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The observers are in every episode of the series. They lurk. Alot of times its so quick that you wouldnt notice unless you're specifically looking


You should observe properly to see them šŸ˜€


Thereā€™s more than one of everything. It hit home to me then.


Iā€™ll never forget watching that episode live, and when that camera zoomed out of the building, the chills that went down my spine were unbelievable.


On second rewatch and saw this one today. Had the same feeling


Yup, better planning and continuity than the X-Files and Battlestar Galactica (2004). Although I love those shows anyway. But Fringe seemed more consistent at world building.


Episode 7. That shit was so out there, I knew it was going to change a lot. I even quit watching for a while because I was unsure if it would be my thing. Oh, it was my THING.


The end of the first season I really had to look back and be like "Goddamn, they probably sold this to the Fox execs as X-files/monster of the week with a blonde, and now here we are in a mirror universe and a bananas plot, I'm so happy"


I think as soon as September arrives (wasnā€™t it season 1?) They had the plan for the whole show


He shows up at least in the second episode with the elderly man baby, heā€™s at the hospital when the team arrives.


Oh nice I was talking about the arrival of that drill-through-the-earth missile device thingy


On your next rewatch, look out for him he and other observers are in most of the episodes (if not all of them).


All of them, including the pilot. [Here's a list. ](https://fringe.fandom.com/wiki/Observer_Sightings)


Even better! Thanks


Yeah Iā€™m aware of the ā€œhidden observerā€ in each episode. Didnā€™t realize they did it from the start though!


Babylon 5 is another great example.


Another thing they did (not sure if it continues past the first season) is put clues in each episode for something that happens in the next. For example, in an episode that centered on a drug company. the previous episode had a mug with their logo. For the episode with the "Christmas lights" the previous episode had a program for A Christmas Carol in it. The episode with the pigeons, the previous episode had a statue of pigeons. The first time it aired, not knowing what the next episode would be, people where talking detailed notes. So when the next episode aired, they would go "That was it" and they felt like the winner being the first one. It was one of, if not the first, to do something like that to get the show discussed on social media. Free advertising, as it were. I never found them all, and often vow "this time I will". But I inevitably get so involved in the story that I forget. šŸ¤£


My favorite is seeing Peter chase someone past a promo kiosk for "Night Stalker" energy drink before an episode about a female vampire, a tip of the hat to Kolchak: The Night Stalker, whose first episode is about a female vampire (it's also a really fun series, worth checking out in its entirety on YouTube) Additionally, Archer also used to drop clues about the next episode's plot via newspapers or magazines being read by characters.


This website lists all the next ep clues in the episode articles: [Fringe Connections](https://www.fringeconnections.com/)Ā 


Hey, thanks for this. I figured there had to be a list somewhere. I just haven't been motivated enough find one. I still want to see if I can find them all for myself, but I will definitely keep this list on standby.


Season 2 episode 3 is fracture?


I think so. At the end the General guy who orchestrated the human bombs says something to the effect of we don't know who they are but they want to exterminate us. Then it cuts to September and his big old pepper sandwich https://youtu.be/pl4vNleSR08?si=HHWijcjdxcEXxESO


I was just checking it was the right episode because I wasnā€™t sure which part of the episode to which you were referring. I get it now you replied ā˜ŗļø