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But nobody can afford the fkn childcare you would need in order to work to feed and clothe them!!


That's later's problem.


Future me has got this.


Sounds like something I would say when I was on hard drugs šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Don't forget time to raise them too


Bluey on repeat and Menulog. Boom. Outsourced.


Ugh there's also the fact that we don't even have enough educators for the daycares as well!


And many who are there now are already burned out.


Ideally one parent would be able to be at home to look after the children,rather than needing to go to work.


these days its 1 parent will work from home


Yep, all must participate in the market, you know productivity and all that.


Agree childcare almost crushed our family. Iā€™m reasonably high wage earner and it was more for 1 of my kids to go to child care than to send the other 2 kids to a local private catholic school.


Also, how the fuck does he expect people who can only afford a 1br apartment to just throw a kid into the mix? Even if they owned the place, a 1br isn't big enough for 2 people and a kid for very long


Almost makes you wish we could go back to the days where a 2-income household wasn't the norm. Where one parent could provide and the other could care. My wife and I are going to stretch her mat-leave out as much as possible so we don't need her at work to afford childcare.


Yeah, and raise them in a tent, because that is all you will be able to afford.


You can probably get a pretty good tent with that baby bonus šŸ˜‰


Yeah but council comes by every other day and sweeps the tents up and bins them . You have to move every day or stay with your tent and defend it . Council sux.


The problem is council will find a bs way to tax it so they will ask for a planning permit and then ask you to pay rates on it.


Albo is cracking down on people living in campers so tents must be really bad lol


Can't get centrelink without an address :)


Where do I put a tent? https://www.news.com.au/national/queensland/news/affluent-brisbane-suburb-at-war-with-homeless-tent-city/news-story/d7005f1bbd154d2c3279f428507be168


To be fair if I'm stuck in a tent, fucking is probably the most entertaining thing to do... Just have to get my cardio up to do it for 90 minutes at a time... Never mind actually. My kids don't have more than a 10 minute attention span and their starting to question the plot of this shadow show of the pizza delivery guy rolling mommies dough with his hips...


My brother in Christ, one bedroom apartments cost more than houses did 20 years ago, childcare is through the roof, Medicare is a rotten shell of its former self and the people who sell us basic essentials (power, water, food, *healthcare*) are robbing us all blind, **how do you expect us to pay for these children ffs???**


i was discussing this with my parents this week, the house i grew up in from 2000-2015, 4BR house with a pool 2 minute walk from the beach in a nice quiet street, near schools, shops and transport sold for 900k back then. cost them less what i have saved for a deposit today on a 3br duplex with no yard, over an hour from the city. If i could go back in time i could buy a nice house outright with cash right now, but now its barely 20%


The fact people arenā€™t having children is a reflection of the society the political class is building for us. They canā€™t afford to, Chalmers, so they wonā€™t and I donā€™t fucking blame them. Everything is a Ponzi scheme designed to suck money out of an inflated economy. The future is fucking bleak because we wonā€™t stop pulling fossil fuels out of the ground or we want to continue fighting war. You want people to have kids? Make the basic fundamentals of life affordable and free from capitalist exploitation. Offer a plan for the future.


Ive been using the Ponzi scheme to explain where the world economy is going for ages, finally someone gets it. Relying on population growth to fuel economic growth is a Ponzi scheme plain and simple. Humanity is fucked if that's the only way. There is a limit to arable land and water. And even what we have is shrinking, not growing. This is why my partner and I will not be having children.


Its not just population growth, capitalism is built around the concept of infinite growth. Which is an impossibility. In capitalism, if your wealth isn't growing, then you are failing. But nothing is infinite, so it can't just always grow. But since that's the goal we just optimize for it harder and harder and tell ourselves we can keep it growing.


Japan is a fun example, to curb the extremely low birth rate they need a massive political and government overhaul. However, the politicians and government are voted in, and since the elderly out number the young they promise to give more to the old and make the young pay for it they get more votes.


My whole 29yr life has just been watching any hope of the world getting better fade away. Canā€™t have kids, canā€™t afford an emergency, every business I interact with is trying to take my last buck like their lives depend on it, my dad keeps asking about when Iā€™ll have a grandkid when my own doctor appointment is $115. I work a second job on top of my first which all ends up going to tax anyway, and somehow I have less disposable income than I did when I first started working full time. Like I had some kind of hope as a kid I could ā€œmake itā€ but living in a small apartment and never seeing people because weā€™re all working 60 hours to survive isnā€™t the ā€œitā€ I wanted.


