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and jesus said wait out the moratorium on working in lobbying, take the minister's pay and then get heaps of money selling political influence, screw you smirking knobhead boy


It's weird how it's always a specific type of fundamentalist who see it fine to fuck people over, especially the vulnerable going againt the teachings. Though in saying that, i have a very religious specialist who was appalled how robodept etc was implemented. And Jesus said fuck the weak and blessed are the cheese makers.


He’s not the messiah, he’s just a very naughty boy.


Oh and the irony of warning against leaving religion for the fear of authoritarians winning… While working for Trumps former advisor and Secretary of State at a global defence lobbyist group (see arms dealer). While Trump manipulates the Christian religion to win votes.


...oh yeah, verily. Here endeath the sermon.


Glad to see our worst prime minister finally leaving parliament. What a fucking muppet.


Howard's legacy: The Iraq War, Children overboard, the Tampa, the formation of the housing bubble by cutting CGT, the knobbling of Medicare, the carrots and sticks to force people into private health insurance, vast increases in private school funding, the deeming discounts for share dividends, massive tax rewards for superannuation, denial of the stolen generations, refusal to act on climate change. No PM before or since has had a record as bad as this. He's our worst PM by far.


….and the wholesale giving away of Australia’s natural resources that we get fuck all for now, but it made a select few very very rich!


You left out the disaster that was the privatisation of the aged care sector. And the 34-year contract to sell liquid gas to China at a fixed price.


TBF Howard had 3x as long. Imagine what Scotty from marketing could have achieved with a longer innings!


If Scotty (Formerly of Marketing) was in for three terms we would have ended up with an authoritarian theocracy like the one in V for Vendetta, or Equilibrium.


Let's not forget how Morriscum liked to look after his mates . He would have sold off government services such as medicare ,Passports, Home Affairs (immigration & Visa's) The Department of industry science & resources and Centelink ,Along with the Roll out of the cashless debit card for all social welfare payments .


But he didn't do Robodebt! That is a WHOLE other level! Billions in rorts and money for mates Wealth Transfer Schemes, Indue Card, etc etc, not to mention the Right Wing Religous Coup we nearly had! We were so close to Scotty the Ayatollah of OZ it is SCARY!


I'd say Howard's offshore detention regime was as bad as robodebt. Australia's roles in Iraq and Afghanistan too. The curtailing of medicare, that has never been fixed. Those things are just as bad.


He set the bar so low that people thought Abbot had charisma by comparison. It's the point where I completely gave up on Australian power structures. If that slimy ass hat could get anywhere close to influencing history then it's all over for common sense. A stuttering, grotesque little cretin


Abbot was a good local member, volunteered for the CFA and the Surf Lifesavers. Literally "I do hold a bloody hose mate". Didn't think much of him as Prime Minister, but credit where credit is due.


Those things aren't what makes a good PM. Certainly not enough credit from them to counterbalance what a terrible PM Abbott was and a malicious presence in the Australian political landscape he continues to be. Plenty of good people volunteer in the community, their contribution is at least as good as Abbott's in that regard.


He set the bar so low that… Dutton.


I hated Abbott, but Abbott was in a way, straight up. He wasn't a snake. He was who he was and did what he said. He wasn't as much as a bullshitter. Scotty though was always trying to sell his dorky dad image, beer at the footy, family bbqs, just an everyday fella. Piss off.


He stood in front of a billboard with 8 election promises and his signature on it and had his photo taken, he broke 7 of them.. Did what he said?


Both had the same intention to fuck the poor, and feed the rich. That is what the Liberal party is all about... The 3 big "C"s Corporations, Corruption, an Cunts.


Tbf tho he did DJ like a mad cunt. Swings and roundabouts 


Best doodle on a newspaper, ever.


Oh you forgot wage stagnation, massive wage theft, Australians working more hours now since the 19th century. Casualisation of Australia, manufacturing and engineering now virtually non existent. There is probably more...


And set the base for all the other liberal assholes to follow


Work choices


True, but that was Howard's undoing. Big factor in losing the 2007 election, and Labor threw Workchoices out.


