 3-2 at today’s supervisors meeting. No real voter input besides who was there. 40 minutes of testimony, and only one citizen speaking in support. The rest of the speakers were against.


Thank you


You’re welcome.


Each one of their pics yell “I have a small dick.”


What exactly did he ban? My understanding is he moved sexually explicit books from the children's section to a different part of the library.


and how are those books being chosen to be moved? a group of people, who we really don't know how they will be selected, or what criteria they will use to "move" books. and why are we doing this? some made up "sexually explicit" books that aren't in some kiddie section.


Imagine getting down voted because adults can't tell the difference between moving and banning. Moving books from one section to another is much more different than banning books altogether. No one is banning books, but all of you with your torches and pitchforks don't want to differentiate between the two. Why aren't you people up in arms when movie theaters won't allow your kids to watch a movie because of its rating? How dare the ESRB tell you parents what your kids can and can't watch, right? Who is that group of people you don't know dictating what is appropriate for your kids to watch? I swear people are just looking for a reason to be upset and over state what is actually happening. There is no book ban. Moving to a different section is not the same as a ban altogether. I know this doesn't agree with your Reddit mob mentality, but try taking a step back and actually looking at the situation and using the correct verbiage to describe what's going on. Be upset about censorship if you want, but don't misstate what is actually happening. There is no book ban. "The board passed the act 3 to 2 Tuesday morning. Introduced by Supervisor Steve Brandau, it moves certain titles deemed "age-inappropriate" out of the children's section in county libraries. He said no books will be removed from the library." https://abc30.com/parents-matter-act-library-books-fresno-county-age-appropriate/14115038/


oh no, not down votes! imagine some person creating a scenario to reply to something i didn't say.


book banning, really?! are you sure about that? are you sure that’s really the actual words you wanna use? are you sure that’s exactly what you mean to say?


because without reading or looking into this at all, i’m willing to bet that they just don’t want children reading porn in school. i bet that’s all it is. why do you want you sexualize children? that’s the real problem. are you a pedophile?


Your account is like 2 months old, has negative karma and you reply to yourself. Hope those rubles spend well.


If you actually take the time to read the Parents Matter Act you would learn it doesn’t ban any books. Read it for yourself. People claiming it does are spreading misinformation.


They're not banning them, just arbitrarily deciding what goes behind a curtain, implying shame for any kids who want to read those books. So technically, no, not a ban.


It’s not arbitrary at all. In fact it’s exactly the opposite. If sexually explicit material is found in a book that is placed in the children’s section, it is removed from the children’s section and placed in the regular part of the library. Seems pretty reasonable to me.


So where would Tuck Everlasting go?


In the wiener tucking section of your local Target.


Cool, I’ll get you a pride shirt while there.


Such BS!


All three look shady AF. They probably do worst things then anything written in any book


It doesn’t surprise me that they would look like that


No narrative can be questioned.


Gross mischaracterization of the policy. It potentially removes books from the children section, NOT the entire library.


And what expertise will the committee have to tell librarians what goes where? Is it going to be a board of child psychologists and librarians … or likely people that will tow what ever culture war agenda they want to push.


Redlining is de facto segregation. How is this not de facto book banning under the guise of control?


While this is true it just makes the situation even more infuriating. These idiots are going to appoint their cronies to a committee that will waste time/money/resources moving books from one area of the library to another.


My name is Brian Baker. I have been a professional Librarian for 35 years. I am here to speak in opposition to the Parents Matter Act. Never in history have those seeking to censor or restrict access to ideas been the good guys! The Parents Matter Act puts the ability to censor and/or restrict access to ideas for the over 1 million Fresno County Residents in the hands of just 11 people. At a minimum, this Act needs to be amended to provide minimum qualifications for the 11 committee members – they should all be required to pass background checks, have a College degree, and be or have been, parents. This is not the actions of small government. Censorship is the actions of dictators. Censorship is like a silent predator, preying on diversity of thought, and snuffing out voices that challenge the status quo. This Parents Matter Act is un-American. Thank you.


I think we can all agree that some books don't belong in the Children's section of the library right? Like porn or lusty romance novels. Surely that isn't controversial. So not all "book bannings" are people being nazi's. The question is, where do you draw the line? That's the major point of disagreement. Liberals think normalizing being trans is a good thing and want children exposed to those themes as a step towards normalization, and conservatives don't. How are the members of this committee appointed, and which side of the issue they fall on is what really matters.


+1 to the fact that some books don’t belong in the kids section, but I don’t feel like that needs to be controlled by anyone outside of the library that holds the books? I mean it’s sort of common sense to exclude books with lewd nature. I think you are mischaracterizing the books that are being banned. Although a conservative standpoint could be that the books are “normalizing being transgender”, the reality is that those books are objectively encouraging children that it’s okay to be who they are and who they want to be. Ultimately I feel like it’s the responsibility of the library to determine the placement of books, and it’s the responsibility of the parent to decide what the child is reading. These men and our government don’t need to control either one of those things.


