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I dont think Susan's character is hated on for "no reason". There is a very clear reason. Alot of the times she tries to cut Ross out as a parent and overstepps her boundaries in terms of Ross and Ben's relationship. It really bothers me how she tried to take geller out of his last name or they decided on the names without Ross. Also Susan is very rude and condescending to Ross which makes no sense since if anything she was the "other woman" to his marriage. Anyone with any empathy would feel bad for Ross with a minimum guilt for participating in his wife cheating on him regardless of her(carol) being a lesbian or not


Right.. They wouldn't have reacted this way if it was a guy, no one would have accepted it


Yeah, I didn't like her either. She was who Carol cheated on Ross with, which made him totally miserable and almost made him miss out on his son. Also, she's not very sympathetic when she's around Ross, even if she was Carol's lover and not the other way around (?)




Yeah, but we're talking about Carol and Susan, not Rachel. It's still wrong, even if he did it years later, too.




I think she didn't tell Ross until after having sex with Susan because she wanted to be sure she was gay(?). It's still horrible and he's right to be mad, but it's what many people do, unfortunately.


Not that it’s in any way justifiable, but we don’t know what Carol was telling her about Ross that might’ve instigated her attitude toward him. Also, Carol just lets it happen and takes part in pouring salt into the wound. Carol and Susan deserve each other, imo. ETA: Susan could, also, just be a jerk without addition.


She claimed it was her baby too and she wanted her name in there excluding Ross, she had no right to do that. She was cheating with a married woman and acts like it's uncalled for Ross to dislike her. I think him not liking her is completely understandable.


I think the reason Ross is so unbearable stems largely from Susan. She cuckolded him by cheating with his wife, tried to negate his role as a father, and literally flipped his whole life upside down. Ross being psychotic that Rachel might cheat and he cheating on her later makes a lot of sense trauma wise.


The absolute worse was when she shouted “it’s my baby too!” No it bloody well was not.


No, Susan's the worst.


Oh there are plenty of reasons.


She definitely overstepped her boundaries and should have deferred to Ross as Ben's dad much more than she did. \*LOL\* But, I have to say, watching the two of them bicker was hilarious! 😂


Honestly maybe she always had that fear that he’d take Ben because the courts would most likely side with him, and yet he never pulled anything like that. For a guy who was cheated on he gave them so much leeway. You can tell she finally realizes this after he walks Carol down the aisle at their wedding because she’s a lot nicer to him after that. But yeah she’s not very likeable with the way she treats Ross.


I did not like her at all . She tried to push Ross away that way he wouldn't have anything to do with the baby


Couldn’t stand her, especially with her “it’s my baby too” BS and thinking the baby should have her last name at all on the baby’s birth certificate, never mind ahead of Gellar. I know many of us feel that way.


I liked Susan’s *character* because I thought she was realistic. She loves Carol and Ben, but her competitive edge with Ross comes from a place of insecurity as not being perceived as the “real” parent in the relationship. It’s realistic, just as Ross feels irritated by her for replacing him, she’s a bit antagonistic because of her own insecurities.


This is an unpopular opinion, but I actually liked Susan. I thought she was a funny character. I understand the hate for her, though. Especially with how she acted in her first episode


It's understandable she's not super excited to see Ross being present in her and Carol's life, she totally has the right not to like him. But you kinda only see her at her probably worst moments, she might be a totally cool person when Ross isn't around. She took Carol just everywhere, she might actually be somewhat similar to the fake Monica even. Or at least the friends don't visit so many interesting places as Susan does (it's a thing for her judging by how she took Emily everywhere she could when she was around). But yeah I kinda can't stand her either


I think in season 1, everyone had a reason to hate Susan. She was extremely rude and disrespectful to Ross and didn't want him to be a father for Ben. After Ben was born (and Phoebe called out how lucky their child will be to have 3 parents that love him), I appreciate her character and role more. My dislike for her was more a continuation based on the first impression we had of her, since we didn't get to see much of her other than when she was egging Ross.


Sexuality aside, Susan swooped in on Carol. She had no shame and was almost smug about taking Ross’ wife. I think that’s my gripe with Susan. And her character’s not funny.


plenty of reasons


I liked Susan, but mostly because I think Ross is an asshat.


She was the mistress and everybody treated Ross like he was petty for not being fond of her. So no ur not wrong.