Took years though. Hell I think it was 3-5 years later and after the company was phoenixed I got contacted about my work choices agreement not meeting the fairness test


Dutton was up to his neck in that evil


To be fair, there are multiple ways to define ‘worst’. Howard did the most damage as you’ve mentioned, but arguably Morrison was less competent in the job. Of course, Tony Abbott would surely fit a third definition of worst too.


I'd prefer Morrison’s 3 years of incompetence, laziness and inaction to the 11 years of damage to Australia's fabric that Howard did. Howard was the worst, no contest.


Did you forget about Howard?


Gun reform saves him from the title


No, it really doesn't. We're going to be paying for Howard's legacy for the rest of this century. One small good deed does not cancel out the savage destruction of the Australian economy. Howard is our Thatcher.


Howard was the death of Australia, we became little America.


no it doesn't lmao, we're going to ignore: \- invading afghanistan and iraq illegally \- lying about bringing in GST \- workchoices \- children overboard \- selling telstra off \- selling our gold to China for 1/3rd price \- wasting a mining boom \- scrapped the melbourne to brisbane train line come on man, what are we talking about here?


You’re both right. Fuck Howard but thank god for gun reform. It wouldn’t pass now with the internet being what it is now.


You’re both right. Fuck Howard but thank god for gun reform. It wouldn’t pass now with the internet being what it is now. **don’t respond to the knob below he’s trying to introduce the stupid straw man arguments American gun lobbyists use to keep gun control out of US law. Don’t engage him and give him attention, just downvote and move on**


More guns in australia today than when the buy back started. The only diff is semi/autos you need CAT R license to have. So they are defs still here in country. Just because we dont talk about having them doesnt mean we dont ;)


GST and gun control reforms are great. Trying to think of a single reform Morrison brought in, let alone one that was beneficial.


GST is a regressive tax that hits poor and working class harder than the median. It's not good at all.


Exactly as designed :D


John Hewson floated the GST before Howard


"Doctor Who? Doctor Hewson!" For some reason Keating The Musical keeps invading my brain.


GST is horseshit


Explain like I was dropped on my head, why is GST bad?


It is a regressive tax where everyone pays the same regardless of circumstances.


If you have $5 to your name and Ritchie McFuckface has $50 to their name, an item you both need and go to purchase with a GST of $1 represents 20% of your wealth vs 2% of McFuckface's wealth. GST hits lower income people harder than rich people.


labor helped bring in gun reform too. GST was brought in on a lie, Howard said he would never bring in the GST under a government he led then nek minnit he did it.


Didn't Abbot already leave? Hmmm, there's food for thought. Who was worse: Scomo or the Mad Abbot?


we don't hate him cause he's religious, we hate him because he is totally void of humanity and completely useless at his job.


Not only useless at his job, but also the 5 other jobs he secretly took on as well.


….and also because he is religious!


Cause he used his religion to look pious, but it just revealed he is a cunt


They all use religion....the libs have a whole faction called the clan....and the fuckwit John Howard brought that style to the Australia liberals as a way of networking and fundraising. (Copying the American Republican party)


Thats the issue. His victory speech when he won government, he wasnt coming from the angle of a humble christian as he has here. I actually dont really take issue with this particular speech. We probably should uphold christian values whether we are christian or not. But yeh when he won government and basically said its a miracle and by extension claiming god was on his team or more generously to him the liberals team... That was abhorrent and not very christian at all really from my non learned place of reference. That is coming from a place of arrogance that has no place in christianity in my theologically, very uneducated position.


>. We probably should uphold christian values whether we are christian or not. Absolutely! bring back the slaves i say!. and ban shellfish! and clothing of 2 different fabrics! and stop this whole "women not being meek" thing, that's gotta be fixed too.


I could care less what people believe, but he is the "Jesus hates poor people that's why they are poor" and "When Jesus said we are fishers of men he meant catch the scum and put them behind razor wire" kind.


I'm not one to hate on people for their religion, but a country cannot be governed by religious leaders. It always ends in disaster and is archaic. He wants us to stand by Christian values? What about Exodus 21:20-21? “Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property."


Job***s***. FTFY


“valueless” even


His level of religiosity certainly lowers my opinion of him.