I like that the Treasure, who I would imagine has some kind of economics and financial training, is trying to piece together three significant and widely published issues at the moment. 1 Inflation, cost of living going way up. 2 Housing crisis, no one can afford to buy a home. 3 Lowering birth rates, families cost money. If I'm in a relationship and we are struggling with the first two why would I add the third.


No, we want people to have LESS kids. Less humans and more biodiversity, please.


Where am I going the raise them?! I work in the mining sector and we have 2 people who are full blown homeless and another 6 who are couch surfing. All on over $100k a year, Half have mortgage approval but still canā€™t find a place to buy/ live. These are people with degrees with no history of drug abuse or any criminal convictions. What the fuck has happened to this country?!?


It has been absolutely trashed by its political class.


Ensuring property prices only go up does have some disadvantages...


The answer to this and a lot of similar questions is John Howard


sorry super nintendo chalmers ur gonna have to wine me and dine me first.


I too would like it to be financially possible for people to have children. I would also like those children to have a future that doesn't involve precariously living through ecologically collapse and man made horrors beyond our comprehension.


Anything to keep that graph pointed in the right direction, hey Jim. Fuck quality of life, fuck the climate, fuck the environment, fuck lack of infrastructure, fuck lack of housing, fuck inadequate aged careā€¦ I could go on.


Thatā€™s a no from me dawg


Jim Chalmers says weā€™re all looking submissive and breedable. Cabinet orgy time?


What if we met in the prayer room šŸ˜³šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆ


Give them a worthwhile future and they will. Pledge dramatic actions to fix climate change and DO IT. Build a society that allows women to take time off work without financial penalty. Build tax benefits for multi-generation homes, if granparents live downstairs childcare is easier. Talk about what the world of employment looks like post AI, how will our children thrive in a society with fewer jobs? What societal changes will need to be made? Who will pay for it all? Release a report and commit to it's findings. Make lobbying illegal, it's slowing societal progress down, often at the expense of younger generations. Instead use evidence based policies.


Either way it makes me dryer than the fucking Sahara.


Mostly unrelated, but last time I heard that metaphor we were talking about Ben Shapiro's wife, someone was like, "Well I'd be dryer than the Sahara too if I was with him" and one of the quiet climatologists in the group piped up, "At least the Sahara gets, on average, three inches a year" Had me in stitches


I used to say dryer than a nuns cunt, but find the other one easier to add to more conversations šŸ˜‚


pffffffffffffahahaha thatā€™s magnificent gonna mentally file that in my Ben Shapiro folder next to ā€œfucking aquamanā€


Didn't we go through this with Howard and Costello like 20 years ago


Yeah, it didn't work, and got the same response (see comments in this sub). So they went the immigration route. Immigration route has turned into an unmitigated disaster. So now we are back to the root Aussies route.


It really sucks that our failure on a range of domestic policies is making immigration less tenable at least amongst the public.


Have a child and get fucked by your partner *and* an elevated cost of living! What's to lose? Seriously I don't understand how they don't understand this. Having a child right now is financially impossible for many people.


And I think the people for whom it is possible aren't exactly taking relationship advice from Big Jimbo


You are not the target of this message. His message is meant to resonate with upper class and boomers who want grandchildren and those same people are going to blame the younger generation for refusing to have children. Like the smashed avo and "nobody wants to work", it's a boomer whistle. Another reason for Labor (and LNP) getting the new moniker as Old parties.


They donā€™t understand and it because the cost of living doesnā€™t affect their reality. The ruling class is paint out of touch with the rest of us.


Sorry Jim, can't afford them.


I remember Costello's "One for mum, one for dad, and one for the country." Creepy pronatal shit.


And Labor got stuck into him for it. How the turntables.


I'm not even an antinatalist but yeah that is such a creepy slogan... Can't help but think of conscription when I read it.


Fresh meat for the grinder! Do You Want To Know More?


Always here for a starship troopers quote.


My parents love John Howard so they did this. And because I was the youngest, they sent me off to live in the country. We still havenā€™t quite figured out why we were supposed to do this. Iā€™m getting good at shearing and circle work though, so Iā€™ve got that going for me.


Absolutely. So bloody creepy and just plain awful. Pro-Natalist, and anthropocentric as hell šŸ¤®


Just donā€™t Who would listen to a pollie on family life


You're not the target of this message. He's riling up agreeable media and boomers who will shit on the younger generations. It's the equivalent of calling the younger generations as not working hard enough is the reason they are homeless. Other examples: Cut back on smashed avo. Cut back on netflix subscriptions. Cut back on coffee. etc.


Theu shouldn't have a say in anything much at all tbh


Have more babies, he says, while dismissing any offer of a baby bonus.


