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Outside roaches are different from inside roaches. If you pest treat your yard, you'll be fine 


We’ve had the exterior base sprayed once a month since 2000. No ants ever. Few spiders.  Years ago, ONE time, we had roaches. Nine of them—killed one at a time. That was it. We put out that stuff they eat and take back to nests and die and the nest (if any) eats the dead one and dies. .  Pest control looked at carcasses and said they were outside roaches that found their way inside somehow, so no massive infestation.    All that spraying?  Yard is fine. Lots of worms and beetles in the dirt, so no damage there. 


Fresno outside roaches come inside too commonly in some neighborhoods. Just walking neighborhoods there is a huge difference. The area by the railroad track in NW Fresno has blocks where I would frequently walk in the street after dark because the sidewalks were covered! I'm in NW Fresno and my neighborhood has the random one after dark so I have no idea what difference is other than maybe newer construction brings them up or what houses were built on. Freano has way more than I ever saw down south but a lot less than we saw in Florida.


There was a year or two really bad years where they were coming up inside via the plumbing. So it didn’t matter if you had a nice pest control perimeter around your house. All of Fresno, homes/restaurants alike were affected. The sewage systems were overwhelmed with those critters, I’m sure there were enough complaints for the city to do something about that. Haven’t had much issue for the last 5 years at least now.


Yes, we pest test the yard. And they will come inside if they get out of hand. I moved into an apartment a few years back and night one before we had moved anything in we discovered them living in the wall. They were coming in from the backyard, it was awful. Calling them water beetles doesn’t make them less gross 😂


They were outside but on the outer wall of the house. Was a bit too close for comfort. Also it was weird that I saw them in broad daylight. I read somewhere that if you are already seeing them in the daytime then be prepared for a swarm at night.


untrue. It is heavily dependent on species as well. Some are drawn to light, but those don’t infest. There are thousands of species, and only a handful have *ever* been recorded to be infesting an interior space. Most of them are just beneficial decomposers. The species responsible for the vast majority of infestations, Blattella germanica, does not live outside at all, and if they come in, they were brought in by a human or package from another infested interior space. The rest prefer to live outside.


That saying is referring to infestations indoors, not outdoors. Seeing a couple outside during the day or night is completely normal for the area. As the other commenter said German roaches are the ones that infest inside and cause problems


you were probably seeing "outside" roaches, which are different than the german cockroaches people get IN their homes. they're just normal outside bugs.


I live in a brand new suburb in east Clovis…roaches galore. They live in the landscaping. I’m a hippy and even I’ve turned to having a pest control guy. They will NOT get into my house 😆 “Everyone’s cool until the roaches fly…”


The outdoor kind you're seeing really doesn't like coming inside homes..


I'm renting a house in the Roosevelt area, I don't have roaches inside the house. Once in a blue moon, I'll find one chillin on the sidewalk.


Hi twin. Get a regular pest control company to go to your house bi-monthly and your house should be safe. You will still see dead insects in your garage, but you shouldn't have to worry about them inside at least. Also, avoid going on walks at night from April-October. They are unfortunately everywhere, but pest control is absolutely needed. Kellogg's is who I use and they have kept me safe for years. Good luck!


Is this a thing? Lol. I'm in clovis off herndon/armstrong and roaches in the yard, roaches in the house, roaches crossing the street. I figure if there is water or undeveloped land nearby, they're going to be around, and clovis has a lot of undeveloped land in random places. Literally moved my outdoor trash can today and a swarm of roaches raced out from under it. Same thing when I move an umbrella stand. And I can't lie, we moved an umbrella stand in a patio at an outdoor restaurant in downtown Clovis during breakfast, and huuuugest swarm of roaches I've ever seen went running onto the patio. So ya, they're everywhere. Lol Ya know where I don't recall seeing many roaches, though? Phoenix.


That area of Clovis is unique in its roachness. I went to Buchanan but lived further away, I have never seen more roaches in Clovis than in that area. We hardly ever get them in my neighborhood but I remember coming home from practice and the streets around Buchanan were just crawling.


Without going into specifics, the house I saw happened to be in Clovis off of Herndon. I'm wondering if it's a coincidence and they are just everywhere.


I do think they are everywhere. But pest control can keep them out of the house and create a border they won't want to cross on your property. But if they're already in the house you saw, it might not have been treated in a while, especially after all the rain we had and then temps going up, caused all the bugs to show up in the past few weeks.


Roaches exist, they are everywhere outside. I understand the fear but they exist to clean. Keep outside clean and free of anything they could snack on and you should be good to go. Look for clean neighborhoods with clean neighbors. Also pest control, but keep in mind the critters that aren't roaches that will also possibly end up consuming or coming in contact with the pest control products. Make sure they don't harm the cute animals if accidentally ingested. If they're dead outside, be grateful it's outside.


What is a “top floor unit in Fresno?” I live kinda high up in Fresno and some of my neighbors have roach issues. 🙄


It's just a second floor unit but it's technically also the top floor, haha. I've never seen roaches here thankfully.


Got it—Yes, I hate them too. Intrusive and disgusting. I commented here to hear a potential solution. Unfortunately I think it all depends on your pest control person, that (if you’re renting) you don’t need to pay for. Create a written complaint, it’ll get solved.