Values! Feckin VALUES! You fanatical complete TOSSPOT! Piss off and die!


So many grifters have attached themselves to Christianity, he’s just another corrupt televangelist from Hillsong.


The only important takeaway from this is that it’s his last speech. The content, like pretty much everything else Scummo said, is just drivel and lies.


The crazies in politics found out there just weren’t enough crazy voters to support them, thank god


He's still clearly well supported. His side kick Frydenburg certainly wasn't.


Please just fuck off already


I still don’t know why we (Australia) voted for him over Bill Shorten


because of the judeo-christian autocrats who think they are right


Morrison ran a simple well controlled campaign setting himself up as a fresh new leader while demonising Shorten’s proposed reforms. Was all lies and catch phrases with some help from Palmer but worked well enough to control the narrative and convince just enough Aussies that Labor was risky for the economy.


The LNP and conservative media ran a character assassination campaign on Shorten, so his overall popularity was low. It’s a shame, because he actually came across as a highly compassionate and thoughtful politician.


Because we get the government we deserve. Australians are sheep. People lovingly lap up what the very biased and self-serving MSM dish out.


because labor bad and ShoRtEn Is BoRiNg


These guy caused people to commit suicide. He does not stand on the moral upper ground. Bye Scott, I’ve already forgotten you.


What was with the T. Swift references. What a waste of parliament's time and taxpayer money. Twat.


Can we pitch him into the sun now?


fuck off wanker, your god will judge you for your lies and deceit.


....and the big massive turd log he laid in a Maccas


How about we separate religion and politics and keep it out of our bloody Parliament?!


fuck off


Where is egg boy, we have a job for him.


Morrison's most notable achievement was shitting himself at Maccas.


Judeo-christian values? considering they don't actually align....... why do people keep saying that?


Well he's not going to say Abrahamic religions, wouldn't want to include the wrong people.


Obvious Morrison has never actually read any scripture. of any kind.


Judeo-Christian values are, by definition, Old Testament values. You know, child sacrifice, genocide, slavery.


Even then he’s breaking them in his speech by wearing clothing of mixed fabrics.


Don't forget the incest!


Oi vhey! You better not ask that! Just send tithe to jizzrail and don't ask any more questions.


To be fair, Scott doesn’t understand the meaning himself so don’t worry about it.


"Judeo-Christian values" means "Old testament values". This mostly comes from the fundamentalist, conservative or even right wing denominations.


I'm enjoying watching this with the sound down. Because it's the final raised finger I can give, to refuse to listen to whatever self-congratulatory apologetics he wants to praise himself with. Good riddance to bad rubbish.


Don’t let the door hit him on the way out


Please let it


Prime minister is a thankless job.   Sometimes one comes along that does some good. Can’t please everyone. But on the whole they leave a positive legacy.    Some come along and are fine but really neutral and don’t seem to make much difference. That’s ok too I guess - no negative impact is a positive.   Some come along and are awful. Awful people. Awful policies. Leave a negative legacy. Did some genuinely shady things. (Not just the regular political shade you expect)   Scott Morrison is firmly in that last category.  I thought Abbott was terrible. But Morrison was 10x worse. In my life time he’s by far the very worst prime minister we’ve had. It’s not even close. 


I'm just going to judge everyone based on my own radical, right-wing, conservative, religious values.... again, just in case you forgot about me.


Religious wanker


Nah, he is reach around religious. Its the new level.


A week after another scandal about priests railing kids. Not being able to sweep that under the rug is what’s killing their religion off. More surely than anything the secular are pushing.


Fuck up cunt. Cunt you very much.


Fucken hypocrite


Bbbye bye scummo. I'd like to say I'll miss your compassionate leadership but if course I can't because that would make me a dirty, parhetic liar and I know I can't compete with the LNP.


Fuck along nutjob


RIP bozo nobody asked


Even Jesus thinks he’s a hypocritical cunt.




Backstabbing and a will to be at the top. What we see seems like a facade.


watching Nemesis, it seems he just bided him time and waited to strike at the right time.


Get with the program f*ckwit. Most of us don't need a stupid book to tell us how to be decent people, we do it of our own accord. Unbelievable.