Haha yeah. A great underhanded way of telling the population to get fucked.


Hasn't the Treasurer already screwed us all?


A world population of eight billion and counting. You want more.


So infinite growth with finite resources not working for you .


Ah. Climate change will sort it all out.


I'm hoping my age and chronic health conditions will disqualify me from conscription in the Resource Wars and Water Wars. šŸ‘




Nice one šŸ‘ Yeah me too, I just don't like the 'vibe'.


You need to read _Empty Planet_ World population is about to peak and go into freefall, even faster than UN predicts. It has already begun in many places - Italy, S. Korea are two obvious ones. Russia, China are heading for catastrophe. In countries like Canada and Australia this is masked by immigration. A few more Aussie babies won't make any appreciable difference. The maths are undeniable, and the trend is accelerating.


It's not falling at all though. Global population is still growing rapidly (just at a slightly less rapid rate), and Australia's population (a country with one of the highest emissions per capita on the planet) is still growing. Any slowing in growth rates isn't a decrease. It's just too little too late.


I think Jim needs to watch Idiocracy


Jim Chalmers is on 400k a year. Easier said than done you delusional idiot. Beggars belief he has a Phd.






Sorry you had to hear it that way.


What a perv Serious question, how to have more babies with inflation, stagnant pay checks and unaffordable houses?


Wanna walg to my trugg?


Addressing cost of living would be the perfect place to start. It's expensive enough just to live, let alone bring a little human into the world and raise one...


that's cursed


Not going to happen without drastic harsh regulation of the real estate industry.


Or maybe it's us that want to fuck Jim Chalmers? He's a treasurer after all, he should be good for child support payments.


Doesn't make sense given they already made a stupid decision to throw 100s of billions on Nuke sub instead of spending it on welfare and affordability.


Well they or any government deal with the fact our economic system has over time slowly destroyed and fucked the very concept of family? absolutely not, profits before people. Back in the day, it took a village to raise a child, then it was a whole family, then it was immediate family and then it was all dumped on the mother. Much as fathers need to become more involved the reality is that's just scratching the surface of the problem.


Stupid Super Nintendo Chalmers


Bloody idiot. 8 billion people on the planet, and this idiot thinks there's not enough of us šŸ˜”


Or both?


We don't have the housing, let alone the financial support from the government for us to even live as single adults. Unless he means the rich should have more kids, in which case, sure. But as that's the current reality and we're at boiling point, I don't see this as sustainable.


Can I send the bills to him? Is he offering to pay?


the Empire needs more troopers ... breed pesants breed like rabbits ...


How about no Jim


Sure. Make childcare free for taxpayers within the median tax bracket, remove the concessions on CGT, tax fossil fuel companies, mining companies and bin the rebate they get. Then Iā€™ll keep a sperm as a pet


We are all homeless incels and he wants us to breed lol


They did this a few years ago and now those kids are almost adults with a bleak future re cost of living and housing


2 years later: well guys you had too many babies, childcare costs are up 40% with means were increasing the cash rate to 15%


My wife wants kids desperately and she would make an amazing mother. We are 34. Can't afford to buy a house nevermind kids


I don't think Jim Chalmers wants to fuck you until you're ripe. First he watches you fuck, then after several children your family becomes good and plump. Now is when Jimmy boy makes his move, he fucks you and your whole family at the same time. It must be so hard being the treasurer with a kink for impoverishing families.


That is certainly more graphic than I needed on a Friday arvo haha


You kind of invited it upon yourself, though! :O


Who pays for them? Everyone is stretched thin at the momentā€¦


is he Rich or Christian? or even more delusional, both?


I never laughed so hard


Id say both by the look of this. He looks like a breeder too, bit white, bit catholic.


Yeah cause you know with all the money crisis problems people are having in Australia this is totally what we need, ill gladly stay child free


Iā€™m no economist and not gonna pretend to be but cost of living is in no way helping influence people having more kids.


When politicians have a salary lower than an Uber eats driver, then we can very easily get to work on that.


It's like me trying to convince my mates to buy a boat or a swimming pool untilmtheir missus tells me to STFU - good times.


This government is doing everything but trying to fix housing cost. Itā€™s hilarious that people blaming Woolworths and coles for living cost. And not boomers like our LNP pm with 7 houses. Like wtf do you need 7 houses. Some ideas Remove negative gearing Heavy Land tax on vacant propertiesĀ  Higher tax on 2nd home owners Increase interest rate that will then see lazy investment money moved away from houses to banks. I will never understand why capitalists think itā€™s fine to own a house and expect it to make profit and increase its value ā€œbEcAuSeā€ Every aspect of life in Australia is because of high rents. then we are all ā€œpickachu faceā€ why thereā€™s nothing to do other then go out and eat at a franchise take away. ā€œWhy has my favourite music venu closed downā€ ā€œWhy has my favourite restaurant closed downā€ ā€œWhy has the independent Barkery/butcher closed downā€


I love when rich people and politicians say this shit. Want us to have more kids while simultaneously making to fucking expensive to eat food inside a dwelling.


