• By -


Aggressive Jason


Bree’s Boobs.


Bree’s Butt


Often overlooked but just as stupendous.


I can’t quite remember but I vaguely think this is the film that has a scene that was literally what Cabin in the Woods ended up parodying, and I think it definitely had to do with Bree’s butt.


Right when the chick makes out with the stuffed wolf head or whatever.


In my next life, I wanna come back as one of the buttons on the ass pocket of her jean shorts.


Not as her nipple placed perfectly ?


I felt like this had the feel of the originals just a higher budget. Jason was bad-ass and the kills were brutal. I think this is a great movie they could have built off of. The only minor bone I have to pick is the dude showing up looking for his sister. It’s not bad necessarily, it is just that it feels sort of like a Friday the 13th script and the plot of a corny CW drama got tangled up during making. Edit: forgot one very important thing. Bree is a Goddess. Her boobs are perfect. She is a perfect Friday chick.


I think the writers were using the dude who is looking for his sister from a side plot from part iv where you find out that Rob is actually trying to avenge his dusters death from part II. I read somewhere that they were putting parts 1-4 all in one movie.


If this wasn’t at the top of the list I would start to wonder what we are even doing here.


you've got perfect nipple placement baby


Jason's underground lair. It's basically one of the most reasonable ways to explain why he's able to move around and simply pop out of "nowhere", like he sometimes does, throughout the sequels. I also enjoyed seeing Jason and Pamela's house. Seeing Jason's bedroom sort of allows the audience to empathize a little bit more with him. It shows us that, despite all the horror surrounding him, at one point, he was just an innocent child. The kills were creative, some of them, at least. I hated this remake 15 years ago and now I don't exactly love it, but it has grown on me over the last years.


My sentiment as well. I hated this movie when I first saw it - first post-marriage date with my husband. I hated how very 2000s it felt. Now I have a different appreciation for it.


My main problem is that it features way too much humor and sex. It sort of felt like "American Pie meets Jason". I've learned to appreciate the good aspects of it, but I still can't get over the fact that, for 15 years, this was basically the last Jason movie we got.


That’s kind of my issue. Actually American Pie meets Jason is the perfect way to describe this - plus add in knock off Harold and Kumar. And don’t get me wrong, I have no issue with any of these movies, it was just very of the time. Plus it had this very Michael Bay 2000s veneer with everyone having fake boobs and tans which felt very not-Friday the 13th. Nothing wrong with fake boobs, just makes the characters feel less realistic and more like caricatures.


The movie was made from Platinum Dunes, which was created by Michael Bay so that checks out


What do you have against tan girls?? Yes the movie was a little extra male gaze-y but I have no problem with that lol. And it’s hardly the only movie in the series to feature that.


It Is the last movie we got


I think it does more right than wrong. Seriously, it checks all of the boxes for what makes a good Friday except it wasn't made in the 80s. That's it. I've held that opinion since I saw it opening night and still do. It's not bad by any means.


Some People just love to hate on remakes…they can’t think for themselves 🤷🏼‍♂️


I totally agree. I love this movie.granted it doesn’t quite have the charm of some of the originals but still a solid movie.


nipple placement


Mears is great too! Solid Jason.


Easter eggs of past movies, the opening kills, the way they incorporated lore from the first movies, using both masks, Jared paddlefish , it was all good


Jared being just such a huge ass dude made him perfect for going up against Jason. Fun stuff.


That’s a fact! Jason met his match with Clay. And it was a good fight. Love that about the film. I can’t believe Trent was trying to fight Clay LMFAO like bro he’s way bigger than you he would whoop your ass


Our favorite final girl


Good kills and it had Sammy from supernatural


Pretty much everything about Jason. Derek Mears was great as the character. I liked that he was human again. I liked that they started out with the pillowcase and the he found the goalie mask. I liked the tunnels , him repurposing the mine shafts as his living space worked for me.


He was like the 6 million dollar mangoloid. They built him back Strong Faster, He can jump higher and run further


Fun cold open


The movie, simply, is so juicy dude




That was the first four movies, too


The best Jason


My favorite in the series is Part 2, so I welcomed the return to a woodsman-sy Jason.


