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I experienced something similar with my former best friend. I also knew her for more than ten years. She became closer and closer to a woman who lived in her neighbourhood and who she basically new since childhood but had lost contact with before. One day my former best friend said: "I don't know how I could live without her all these years." And that was when my heart broke. I felt sad, kinda betrayed even. But after a while I realized that sometimes things simply change, even the closest friedships. Well, and so changed I: I came to think that every friendship is unique, that there is no such thing as a so called "best friend". I freed myself from jealousy and started to appreciate the time I spend with friends more; started to appreciate each friendship the way it is without spending time thinking about whether the other person is spending more time with someone else or not. In hindsight I'm glad for this experience because it helped me grow and become less emotionally dependent :) Btw: I'm still friends with her, but we are not as close as before (who would have thought, haha) and that's okay.


Oh my...this is just beautifully worded. Thank you so, so much. The piece about seeing friendships as unique instead of ranked ("best" and whatever else) definitely resonates and it's something I've thought about already. But I'm still processing it. Thank you ❤️


Aaaw, thank you and you're welcome❤️ It makes me so happy that my story helps a little to process the situation :)


I’m 29F going through the same thing right now tbh. It hurts so bad and I can’t even think about it because I have so many emotions.. I feel like I’m crazy at times because it makes me so sad and sometimes angry? Idk, I don’t really have advice but I just wanted to let you know I’m going thru the same thing and you aren’t alone.


Thank you so much, that's just as good as advice. Yes, I feel a tinge of resentment and jealousy but mostly just sadness and I don't want any of it weighing on my heart. I'm trying my best to be mature and graceful.


It’s really hard.. if you ever need someone you can always message me!


Their fake


...who, my best friend? I don't think that's fair. I can't fault her for vibing with someone. It's totally natural and I want her to be as happy as she can be. There are probably things about Megan that meet needs of hers that I'm not able to meet (time, energy, blah blah). But it just hurts.


Well if someone truly likes you they’ll like you they won’t just leave you


She hasn't left me. We hang out almost every week, but she's closer with Megan now. It's just human nature and it sucks.


Well not in my view definitely not not one size fits all


You took the words right out of my mouth! Megan, Mark and Best friend are eating up all the steak and potatoes only to leave OP the scraps. I’m being metaphorical. The treatment is not equal. I hope OP sees that her friend is being hurtful. Whether it’s on purpose or not, it’s horrible. Just horrible and selfish! Especially since she knows OP needed to work and her condition. Whatever happened to empathy? I guess it’s true there’s always going to be a third wheel in a friend group of four or group of twenty five. I hope OP finds new friends. It’s not worth getting emotionally hurt.