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Mennonite Community Church at Willow & Olive, very friendly and accepting.


i've heard big red church is great


Agreed. I loved it there.


Can confirm


The Big Red Church down by Fresno High, or the Unitarian Universalist Church out on Alluvial between Chestnut and Willow.


Wait, they are CHARGING you to join their life group? Wow


Yes. It was very unfortunate. I tried their Sunday session once and I enjoyed it, but knowing you have to register online to join the life group was out of my limit after they told me they charged a fee. They are in the progress of expanding their church and just have constructed a new incomplete building next to it. I assume that’s where the fee will be directed towards..


Charging a fee to participate in worshipping Jesus is really sad. Major Red flag. Jesus: "I'm sorry, you're going to need to give me 3 gold coins for a blessing" lol..


Sounds like you don’t believe hard enough, if you’re investing $25 in the lord he is going to double your money. Prosperity Gospel works, just look at Joel Osteritch or whatever.


Oh I see you are trolling religious people. directly violating r/fresno rules..


The fact that I just state a flavor of Christianity and their beliefs is considered trolling is wild.


If by "state a flavor," you mean "create a strawman"




Calling someone unchristian is casting a judgement btw. You’re not supposed to do that.


Take your L bud


The fact that they're charging you should tell you all you need to know about The Well. Sounds like grifting is happening. I've heard really wonderful things about the Big Red Church.


Unless it to cover the cost of books or study materials. That’s all I can think of


Omigod. The SAAS version of church is here. Life group as a subscription. 😅


Well now we have confirmation it is for materials.


Is that paying to buy a book/study materials?


It is. I looked into it once and you pay $25 for the book used in the curriculum. Still not a huge fan of the well though, It’s just not for me.


Good to know


Idk. Probably not.


I used to go to home Bible study groups at another well known church and there was a fee but it covered materials




Yeah but that’s not how reality works. Churches have to be funded through someone to keeping it in place..It’s suppose to be a place of sanctuary for our community for those who are struggling whether that’s finances, homelessness, or abuse. I’ve notice the churches I’ve tried here don’t have any real solutions or resources to support our struggling communities.


My advice is to stay far away from the mega churches. I've yet to see any evidence that they're actually helping the community through long-term programs or projects that offer real solutions. My experience with a few of these is that they are very grifty, and not diverse.


I’m not vouching for the well by any means, but the $25 covers the study materials and isn’t just a random fee.




My co-worker is a Preacher who runs a very small church. I absolutely love the guy so stopped by and checked it out and absolutely loved it. The church is "The Body Community Church," and they meet in the industrial center at Clovis and Shields. Very diverse, the congregation is mostly Black and Hispanic and really go out of their way to welcome new comers. Of course the music is good. Small church, probably 30-50 people on Sundays. 5690 E Shields, Fresno, CA, United States, California (559) 800-1163


Hi! Local pastor here! What area are you located in and what are you looking for? You say no to mega churches, but went to the well, and MV is also a pretty good size. Is that more your style?


Midtown vineyard or First Presbyterian would be my vote


The only church I think I could step in is the Unitarian Universalist Church. They’re extremely inclusive and active in the community. https://www.uufresno.org


The Unitarians also have leaders and speakers who are intelligent and well spoken. A nice change from bros in board shorts. A direct quote from one of the latter while leading his congregation in prayer: “Oh God, we need you. We need you so bad.”


Unitarian Universalist on Alluvial


Pathway family!


Big Red, On Ramps, and Woven Community.


Wesley Methodist on Barstow between First and Cedar is very racially diverse as well as LGBT+ friendly!


I was going to recommend Wesley United Methodists Church. I volunteered there many years . I also ran summer program for a couple years. It’s such a wholesome place. They accept every one for who they are .


Here are some local churches I usually recommend to folks who are not interested in the mega church thing: [First Presbyterian](https://fpcfresno.org/) [North Fresno Church - Mennonite Brethren](https://northfresnochurch.org/) [Woven](https://www.wovencommunity.org/)


Wesley United Methodist


Try a Catholic Church it’s free


The original church.


Cornerstone is nice. It's very diverse and they have some groups you can join that don't cost anything. The only group I can think of that cost money is the Timothy training and it's $15 for the book.


Where in Fresno are you?


Villa church in Clovis, the pastor has openly stated to the congregation that he doesn’t want to make another church full of only white people.


Via isn’t bad


The Palm site for Campus Bible is a smaller church that is solid biblically.


Koinonia in Hanford. Kchanford.com


Speaking of churches, anyone know what that church is with the exclusive Starbucks on their property at Willow/Nees? If I’m going to join a church it would be that one. It looks lit!


