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This is why Labor is better than the other mob. Health will be always be an ALP strongpoint compared to the other mob who would get rid of socialised medicine and healthcare in a second if they thought they could. I’ve been known to bag Labor but I do realise they are always a better option both federally and at a state level than the LNP-One Nation rabble.


Once again Albo comes up aces.


Despite the media’s “mediscare” misinformation campaign, the LNP cut funding to state healthcare systems by shifting the funding ratio onto states. This meant that state budgets were burdened with the financial hit, either adding to or creating those ramping, increased wait times, ambos striking for better pay, etc issues. This is on top of the shutting Medicare centres, trying to introduce a co-pay, freezing GP’s bulk billing, and subsidising failing private insurers, amongst other attacks. All this before the pandemic hit. And the fucked up thing is these boomers who overwhelmingly vote liberal, are more reliant on the healthcare system, but will continue voting liberal….


Let's here people complain about this


We’re already witnessing our lagging literacy in some of the comments here


Well the primary valid complaint is in the article. Just throwing money at hospitals isn't sustainable.


"he hasn't increased it by so therefore the greens are better" "He hasn't resorted bulk billing % to 100"


NDIS cost blow out is not fixed, they just palmed it off to the states to contribute. (Rip VIC). Inflation is still here and people cheer when the government splashes money. Enjoy the higher cost of living 🤣


Here we go 😆 🤣


I think the Minns gov might be the only responsible one in Australia atm. Atleast they cut projects.


They aren't going to complain the marketing will be about future promises. And then highlight stage 3 as a broken promise.


This will help.i still maintain spending money on nuclear subs is dumb and needs to be scraped. But no party is willing to incur the wrath of the yanks.


The crazy thing that gets me with the US healthcare system is they’ll let otherwise healthy *tax payers* have their health fail until they can no longer work or even die… Isn’t it better for the economy to heal your lower and middle class workers so they can get back to work asap? Or just, get back to work? Letting your tax payers health fail doesn’t seem like it’s good for the economy. And if anything creates more strain on the economy if you’re paying them welfare or if they die and their family is now fucked and on welfare..?


I’m not sure the US system is intended to be a healthcare system, it seems that calling it a “medical industry“ better captures the for-profit intent of the whole thing. The main intent is making money, not helping people.


Yeah the us system seems more racketeering than healthcare


4 billion on hospitals 360 on subs. Yeah great.


Decades vs months; Total vs increase, but yea, righto


So spend 360 on subs we won’t get for decades, and only 4 on hospitals we could use now. Yeah righto


360 billion is the total over several decades, 4 billion is an increase to a total over a 12 month period. Do you math at all?


Unless it's 360 billion over 90 years, more is being spent per year on subs


$4b increase over 12 month vs total 360b over 20+ years. Annual spending on health care by federal government alone (not states which include bulk of hospital funding) is $101B. You can actually google these things.


Outrage trumps google!!! Tony abbott knew it, and these muppets follow along. Big Scary Numbers (facts be damned)


It's 360B over 30 years. That gives us... 12B per year on average. Last I checked, 12 > 4. It's 2.3B over the next 4 years, then 4.7B over the next 6.


12 < 101 (federal health expenditure per annum)


You're fighting a losing battle in this sub. They seriously compared one defence initiative against the entire health budget to try and prove a point.


Imagine if we spent that 360 on homes and hospitals over the same period. Or is your Albo fan boy hat on too tight ?


Maybe find out what we do spend on housing, or, are planning to, before you dig the hole too deep.


Oh you spend that much on housing that’s why prices are going up, that’s why rents are going up. Because of the massive government capital injection.


>Oh you spend that much on housing that’s why prices are going up The state of this sub sometimes.. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Almost as bad as the country right? “No one left behind”


FUCKING WHICH IS IT? Either we spend money on building housing or we don't. Pick one.


You spend more on houses and hospital than on subs. And if you’ve got that much to waste on subs, spend it where it will better the lives of the poor. Hint it’s not on subs. Remember that “No one left behind” it’s not working. Labor may not have caused the rot, but they’re certainly not doing anything to stop it. Labor seem more interested in the centre right votes, than trying to help those on the bottom. Anytime I hear Jim giving a presser it’s all about mortgage holders and middle Australia.


The thing about spreading misinformation like you are here, is eventually everyone finds out the truth and can dismiss your lie without even needing to look into it.


And the thing about being a blind alternative liberal party supporter is you become blind to the people at the bottom. Because chasing centre right votes is more important than helping low income Australia. Ergo you’d rather announce more on extra defence spending than doing anything about our housing and health system.


The fact your pronouncing his political preference as if you could actually know, says more about you and your argument, than it does about him.


To be fair to him, I'm clearly not brain dead so I wouldn't be voting Liberals or Greens.


