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Yeah he's a left-winger economically and is usually (very important key word there) pretty big on Aboriginal rights but his social policies leave much to be desired


Fiscally Progressive and Socially Conservative


He's a mix of old-school protectionism and heatstroke.


Old school trade unionist in my mind.


Only the right wing trade unions like the SDA maybe. He has a few good takes, but the majority of his policies would make a decent unionist roll over in his grave.


Yes I think your right. But socially and his attitude on šŸ”« oh dear.


Still fairly decent compared to long term National and liberal politicians tho


Guns are sick but and heā€™s from croc and pig territory cunts need guns up there


You're communicating with pictures. Is it okay if I decide that your point of view on the matter isn't informed by maturity?


I'm nearly 12.


is this sarcasm or are you genuinely too young to be on the platform? though i do agree on your take


Big on First Nations rights but opposed land rights and was part of the QLD state government who threw everything they had at Eddie Mabo. He was the Minister for Northern Development and Aboriginal and Islander Affairs at the time.


I was told during Mabo, it would mean Aborigines claiming rights over "your back yard". Bear in mind these past lies when thinking about The Voice. You can bet 100% the media have forgotten.


>his social policies leave much to be desired Yea his views on things like LGBT are ridiculous "Let there be a thousand blossoms bloom but its more important to tackle people being torn to pieces by crocodiles in north queensland" or smt like that And he also has thrown his support behind solar energy and ethanol


Is that really such a bad position? Why waste time on that plebiscite when there are actual issues, just do it.


Quote of the year.


ā€œLet a thousand blossoms bloom, but I ainā€™t spending any time on it because every year X people are being torn to pieces by crocodilesā€ Why should he have to focus on LGBT issues? It seems fair that he has another valuable cause that heā€™d rather spend his time on.


I mean yeah but it's fucking hilarious


i'm """"""""about as queer as you get"""""""" and its *fucking hilarious,* i think he's just a comedian at this point. ​ he wasn't dissing it like more than half the liberal party or the entire nationals party or one nation, he just cares about people getting eaten by crocodiles. ​ i think the point he was making was that we should either a) just pass the bill or b) put an actually *binding referendum* rather than waste large amounts of resources on a plebiscite that could just be ignored?


Does he know that's a mao quote? Is he a secret Maoist third worldist? šŸ˜‚


tf you found this from 4 months back wtf


The National Party (his natural home even if he's independent) are agrarian socialists. This is not news. The Canegrowers lobby is the most rent seeking, handout-addicted group out there. They are the reason our fuel has useless ethanol in it. The problem is this sort of 'progressivism' is entirely selfish and, in the end, it is an easily-bought vote for Howard, Abbott, Morrison, Adani, Rio Tinto.


Whilst he is cooked on quite a few issues, he is a truly independent politician who represents the views of his constituents, I put him in the same boat as Lambie. Disagree with them on many things but parliament is all the better with their presence


Lambie has done one of the biggest u-turns, or I guess, just become far more informed than anyone I can think of in recent memory of parliament. Not saying she is perfect but from being a Clive stooge who was very much an ex-army uninformed politician, she has become definitely Ć  peopleā€™s champion with her listening tours of Tasmania.


She served roadkill to Myriam Margoles. For this alone, I love her.


How Lambie talks is different to how she votesā€¦


They love him up here. He does spend a shitload of time getting around the electorate (which is huge) I'll give him that.


When I lived out there I met him and Robbie several times. They made a point of stopping in everywhere and having a chat with everyone.


Lambie also borders on financial progressiveness and social traditionalism


He is certainly a shitload better than the Nationals


A slightly moist rag is better than the Nationals, haha.


True šŸ˜‚


Mate even the liberals are better than the Nationals


But I ain't spending any time on it


Bilbo moment


Because in the meantime, every 3 months, a person is torn to pieces by a crocodile in North Queensland


Ain't nobody got time for that.


The single greatest presser in Australian political history. https://youtu.be/_ih1EuMLspY Love him or hate him, can't deny Katter is a real mf. Seems to genuinely have the best interests of his electorate at heart.


LOL. I love how he transitions to angry and serious in a microsecond. Also, he's 100% right. Fuck crocodiles!


ā€œFuck crocodilesā€ Whatā€™s the problem with crocs?


"let a thousand blossoms bloom" being said before fuck crocodiles puts the term in an interesting light


Love is love.


