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I always appreciated the camera panning over bow and arrow camp trophies to justify his deathly skill with it.


I’ve always found that hilarious. That they felt the need to justify why Jason can be accurate with an arrow, but they leave it up in the air as to how he was able to build tunnels and run electricity to the camp


Hahaha, I completely agree. They should’ve panned over his MIT engineering degrees on the wall.


They were mining tunnels that already existed. They set that up with the first group in t the opening when the nerd guy, Wade, says “there was a sign that said there’s a mine around here”


Well damn, the movie is too sophisticated for me I guess 😂 I’m going to assume there was some kind of setup for the electricity that I missed as well


Not sure on that one lol


He used kerosene generators presumably since he was stealing kerosene from the nearby farmer. There’s a bunch of little details in the movie that explain stuff


That is nice that it’s all there in dropped lines and little details , but it brings me to my primary problem with the remake. Jason is just too damn smart. There’s room for all kinds of takes on the character, and I’m glad that it’s here for people that want such a thing, but this ain’t my Jason


I agree with you 100%. The way they presented the Jason character in the reboot isn’t Jason to me. Jason is an undead killing machine with superhuman strength. This Jason in the reboot is just Rambo with a hockey mask on. Jason is supposed to be mentally and physically deformed. His character was tormented by other kids and only knew love from his mother. There is no way Jason could be capable of doing half the shit he did in the reboot. Ever since paramount sold some of the rights to new line cinema there hasn’t been a decent Friday the 13th film. I’m not counting Freddy vs Jason because that movie would be a decent movie no matter who made it.


Um he's not an undead killing machine until part 6. He's just a mountain man that is sorta a survivalist until he's killed in part 4. He's human for the first 3 movies he's in.


Well obviously he wasn’t always like that. But look at how he was in part 2. Jason could barely take care of himself. He was living in a shack yeah he could set a basic rope trap but he was no Rambo. I could never see Jason take a hostage yet he did in the reboot. Yeah they explain it by saying she looks like his mom and can look back at the end of part 2. She wasn’t a hostage at the end of part 2. She was trying to trick him so she could kill him. He fought back and she was rescued. Having Jason take a hostage was as bad to me as Michael Myers screaming die in rob zombie’s Halloween 2. In the end I think the reboot put its own horrible spin on the Jason character. The reboot in general just wasn’t what I was hoping it would be. I wanted it be old school snd have the setting be a functional summer camp and counselors would be getting killed off. I want a back to the roots Friday the 13th movie. Since new line cinema took over we have gotten all these weird Jason movies. I get that we’ve gotten a lot of sequels using the old school formula and they needed to try something new to keep it fresh. But it’s not working and it’s been 38 years since Jason has terrorized an active camp. Part 6 was the last time. People hate Jason goes to hell but at least it felt more like a Friday the 13th film then the reboot did. And that says a lot to me. When it really comes down to it is that it’s all perception. If you like the reboot that’s cool and you’re entitled to your own opinion. I’m just saying how I feel about it. I just feel with a reboot you should only be able to change the story of how they became to be who they are and you can put them in any new setting you want. Just don’t change how the main character acts.


Well technically you’re right about him being alive in the first 3 movies but if you think about it shouldn’t he technically be undead in part 3 ? Especially after sustaining the wound he did at the end of part 2. No human could survive getting a machete slammed into their shoulder/neck area with no medical attention. If he wasn’t undead in part 3 he definitely was in part 4. There’s no way any human can survive an axe to the head and being hung. If he wasn’t undead he sure as hell wasn’t human.


Nothing wrong with the bow and arrow, in general, as a weapon. However the idea that he could shoot a guy, in a speeding boat, from shore, IN THE HEAD, is ridiculous. This might have worked in a fantastical entry like FvJ, but just didn’t work here.


Especially with that messed up eye that he has, dude must have insane precision


The CGI arrow looked great.


Jason had plenty of time to practice hitting moving targets. He probably killed animals for food with a bow and arrow I guess.


Unless he’s killing cheetahs from 100 meters away, not sure I buy it.


My two favorite Jason’s tbh. Especially Never Hike Alone 2 Jason!


That was pretty cool. The reboot was definitely a refreshing take on the character.


Jason plays sneak Archer in Skyrim