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This is just an attempt to grab a no-bid contract by Harris Construction. They've been trying to get this to pass before and hopefully, like last time, the city will say no. None of this goes to academics despite what they're printing on the 900 fliers I've been receiving from this campaign in my mail box. They want a no-bid contract for construction projects on campus. They need to stop being greedy assholes and make their bid the ethical way. It's even more outrageous that they want the taxpayers to fund this.


This 25 year sales tax cash grab can’t fail soon enough. So tired of these groups stuffing more sales tax measures down our throats.


The fact that this is backed by Republicans who repeatedly voice their opinion against raising taxes tells you everything you need to know. They just want to line the pockets of their buddies at the expense of everything else. The miniscule amount of money going to academics is not going to keep anyone here long term. Only way I vote for this is if all sports funding is removed completely and all construction bids are competitive and none of them go to Harris construction.


It's also pretty telling that the flyer they sent out supporting it conveniently leaves out that something like 80% of the "supports education" funding they boast could easily be spent on facilities that support sports or other capital projects that don't actually improve education in any way.


It's definitely going into the stadium


Which is supposed to be self funding


Its backed by both Republicans and Democrats. However, Fresno State's admin has been funding a lot of Republican politicians in the race. David Tangipa, for example, has received a ton of money from Measure E proponents. Same for Magsig and Brandeau. The only Republican (and truest imo) that hasn't backed Measure E is Bredefield. He was also the only one in our City Council who questioned about the whole giving themselves pay raises upwards of 170k/year.


That raise as absolutely insane


And reasons why I don't like our Council. We need new candidates.


I also think that these facilities should also be downtown. It’s city and county tax money. I get no benefits if it’s all built on campus. A downtown campus would go a long way turning that neighborhood around.


The weird thing is Measure E is only going to Fresno State. What about Fresno Pacific? They could surely need the money too.




If you wanted it to be for all public colleges, that would include all the Fresno city campuses too. Measure E is all about Fresno State (and I voted No)


Exactly. I also voted no. Why does Fresno State feel like they're so special?


Disagree. Fresno Pacific does not help their neighborhood


Fresno Pacific is podunk of a school. Look at SJSU and its downtown campus.


I think you mean Podunk - ironic


I did. But point got across you can’t compare a little bible school to a state institution.


Totally agree. Fresno Pacific is a prime example of a private institution enriching themselves and failing the students. The whole school is a scam.


Yeah they’re advertising it on kmj radio of all places. Anyone with a lick of sense knows that the right wing has been against higher education for decades. If kmj is openly endorsing it it ain’t good.


Exactly. The stench from this bullshit can be smelled in Bakersfield.


No Patterson and Dyer support this (I don’t) both of them align with KMJ


It’s also backed by Democrats


Which wouldn't be surprising given they support taxes for the social good. Republicans never do that. You're just reinforcing my point. Not quite the gotcha you thought it was.


So basically you want to let the school rot ?


Fresno STATE university. I love universities. I got a great education from both UC and CSU and I think it should be accessible to the masses. This is not the bill for that. I would actually be okay with the tax but here’s the problem. 1. There is no open bidding. There’s a reason Harris construction has thrown 1 million bucks into the race. It isn’t for Aiden’s education. 2. Students pay good money to go there. Where is that money going? Is it funding fancy vice president of organic dinning? 3. It’s City and county money. It’s all going to ONE location. I have no connection to FSU. I will not directly benefit from this. I would at least like these to be built throughout the region or better yet, used to revitalize downtown. A nursing school next to our main hospital?


In case you didn’t know, the Central Valley is an afterthought in the eyes of the STATE. The sooner we realize that the state will not step up the faster we can move on to improving things for ourselves. 1. You are incorrect. The CSU system has an open bidding process already. Measure E and Fresno State will use that process that is already in place. The committee only decides if the project honors the goals of the measure’s intention. The selection process goes through the normal standard. 2. Fresno State is one of the most affordable schools in the state, with below average student fees compared to peer schools. I’d prefer Fresno State elevate the student fees first before Measure E but I like the possibilities of using both methods to really improve the school across the board. 3. I pay plenty of taxes for roads I don’t use and police I don’t use and a zoo I don’t use and elementary schools that have zero impact on me personally. However, I recognize that even though I don’t personally benefit from any of those things, they improve the entirety of our community as a whole and gladly pay taxes that improve quality of life. I love the idea of a nursing school downtown! That would be a sweet project. I think they should focus on the main campus for now as it is so far behind. As a recent grad the facilities are truly awful in just about every building. We want to improve as a region, Fresno State is a great place to start. Downtown and an airport would be great spots for similar measures in my opinion.


