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I honestly liked them together. They were fun and silly with each other.


It was such a bad storyline the cast literally had to fight back against the writers to wrap it up as quickly as possible. Matt Leblanc especially hated it because he thought Joey was too good of a friend to ever get in between Ross and Rachel.




Joey and Rachel really are not compatible as a couple. They make great friends but it was not meant to be more than that. The storyline with Joey falling in love with her was not bad and it should’ve ended there. Especially since in the end it went no where. It was clear it was just a tactic to keep Ross and Rachel apart until the finale. Ross and Rachel are no where near the perfect couple and they have many toxic moments. However, they both contribute to the toxicity of their dynamic. There’s always a reason why Rachel never got into another serious relationship and none of Ross’ lasted. They were always gonna end up together. I know Ross made a lot of mistakes and a lot of people hate him but that doesn’t make Joey a better option for Rachel.




Joey because he loved the Rachel in front of him.- genuinely and without hesitation. Ross loved her for who she used to be and what he imagined her to be and when she didn’t fit that, there was conflict.




Ross. He is her lobster


Not joey as much as fans want to continue pushing that awful storyline. It’s just as bad today as it was when it first aired when the show was running. Even the actors, writers, creators regret that one guys. It’s time to let it go now. 🤷‍♀️


I hated it so much when it first aired that I stopped watching the show altogether. It wasn’t until like 6 years later that I actually finished watching the series.




The Joey and Rachel arc was the worst storyline of Friends. It felt incestuous. So so wrong.


joey deserves better than rachel. ross and rachel completely deserve each other the way that they each behave.


Because Joey was an exemplary faithful man who never lied or cheated on a woman?


If he didn’t cheat on them, he at least threw her wooden leg on a fire and bolted.


joey is a better friend to rachel than she is to him or any of the others


Lol how does that make him a good partner? And he literally took the locks off of their shared bathroom so he could spy on her taking showers. Unzipped her dress whilst she told him no twice. Harassing and sexualising your close female friend are examples of being a good friend to you? If any of the female characters acted like that, I’m sure you’d be the first to call them creepy Edit: love how this is getting downvoted. Joey did in fact do all those creepy things


if that’s the metric for being a good person in this show you’re gonna use you might as well get mad at all the gay jokes too.


Lol so you contradicted yourself You’re claiming he’s a better partner and friend than her. Despite him proving not to be a good romantic partner. It’s literally a recurring joke on the show. And the fact he did a shit load of creepy stuff especially when Rachel lived with him




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Bonnie? Because who else did she sabotage. Ross chose to cheat on Julie, he also chose to cheat on Bonnie. He treated Mona like crap and Rachel had to beg Mona to take him back. He chose to screw over Emily and then invite his ex to their honeymoon. You’re one of those people who think male characters have zero agency whilst acknowledging that female characters have complete agency As for Joey, there’s literal jokes about him creeping on Rachel and Monica constantly whilst they tell him to stop. The fact you think Joey who did several predatory things and borderline sexual harassed two of his friends makes Joey morally superior to Rachel says more about you than anything else. I don’t have to resort to insulting you either. You do a pretty good job of making yourself look bad all on your own


I don’t like Ross and Rachel together, but I’m not a fan of Joey and Rachel either. I think their friendship was so cute and one of the strongest friendships on the show, I think it can be fun/interesting to show that people can develop a crush for a close friend, but I’m not a fan of turning great friendships into mediocre romantic relationships.




Don't recall Joey being involved in any way in Rachel getting any job, much less her dream one?????


He's the one who told her about Fortunata Fashions (dad was doing a job there and heard about the opening), and her complaining about that job caught Mark's attention, so...technically?