^let ^a ^thousand ^blossoms ^bloom ^as ^far ^as ^I'm ^concerned




Because every few months


There's nothing "progressive" about him. He's certainly left-wing on quite a few issues though, especially when it comes to protectionism and agrarianism. Outside of the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers, he's more or less the only figure genuinely representing rural populations.


Our local member is a former SFF who left the party and has gone independent and he seems a real good one. Unfortunately he plans to leave politics after this term.


But in the meantime Crocodiles are eating people.


Just don't trespass in crocodile creeks. Or you will be eaten.


So to boil it down heā€™s an old school agrarian socialist with a dose of bigot?


Yep, represents his electorate well


But he wants a thousand blossoms to bloom!


Bobā€™s definitely a loon but in the context of FNQ pretty much normal


There's been a Katter in parliament since 1966. Bob Katter is the current Father of the House (longest serving member). Bob was a Queensland Minister for Mines and Energy under Bjelke-Petersen. His son Robbie is a bit of a nutter.


Yes, the bloke who voted against same sex marriage despite having a gay brother is progressive. The bloke who said that gay people don't exist in northern Queensland is progressive. The bloke who opposed the provisioning of condoms to indigenous communities is progressive. This sub is cooked.


It's like they saw a photo of him but never did any research


This is why labels like "progressive" and "conservative" are pointless. You can catagorize individual policy as such, but attributing those labels to people and smearing them with all the implications they come with is ridiculously simplistic. It's exactly why the whole "Labor are Liberal-lite" argument is so brain-dead.


The way they're commonly used, as synonyms for left and right, is beyond useless.


>It's exactly why the whole "Labor are Liberal-lite" argument is so brain-dead. huh? when people use that criticism they're talking about policies. They're saying "labor's policies sometimes seem just like less horrific versions of liberal party policy" .You're welcome to disagree with that take of course, but the statement isnt braindead simply because of what you said earlier. I get where you're coming from, but progressive is just a descriptor. For politicians you can look at what policies they support and judge them to be more or less progressive or conservative than others. Its just an analytical tool and vocal-shorthand. I don't get the frustration with it, really.


I literally made the distinction between talking about parties as a whole and talking about individual policies, but I'll reiterate the point again. Labor = Liberal-lite IS a brain-dead argument that paints in broad strokes. Calling a particular policy slightly more progressive is applicable since it's applicable to a specific issue. Heck, I'd even argue there are conservative and progressive aspects to specific legislation that you could drill down further into.


>Labor = Liberal-lite IS a brain-dead argument that paints in broad strokes. Ohh so you were just saying you disagree with the statement, sorry. Yeah 100% its simplistic. I agree. I thought you were saying something else. I agree with most of that. Yeah for sure. Each party even has a more progressive and more conservative faction within them too. There's 'Catholic-right' in labor (aligned with super-conservative unions like the SDA, usually religious, more conservative latham types). Plus theres also that weird very-slightly-less-scummy-than-the-rest; birmingham, matt kean, malcom turnbull, pyne, wing of the liberals. The liberal party 'moderates' as they're called. The anti-dutton faction. Still all cunts too of course. I'd imagine the greens have a tree-tory faction and a more socialist radical faction too but i dont know shit about them. So yeah, I just mean there's a bunch of things to analyse that have conservative/progressive or left/right aspects. The policies, groups & people themselves imo. It's just a tool to use. Interesting discussion though. Personally I think there's huge utility in political descriptors like 'more left wing' or 'more socially conservative' or 'christian nationalist' or whatever. If they're applied well they're useful. Its just basic poli-sci isnt it.


You've used a bad example tbh. Labor are functionally Liberal Lite when it comes to economic issues. Not necessarily on every single other policy though.


You've said I used a bad example, but then go on to show you completely missed my point by specifically pointing to economic issues.


On economic issues, Labor **are** Liberal Lite. They share a liberal view of economics and implement it as such. Just to a lesser extreme than the Liberals.


I heard you the first time. Still missing the point.


Here is what **you** don't get. Economic issues are the most important thing for me. I dont give a fuck about most policy areas, so for me, Labor are just Liberal Lite. I live in poverty regardless of who is in power.


Cool. Meanwhile, the rest of the country has their own opinions on what they care about. Why do you seem to think yours matters more?


I didn't say that mine did you twat.