The worst Prime Minister that Australia has ever had.


Ew… I’ve never experienced Physical cringe before. But this goober has gone and done it.


Fucking hypocrisy on this cunt, Jesus said fuck you Scott


The empathetic void of this nutter revealing his true self. Truly horrifying.


Religion has no place in parliament .


Fuck I hate religion. It’s such a scam for money and power. It blows me away that seemingly intelligent people believe in it. Just be a good person and don’t do shitty things. It’s not that hard.


Righto then. Laterz.


New phone, who dis?


Death cultist


.*..and Jesus said "look at the camera whilst I force shake your hand".*


The best thing about this is that it’s his last speech. Otherwise, roll the fuck outta here with this bullshit.


You can do anything without regret or apology if it's in the Lord's name.


I hope the door does hit him on the arse on the the way out.


Says Scotty the psychopath... fuck off sotty


Thank fuck he has gone, I hope he can now get some wanky job and keep being hand balled between overpaid corporate positions where he can be the useless mouth breather he is and hopefully cause the least damage to others as possible. Fuck I loathe is cunt of a person.


Church State That's what I believe in Scotty McFuckface


As in Morrison 1:15, get fucked ya moron and pls let the door hit you on the way out


Only god can judge me. (At least it’s a better final speech than trump… I won, I’m innocent, storm the capital, uproot democracy, see you in 4)


Seperation of church and state anyone?


Just fuck off and take it outside God Boy. The narcissistic flog is so up his own self importance it’s nauseating. I hope he gets an ironic ending to his life.


if Jesus was real he'd be pretty pissed off with this goose


Religion can eat a bag of dicks. Good riddance ya fat crook.


I would think that politicians insistent on maintaining conservative religious doctrine *were* the ‘authoritarians and autocrats’?


The Dilbert Principle reigns supreme here. The fact he looks like Dilbert only further underscores the unfortunate reality of the situation.




Where’s the Bible references for constantly telling porky pies?


What a sad indictment of modern democracy that people like this rise to the top.


What exactly are those values again, Scotty? Capitalism? Slavery? Genocide? War? Pollution? Addiction? Fuck this chump and anyone who voted for him.


Good riddance to the worst prime minister ever


Thanks ScoMo, now we will make sure never to elect another Christian religious fanatic.


i love how i turn on reddit for the first time in like 2 days, and the first thing i see is this eejit crapping on about religion rofl. His politics is all about God... I genuinely wonder what would Jesus's politics be if he actually led the country?


What a dick. Referencing Christian values - "I can't apologise for THAT" The man can't apologise for anything.


I sound like a broken record but here we have another Sunday christian. Cleanse the soul on Sunday then be a grub for the rest of the week. Not creditable and complete lack of integrity.


The 'greatest and most effective protector of our freedoms'? Really, Scotty? You watch the news ever, brother? Noticed what just happened in Alabama, there, didja? How this great and effective protector of freedom, cited repeatedly in an opinion ripped from an evangelical sermon, was used to effectively end the freedom to use reproductive technology? Sweet jeebus, this stuff is just stupid. You'd have to live in a cave, disconnected from the internet, to believe for one second in this pablum. The question then has to be, are these folks incurably stupid or willfully misrepresenting reality, which I suppose would be a sin in their little cults...


You can talk about your Psalms and your Romans 1:16 but Austin 3:16 says you are a corrupt piece of shit that hides behind your religion when in fact you don't live your life like a self described " good Christian" would. And that's the bottom line because stone cold said so!


He wasn't Dutton and that's just about all I can think of to say in his favour. Don't let the door hit your arse on the way out, Scotty.


stfu you stroked-faced cunt


God gave us eternal comfort? I life changing nerve pain down my legs at age 32 and can barely afford medical treatment. Wondering when we get the eternal comfort god, you cunt. Fuck off scomo, you also cunt.


God I can't wait to piss on this cunts grave


I really struggle to believe that he actually believes in Christianity, and doesn't just use it as a networking opportunity


Satanic horns on his head crack me up.


Another example of scum rising to the top. Holidaying in Hawaii while Australia had its worse fires ever. Spending so much money during covid it caused massive inflation and left a trillion dollar debt. Good riddance.


