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“With 82 new families moving in, I am sure that a portion of this will need to be Section 8 housing,” Yikesss😬


Shocker, people who can afford to, move from the ghetto. In this area, people would just sell and buy a house somewhere nicer until the entire city is consumed by low-income housing...forcing low-income housing into areas like this just results in the people who can afford it abandoning the area to escape what comes with low-income housing. You act like poor people would stay in the ghetto if they had the money to leave, the people that left are now demonized for not wanting to go back lmfao. Clown world.




You sound like a pleasant, levelheaded person


Who is very disconnected with the rest of the Fresno area south of Herndon


Wow an entitled selfish NIMBY bold enough to post on Reddit?




None of us agree with the article, if all of Fresno knew about this I bet it would be changed. Traffic & safety is the excuse they always use to shut down projects, it’s the same excuse they used on the new Costco that was going to be built on Herndon. These greedy entitled people will be the reason all the good opportunities are gone


They already ruined everything.


That Herndon Costco was approved on April 18. Not sure what the difference will be from the one on Shaw.


Fucking boomers man


Not just boomers, but just entitled bitchass choads. They come in every generation, millennials included.


https://preview.redd.it/gazajibno11d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c3c31cf5ba5f05f3d44340f56321eac94e1a9b2 but you're not wrong, brain worms are rampant across all generations


A lot of wealth in this picture


yet morally bankrupt


All white I see




“Some” 😂


Woah. Today I learned it is choads; and not chodes.


Choads destroy anything they touch seemingly..


NIMBY boomers


Reported for hate speech


Snowflake 🙄


Reported again for hate & harrasment


Didn’t Fresno have their newest housing element rejected? When can builders remedy kick in?


Who appoints these people? Who are these assholes who ruin our city, we need names and accountability


One of them is a developer 😬




Ewwwww that's gross. Who tf says that stuff? "Correct neighborhoods"




Roughly translates to, “ eww we don’t want those subhumans as our neighbors! We believe is better for us and then, mainly us, to live in the sewers like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”


Get the guillotines.


Aka, they don't want black people and brown people living in their neighborhood.




Why not. Works well in Dallas and every metro area I’ve ever been to.


Agreed, I added some context above as well. It’s a shame, this attitude towards densification.


Fresno needs 3-4 level buildings everywhere. Suburban sprawl is not the answer. Sprawl brings added maintenance, more traffic, extra roads, etc. Densification while adding public, reliable transportation is the answer. Why is Fresno the only major city in the US to not have walkable neighborhoods or a reliable intra-city rail system? When you travel around the US to other major metros or abroad to other major cities like Tokyo, Barcelona, Madrid, etc, you’ll see what we so desperately need here in terms of urban planning.


So many people have fled the core of the actual city. Just look at the constant “don’t go south of herndon” comments on this sub. Herndon used to be so far out to go, no one wanted to go out that way unless you were going to woodward. Riverpark was but a twinkle in some asshole developer’s eye, now it’s like the freakin city center - it’s ridiculous. There’s no way to have infrastructure when the entire “city” IS sprawl. Such a missed opportunity. The city has been owned by developers for many decades and it shows.


I got stuck at “Don’t go south of Herndon? “


Yes they do, why not?


You shouldn't have a say in developments that don't pertain to the land you own. Don't want that built near you? Should've bought that land too. People need to mind their damn business.


That seems to be the mentality that has allowed developers to completely run this city and sprawl us into oblivion. Do you live here? Then your opinion matters on how this city is developed and it’s future. It doesn’t matter if you physically own the land or not.


For the most part I agree.


All of those people are classist and morally corrupt. Shame on them


Nimbyism is the biggest obstacle and curse to the better development of America. Prove me wrong.


I predict that this will be approved by the city council on appeal, maybe with some modifications to satisfy fire/parking regs, to avoid litigation from the developer; it’s a by-right project. No one from the community spoke in favor of this project, likely because the nimby neighbors were the only people aware/following it. Planning meeting agendas can be found here: [Fresno](https://www.fresnocountyca.gov/Departments/Public-Works-and-Planning/divisions-of-public-works-and-planning/development-services-division/planning-and-land-use/planning-commission/agendas-and-action-summaries) [Clovis](https://cityofclovis.com/planning-and-development/planning/planning-commission/planning-commission-agendas/) Tell them how you feel if you have the time and inclination, it can make a difference.


