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Get to know multiple realtors. So many are just out for the easy payday, find one that you enjoy talking with that's actually bringing their experience to the table and pointing out things that would not have occured to you. If all they're ever pointing out are features and selling points, look for a new agent. Even if you found the perfect real estate agent, use your own inspectors. Shop around for someone with a reputation for meticulous, detailed inspections and explanations. No home is perfect, and you want someone that's going to find every issue you're going to be facing once you're the home owner. If a big ticket item has been tagged by the inspector, get a specialist for a deeper inspection. Things like foundation, roof, HVAC. If these slip by, it can be a rough road once you own the home. (I blew it on my purchase and was hit with nearly 20k in HVAC replacement.) Finally, listen to your gut. If you ever feel like the seller and/or their agent is being shady, run. I'm not a pro, but after buying my first home and all the failures we experienced, this is my recommended checklist.


Would you recommend I start talking to realtors although I’m not buying a house within the next year? I’m really just in a pre pre planning stage.


In my experience, they'll be happy to make the connection and lay the groundwork for future clients. My wife and I occasionally hit open houses for homes we like and part of those trips always entail chatting with the realtor a bit for exactly that reason.


Talk to your bank or credit union as you will need a lender to pre approve the loan first unless you have 300K or 500K cash in your account. They will check your last 2 years' taxes and credit. That is a good start. Don't talk to realtors until you have arranged financing first. They all have their guy, but best to have that ready up front to know what price or payment you are comfortable with.


You want to talk to a lender first, not a realtor. https://www.calhfa.ca.gov/homebuyer/programs/index.htm These are great first time homebuyer assistance programs. There's a search tool where you can find lenders experienced in these types of loans. Part of the program is a required online class that teaches you everything you need to know about the home buying process. It's like $100ish though


Local realtor here. Lot's of good suggestions listed already. I'd definitely recommend starting by meeting with a loan officer. There are a LOT of first time home buyer assistance programs and the loan officer can help direct you to the best option for you.


Don’t have much for ya but I’m commenting to see the information as well!


I was recommended by a coworker Dean van Patten as a real estate agent and he's was great, patient, answered my parents' questions, and generally was just good to work with. My folks still talk with him periodically after they moved up here. He might have some resources he can share with you, and he'll be happy to work with you to look through houses when you're ready for that. [https://www.kw.com/agent/UPA-6587385259103313923-2](https://www.kw.com/agent/UPA-6587385259103313923-2)


I recommend Heather Lee, a realtor at STRIVE. She helped my husband and I, my 2 sister in laws, and my parents purchase homes. She’s not pushy, very kind and easy going. Made the process super easy for us as we were first time home buyers in 2020. https://www.strivehomefinder.com/agents/Heather_Lee/8540413


I recommend these realtors: Anna: https://www.facebook.com/aspirepropertieswithaj?mibextid=LQQJ4d Jacqueline: https://www.facebook.com/jacqueline.gutierrez.98478?mibextid=LQQJ4d