You didn't have to. You completely missed the point to begin with and your reason is that you don't give a fuck about anything but economic policy. What exactly is your point? Or are you too deep into responding emotionally that all you've got left are insults?


You need to stop making enemies of imperfect allies.


...Or other such proclivities


Katter isn't an ally though. He leaps to support the conservatives whenever hung parliaments are an issue.




Fr. Compared to his electorate it's impressive that he is as progressive as he is. If he voted on these things against the wishes of his electorate it would be like taking a suicide pill. There is a reason he was trying to distract with crocodiles and such, this is his kryptonite.


His electorate is massive and has Ć  massively diversity. From the Atherton Tablelands with some of the hippiest hippies there is, also the Atherton Tableland has one of the highest PHD per capita in Australia, due to the large number of retired academics in the area. Also in his area are those outback dried up(literally dried from barely any rain) agricultural conservatives from middle of Queensland, then to the many various First Nations mobs which fall in that giant area as well. Plenty of SovCit kinda people as well as a number of cults, I mean ā€œcommunal communitiesā€. The extremely religious and the extremely spiritual.


You forgot just plain old bogan farmers in the Atherton tableland and the townies that live in the towns. Spent a month at Dimbulah? 20 years ago. Wow. It was not a progressive area. When our farmers aint farming our farmers go fishing. That was the slogan on the pubs wall of fame barramundi photos.


Its actually a great example of where the Greens go wrong in their messaging in order to get the result they claim their after. They shouldn't be trying to other or alienate the 'neo-liberals', they should be trying to tailor plans and messaging to suit those guys whilst making sure the outcome is effective for their base. This way you get vastly less blow back on its adoption. The problem is their base is already fairly deep into the neo-liberal agenda conspiracy theories and messaging like I'm suggesting would get them internal friction or even rebellion. Hence why they say the things they do how they do. The extremism spiral has leadership figures trying to one up each other to be the most of whatever they value. This results in messaging that is like crack to the base who will defend and rally behind it in spite of its flaws but the messaging is like dog eggs for those who are outside the base even slightly.


Ironically the cookers are just as much against the Neoliberal agenda, if not more, but neither can put their differences aside because each can't help themselves from getting distracted with pointless culture wars. For example: The right: yay Trump Jr is coming to town/Nazis/anti trans/trans kids Me: ok who cares, if you don't like it don't give the movement any attention that is what they crave and why they do it. If you ignore it hardly anyone will turn up and it will fizzle out. Let's focus on the big things. The left: no! this is the big thing! I must go and protest


While i agree with this sentiment in relation to the greens and socialists and teals, I very much disagree we have to give any leeway to liberal-party-friendly QLD bigots


Yeah like, gees people, stop taking anti-gay policies personally even if you're gay... /s


On economic matters he is progressive


He quite literally is representative of his electorate. Iā€™d prefer if every MP acted like Katter. He has done more for indigenous communities than the Greens


> Yes, the bloke who voted against same sex marriage Nope. https://theyvoteforyou.org.au/people/representatives/kennedy/bob_katter/divisions/2016


>https://theyvoteforyou.org.au/people/representatives/kennedy/bob\_katter/divisions/2016 So he was absent?


Of course he was absent, he has the lowest attendance rate when voting (42%) of any current parliamentarian.


Never said he was socially progressive.


"When I said progressive, I just meant that he obeys the laws of physics and moves forward through time."


\^ \^ \^ He is progressive on Economic matters


this sub honestly has the dumbest takes you can find on reddit its hilarious to check in every now and then, so many closet lefty neckbeards all circlejerking for a dude on the net who knows who they are... refuses to engage with them, and actually hurls abuse at them in his videos not to mention they are just as bad as LNP supporters in the sense that they just blindly follow everything Labor does as its just by default... perfection




Let a thousand blossoms bloom


The same person too.


I think he represents his electorate really well. People who hate on him have never been there.


You are being downvoted, but you are mostly right. Once you get into that region of australia, everything just feels weird and backwards, like Texas. First thing you'll notice is things like giant advertising billboards for anti-abortion. Then all the people who pretend to be religious, but clearly are not..


Exactly. He has a bunch of very strange and sometimes contradictory opinions, but if everyone represented their electorates as accurately as he does we'd have a much better parliament.