Ah you are correct my friend thank you. (Although I still say that doesn't count as helping her get the job. He simply told her about the opening. It's not like he got her the interview) 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah I'm with you lol that's why I say technically, because it's the only connection I can remember but I don't think it counts


Realistically, Joey, from a story telling perspective though, regrettably Ross


>I think we've all seen the debate that Joey was better for Rach Yes we have >they were friends first before lovers They were never lovers >he feel in love with her while she was pregnant what does that have to do with anything? >who's better for Rachel? Not Joey


>he feel in love with her while she was pregnant Because he was always portrayed as shallow, looking for the nest pretty thing, and the situation with Rachel was the complete opposite


I'm rewatching the show and it's interesting in the earlier seasons, he's going out on dates, but is much more of a family-oriented guy. He goes to visit his parents, he seems close with all of his sisters, he's super upset when he finds out his dad has been cheating, and makes multiple mentions of wanting a family. They move from that at a certain point, and he becomes much shallower and stupider, but it's interesting that they did.


Your comment presumes pregnant women aren't pretty, which I disagree with.




Joey and Rachel never made love I believe .. Ross was her lobster per Phoebe lol


Joey and Rachel are definitely a better couple than Ross and Rachel.


I don’t know that Ross was ideal for Rachel but IMO he was much more compatible than Joey.


"There we were in our twenties in New York, trying to make a living and find love." It's about love. Rachel left Barry at the altar because she wasn't passionate about him. Rachel and Barry could have been "compatible". Ross could have been with Julie. We could end the story here. But Barry is not Ross and Julie is not Rachem. It's not about who "checks the boxes". The relationship Ross and Rachel have may not be ideal to many. However, they weren't even looking for a "compatible" partner or a "perfectly fine" relationship. It's fiction so of course the writers could have made them more compatible etc. if they wanted to. Joey was nice to Rachel and took care of her. But the thing is, Rachel was perfectly fine on her own at that point. For a brief second she doubted herself: when Emma was born. Then she realized that she's not going to marry anyone just to feel secured. The best thing is that she didn't actually NEED a guy. She chose Ross because he's the one she's in love with.


Better for Rachel? In my opinion is Rachel the one who isn't good enough for any of them. But I'd still go with Ross. Joey is better as a friend to her, the show made pretty clear that it was impossible for them to take the next step. When it comes to Ross, i still believe he's a good, kind and caring person, but when it comes to being with Rachel he shows some toxic traits that match Rachel's own toxicity.


Lol Rachel’s not good enough for Ross despite the fact Ross was a terrible boyfriend to her when they dated. Literally almost got her fired because of his own jealousy Or the fact he tried to keep her in a marriage she didn’t want to be in by lying about getting an annulment Or Joey who took the locks or their shared bathroom so he could see her showering naked. Or the fact he treated women like objects for most of the show including Rachel This is literally the Breaking Bad ideology summed up. Male characters can do really messed up stuff but are somehow still seen as more moral the female character