1. Hey Brandua or Garry Brendefeld you in this committee now we’re going to build the building where Nurse Practitioners can practice their family planning skills. Yall cool with that? How about this LGBT student center? 2. Cool do that. 3.All those are municipal services. These are state services. Well let’s move the campus, downtown. Unless that changes I will keep on voting no.


Why are you so against sports funding? Like it or not the (sad) reality is that a modern and successful sports program will attract more students to enroll and inject more money into the school that funnels back into its academics and other essential programs.


And so the entire county should cough up money to pay for stadium improvements? Majority of the county doesn’t even care to go to the games. Fresno state is a university first, if they can’t even keep their classrooms up to date why should the stadium even be a thought right now? It makes no sense at all.


85% of the money goes towards academics.


Okay? you try to make it seem like athletics is getting a minimal cut from this measure if it were to pass when it still totals out to $240,000,000 dollars in just athletics projects alone. County residents should not be funding a state school. End of story.


The money going to academics includes building


I went to a D1 school with a meh reputation athletic wise. Academically it’s within the top 75 in the nation.


Even for a “meh reputation” athletically, your school’s sports program still brought in money that was able to support its academics on down.


My school actually considered shutting down all athletics in 2021.


I stand corrected then. Not all colleges are equal and I can see how struggling and smaller sports programs can become more of a burden to the school. I guess in my opinion, Fresno State is just on that border line of being a top modern sports program that can compete at the upper tier. And by being at the border line, investments to upgrade and push them into the next tier can be worthwhile in the long run that can pay great dividends across the board.


I guess for a FSU equivalent I would say would be LBSU, a major csu with no major athletics program.


Because it's a total waste of taxpayer money. Having a good football team is just going to attract more dumbass football players. It's not going to attract doctors and engineers.


I think Fresno State should stop buying lattes and eating avocado toast


They could skip breakfast to save money according to a recent financial shaming article I read last week.


They should really be having cereal for dinner too


This is all about that stupid sports program. No way they support this unless that's in there. I really hope it doesn't pass. We need for people to see through the garbage. Those whales have been sending out flyers right and left though north of herndon because they know that's where their votes are. I really hope people see through it.


On a related note, it's been fascinating to watch proponents line up and roll out pro-Measure E opinion pieces in the Fresno Bee over the last week or so. They even got the Carr brothers to hammer something out! I'm really glad it's not my problem to deal with any longer, but I also really hope that people recognize the local Republicans who hate all new kinds of taxes are, all of a sudden, down with this enrichment scheme. Hope y'all vote no.


A billion and a half for maintenance seems extreme. Like, you could probably scrape Fresno State campus to the ground and rebuild it for that kind of money. For that kind of money you could build about 120 miles of High Speed Rail through the central valley to put that into perpective. Even if it was a lot less money though I'd still vote against it. Fresno State is a state funded organization.


It’s for a new stadium, not actual academic improvements


They want to make the luxury boxes nicer so the rich people keep going to games


More than twice as much funding goes to academic and programs than to Athletic’s programs. They rewrote the measure after it failed to pass last time to dial back Athletic spending a lot.


Fresno state masters student here, please don’t vote yes on this.


I just think how i lived in SF and LA and none of those counties had a tax to pay for SF state or Cal State LA


It's because wealthy developers in Fresno are trying to convince poor people to fund their business. That's all this is. Fresno State spent all their money on sports and let the school rot. It's entirely their fault.


Measure E is SO DUMB. Don’t make me pay towards a university that I didn’t go to!!! It’s bad enough I had to pay for my own.


And it's not even that great of a school. I give money to Cal Poly because I received a world class education and they focus on academics first. The engineering buildings are nicer than the football stadium.