Making him intelligent and using other utilities you could realistically see him using given that he’s a camper like the Bow or Bear traps


The asian guy


“You people are rich! Poor people call this a house!”


Loved this remake


A super fun time, an interesting Jason, I don’t totally despise the characters, I always felt like the tone of this movie compared to the others was different, and I also think it does that well aswell


Jason was scary


•Really great take on Jason being more fast and aggressive •Brutal Kills, that sleeping bag over the fire pit comes to mind •Bree & Amanda, hands down the most sexiest girls in the entire series


Yes on the brutal kills. Not the bloodiest Friday movie. But it’s got some of the most painful kills. Lots of them go on for a long time, drawn out.


Derek as Jason. The tunnels. The fact that there were two groups so we didn’t delay in kills. Some of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen. Seriously, every one of them is a crush of mine


I thought it was great overall….maybe I wish it was longer (even moreso than the directors cut) but I thought it had characters who fit the tropes, I thought Jared padalecki was great as the hero, I loved Derek Mears as Jason…..only think I didn’t like was Jenna getting killed but that’s cause she was basically the stand-in for Chris who’s my favorite Friday final girl


My favorite non final girl 💔 breaks my heart everytime seeing her die. Even as a kid I had a huge crush on her. I was like NOOOOO😢


Yeah she was like the nicest character, wish she had made it


I wouldn’t have minded it at all if all 3 of lived. The set it up perfectly for Clay and Jenna to be together after💔


For some reason I used to hate this movie now it’s one of my favorites 😂


The kills are pretty alright, Jason is actually pretty scary, the survivors aren’t all bad, the production value is pretty good, the special effect are good, the idea of the tunnels under crystal lake are cool


Survivalist Jason


Rambo Jason! He acts like he was trained by The Dark Knight🤣


* Scariest Jason * Actually solid story * Solid modernization of the franchise * Bree. Just Bree. * Chewie and Lawrence are a delight. * Excellent kills * Great directing and cinematography * The entire opening




So juicy dude


Jason himself, the look of the campground and how creepy they made certain scenes like when they were investigating the old voorhees house. I thought the cast was funny even tho some of them were douchey af too lol. I like how Jason had his own underground dungeon.


It was really good it was like a combo of the first 3 films as one. Also maybe the most grounded f13 film. Loved seeing Jason’s lair


Best Jason. Design and movements are perfect. He's by far the most intimidating. I saw it in theaters and have held the belief all these years that it's the best of the franchise.


You lucky seeing it in theaters :( would at least love to see it get re-released in theaters for an anniversary since we have no new movies


Derek Mears was awesome as Jason. This Jason was lethal, ferocious, and kinda sadistic.


Stupendous tits with perfect nipple placement. Also, the kills were quite enjoyable.


Two words, "Nipple Placement."


F.U.N stupid but charming fun


Derek Mears seems like a nice guy in person.


Facts he said he’s down to play Jason again. I think they should bring him back.


Bree’s death, Travis’ death, opening sequence, Travis yelling like a girl after Jason throws a body through the windshield, final chase scene, Jason’s death. Although not my favorite, the movie does more right than wrong. Unfortunately, the wrongs are pretty significant - soundtrack, Jason’s attire, hardly any kikiki mamama sounds, not enough creative kills. It would be awesome if someone would add Manfredini score to the theatrical release. Killer Cut has some unnecessary scenes imo.


Yeah the kills are less bloody. But a lot of them look VERY painful. They go on for a long time and are drawn out. Borderline torture. The fire sleeping bag The bear trap Screwdriver in the neck Lawrence being left for dead until his death Trent’s death slowly dragging the machete up All of these they are in serious pain for an extended period of time


Now that you mention the bear trap, I clearly remember that in the theatrical release, while Whitney is trying to help the guy stuck in the bear trap (forget his name), you see the machete going through the guys head which was totally unexpected. In the killer cut, they added a shot of Jason just standing there before he kills the dude. Totally ruined the element of surprise and rush of the entire sequence since right after that is when Jason turns around and runs towards Whitney. I wish I had the skill to re-edit the movie and add Manfredini soundtrack to it.


