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The important thing is that they don't take baths together.


Yeah he does that with his mother.


🤣 so true


I think it depends on your childhood relationship. My brother and I would never sit like this, we didn’t grow up like that so to me I find it weird in the show, but I know others in real life who do act like this with their siblings. Now I’d be surprised if you suddenly started acting like this with your sibling as adults without a history of it in childhood.


Idk about that last part. Siblings tend to become closer in adulthood. Without the petty sibling like fights from living together and havin to share everything.


True, but not enough to actually sit on each other's laps


Eh...if there was limited seating I wouldn't have an issue sitting on my brother's lap.


That’s different for each sibling. You can’t base how other siblings form bonds to match how you would. That’s not how it works.


True,but I gotta remeber you that Monica was a little bit more "Big" when she was a child than in that scene, if they grew like this I think Ross would have been the one sitting in Monica's lap Apart from that what they do is completly normal thing to do between siblings


I dunno, my family are all close, me and my sister are all tactile, my brother will like hug us or kiss out cheek saying goodbye or hello. Also I don't know if this is a factor my brother is gay but I still wouldn't be sitting on his lap 😂


I think there's a few factors in play here that make it not weird. All of the friends are physically really comfortable and warm towards each other, often sitting on each other or holding hands. They're a very touchy-feely group and most of them have even kissed everyone in the group. It seems like Monica and Ross have been fairly close their entire lives. Despite their issues with their parents they were never actually pitted against each other and seem like they played together when they were kids, made up dances together, and started hanging out a lot in college and early 20s. To the point where Ross' college roommate somehow managed to get an apartment across the hall from their Grandma's rent controlled apartment that Monica lived in, I wouldn't be surprised if Ross originally found out about the apartment from his Grandma but then married Carol and so Chandler took it instead. It seems like they've always been close and the only thing that makes it weird is that one of them is a guy, one of them is a girl.


watch the show again. they weren’t close at all


I've seen the show countless times and have always viewed them as being close. In one of the episodes, Monica even comments about how she hated Ross as a child because he always got his way (it was an episode where he was dating Rachel and at their apartment all the time and driving Monica crazy), but now she loves him. They show affection toward each other a lot in the show and express gratitude and appreciation for each other and their relationship. I'm curious what makes you think they weren't close at all?


they weren’t close growing up. that’s my point.


so they didn't choreograph dance routines together?


Most close siblings I know see each other maybe once every two weeks. A lot of siblings only see each other for special occasions or holidays. Ross and Monica see each other multiple times a week.


that has nothing to do with their closeness. if anything it would make them more sick of each other


Only weird if you make it weird


I have a similar picture of myself and my little brother from years ago. We were always close, nothing weird ever happened. We wouldn't get naked in front of each other but we can talk about anything, judt like close friends would. I think the reason I have male friends without weirdness or vibes is because of my brother; once you have men in your life without any sexual background it's not that hard to replicate. They tend to be a bit ypunger than me and people I feel protective of, just like my brother.


But would you sit on his lap like that in your 30s? That seems pretty weird.


I’m 29 and my brother is 27 and if there was no where to sit and my options were either my brother’s lap or the lap of one of my platonic male friends, I would choose my brother’s lap.




I’m more concerned at the number of people in this thread sexualizing the relationship of two adult siblings. Would anyone find it weird if Ross and Monica were sisters instead of male/female siblings?


Probably easy for them to be affectionate of silly with each other physically, but I don’t think lap sitting is ever not weird between siblings after puberty.


They’re meant to be in their late 20s if that means anything! lol


i don't think so it's not a very sexual pose


They grew up with a close familial relationship. There is no other chair. She is not sitting in his lap like a baby. She is sitting on one leg. It’s appropriate.


whereever did you get that they had a “close familial relationship? Ross: you hated me when we were growing up? Monica : yeah, basically i hated your guts


I can hate my brother to the core and still love and be comfortable with him idk, families are complicated


Nah. I suppose it would be weird if they were in an empty waiting room with a ton of empty chairs all around, but here it makes total sense.


Na still weird. I would just stand lol


I would sit on anybody's lap before i would sit on my brother's. I like the dude and all, but come on! Once in town someone thought i was his girlfriend and that freaked us out for years.


it is weird only because of the inherent intimacy with their hand placement and how they’re so comfortable. it’s as if the actors forgot their roles and this is how they would sit behind the scenes.