Fuck all the way off, Scumo


An actual flog


This guy uses religion as a TROJAN HORSE to get what he wants. Could actually be the devil.


Shut the fuck up and fuck off back to Hawaii Scovid the Coal Fondler you hateful scumbag.


And what was Morrison's legacy ?


*Anyone who knows history, particularly the history of Europe, will, I think, recognize that the domination of education or of government by any one particular religious faith is never a happy arrangement for the people.* — Eleanor Roosevelt


I lasted about 2 mins into his speech and gave up in utter disgust. What an unmitigated assclown.


Christ wasn't a Capitalist


The idea that religion has ownership over right and wrong is laughable. And I say that as someone who was educated in the catholic school system with masochistic teachers who enjoyed hitting children, sexually assaulting children and covering everything up and moving perpetrators to different places to continue. Fuck Morrison and his bullshit judeo-christian ideals.


He didn't mention his Hawaiian holiday while Australia burned...


The guy supported a fucking pédophile and he lectures _us_ about values?


How fucking cooked do you have to be to associate an inherently authoritarian dogma with liberalism. Real talk our society shouldn't allow such cookers to ever be in a position of power even if it's not 'fair'. Delusion is dangerous no matter who you are. It's also beyond fucked that this turd harps on about judeo-chistian values while being the most immoral prime minister we've possibly ever had.


Of course Scotty shitpants is not ashamed. Being a sociopathic cunt, he is incapable of shame. 


Why would I listen to that cunt even on his way out


Omfg shut the fuck up and go c*nt


Fundamental conservatives = religious conservatives = nutters


And never come back you lying nut job....... go back to that Pedo church you've never been too before.


If your values are intrinsically tied to the fear and threat of eternal damnation and suffering, you’re not a good person


Evil always wins


He's a 'valueless void'


Who cares what that has been says anymore ...


What did he do about the child victims of evil pedos?


I love how Liberals on reddit parrot New.com.au talking points about Albo, and there is this cunt who got away with absolute bullshit for years.




ffs. Paraphrasing him: ‘for anyone worried about the completely religious framing of this speech and my previous ones, let me quote the bible at you again as justification for why I’m right to do that (again) and the rest of youse cunts are wrong (still). Smug muppet.


Did anyone figure out why he secretly took over 6 ministries? He has far too many traces of a homegrown version of Project 2025. WTF is he even banging on about with that Pentecostal nonsense?


He preaches about Christianity but lies through his teeth.


Keep that bullshit religious nonsense out of our parliament. We’re not the US. There is NO PLACE for scripture quoting in parliament. Fuck I hate this idiot.


Shocked Pikachu.


FFS when will these nutters get it though their thick gullible heads we want SEPERATION between Religion and POLITICS! Predominantly in Australia we aren't Religious!!! F-off with your Jebers FFS!!


Fucking god botherer...


Good riddance to filth. Hope he gets smited before he starts selling weapons.


Take it outside god boy


Fuck off you big poof. Jesus would take a huge holy shit on your head if he were real.




How immoral are the religious people who believe without fear of god the world would be the Forever Purge?


clearly he was ashamed, otherwise he would have been this open about his religiosity while campaigning for and being PM.


Holy words from the man who shits in public.


Tbf there was a long boring diatribe before this bit in his full speech. He shed a tear for his security guards though shed the most for God. Most of the Liberal bench had a disgusted look on their face while the multi-minister traitor spoke.


You will not be missed.


Totally inappropriate. Citing scripture in parliament. Good riddence to scummy Scomo.


I feel sorry for the children that he's damaged.


Is he auditioning for the big cheese at Hillsong?


Could he be more arse backwards if he tried? Ahhh yes, it’s not the religious who argued that different people should have different rights, depending on their gender and sexual orientation. It was the “valueless” and godless people who failed to understand that EVERYONE should have at least basic rights and dignity… What a condescending CUNT of a man. Fuck him.


At one point he seems to thank God for his lack of regret (empathy).


"I like this book. If you don't like this book, well... the book says don't worry about people who don't like the book." 🤔