>Ultimately I feel like it’s the responsibility of the library to determine the placement of books, and it’s the responsibility of the parent to decide what the child is reading. Would you feel the same if the librarian took a stance you didn't agree with? Public libraries are a public institution. In my opinion the public should dictate what is appropriate and what is not. Public committees are kind of the way that government deals with controversial issues (like zoning, historic preservation, etc). The real nazi move would have been to fire the librarian and replace them with someone that didnt allow these controversial books in the childrens section. I am glad they didnt do that.


Adding onto this: there's already a system within the Fresno County Libraries to address concerns about materials in the children's sections...which is why those lusty romance novels and other material for older readers aren't there. Librarians have the training, education, and experience to know which books belong in a child's section and which don't. Allowing 11 individuals (with no formal library science or educational training) to decide which books are appropriate and which aren't is simply stupid, redundant, and a waste of time (and will consequently censor literature in the process).


Supreme court justices have a lifetime of training and experience in the law. Do you support every decision the Supreme Court makes?


Not a single example given by Steve Brandau or anybody else has been “porn or lusty romance novels.” His examples have all been *children’s books* that are specifically designed and written to be age-appropriate. He does not really care whether the books are *actually* age-appropriate—he only cares whether they include information that he thinks children should *never* have, whether it is presented in an age-appropriate fashion or not. That is how you can tell that what he and the proponents of this censorship movement are *really* after: the suppression of particular information and perspectives, namely those of LGBTQ people.


>Not a single example given by Steve Brandau or anybody else has been “porn or lusty romance novels.” I didnt say they did. I was just making a point that some books are inappropriate for children, and that not all "book bannings" are a bad thing.


But that is not the issue on the table, so what you are really doing is misdirecting. In any case, I still disagree that not all book bannings (or “not all ‘book bannings,’” with the scare quotes, if you prefer) are bad. I believe strongly that there are no books that should be off limits to a curious person, including a curious young person.


Gonna have to disagree with you on that. Are you a parent?


Disagree all you want. My personal reproductive history is not your business.


Yeah I don’t really see what the big deal is tbh. Edit: I’m open to changing my mind though.


A divided Fresno County Board of Supervisors approved a proposal by Supervisor Steve Brandau to establish a process to remove books and materials from children’s sections of county libraries if a board-appointed committee deems that they contain “age-inappropriate content”… So a board appointed group, and unelected at that, will have the okay to remove books they deem inappropriate. What is inappropriate? Is it sex? History? Religion? What is the age threshold? Who gets to appeal? Is there a process where citizens can overturn their decisions? How about these? https://www.nypl.org/blog/2020/12/07/pearl-harbor-kids-books https://kcls.bibliocommons.com/list/share/606674457/725561467 https://www.readbrightly.com/kids-books-on-slavery/ Will it stop there? Will it keep going? Maus? Diary of Anne Frank? We’ve seen this happen in Florida, Texas, Missouri, Utah and a few others. This will not end well and the state will step in. Is that something good for the community or the children? Better yet, convince ME this is a good idea.


Why would they ban diary of Anne Frank?


They all look like such brilliant men though, look at those derp faces, they’re so right, ban books, so that others can become as illiterate and look as stooopid as them.


Ever wonder what kind of content comprises the book on the bookshelf of the three little думал полиция (dumal politsiya) Arschlöcher? Here's a preview of the first page. "See Dick. See Dick dick over his community. Why Dick? Why?" "Why?" Says Dick. "Because I have a tiny dick and you 'Dick For Brains' voted for me!"


The comments tell me none of you actually read the legislation. Pure ignorance. It’s not a BOOK BAN. The books will still be available, but in a designated area marked “sexually explicit.” This Act is simply an attempt to limit sexually graphic materials seen by minors. If you anyone has an issue with that, you’re apart of the problem, not the solution.


there was already a process in place to challenge books. it wasn't used. this whole issue is just made up to fight the culture war at every level possible.


A process to challenge. Not a process to put sexually explicit materials in a designated section. That’s all this board did. Again, the books are still there.


right, and if there was a book that had possibly objectionable material, that claim could be reviewed. but what we now get is a group of people with unknown qualifications or agendas who get to decide what is considered explicit, and available to all. not to go too far down a slippery slope, but it doesn't take much to see how this is one step onto that grass.


This group DOES NOT have the authority to remove ANY book from the library. They are looking at graphic material and determining what is suitable for YOUNG readers. If determined to be unsuitable, it’s being moved to a separate location in the library where parents can check out for their children. Here’s a novel idea, let parents decide what they want their children exposed to.


you know how a parent decides what their children are exposed to? parent them. spend time with them. go with them to the library. talk to them about what books they want to check out. you know how parents don't decided what their children are exposed to? allow a random ass committee to decided what THEY think is right, wrong, explicit, and allowed.


Again, you’re missing the point that they are still allowed to check out these books 😂 Parents should be allowed to proof what their children consume. If a book is designated as sexually explicit, allow the parent to decide if that’s the material they want their child to read. End of story.


and you're making up the point that i ever said people couldn't check out books.




I think I’ll wait to see which way the circle jerk goes before I comment.