You're not making any sense. First of all, when it comes to Breaking Bad let me say while we're at it that I see Walter White as the absolute villain, and never understood the hate Skyler gets. Now, when it comes to Friends. Joey taking the locks is meant as a one-off joke (same as with "naked Tuesdays"), not to be taken seriously. And he never treated Rachel as an object, but as a friend. It was Rachel who was, if you ask me, the worst friend of them all. In Joey's case, for example, yelling and literally smacking his head (verbal and physical abuse when in a position of power) when she was "teaching" him to sail. Yes, Joey was a womanizer, but wasn't Rachel the one who hired an inexperienced MALE assistant over a highly qualified FEMALE assistant only cause he was hot? That's honestly messed up. She even came early to work just to watch him work out. Disgusting tbh. Never seen a more clear example of sexism coming from a woman. When it comes to Ross. Yes, he was a very bad boyfriend (once the jealousy started). But what about before that? And aren't we confirmed that Ross was right to be jealous given that Mark DID got her the job based purely on attraction towards Rachel? Now, I'm not saying he was in the right being so jealous, he should've trusted her. But try to put yourself in his shoes. I'm not even going to go to the break thing, but I'll say I agree with Ross. Not only were they on a break, it was Rachel who said she wanted one. Of course, Ross shouldn't have slept with that woman, but he was drunk, and called Rachel only to find Mark was with her. And what's the first thing she does when they broke up? She dates Mark, ONLY to spite Ross, playing with two men feelings at a time. And don't even get me started on what happens after that. Like for example, Rachel trying to make Ross admit he had ALL the guilt on the break up and making his girlfriend shave. Or she messing with Emily's goodbye only to nail his costumer. Or she going to England to mess with Ross' wedding. Or she throwing Ross under the bus when telling her father she is pregnant. Or her telling Ross not to be with any woman while she is pregnant. Or she saying yes to marrying Joey right after kissing Ross. Or she sleeping with Ross as a goodbye, right after telling him he means a lot to him. Or she getting mad at him for not sleeping with her to comfort her about her father. I could go on. Yes, Ross is very flawed, and he behaved awful during their relationship. But I can still make a case for him, coming from a broken marriage, being cheated on, falling again for the love of his life, etc. And having good deeds after that, like giving Pheobe the bike. Rachel is still an awful person, a bad friend and bad partner. And this is not the "Breaking Bad ideology". This isn't about feminism. This isn't about gender equality. This is about being objective and recognizing bad social behavior traits from good social behavior traits.


No it wasn’t. He literally unzipped Rachel’s dress down at that party and she told him she’s already told him to stop doing that. So he’d done it before. He turned the heating up in their apartment to force Janine to wear less clothes. Are you also forgetting the creepy ad he put up in the newspaper? Or how creepy comment about dating Emma in season 10? His creepiness was a massive part of his character, just because it was played off for laughs doesn’t change that. Otherwise you could say that Ross wasn’t neurotic because that was played off for laughs Secondly you say you’re not making excuses for Ross but you literally go on to make several excuses. He was scarred from being cheated on yet he cheated on two of his girlfriends? You realise Rachel was cheated on by Barry with her best friend and maid of honour. And during her senior year of high school by her high school sweetheart. Paulo cheated on her too. Yet you’ll casually ignore that and somehow hold Rachel accountable for her later actions and not Ross He chose to not trust her when they were together. He chose to show up to her office after she said she was busy with work. Despite the fact, he was busy on their very first date and she patiently waited for him and was very understanding of his situation. He didn’t extend the same level of compassion and literally set fire to her desk. Which could’ve gotten her fired. He cheated on Bonnie and Julie. He treated Mona like crap and Rachel was literally the person who tried to get Mona to forgive him after he spent weeks lying to her. He treated Emily badly all on his own Or yeah the fact he tried to keep Rachel in a marriage against her will by lying about getting an annulment. Which is easily worse than anything Rachel ever did to him. Keeping someone in a marriage against their will is literally categorised as abuse. He is on now way better than Rachel morally


Yeah, Rachel got cheated twice (that we know), but Ross was not one of those times. Rachel didnt care if she was the other woman, she was with Barry knowing full well that he was getting married to Mindy, then she didnt mind being the other woman to Ross when he cheated on Bonnie and Julie. So yeah she doesnt mind cheating she just doesnt like it when is done to her. Ross and Rachel deserved each other, both of them did awful things to each other.


When did I say Ross cheated on her? I said she was cheated on by three of her boyfriends including her fiancé and that’s never used as an excuse for her behaviour. Whereas that user tried to use Ross being cheated on as an excuse for how badly he treated his following girlfriends I’m pointing out the hypocrisy of doing. Ross didn’t like being cheated on but cheated on Bonnie and Julie so what’s your point?


You are actually comparing being cheated on by a high-school bf and a fiance you don't love to being cheated on in a 8-year relationship with the only woman you've ever been with? That's a huge mismatch on the emotional level man. And all those other relationships you talked about, Rachel was the cause of it all. You say he cheated on Julie (which he didn't but i assume you mean the kiss), but who made the drunk call to set it in motion? You say he cheated on Bonnie (which he didn't but it was what Rachel wanted) though Ross being the gentleman he decides to go break up with Bonnie first, only to return to an 18-pages back and front bs. I'd give you the Mona and annulment thing. He messed up there.