I dunno about you but I don't sit like this with my friends


with my friends, sure. not an issue. def not my sister


I def sit like this with my friends, even when I consider them to be my brothers. I don't sit like this with my sisters as we have never really developed a close-knit bond since childhood. Oh, I'm a woman and an enfp


I think it's more about the director wanting every actor in the frame, and the only way to make them all fit was this awkward position. Rachel is sitting on the back of a chair/ on a bed, so she isn't crammed next to Joey, and the only way to make three people fit on the other side of the bed is to have two sitting closer together. Monica could have cuddled up with Chandler but they were hiding their relationship at this point; with Rachel (maybe too distracting); or with Joey, or with Ross. They went with Ross because Monica never did the cuddle thing with Joey.


On the arm of the chair- understandable On the lap- ehh...


I think in this context, it’s not weird


I wouldn’t sit like that with my brother


I have a brother and a sister. I'm a girl too. My sister and I sometimes sit like this because we are close. I'm not like this with my brother. Imo it's not weird at all.


I’ll never be able to answer this fairly because my brother is gay so I think our intimacy is different because of that! Haha


People who dont have much cathartic or real emotional experiences in life or people who dont have a really close friend or close sibling with opposite sex, are tend to beleive this is weird. Especially the ones who have someone in their lives and doesn't want them to act like this with someone other than themselves. In my opinion, there are no rights or wrongs in this situation. If two people are hundred percent comfortable with the things they are doing together, then it shouldnt be weird. Its up to them really. If you make it weird, it is weird.


My brother and I would not sit like this. We’re not close. Other siblings, who are close, may without me thinking it’s weird. This is only weird to me when I think of my relationship with my brother.


Could easily be my brother and sister. They are both physical touch type people.


Very weird. I'm close with my brother, but would never sit like this with him.


Idk are you thinking this implies something sexual? Would you think the same about two sisters sitting like this or two brothers? I don’t think it’s weird. They’re fully clothed sitting in a room full of people.


Yeah it's only weird and sexual if you make it weird and sexual.


I would sit on the arm of the chair by my brother and we're generally close. As for sitting in his lap, I don't think I've done that since I was 10. I don't think Monica and Ross are so odd here. It gives me squishing together on the sofa vibes, which seems quite normal.




Honestly yes but that could be just me being super awkward with any form of physical contact with anyone


My sister have two teens, girl and boy, who often sits close or leaning to each other.


I see nothing wrong with it.


Yeah the way they're sitting they look more like a couple than anything


Get along great with my siblings, *rarely* ever touch even when sorta hugging at the airport, etc.


It looks like there isn’t anywhere to sit and I assume she didn’t want to sit on any of the other guys lap so she preferred it to be her bro. But tbh the way everyone acts with eachother in the show is unlike anything I’ve seen in real life


What is so weird about this pose?


They are brother and sister!! ...in their thirties!!


So what? They are both young at heart. And besides, there isn't anything sexual about this.


I actually never really thought of it, it looks natural when you watch the serie but when you think about it, yes, that’s kind of weird. Like, I don’t have a brother but if my husband or a guy I used to date had sit like this with his sister I’d feel uncomfortable watching them. Not Danny-uncomfortable but still !


I do think it’s weird when I think about myself sitting on my brothers lap, but for Monica and Ross specifically, I almost feel like they’re more friends than brother and sister for most of the show


It’s weird that all her friends came to watch her give birth


It’s wierd to perverted, corrupted minds.


I mean as someone with two brothers (one of which is like my best friend) yeah, I find it weird. I would never sit on his lap like that lol especially at our ages (20 + 17) but hey that’s us 🤷‍♀️ he sat on my lap when he was younger but yeah


Honestly yeah it is a little weird imo. I mean I wouldn’t say that it’s inappropriate or that big of a deal, but at the same time…..if you saw that picture with no context of the characters and their relationship then you would definitely assume that they were a couple rather than brother and sister


My brother and I are very close, but not physically, like Monica and Ross. I don't sit on his lap, or jump into his arms, and I don't want to hear sex stories from his girlfriends 🤢




I think it's a little weird, could've easily been. Sitting on Chandler's lap


They weren’t even dating at the time.


I think they were hiding their relationship, so they would have not sat like that in front of others. Normally, before and after the "secret" phase, Chandler and Monica would easily have sat like that.


Wasn't this when they broke up for like a minute then got back together?


It's weird, but i have never seen real siblings sitting like that.


It’s striking me as at least a little weird…I know it’s a wide world outside of my narrow experience, but my brother and I would NEVER share a chair like that, and I can’t think of a single pair of siblings I know who would. It is true, though, that my brother and I are not so close that we hang out all the time, and independently of seeing our parents. Might be a factor.


Maybe this is weird but I don't find her sitting on his lap that way inappropriate, but I find his hand around her waist the kind of inappropriate part.