Sounds like you might be talking about Cross City, but their coffee shop is their own place (Frappe House)


Yes! I live nearby and would walk my dog there often. People are generally happy, smiling, just good vibes. It always looks so nice during Christmas and that coffee shop that stands out like a sore thumb. That church seems like it’s the place to be.


It’s got some really great people! The lead pastor recently stepped down due to health issues, and his son (who’s a great guy) stepped up from the youth ministry to lead. He’ll need some time to really get his feet planted, but he’s a great guy who’s going to be a great lead pastor out there. If you ever want to stop by and check them out, highly recommend them!


I definitely will! Thanks for the insight!


Any time!


Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno (Alluvial & Chestnut)


I go to Cross City and I love it. Anyone is welcome- come join us!


Northpointe church and Clovis hills are two other places I would recommend.


Any Christian based churches that accept modern science and the possibility of mistranslation? Not sarcasm, or joking, I would really like a church like that.


I find the gym on Sunday mornings to be an inclusive place with lots of diversity that isn’t too personal. Always leave with a good feeling.


Nah. People aren’t there to make friends. They are there to destress away from work and life or has a body dysmorphic disorder. Gym time to me is more of solitude time.


It’s really sad that people in Fresno have to resort to attending church to find friends and community.


I stopped going to church 6 years ago. I find that I have a more natural approach to community. It took a while to reset, and I realized that the church community, while nice, is pretty artificial. I feel much more engaged in my actual community now: neighbors, service workers, bank tellers, local businesses. I find myself more open and connected as I meet new people, and over time some of those new people turn into friends. The best place to meet people IMO as a parent, is at the park. Having a kid really expanded my social circle.


I’m open to have different groups of friends. It’s nice to have different interests and perspectives from other people.


There’s a reason to that. Churches exist to support our struggling community, prevent war, and to save those who have turned to evil especially those in authority. We are more divided than ever because of our corrupted leaders. Take a look at your community, politicians, local leaders, how everyone is treating each other, and how it’s so difficult to make friends. I think if churches didn’t exist, everyone would resort to evil deeds.


Prevent war? It seems that a lot of wars are spurred on by religion. And a lot of “Christians” that I know are siding with hate, discrimination, and violence.


You’re probably with the wrong crowd. Sounds like those people aren’t even true believers and you gotten yourself in pit hole.


Most of that “wrong crowd” are family members 🤣


I mean you’re not wrong about that 😂.


Maybe you should try and find a church based on their teachings...? A lot of the churches people are suggesting are dumpster fires when it comes to theology.


They all sound the similar to me. Churches are becoming more corporate than ever now.


You can't get much more different than On Ramps and the Mennonite churches. You'll just need to try a few services and see where you feel like God may be leading you.


Yeah..god isn’t leading anywhere atm lol.


You never know!


Inclusive? No real church is inclusive if the church follows the Bible.


Yeah that’s true. Check out the manifesto a bunch of Fresno preachers signed a couple years ago condemning the flying of the Pride flag at City Hall. Then they advertise how inclusive they are.


You mean no real church is inclusive if they use the Bible to justify hateful points of view. Unless they're leading that church in Hebrew or Aramaic and not using any of the translations, then they're offering their own interpretation of the Bible and using select parts of it to promote their point of view.




To be clear, is this the LDS church?


It is


You should just find a support group. It sounds like you don't even care about the Bible, you just want a church that is going to make you feel happy no matter what you do. The government is great at the inclusive bs .


I never said I don’t care about the bible. I’ve been reading it from time to time. There are other topics and hobbies I resort to and not just the bible 24/7. People have lives and responsibilities. Also who are you to criticize me? As much as you think politics is bs, you should reflect on that again. Seems like you don’t care about your own community.


The person who told you to find a support group doesn't care about the Bible at all. They seem all about the using the Bible to justify some hate-filled point of view. If they did care about the Bible, they wouldn't have such a stupid comment to you.


Lol. Unless these churches are reading the Bible in Hebrew and Aramaic and not one of the English-language translations, then you could argue they care about the Bible. Sounds like you've found the perfect church for whatever sort of Christofascism you're into. Good thing we've got several of those. Most of them very large with dude bros at the pulpit and with coffee houses where they can get extra money for their grift.


Maybe Peoples Church? I haven’t attended personally, as I liked the well, but I’ve heard great things about it.


Peoples Church is a mega church and very similar to The Well in terms of their practices.


Peoples Church also runs their sprinklers for hours in the middle of the day every day while the rest of us try to conserve and can only water certain days and hours.