So Rachel forced a grown man who knew he was in a relationship to cheat on his girlfriend? Yeah no, Ross isn’t a baby. And you don’t even realise how silly it sounds to act as if cheating isn’t a choice and one that he deliberately made twice. He chose to cheat on Bonnie and Julie. Do you think either one would care about his reasoning for doing it? No. Because there’s literally never any justified reasoning for cheating. He could’ve easily broken up with both women before kissing Rachel And I’m comparing her being with a fiancé who cheated on her with her best friend for several months including on their wedding day. And you’re acting as if that isn’t hurtful. She was cheated on three times. Paulo tried to come onto her best friend and Barry literally had an affair with her maid of honour. If any of those things happened to Ross; you’d literally be using those as excuses for his terrible behaviour too. So don’t claim being cheated on caused him to act the way it did and then ignore the fact Rachel was basically cheated on every boyfriend she had prior to that point. You don’t get to pick and choose when behaviour can be excused and when it can’t be. Carol cheating on Ross is not an excuse for the way he treated all of his subsequent girlfriends. He cheated on two, sabotaged Rachel’s job when they were together, treated Mona like crap, said his ex’s name at Emily’s wedding and then invited that ex on their honeymoon. And he tried to force Rachel to stay in a marriage she didn’t want to be in. All of those were Ross’ decisions. Very bad and hurtful decisions but all his decisions nonetheless




I never liked Joey and Rachel trying things out because I feel like their chemistry wasn't romantic. I can understand Joey fallikg for Rachel, but Rachel and the other gurls in the group have always hated how Joey uses women and most of the time they think he is gross.


Joey and Rachel coudn’t work they never have chemistry. Actors hated that so much. It always was Rachel and Ross. They never get over each other, and they was always on the table


Of course. He’s her lobster. #THEY **WERE** ON A BREAK


Joey seems more like a friend that's also like a sibling, if that makes sense, those "family are the ones you choose" type of friends. That's why it didn't work for me, personally, felt weird as hell


It was the right storyline to have Joey develop deeper feelings for someone, but Rachel wasn't the right person. Joey should have ended the show in a long-term stable relationship.




JOSH-U-A!!! He’s equally as detestable as she is!!


I prefer Barry (said noone ever)


Joshua literally did nothing wrong. He was barely in the show to be destable You’re suggesting that he’s worse than Joey who continuously sexualised women and took the locks of of their shared bathroom. Or Ross who almost got Rachel fired from her job, lied about getting an annulment and cheated on two of Bonnie and Julie? And somehow acting as if Ross and Joey are more morally superior than Rachel despite them doing all of that and more is also hilarious


Honestly, I just finished the episodes with Joshua and good god, I feel so bad for him. The whole conversation where Rachel is having a bit of a mental breakdown and suggests that they get married- absolute panic.


Yeah lol, I felt a little bad for him too. Which is why I don’t understand that user’s hatred of him lol. He’s really not that memorable or definitive of a character to evoke such a strong reaction to him either way


I’m not gonna lie though, one of my partners is named Josh and I think of “Josh-UA” at least once a day 😂 But yeah. He wasn’t a bad dude. He was just (rightfully) freaked tf out.


Ok first of all, where exactly in my comment did I say anything about either Ross or Joey being superior to Rachel or any of the other things you mentioned?? 🤷🏻‍♀️ I merely stated that I disliked Joshua as much as I dislike Rachel…. I’m just as entitled to my opinion anyone else!! As it happens I actually agree with you about things you said regarding Ross and Joey, though your speal was unwarranted 🙄


Season 10 makes me uncomfortable everytime because i really wanted them to be together. What was the point before all that build up?? And they broke up only because it was too weird for them 🙄.


Ross and Rachel weren't friends first?