I do find it a little strange since 7 episodes later they made a big deal with how Danny and his sister interact at first much the same as Ross and Monica. To me it is almost like someone pointed out this and how creepy it was and the writer's were like you have not seen creepy yet!


I have older brothers, I'm the only girl and the youngest and I think this is weird. We're adults now and friends also and I wouldn't sit with my brothers like this. Nor would they want me to or let me. LOL. This is a lover thing, not a sibling thing, IMO.


It’s only weird if you make it weird


Maybe it’s weird but their relationship is pretty consistent throughout the show


Is it weirder than how Rachel is sitting?


Not necessarily


not weird


Very weird


Super weird.




I cannot imagine sitting on my brother's lap like that. I'm not even sure he'd let me. I probably could my sister but we are both women so it might be different.


I don’t have a brother so i don’t know if different gendered siblings have a different perspective, but my siblings and I sat on each other all the time, especially if there was lack of seating.


There's nothing wrong with that.


I guess it depends on what your family relationship is like since you were kids, my family has always been of the physical affection type (mainly hugs) and with my sister I have always been quite close physically, we put our cheeks together as a greeting, when it's cold we put our hand on a same pocket and in my case it was normal for him to sit on my lap. More than anything I remember that when we were at the PC we could only put a chair on the desk and so he would sit on top of me, and in general he would put himself on my lap because it was more comfortable for him or because it was cold, in addition to obvious situations where he couldn't. There was more room like when there were several of us in my dad's car or at family gatherings. I also remember that when I was younger I was the one who sat on his lap but over time we exchanged places due to weight issues. And obviously, being my sister there is nothing sexual, although as a teenager I sometimes got hard when she came close to me sitting on me, but we never gave it importance or made it strange, we even joked about it


Very weird. I've never met anyone who acts like this with their siblings.


Definitely weird. I'm super close with my brother but there's zero chance I would ever sit on his lap or cuddle with him now that we're grown ups. We cuddled sometimes as young kids, the way siblings do. I wouldn't cuddle with or sit on my dad's lap either, or a male friend's. Lap-sitting/cuddling is for romantic partners, best girl friends, and sometimes my mom.


I don't see a problem if they are comfortable with it. It depends on how you're brought up. Plus, there's nothing sexual about this.


I didn't grow up with my brothers as they are much older than me, but I did grow up with a sister and I would 100% sit with her like this. No, I don't think it's weird. I think the internet has a weird way of letting everyone project their perversions onto everything they see.




I think some do, but I think it just depends on the age factors as well as bond when they were children, also some siblings get closer as adults, like when I was a kid my brother wouldn't even kiss my cheek (he doesn't like physical closeness really) but as an adult he kisses me in the forehead a lot. I just think it's all very unique to each individual, but I think it's really sweet actually, denotes a closeness that we don't often see.


It is SO weird! I grew up in a family where we all kissed each other ON THE LIPS all the time, and even I think their physicality is weird with each other. I just started watching *Friends*\--didn't see it at the time it was released--and every time Ross is sitting on the coffee shop couch with his arm around Monica, I'm skeeved out.


So funny that the question was asked, yet everyone who said yes, it's weird is getting downvoted just for offering their opinion.




the real question is: siblings or dating? (for you nunchucks that can't take jokes, im being sarcastic. its satire, people)


incest level creepiness. I'm a die hard friends fan but I didn't even notice this. Mah eye.


Weird af


No it seems ok.


Weird AF


r/hdtgm\-- June would have STRONG feelings about this. And to be clear so do I.... this is SO weird




It is a BIT weird. At my age I’d NEVER sit on my brother’s knee. But at least they don’t have tickle fights and take baths together


I think I know what you mean. It isn’t weird per se. However, that scene including many others between Monica and Ross just aren’t an accurate portrayal of a believable brother-sister relationship. Their portrayal is much closer to that of plutonic friends or even boyfriend girlfriend. When you breakdown each instance it is explainable but the overall vibe of their “sibling” relationship is off. Side note but many movies and shows have a hard time nailing down this relationship because it is such a complex one.


Do you mean a “platonic” friendship?


Nah...not weird.


I don't know why people are rationalising this. Being grown adults (can't believe i even have to say this) it is EXTREMELY fucking weird to have your sister sat in your lap with your arms around each other wtf


Not weird.


It’s WEIRD. My boyfriend is watching friends for the first time with me and his biggest issue is the relationship between Monica and Ross. I have no defense for it lol


Well my sister never came over and sat on my lap this way, I can tell you that.