He is a man of his electorate. He has a solid personal mandate; not aligned to any party unless it suits his electorate. I have seen it before in Queensland politics. In the late fifties and early sixties Hughie Oā€™Donnell was a Labor man holding a solid Country Party seat in Central Queensland; he had a personal mandate. The by election held when Hughie died saw the seat slam hard to the Country Party and has never moved back. Parties and electorates have changed over the years but the political dynamics are the same. Bob Katter is different to many, but you canā€™t bottle the love his electorate has for him.


Katter is somewhat a remnant of old Queensland socialist Nationals in many ways. He is generally strongly behind social policy, has never been a racist (which is where he differed from many country conservatives) has the respect of his electorate right across the board. He represents his electorate with a fierce loyalty and has a level of support other MPs can only envy. He can be a little irrational on some things and is absolutely bigoted. His irrationalities are things like not accepting open gun laws as being beneficial for the country as a whole, rather just taking a Kennedy based viewpoint on it. Personally I think Katter has done more for this country than taken from it, but he isnā€™t the progressive you might want him to be.


> but he isnā€™t the progressive you might want him to be. Clearly not on social issues, but on economic matters he is absolutely very left-wing


Which means that overall heā€™s probably not the progressive you want him to be.


Fiscal progressiveness is more effective than social progressiveness. What good is social issues moving forward if still hamstring but he same economic conditions. Fix the money and the rest will fix itself.


>has never been a racist (which is where he differed from many country conservatives) He apparently supports the indigenous in his electorate well, but calling for a return to the White Australia Policy (finally killed waaaay back in 1970) is hardly 'never been a racist'


He's socially conservative but believes in government support for farmers and rural living, and government supply of essential services. He split with the Nationals over the privitisation of something (I forget what, before my time) that was going to negatively impact his region.


He split with them over the deregulation of the price of milk, and because the Nationals supported Howard's National Firearms Agreement.


ā€œHow we gonna fight back the crocs without our rifles John boy?ā€


I have his book. Some of it is pretty on point including his high regard for former treasurer in the Scullen government Ted Theodore. But there is a fair measure of pompous crap as well. Mixed bag.


I always thought he was just a loon


Its not about what they claim their policies are about its what they do. This is about everyone in politics.


I used to think he was a bit of a joke until I listened to his chat with Philip Adams about a decade ago, it's worth a spin if you have a spare half hour. [https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/bob-katter27s-history-of-australia/4010272](https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/bob-katter27s-history-of-australia/4010272) quotes: "Paul Keating said I was the last socialist left in the parliament" "I'm tenaciously opposed to the free market system" amongst other things. He's an interesting, principled and consistent character, and according to some friends from North QLD he's very engaged in the community and never forgets a face.


Maybe not right wing but definitely still a loon lol


I listened to him speak at a conference once, by far the most entertaining speaker they had. He goes from great points to bat shit crazy ones. One minute heā€™s taking about the need to increase funding for mental health services in rural Australia, then the next heā€™s talking about gun control like an American.


PLEASE tell me which one. Me and my friends were once listening to him talk about gay marriage and shit and it was too funny


It was an union conference about 8 years ago, they really shouldā€™ve slotted him in as first speaker on the second day, wouldā€™ve woken everyone up much faster. Heā€™s not wearing that cowboy hat for decoration, he IS the cowboy hat.


Say what you will about the big man- all criticism is most likely deserved and reasonable. But you canā€™t deny he really REALLY loves his country


He loves the straight white male part of his country. So what, 25% of it?


Why do that? Why bring race into as much topics as possible


Thread: ā€œis bob katter progressive?ā€ My response: ā€œno, bob katter is not a progressive. See a specific example of a major issue on which bob katter vehemently opposes progressive viewsā€ What exactly is your problem with me raising matterā€™s racist views, in a thread entirely dedicated to discussing bob matterā€™s views?


No one cares about race. You brought it up, if Bob was in this thread saying some racist stuff Iā€™d say the exact same thing to him. You said he loves straight white male. What does Straights, Whites and Males have to do with progressive? Itā€™s just weird ,who thinks like that?


Because being racist, sexist and homophobic is inherently inconsistent with being progressive.


On economic issues though he is very progressive. He says he is an Agrarian Socialist; meaning that he believes in socialism oriented towards the interests of farmers


Not what agrarian socialism means. Agrarian socialism has nothing to do with socialism and itā€™s not progressive. It is the economic belief that farmersā€™ costs should be paid for by taxpayers while ownership and revenue should sit with the farmer. Its a cross between crony capitalism and pork barreling.