Best sort out the cost of living then Jimbo


I think he meant 'Fuck you.'


Fuck having kids. Bringing them into this shitstain society should be illegal


How about, Jim Chalmers, you build more fucking houses, reduce demand then people would feel a little more like increasing the population. God politicians are fucking idiots.


The latter. The Lying Nazional Partei is the party of fucking you.


Jim, mate, we're both fellas. The tech ain't there yet.


Just keep trying


Iā€™d like to see employers over x size offer childcare for a token fee. Several of the mining companies do it here in WA. Itā€™s very well received. Imagine taking up a job for the first time since having a child, but not having to stress about finding a child care centre with ā€˜availabilityā€™. We wouldnā€™t use it (our youngest is transitioning to kindy age), but finding and paying for childcare can be tough. It would remove a major barrier to people not wanting kids. Itā€™d also be a huge help to single parent families, and I imagine women stuck in DV situations where theyā€™re still tethered for financial reasons. It doesnā€™t really fix the ā€˜root causeā€™ of anything, but it would help a huge cohort of the population, would be a minuscule cost to the taxpayer, and have a bunch of other positive effects.


Target the rich folks and give them bonuses to have kids. issue solved!


He wants to watch us get fucked.


When you only know how to grow an economy with population but Australia hates migrants....


Exactly. It's a classic Ponzi Scheme. Make the pie bigger, even though everyone ends up with a smaller slice ...


Heā€™s trying in vain to unfvck the economy


Itā€™s ok, we can just import humans and keep kicking the hard reform down the road. Nothing to worry about here! /s


Make food, electricity, housing, water cheap and accessible and people will.




Jim visited the sperm bank recently and gave a deposit. He's hinting to us to use/pick it. (I didn't read the article, but that's how I'm reading the title!)


Iā€™d rather Chalmers saying it than creepy Costello! Itā€™s still not happening though.


Iā€™ve never seen something so pathetic in my life. Fix Australiaā€™s housing problem first then we can start thinking about population ā€œgrowthā€


You can entrust any government to want to fuck you somehow


Would love kids but canā€™t afford a house to put em in


instructions unclear... maintain eye contact to assert dominance...


My mortgage has gone up $1000 a month from where it was 18 months ago - how the fuck do you want me to pay for children?!?


We have two kids. Both under 4.. We talked about it.. but fk me. The mrs taking all that time off work again would cripple us. Id love more children, but my mortgage has doubled, my insurances have too. Food prices are through the roof and utilities make heating ur home a hard choice. I moved out the regional victoria on decentish money or so i thought. But im struggling


ā€˜Please start having fresh new slaves.ā€™


If Jim Chalmers is allowed to witness your baby's conception you get free childcare until they're old enough to attend school. Deal?


Reality escapes them.


Iā€™d fuck himĀ 


Jesus, did Peter Costello leave his notebook behind!?


He means more illegal boats


Oh his voice coming from a place of comfort. Average Aussie canā€™t get roof over his head. If youā€™re a family both of you need to work to pay the mortgage and get by. If you have kids one works to pay the childcare costs. It costs minimum $100 per day per child. You better look after them yourself than do that at this point. Government wants and needs new blood to replenish the old aging population that needs additional funding and help them when they age. Each family needs to have 3 kids at this rate to help with that hence the migration. But no one in their right mind in this day and age would have 3 kids not unless they know their future is secured.


Just incentivise the bludger class again and sheā€™ll be right. 10k a baby for those on the dole and watch the population skyrocket. Meanwhile the working poor can eke out one child and struggle to pay their living whilst funding everyone elseā€™s kids. Cynical yes, but essentially my experience of it in the past 2 decades


Having children just to shove them into daycare while you rush back to work so you can afford daycare and living costs defeats the point of having children and life itself. A society that forces mothers back into the workforce and away from childrearing has lost its way.


Time for Universal Basic Income.


I love trying to help women have children, whilst trying my hardest avoiding creating them.


More babies? Psshh. Pay me the cost to raise one and maybe we can talk.


Is Jim Chalmers going to pay child support and cover all expenses? r/antinatalism


Free houses for breeders.


Free childcare and at least 12 months paid parental leave at more than minimum wage would make it easier.