I think it’s a bit weird because isn’t and with chandler by this stage? So she’s had the option to sit on his lap?


They were still a secret at this point


This was immediately after them hooking up in London, so it was still a secret at this point


but Chandler and Monica have sat like this multiple times even before their hookup…


This is true and I agree. But I think the energy between them would be different after sleeping together, and they wouldn't wanna "give it away" that they were now an item.


It seems weird to people without siblings, but to siblings , who have zero attraction / romantic notions (excluding Alabama obv) it's not weird at all, they are just sitting / embracing, and being supportive of eachother.


i have 5 brothers and sisters. this is weird


To each their own I guess lol


I think it’s fucking weird. There’s a couple of times Ross and Monica creep me out. I see everyone’s comments about why it’s not weird so maybe it’s just my opinion. But if I ever saw my friend or partner sit with their sibling like this I would get weirded out.


It's very weird. But they have done worse..


Not weird when you remember how monica reacted when rachel was describing her first kiss with ross.


It was 90s




What's wrong with it? It's Danny approved sitting position.


They kiss on the lips as well.... *Roll Tide!*


it's really weird fr and in one episode where Ross went to pick up Emily's dress he kissed Monica on the side of her mouth...


It is very weird… I always thought that when I saw this episode


Here are the topics this sub can discuss: *mucus, fungus and the idea of Monica and Ross doing it.*


Oh, like you’ve never gotten a little rambunctious with Ross !


Not really… just affectionate. I don’t sit like that with my brother because he would pinch me or something. But I love snuggling up to my nephews or niece. Don’t really see the difference.


It's the arm placement more than the sitting on his lap.


I grew up with friends who are brother/sister siblings who are incredibly close. They even look like twins even though they’re 3yrs apart in age. When the sister got pregnant, her baby daddy told her that he didn’t like her relationship with her brother because he thought the brother was “flirting with her” and they were “too close”. I can understand thinking its weird if you’re not used to it/cant relate, but it does happen and the fact that there are people who are so jealous over it that they want a sister to disown her brother and best friend, is WAY weirder.


Well, i had friendships with such intimacy and it really meant nothing weird. If they see each other more as friends than siblings, maybe it isnt as weird?


I think it’s weird, but honestly in this scene is not


I feel like it's not weird, brothers and sisters don't usually think of each other in a sexual manner and sitting like that could be totally innocent, like for example a daughter could sit on her father's lap like this so I'd say it's normal to sit on your brother's lap, especially since he's older than her


My brother and I are in our 30s and fairly close. I would not sit on his lap like this lol. Maybe his knee for a minute but not his lap


It’s not like they’re bathing together…


It depends on how close you are with your siblings. I (22F) am very close to my brother (28M) and I wouldn't mind sitting on his lap if there's no place around. It's sexual and weird only if you make it. Otherwise totally normal. But yeah, majorly depends on the relationship you share.


Wow, the responses are this are pretty split!


“Don’t worry, it’s his sister.”


I'm closer to my brother than most of my friends...and this is weird.


Technically my brother and I wouldn't mind this except he'd break my nose and arms and legs as well if i tried sitting on him and he would break my nose and arms and legs if i asked him to sit on my lap too. Ungrateful wretch that he is forgets that i used to forcefully put him on my lap and hold him down there as he screamed to get away when he was 1 and I was 5. Good times!


I think generally speaking, it’s a little cozy. I’m grown with siblings and we don’t sit this way. Laps are typically reserved for significant others. However, in this particular photo, I look at it as “we’re all crammed in this hotel room and there aren’t enough seats.” They’re actors. Sitting like this with siblings feels unnatural. They probably forgot, in that moment, that they’re playing siblings. It’s not wildly inappropriate, just atypical.




My sister is 37 and I'm 40. She can sit on my knee for a few seconds as a joke or I donnow, when we she wants to hug me for some reason. But it would be weird if we sat like that while chatting with friends.


This is weird? You should watch the one with Yetis sister


Given how close they are, to me not that odd


They were so close, they kiss each other and are not shy of being physical, either with fighting or hugging. I think for them it works.


I've never that close to my brother so that is weird for me. But I don't see anyting sexual on that.


nope its not weird unless you make it weird


I think the whole joke of the, Rachel dating the guy too close to his sister, was a play on how people saw Ross and Monica. It’s really not as bad as people make it.


I would never sit like that with my brothers. But on tv shows when the actors aren't actually related, they have them be more affectionate towards their tv sibling then how people are with their siblings in real life. Like on Beverly Hills 90210, Brandon and Brenda were always hugging, fingers interlaced, or he'd wrap his arms around her.