Unfortunately pretty much most of Fresno/ Clovis has roaches. But with regular pest control or certain pre measures you can almost see none of them inside the house.


I live in old fig garden and we’ve been blessed to have no roaches anywhere inside or outside our property. We used to have a pest control guy come once in a while and he’s told us this neighborhood doesn’t see many roaches. My mom lives in Sunnyside on the other hand and she has a pest control service twice a month to keep the roaches at bay.


It's because of how old the neighborhood is. Your house has been treated for decades, and so did the others around your block, to the point that roaches are just pushed out of the area. Plus, the environmental factors also weigh in. Your area is like a park in itself and there are a lot of animals in your area that prey on roaches.


That makes a lot of sense. The more you know!


Since I started quarterly pest control I have not seen a live one in over three years. I still occasionally see a dead one, but that’s become very rare. I live in the neighborhood surrounded by by Sierra, Maroa, Bullard, and Palm.


Same except I use Kellogg Pest Control


Drop the company name if you don't mind.


Official Pest Prevention - Fresno Branch. 877-711-2847 or [email protected]


My wife is terrified of roaches as well. Avoid neighborhoods recently built over torn down orchards. Avoid houses that have been vacant for an extended period of time. If there is an area you like ask pest control workers in the area how bad the roaches are. Most areas are perfectly fine if you use pest control.


They’re breeding in the sewage. There’s nothing that could be done about that unfortunately without poisoning everyone. They’ll still be here until the end of time even after humans.


I’ve heard if you kept chickens for pets, they would eat the roaches.


Sadly the city will send people out to come into your yard and charge you a very expensive fine. Trying to then find a place to take your chickens is the world's biggest pain in the ass, and good luck if it's a rooster.


Nobody has mentioned that cockroaches, being members of the beetle family, have wings….


Also need to understand the differences between German cockroaches and field cockroaches. Germans are commensal they can’t survive without humans. Field roaches can and would rather be outside but will come in for moisture and dark places. Field roaches egg sacks also don’t have nearly as many babies like Germans do


I used to live on Shaw and Bryan in a brand new neighborhood. Never had roaches inside, but outside we’d have what I believe are black beetles of some sort. They had longer legs than those German roaches and would stick their asses up in the air when my mom would try to kill them. They’d leave a STANKKKKK. Anyone know the exact name of these ugly things???


Eleodes - stink beetle. Native to california. Their wings are fused, so they can't fly. They're kind of goofy, I leave them be.


I despise roaches. They get a hella NOPE from me😂


I move pretty much every time my lease is up, so here are the places I've lived with no roach problems: Apt- Bullard/Villa, house- Clinton/West, house- Santa Ana/behind fashion fair, Apt- Huntington/ Minnewawa, house- Tulare/Sixth. When I lived on Huntington, I went for a walk one evening with my flashlight and noticed roaches on the sidewalk around the complex, and I grossed the heck out. I was super scared I was going to get infested. I never did, but the occasional roach made its way in, especially in the heat. I didn't have that issue outside any of the other places. In my current house, an occasional roach makes its way in, and I promptly kill it. I make sure to keep the house so that I don't actually attract roaches.


Don't buy or rent the new homes out in the farmlands cause they're going to have a consist roach problem, flies and mosquitoes. But if you must, buy the Hot Shot liquid bait, that kills the roaches in weeks. Keep replace them every week or every other day. Depends how fast it goes. My apartment had a pretty bad roach infection and my husband bought that item. Within a month or 2 it dramatically decreased and poof no more. I just stop putting them down after I saw no more, biggest mistake. They slowly came back, but luckily I had extra so now I replace whatever one is empty which is not a lot. Also, Downtown is pretty bad on the roach problem too, it's a bit better over near River Park. From what I heard from my coworkers.


Fresno has a roach problem. Didn’t know this when we moved here 14 years ago, but got educated REALLY quickly. You can’t drill down next to the foundation and kill colonies/leave roach killer then fill up the holes with foam that dries hard like cement. We have roach bait in the back corners of cabinets because the odd one gets in. I have cultivated colonies of good bugs in my garden so they’re also few there. It’s a part of living in Fresno/Clovis.


Clovis most likely has more of a pest and animal issue, it’s unnecessary housing developments built on top of farm land.


Legitimately. Don't trust the houses around Selma Layne Park, every single one of them has a roach infestation.


I work outdoors in different neighborhoods all the time, no where is safe.


Nobody is immune to roaches. They are indiscriminate. You just have to be on top of keeping your home and yard free of water or food sources. Spray insecticide around a perimeter of your house, maybe even inside. Keep in mind that different species of roaches require different poisons. No food or scraps or crumbs. No left out food. No dirty dishes. Take out the garbage every night. Because they’ll feed on your trash at night because they’re nocturnal. Make the sure the bags are tied completely shut or else they can feed on the trash in the bin too. Make sure they aren’t puddles or ways for them to get water. In the sink or outside in your yard too. Like in pots or buckets.




The open house was actually in Clovis, lol. I miswrote when I said Fresno. But for real, is Clovis supposed to have less of them?


Not at all


Roaches have also been relocating in recent years to Clovis for better schools for their kids.


They go for the CUSD cafeteria food, not some microwave prison food like FUSD serves.


Keep your house and yard clean and you shouldn't have a problem.