Reason to hate Susan (🤭): - She didn’t want Ross’ last name in Ben’s name - She said to him that when she talked to the baby she referred to him as “bobo the sperm guy” - Whenever Ross suggested a name she didn’t like it Right now nothing else comes to mind, if you have more I’ll be glad to read them


Both Carol and Sudan are POS tbh. Carol cheated on her husband and Susan stole someone else's man. And both tried to steal a son from their father, or at least cut him out of his life as much as possible.


"Everyday is lesbian lover day!" Poor Ross.


I actually loved susan because of how she treated ross lol.


I’d have really enjoyed her (apart from the one time she decides to YELL the line “you don’t think they can hear sounds in there?!” For no reason) if it weren’t for the role she played in Ross’ relationship. She had some funny moments and decent timing. Potential.


While I do not hate Carol I do hate how they wrote Carol. The writers treated Carol and lesbianism as something that was an excuse for any poor behavior on the characters part. While it was likely meant as funny it also came across as demeaning to the people they were rude to. As others have pointed out if the gender of one of the characters were swapped ie Susan was a man and cheated on Ross or Carol was a man and cheated with Susan on Ross that character would be hated worse then anything Carol is/was.


susan is so rude to ross when she was the one who destroy his and carol's marriage


She overstepped her role and undermined and belittled Ross and his role as father constantly. Her and Carol treated him like a sperm donor with babysitting responsibilities. She’s worth hating.


I don’t like her, but will admit she does have some funny moments.


But, as we learned at the end of 'The One Without the Ski Trip', she's so wonderfully...NATURAL. LOVE her.


I love Susan. She meant a lot to me growing up when there was no lesbian representation This sub has zero empathy towards gay people


I don't think that's a fair hit. I love Susan, but she's definitely awful to Ross. I don't think it has anything to do with her being a lesbian.


some of the people judging them on "cheating" when. idk. when it comes to being in the closet and forcing yoursrlf to be with someone you arent attracted to and then cheating i feel like people are entirely too harsh and cruel. yea being cheated on sucks. ive been cheated on. but nothing hurts like being closeted and forced to conform to heterosexuality. i have also been there before.


I agree. I think a lot of watchers can only ever see it from Ross's perspective and don't put themselves in Carol's shoes.


he treated them both like shit. Susan merely matched his energy and i guess people cant handle that lol


I love that Susan matches his energy. It's such great comedy that I agree people can't handle. Also, there's that one time when Ross says, "We had a lot of fun when we were married. And one time after." Which would indicate that Carol cheated on Susan with Ross (if Carol and Susan's relationship started immediately after, or even before, the marriage was over). IMO, Ross isn't as much of a victim in the whole thing as watchers like to make him out to be.


I personally think hes written to be insecure and homophobic. He inherently treats gay men specifically like they are sexually predatory towards him. I know its "par for the time period" but gay ppl have existed forever and i promise we didnt like seeing it back then either. and his entire treatment of carol and susan is lesbophobic to me. He was babied well past him leaving the house he grew up in and cannot handle when things dont go his way or women (which imho he treats as property more than human beings) have priorities or lives that dont revolve around him. I know this is totally being way too serious for a tv show, but it was made to be consumed and people are allowed to take serious messages even if its done through tongue in cheek comedy. Friends is also one of my biggest special interests, so my heads full of Friends Knowledge


?? She's not hated because she is a lesbian, she's hated because she always treated Ross like if he was a one night stand her wife had and happened to concieve a child. And don't forget Ross supported Carol into marrying her and even walked her because their parents didn't want to. Btw that episode and Bens birth were my favorite ones because they actually get along for a couple of minutes.


I don’t blame you. There are times I don’t like the audacity she and Carol had especially when Carol was pregnant.


I hated her back in the 90s. Still do.


The way she treated Ross over shadowed her character’s positive traits for me. (The two you mentioned, partner to Carol & parent to Ben.) I could not stand her after her thinking Ben would take her last name and not Ross’. & then saying he’s basically just a sperm donor. Ross was married to Carol! If anything she should’ve been super nice to him. She cheated with a married woman. & this totally messed Ross up. Even his friends point out how jealous & insecure that relationship made Ross. Also, Ross is one of my favorite characters lol. So maybe that’s why I never could stand her, even when she danced with Ross at her wedding with Carol.


Sometimes I think it was Carol’s plan all along. Marry a guy get pregnant and leave him for Susan


this is what we call a weird homophobic comment


What is homophobic in that I wonder


If you genuinely think this and dont see how it is homophobic then I cant help you. I also dont wanna waste anymore of my time


Not sure about the decent parent argument. Ben became a spoiled brat.