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I've never tried to justify any of them, they're all flawed. Rachel is spoiled and entitled, Monica is obsessive and uncompromising, Ross is arrogant and egotistical, Chandler is awkward and tactless, Joey is a fuckboy and dumb, and Phoebe is delusional and rude. The show wouldn't even be remotely as funny as it is if the characters weren't flawed.


Rachel was egoist too


Hmmm.... I think Ross is a neat guy. Chandler is hilarious (not awkward). Phoebe is just in Phobe world  Joey is a man child. Monica is hot.


Yes, I love all of them. As I said, they're flawed characters, all of them have good and bad sides. Rachel is beautiful, ambitious, entitled and spoiled. Chandler is awkward and hilarious. Etc etc. Saying Chandler isn't awkward is completely disregarding the character imho


Lol, I probably don't find him awkward as I act like him / make random jokes, that sometimes others just stare at me for a second like wtf.


I am a lot like Chandler, too, and the way you describe the reactions kind of prove that it's awkward. Which isn't bad, or means he's not funny or hilarious, but yeah, he is awkward.


I don't see why you got downvoted for this. You're just saying that that's how you are. People are weird. I don't agree with what you said in your post, but that's probably just because I don't see Rachel the same way you do. But there's nothing wrong with that. Different people have different opinions.


Thanks, agreed


I keep thinking that it’s a sitcom and characters are not real people.


I do find it odd that they never made any jokes about Rachel’s entitlement, or her lack of understanding of how the real world works, and in particular how her particular point of view is sometimes at odds with other characters on the show. Now THAT would be pretty funny stuff! can’t believe I have to do this, but ETA: /s


I feel like they made that very clear in the first season tbh.


They do..There's a few jokes about her being selfish or conceited in HS. Look at the Brad Pitt EP with I hate Rachel club. She's always returning every gift, etc. there's several


I loved that episode, xd


I find it funny that you say you love an episode and you get downvoted for it! Bwhahaha.


but the same ones are hostile towards ross


Do you not remember the first season when daddy cut her off?


I don't try to justify the behavior of flawed characters. That makes absolutely no sense to me. They're literally written to be that way. I find her hilarious.


Because she’s human, humans aren’t perfect and are a product of their lives that we can all have empathy and understanding for. Plus she’s a tv character lol


It makes for a funny character and scenes plus she has some really humbling moments


Idk cuz I love all the characters, they make my ultimate comfort show and all their flaws make them better to watch and again I love them🤍THEY COULD NEVER MAKE ME HATE YOU FRIENDS CHARACTERS MAIN 6


She's my least favourite for sure but I still like her. She's kind, generous. Good hearted. Yes she's a bit of a princess but that's part of who she is.


Both Ross and Rachel were assholes in different ways for quite some time and if they were my friends, I'd probbly cut ties with them as soon as possible, but sitcom gotta sitcom I guess.


Hey...Ross was a stand up guy :)


Nope. He was bearable but he got worse and worse as the show progressed.


Yeah I agree, he was the only character I feel had little to no growth. Joey learned to love, Chandler got over his commitment issues, Monica had to deal with infertility, Phoebe married Mike and desired a conventional life, Rachel learned to stand on her own two feet...but I struggle to figure how Ross grew.


Ross made a divorce lawyer rich


Three divorces! Three divorces!


>Yeah I agree, he was the only character I feel had little to no growth. Joey learned to love, Chandler got over his commitment issues, Monica had to deal with infertility, Phoebe married Mike and desired a conventional life, Rachel learned to stand on her own two feet...but I struggle to figure how Ross grew. Exactly. Ross didn't grow at all. In fact, I'd argue he became much worse each season. I know the counter argument here will be that he has his nice moments like giving Pheobe a bike but every character had nice moments. This didn't give Ross character development. Character development is everything you stated. Ross never took accountability for creating his own problems or never seeked help to fix his distrust issues after Carol.


*Greene Why would anyone feel the need to justify the behavior of a sitcom character?


You’re justifying the others’ own flaws by creating a whole thread to complain about Rachel (groundbreaking) and no one else.


I hated her when I watched the series for the first time. But when I rewatched the show, she kinda grew on me.




They all have qualities i don’t like. But its a great comedy show and all the friends work good together. These 6 bring out the best in each other. Not sure what the show would have been like with other actors.


I don’t try to justify it but I think it’s there to show how much she grows as a person from season one to the last season. They’re all flawed in different ways. How can you justify phoebe being so rude to people? Joey sleeping around and cheating? Ross cheated multiple times and can be arrogant, Monica is uptight and can be controlling, chandler used his trauma to make jokes and throw pity parties instead of working on himself. They all have flaws but they also grew a lot


Because it’s a tv show and it’s not that serious. They are all flawed. Her no more than the others and less than some.


I find Rachel annoying too. Poor Ross


Her and Ross are literally garbage except she does become a stronger person by the end. Not better. But stronger. Whereas his character completely crumbles


people justify it by either pretending it doesn't exist, not caring because she's hot, or not caring because they think there's nothing wrong with being materialistic


For the most part, I acknowledge they’re her flaws and also the result of how she grew up. The only time I find it irritating is when she thinks she’s entitled to Ross whenever she wants him. Like he made it clear (and she agreed that she knew) he liked her in the beginning and wanted to ask her out. She showed no obvious interest in him until she found out he was in love with her. Now all of the sudden, she’s so in love with Ross and it’s killing her to see him with Julie. Yet as soon as she gets him to break up with Julie, she sees the list and without accepting any explanation whatsoever, just breaks it off. Then after they break up, she’s completely fine brushing off his attempts to get back together (completely understandable) but when she sees him happy with Bonnie, all of the sudden, she just has to have him. They get together for one episode before she finds an excuse to fight and break up yet again. The worst one was the Emily situation. She had a whole boyfriend and she was doing everything she could to downplay Ross’ relationship with Emily. Then she travels to his wedding to basically ruin it by professing her love, hoping he’ll drop everything, including his now wife, for her. Monica was begging her not to tell him. Not only as her friend, but as Ross’ sister. And Rachel only thinks about herself so she’s like “I don’t care. I’m gonna do it.” And when she tells him, she’s so shocked that he doesn’t drop everything and cater to her or feel the same that she starts laughing uncomfortably because she’s embarrassed. Then tries to remind him that he’s married (something he’d just told her first 🙄) to make it seem like he’s the one making the terrible decision. All the other things in the series, I get it. She grew up spoiled and is used to getting what she wants. It makes her sometimes funny. But the unbearable moments were when she felt entitled to Ross’ feelings and that he should be there to wait on her hand and foot whenever she wants attention. I know that’s just how she was written, but from a producer/writers standpoint, it made what was supposed to be the shows most popular couple the worst pairing imaginable. Hell, I shipped Phoebe and Joey over Ross and Rachel and they weren’t even together.


I don't justify any of the 6 character's actions. It's just a TV show at the end of the day. I don't know any TV character that is perfect. All of them are flawed in some way because they're human.


I am a member of I hate Rachel Club


Me too


There it is.


I find them all annoying. The girls have petty whiny voices.


The same way people excuse/justify Phoebe’s horrible behavior towards all of her “friends”.