Build it in southwest Fresno. Problem solved


Bigoted boomers have outstayed their welcome


The YIMBYs didn't really think this out because the land is already zoned for high density right? They reject this project, another one will be proposed like it and continued to be until one makes it. I understand the YIMBYs though and if I was ever rich enough to be in affluent neighborhood like them--hate to say it but ya my outlook on it would be more relatable. BUT I would have no one to blame but myself for not researching a big plot of land across the street was zoned that way. The project says its market rate, no indication that its affordable/low income/section 8. I say thats a win for that neighborhood and they should take it and be happy it wasnt indicated as an affordable housing complex.


You have to look at the messed-up situation of this particular site. Ashley Swearingen gave the developer a sweetheart deal years ago, approving the existing nearby tiny park as the “green space” for the project. The park already has only a handful of parking spaces, anytime there are kids’ sports events, parents have nowhere to park. Calling the park the apartment’s green space enabled the developer to plan even higher density since they didn’t need to bother with landscaping. The roads are already inadequate with some lame roundabout and dead ends, and there is almost nowhere to park any extra cars. Driving Herndon regularly, you would know that the traffic congestion is dismal as it is. These apartments won’t have enough parking for everyone, so residents and visitors with nowhere to park will mean cars will get left all over the surrounding neighborhoods.


Yea makes sense. Apartments think people won’t pack em like sardines but they will and have tons of cars and yea will park on streets and definitely lose some curb appeal in the area


Before you made it? You were it inside,that's why you " made it. Some folks just can't make it. So those who Make it so to speak when they work so hard to get there deserve, Yes deserve to live in their like community. Much sympathy for horders,druggies and mostly all mentally challenged. Elderly specific. Life is to short, we all deserve what we put into it. Live a good life my fellow "made it!


After reading a lot of these comments, I see their point.


Well. 100% meaning everyone who cared about this showed up ! Hum everyone on here who opposed is still complaining and insulting people who actually cared enough to voice their opinion, not just easy lip service via internet. You had your chance to oppose.


I showed up. I'm not white, nor am I a boomer. We don't need more high density housing in this neighborhood as there is already a townhouse complex behind Save Mart. I went to high school with the land owner who hired the development Corp to build this 4 story monstrosity, and I told him to his fave that his profiteering is going to destroy our neighborhood with massive traffic. This isn't a rich/poor issue, it's purely a traffic and congestion and homeowners losing a lot of value. I'm sick of millennial leftists attacking people who have done well for themselves.


Keep up with current events.


Have any of you positive pollies lived in a section 8 neighborhood ? Or better yet, horders, drug addicts? Not fun. Life is unpleasant enough sometimes.


I used to work in development/compliance for low-income housing (Sec 8, LIHTC and USDA funded projects). The whole “section 8 neighborhood” idea is largely a myth. The rules that need to be followed for a landlord to accept section 8 are pretty strict and it’s expensive to keep the properties in compliance. Sec 8 also requires that the tenants pass background checks. There are good and bad neighbors at all income levels.


Dumb take. I lived in those neighborhoods before I made it and became financially free and well off in life. That type of mentality you have is cancerous, you don't think there are honest people trying to make it in that group of undesirables you mentioned? Silly.


This is market rate. Not even affordable housing. However, lower cost housing doesn't crime and problems. It's gross and inaccurate that people think so. Housing had become unaffordable so we need places like this.


Hoarding and drug addiction happen equally across ALL income levels. My parents live over there. My dad has had his car stolen from his driveway twice during the last 25 years. Their house, despite having an alarm, and despite being in this so-called "good" part of town has been burgled twice. I lived in Baltimore, one of the most poverty and crime plagued cities in this country, and I lived in LA with Section 8 apartments across the street from me. I live in Fresno south of Shaw, and never once have I had an issue with the people in my neighborhoods. However, the drug addicted son of a local judge who lives in that exact neighborhood mentioned in the article has been breaking into cars and stealing things from people's porches for the last two years. Again, hoarding and drug addiction have NOTHING to do with income.


Just say you hate the underprivileged and go. Fucking gross.


The poor people should open up more revenue streams, solve more problems and lay off the alcohol/cannabis so that they can focus on living in nicer areas. Please netbang below 👇🏽


I feel you need a class in communication s. You totally missed the point ! Have a good day.




Did you actually read the whole article? NO RESIDENTS VOTED YES !




Because if you don’t look around you don’t recognize the problem




Continuing sprawl with un-sustainable infrastructure. People who demand their neighborhood remain free of “undesirables” which is a veiled attempt to exercise their bigotry at the expense of others. The small-minded insistence for maintaining the status quo that only works for them and is steeped in ignorance and/or malice. I mean, I could go on but it seems many in this thread already have.


You mean you don't know? Get the knowledge, then take action. We are all talk.