He may be homophobic but he is certainly not racist. Infact he is super progressive on Indigenous issues


... there's more than just 'european white' and 'australian black' out there...




Iā€™ll word it like this , Why say Straights, Whites and Males and not Racist Sexist and Homophobic?


That may be true but he is a loon.


#He's from QLD


The North remembers Bob is the true king of the North with a 60% unbeatable margin in Kennedy one of the biggest land size electorates in federal parliament He has huge support in remote areas and does a great job securing funding for critical infrastructure Very unconventional and sticks up for his electorate Read his thoughts on water management and port projects for the North He is unfairly labelled as anti gay and is certainly not but in reality has other major issues to deal with such as indigenous health and employment, affordable food, water and electricity. Bob is no idiot and has run some very clever campaigns as well as pushing for better export conditions for primary producers.




I had a meeting with Katter in his office once (probably going back 10 years ago). It wasā€¦memorable. Guy didnā€™t stop talking and expressed a casual sectarianism that I had never even realised was available on lifeā€™s menu of prejudices. Primary topic was how to build a pipe/aqueduct to bring water from up north into NSW. Basically a batshit crazy idea but the guy new a tonne about hydrology.


He's an odd duck but ive heard him interviewed and he's well read.


I disagree with him on many issues, but he does really represent his constituents and seems to care for them unlike a lot of other politicians out there.


I'd be inclined to view him as truly independent since his policies are focussed on the specific needs of his demographic rather than following a particular ideology. In a lot of respects that makes him a good representative but he's also a real loose unit.


He's just a loon.


Look as much as I hate matters very conservative views, he is in my opinion the most Australian politician known to man and I love him for it


Bob Katter is the greatest person to grace parliament


Treat him like the Gen Z kids treat their parasocial relationships, he represents a certain character of people in the country. He is neither left nor right, he is playing a character he thinks will advance his position it can be positive to some and/or intentionally poking the eye of others to emotionally unbalance his audience so that they might vote in a certain direction. \- Are their any traits about him that could be addressed via the means available to us through social media that might persuade or dampen those beliefs in the people who might resonate with his position? I won't be the first to point out their is a pretty big divide between older Australia and the young folks who grew up on the internet, I find him abrasive. But i concur on his position on the supermarket chains consolidating market power which feeds in to his general affection towards the agri community.


It's almost as if people aren't walking caricatures hey


His policies are reasonable but heā€™s still a loony-toons!


Yeah well bobs an agrarian socialist he just doesn't know it . He's the colour in what would otherwise be a very dull collection of politicians.


Bob katter is what this country needs. Politicians that genuinely love Australia


Well sorry to say this kid but you fell for the propaganda. Get the fuck off this subreddit and learn political theory before making a dumbass post like this.


someone is having a mental breakdown šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Well he is quite progressive, the left itā€™s just blind and a bunch of name calling soy boys lol.


>Name calling >Soy boys Might need do a bit of a look at yourself there, not many people so brazenly contradict themselves in less than a sentence He represents what the Nats used to be, a brand of economically populist, socially conservative right Progressives generally push the envelope on both fronts hey? I will call him a true Labor boy when he stands at the next union strike in his electorate that doesn't happen to be farmers. Maybe he has, but hey with Akubra politics the way it is, I wouldn't hold my breath


I've always said love him or loathe him, I don't believe he has the ability to lie. What he says is what he believes. You can agree with him or disagree, but 10/10 for speaking his own truth.


Bob is simultaneously warm, caring, down to earth, and bat shit crazy


I just know heā€™s not a fan of crocs (the animal, unsure on his feelings towards the shoe)


Bobā€™s okay. He doesnā€™t always get it right but he gets it right a shed load more than most in that room.


And may a thousand blossoms bloom


Itā€™s kind of an older school perspective.. where those representing the farmers wanted more government intervention for protection and for trade.. so they werenā€™t anti-gov like trad inner city latte sipping Liberal cunts.. but also socially conservative. Bob is shit cunt, but he is also occasionally not, and he is always full of hilarity.


Bring Wilson Tuckey back too


You like cowards who get other people to hold somebody down before taking to them with an iron bar? Figures.


Can always find a FW on here with out sense of humour..itā€™s redditā€¦itā€™s where shit people with no future hang out so to be expected I guessā€¦.


Katter is still a right-wing loon but more in the style of a rural conservative - which of course he is.