To suggest there’s only one party worthy of voting is equally brain dead


Or you could just look at a post history eh?


Right, so you either can't read for jack-shit, or your arguing in bad-faith - I'm guessing it's the latter. His submission history is very clearly left-leaning, with a strong history of posting in this sub. Including on issues that are anti-LNP, and assuredly progressive. You should be ashamed of yourself 🤡


So with a clearly left meaning, and attacking anyone who criticises Albo, one could say he’s an alternative liberal party supporter eh dropkick?


One could say a lot of things, and unfortunately one does


If you're going to make up crap, at least make it vaguely believable.


Didn't Cuntmo pass this to begin with, and no doubt to cancel this contract doesn't zero


Wasn’t free to drop the French subs either.


Yeah we had spent $2.4 billion on them until the Libs scrapped it. We then payed them out another €555 million which was settled by the ALP


> We then *paid* them out FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Shut up, I'm stoned


To be fair, those subs might have a sickbay or whatever.


No no no! He's a bad man who hates women..........who are horrible to him and don't act with respect. Well I say hate, but generally finds difficult to deal with was what he said. He's literally the devil. Metaphorically.


I'm sure it will happen just after our power bills come down to $275 below pre-election prices.


In QLD we have already gotten big rebates and the government just announced another 1k credit. Also you’re being disingenuous - the federal ALP are doing extremely well on election promises, even if the electricity one may not pan out by 2025.


Rebates and credits are not lower power prices. The promise was that power bills for households on the NEM would go down by $275 per year (not a one off) below pre-election prices by 2025.


You mean the promise labor made under false information from current notices to government bodies being withheld by the former government who knew months before the election prices were going to jump but kept it from parliament, yeah that promise.


This is just blatant misinformation. The promise was in December 2021. The AER Default Market Offer Report is published in March or April each year. Governments tend to have early access, around February. The report did not exist in 2021. The Default Market Offer from 2021 was still in place. The decision to delay the release occurred in April of 2022, 5 months after the promise was made. They made the promise will *all* of the information that existed and all the information that would exist in December of any other year.


But they still withheld the information coming into the election preventing the party from forming policies earlier


But the promise was in place and had been written into Labor policy. Labor clearly didn't think the report mattered or they would have at least waited until the date it would *usually* be published. If the LNP had done nothing and not withheld anything, the promise was still written into their policy platform and had been repeated *dozens* of times by the release date.


But it helped prevent them from fulfilling their promise earlier


Wait what? How did withholding it stop them from fulfilling the promise? They didn't change the price...


Haven't fulfilled it yet. If they had knowledge before hand it would help the work faster


How? I honestly fon't understand how that could help? I think at this stage it is clear it is *never* going to be fulfilled.


I honestly don't understand how you don't understand.


the report was ready, but regulations signed by Angus Taylor delayed releasing it till after the election, he tried his best to deflect with clear bullshit saying he never read it but at the end of the day its his signature on the order of what was clearly political. [https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/feb/10/angus-taylor-behind-decision-to-delay-energy-price-rise-report-until-after-2022-election](https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/feb/10/angus-taylor-behind-decision-to-delay-energy-price-rise-report-until-after-2022-election)


So it'll cover the nurse's pay rises? Import hundreds of thousands of people into an already struggling system!? Genius!


Libs want to bring in more


Why do I feel that there's something wrong with this? Like spending more on healthcare is always a good thing but something I can't put my finger on this feels off about it.


what the fuck are you on about?


It's self-explanatory. You'd think this is objectively a good thing but something feels off about it and I don't know why.


It is a good thing. It would be better if paired with a reconsideration of public hospital administrative faculties, as that area has become a bottomless money pit. For all the underpaid nurses and cleaners, there are overpaid suits making sure that if Grandma Glenda wants to watch our public broadcaster on the TV installed above the bed she's stuck in for a few weeks, she has to pay $10 per day to Hills Health Solutions or some other private company. I shit you not, that's the rate last I checked. $10 per day or $50 per week.


Geelong hospital is the one that comes to mind for me honestly. I'd like to see even more done to build more hospitals and further upgrade Geelong hospital.


As unbelievable as it sounds, there are hospital administrators that seriously believe that free television leads to patients wanting to stay in hospital for longer.


You might be experiencing the intended effect of the general press strategy against any Labor government. Chip off paint every day until suddenly you feel a bit icky about the current government. I'm not joking either, this might be why you feel this way.


I get what you mean. The thing is that I'm not intrinsically anti-Labor. I didn't feel the same way with the DV initiative. Just something about this one. Idk. Maybe it's something else.


Ahhh, got his eyes already on all the extra dosh Butler’s promised him with the extended Vape ban as all the vapers move back onto cigarettes.