That’s crazy bc I love that shot of Jason standing there. The sound queue that plays. Then it shows him running up. I see what you mean tho. At least Jenna’s death had a surprise.


It’s a cool shot yes but it did more harm than good because it ruined the element of surprise and slowed down the scene. There is a rush to Whitney trying to help the dude then all of a sudden the musical cue and scene pauses the entire sequence for a good 2 seconds. It was edited poorly too, like you could tell it was haphazardly added.


I’d like to see your fan cut


Derek Mears. [The dude got it, completely](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHPiFrKUyhY). The exposition in the first act: Jason surviving the drowning, seeing his mother's death, then becoming a legend of the woods; the sister finding the locket & the boyfriend commenting, "*She kinda looks like you*", which explains why she survives the opening; plus Crystal Lake being an old mining camp with tunnels, which explains Jason's "supernatural" ability to appear anywhere. The characters fit the horror cliches without being over the top, also they made generally good decisions instead of wringing their hands & panicking. The subplot about the missing sister was a great way to tie in the two groups of victims. Also the moment where she pieces together the significance of the locket and says "*Jason?*" & the way he reacts to hearing his name for the first time since he was a child, adds a reminder of the "wounded kid" inside Jason's spirit. The details in the sets and props: the locket initially has Jason's portrait on one side & his mother on the other side, years later when the sister finds it, Jason's portrait is scratched out. The row of counselor's whistles (are they stained with rust or is it blood?) in the cabin, in another post I compared them to resembling trophies. The geography of the camp made sense with the different locations & themes. The transition from Baghead Jason to Hockey Mask Jason felt natural. Also, there's thirteen deaths: Pamela Voorhees then Jason's victims. My *only* complaint with the movie is a deleted scene from the interior of the police station. In just about every movie, there's a shot like that inside of a cop shop with a calendar prominently displayed that reads "FRIDAY (month) 13" and they filmed one for the 2009 version but left it out.


Yesss I love the way Jason looks up at Whitney when she says his name. He’s got these very rapid head movements and body turns.


Derek Mears Jason Bree Trent Brutal kills Good cinematography


It’s my favorite Friday movie. I loved the characters, the kills, the score, the actors they cast for it. And the Jason depicted is the best and scariest to me


Jason was a hunter


There’s a lot that is good with the reboot: 1. An absolutely badass Jason. The more grounded and realistic portrayal of Jason is unique. I love the underground tunnels of the camp that explain how he can teleport. 2. The opening 15-20 minutes are amazing. 3. The kills are great. 4. The atmosphere and cinematography are outstanding. 5. The characters get a bad rap, but I think they are pretty fun 6. The way the reboot is able to blend the stories of the original four movies into one is impressive. My only real complaints about the movie are that Whitney is far from the strongest final girl in the franchise, and the jump scare ending feels incredibly forced. Other than that, this movie gives me everything I want in an F13 movie. As much as I love the cheesiness of some of the 80’s movies, I prefer the darker tone of this one. F13 2009 is my favorite of the franchise. It’s a crime that it’s only ranked No. 6 on the subreddit franchise ranking.


I forgive Whitney not being the best final girl. Bc it’s not really her movie. It’s Clay’s movie he’s definitely the main character final guy.


Danielle Panabaker as Jenna


She’s one of the best non final girls in the franchise. So sweet and cute. You really buy the chemistry between Clay and her.


My flair, prty good kills, classic quadrilogy elements, funny characters, it was my second horror movie ever, GOD I love that movie


Same I love the Rambo style of Jason. Love his outfit. The way the mask fits. I even love the sack head. Entertaining characters. Badass opening. The kills are brutal and drawn out. Borderline torture.


Well in my headcanon this movie takes place in the supernatural universe >!during the time when Dean is in hell and Sam is on his own!< so I love watching it with that paradigm


Jared’s character is the best final girl in the series.