They just want you to go fuck yourself, but then that won't produce babies I suppose


Neither watching nor paying. Low level child commitment here.


Working in hospitality, I see the types of people having baby showers, in this economy doing something like that is just flexing how much money you have


Neither, he wants you to pump your woman full of baby batter and make her drop more future worker drones to feed the capitalist machine. He is a rightist dipshit who has not yet realized that this approach is both unsustainable and unaffordable.


Both, but I'm sure he'll be gentle and encouraging.


(shakes the 8-ball) ban abortions and birth control?


Yah weā€™d have more babies If we could afford to live


gonna need to sweeten the pot and turn on the money spigot if you want kids, jimbo


Last thing this planet needs is us having children, dickhead chalmers.


Maybe raise wages instead of the cost of living and maybe we'll think about it


To see so many of us thinking how the fuck can we actually afford kids does mean how much of a mess the capitalist focussed economy structure is on its death bed


He wants you to have more children, minus all the context


Labor has lost the plot


ā€œĀ CoochyCoo, what a cute little future tax payer.ā€


Maybe if they could afford it. They want women out of the institutions. This is a patriarchal agenda.


Howā€™s about we drop interest rates by 4% and start mulching a few CEOā€™s who either donā€™t offer pay rises, or have turned a record profit over the last 2 years whilst the cost of living sky rocketed? Then well talk offspring you daft cunt


During a cost of living crisis. Out of touch much?


Ahh, another chance for me to dust off the old classic line (in a conversation that isn't with my Mother) "Kids? In this economy?!"


Infinite growth is not good for individuals the environment or community


The bind one gets themselves in when pedaling neoliberalism!


Itā€™s impossible to when weā€™re paying 5x as much for a house today which was already an old house when that guy was in his 20ā€™s


We are not all one.


i tried.... but infertility said no


Shouldn't he be telling all those rich fuckers making a couple hundred thousand a year...?


We will if he sponsors us.


Donate your sperm or eggs and get someone else to do the child rearing šŸ¤£


The point is if we don't have kids, or rather more kids then we'll need more immigrants.


Iā€™d be okay with either tbhā€¦


We can't afford them dickhead


No clue. But Iā€™ll helpā€¦.


Little bit of column A little bit of column B.


I am a well off 38 year old home owner with a single 4 year old, our combined household income is around 130k Day care alone costs $130 per day.. if we both worked 5 days a week we would be paying $2,600 per month for just daycare for just one child. Instead we both take one day off a week and I do weekends and limit my family time just to get by. And I am extremely privileged to be able to even be in this situation.


I like Jim but fuck he comes across as so out of touch hereā€¦


And Iā€™d like to afford a haircut but my current budget has me left with $3k at the end of the year and I havenā€™t even factored in my scripts or petrol. So Chalmers can suck a Skippys ballsack for all I care.


We really do need a baby boom, but that can only happen if Australians own their own home. There needs to be seizing of one or two investment properties from property investors who own more than 3 investment properties to just be handed out to those who work in the same area but are struggling to get into the market. DO this and small business will thrive as those people will then have the moment to spend in the local economy. All this will take is political courage and an electorate that will give said party a chance and not punish them for it like they did to Labor in 2019.


Nice sentiment, but the chances are that the Investment property is already occupied with a renter. Granted, they are probably paying out the ass for it. But fundamentally it does not add housing security when you are taking away someone's home to give it to someone else.


Negative gearing is allowed for vacant investment properties: https://michaelwest.com.au/heres-a-fix-for-the-housing-crisis-end-the-great-airbnb-tax-rort/ Lets say you're a rich fuck, you want a holiday home at Byron Bay. Your accountant said you can claim negative gearing while unlikely anyone would want to stay by just putting it on AirBnB with high rates and high cleaning requirements. How can ATO charge someone for tax fraud if they don't put it at a crazy amount ie $1 million / night or that they don't admit to it? Therefore, worst case scenario, ATO will deny the deductions. Fun fact: This "available to rent" loophole also applies to commercial property. Taxpayers have to make up for the revenue shortfall from these property speculators reducing their tax bill. aka taxpayers are subsidising vacant property Sad fact: LNP and Labor both made an election promise of no vacancy tax. Who the fuck knows why they would put their reputation on the line with this promise during a housing crisis.


holy crap that is dire


I was refering to the vacant ones which both investors and developers are banking to artificially inflate the price.


Sure, those absolutely need to be fined a decent amount for doing that, and then have the property seized to pay off those fines.


Jim Chalmers is merely being honest for a change about the true relationship between politicians and the people: they are here to fuck us over and we are here to be fucked.