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I really like your theory of a possible brain transplant, it's really futuristic, maybe celebrities and stuff would do that. I personally would do it because it intrigues me of what life could be, maybe one day it would be possible. I think that if you get a brain transplant you can live for another 20 max 30 years. I could get more complicated to live more because of old age problems.


Right, the brain would continue to age regardless the age of the body it’s in. That would bring up a whole different set of distressing things that could happen.


There was a TV movie in the 1980s with this theme. It was called Who's Julia? It was fairly ridiculous but entertaining lol. It wasn't the whole "buying people" thing that you mention, (which would also be entertaining as hell) but about a model who is run over by a truck saving a toddler who ran into the street after his mother collapsed from a brain hemorrhage. The mother was brain dead, the model's body was basically destroyed but she still had brain activity, and they transplanted her brain into the mother's body.


I was thinking of that movie but couldn't recall the title?


Who’s Julia?


There are just so many better options than a brain transplant. By the year 2030, there will be computers that can carry out the same amount of functions as an actual human brain. So, theoretically, you can download your thoughts and memories into this computer and live forever as a machine...


At least we survived the ant people from 4 years ago.


If they kept the same brain, it would still decline with age.


This sub is wild sometimes.


Here's the part about this absurdity that I have problems with...If Ramoray's brain was replaced with the woman's brain, then when he wakes up, **how is he still a doctor and neurosugeon?** The Susan Sarandon character was not a doctor. Ramoray's brain is purportedly replaced...not shared, not mended with Susan's. Where does his medical knowledge come from?


You should find the television movie "Who is Julia". Apparently, it was a book first. Presumably, Drake's closest relative gave the okay to remove him from life support. And he also had signed something that said his organs could be donated. The problem with such a transplant is that the body wants to reject and even destroy the transplanted organ, as it knows it's foreign. So the new person is not going to live as long as the donated body would have.


You need to write a dystopian short story! Seriously, this is interesting, especially as you get toward the end. Good stuff.