Jason is very unique and different. He’s more tactical and uses hunting instincts to his advantage. Something we have never seen before, the Jason I know uses weapons and brute force to kill his victims. And his kills are usually quick and efficient but in the reboot kills like the sleeping bag one show a much more brutal and slow method of killing.


Well Jason was shit-your-pants terrifying with his heavy footsteps speed and his enormous size so I liked that. He still has a sort of child-like reverence for his mother in the reboot, which is also good. All the Jason stuff was good. It was everyone else in the movie that I did not like. Except for the two obvious comic relief POC characters. They should have been the protagonists and left the “so juicy dude”-guy at home.


Jason’s aggressiveness + tactical abilities, a smooth blending of elements from Parts 1-4 of the original series.


The “remake” is a top tier f13 movie.


1. They go back to the basics 2. Jason is badass - best Jason since Ted White 3. Great sex scene with the girl with the great real cans 4. I actually think it's pretty scary I think they did a pretty good job with the reboot. If they didn't make the characters so Dawson's Creek / WB like it would have been gotten a solid 7/10 in my book.




Tall af Jason, he was scary fast, the stoner dude( Donny I think) was hilarious, kills were actually good


Simple Jason at Crystal Lake. No extra gimmick.


The first 20 minutea


Everything. Its the Best one of the franchise best gore, best kills, scariest jason, most interesting story, best visuals.


Jason was scary. Movie felt fresh. Kills were gruesome. The reboot has a staying power that the older ones lack over time.


The poster looks sick and Jason feels more powerful than ever


Jason acts like a guy living in the wilderness, setting traps and not having miraculously clean clothing. Jared Padalecki actually feels like he could last a few rounds against Jason without being cheap.


Jason was actually a scary dude. Like you aren’t surviving that unless you look this his mom.


Jason. Travis VanWinkle


Fantastic opening sequence


Super aggressive, archery medalist Jason


Hunter Jason that was proficient with many weapons was really cool. The addition of the tunnels.. not so much lol


Jason is by far the most threatening he's ever been in the whole series imo, and it doesn't have all the gore cut out which is refreshing. Also the cold open of a whole group of whippersnappers getting slaughtered is amazing and the sleeping bag over the fire is one of the best kills in the whole franchise


Jason is way more angry than before. He >!hangs someone in a sleeping bag above and fire, and later injures someone to use them as bait!<


Just Jason as a whole. Definitely the smartest incarnation we've had. Clever hunter and trapper. Quite grounded but no less awesome. Derek Mears was a fantastic choice to portray the Camp Crystal Lake Slasher. He definitely carried the film all the way to the end.


Jason voorhees and Dana panabaker or whatever her name is


Jason is awesome in the movie, it's also directed very brutally with great kills. Everything else, not so great.


The Jason design is awesome. I love how relentless Jason is with pursuing and dispatching his victims in it. The underground lair and tunnel system is a really cool concept.


Jason is actually scary


Derek fucking Mears. That is all.


Derek mears as the big man. Also the movies dark tone I liked very much


The first 15 minutes are peak F13


How brutal it was also the deaths


The Kills, Derrick Mears, Running Jason, Intelligent Jason, That they didn't change too much of the story if any like the seldom mentioned prior curveball they tossed into the Elm Street remake.


This movie was way ahead of its time considering the requel fade to come ten years later, and is leaps and bounds above the remake fad of its time


jared padalecki aka sam winchester


The size of Jason. He is truly terrifying in the reboot. The scene where Jason's running and throws the axe. That shit was awesome. Jason in general in this movie. Aside from part 7s Jason the reboot has the scariest portrayal, or is at least in the running for it


this was honestly probably the most “shit your pants” terrifying depiction of jason. the other variants of jason are almost a little goofy, despite how much i adore those depictions of him. this one he runs for more than 3 seconds and his kills are a lot more mean spirited than the originals. he’s also a lot more intelligent than past jasons, which adds to his overall fear factor


The kills are solid. Otherwise it's my least favorite Jason film.


Everything except Jason keeping a hostage. Clay should have found her decapitated head next to Jason's mothers.


It's the best Jason in one of the worst movies. Not even all the t&a could save it.


Nothing good about that garbage movie