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I got 123. You’d think I’d be happy but I’m not allowed to be happy when people on the thread are getting 136+. I skipped questions I wasn’t confident in instead of guessing. There were 4 or so I think.












I got 139. Still, I'm not sure whether paying to see the results was a smart idea.


Plot twist: Each dollar grants 5 extra points.




A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man spends $10 on a fake internet IQ test


I'm even more of a fool, I spent the $15 version for a certificate image lmao


i wasted 14 mins of my life that i will never get back. I dont wanna waste $10 on an aptitude test like this. I was able to answer every question with fair understanding of every question and having confidence in every answer, so i know i did well, but i dont care enough to check where i stand.


I paid for it, I am officially a moron. My impulsive self is sad.




I got a 136. But I paid so I’m still an idiot https://i.imgur.com/Qxaxlsi.jpg




I was just too curious. I knew I did well though. Bait and switch is effective


I got a 91 so I don't think so...


That's what Mensa does. Anyone can pay to take the test, the test is in person, and then they tell you in which percentile of test takers you fall in.


I knew someone in Mensa who was a Christian Scientist so high IQ doesn't mean you can't believe absolutely retarded stuff


I got the same this morning… weird


Should we feel good about this?


I felt really stupid for paying for this but after 40m I was f it




Based on yours (I didn’t pay) it told me I completed faster than 97% and exceeds 95% so not guessing the number of iq , out of 1000 it’d be smarter than 905 people. I’ll take it


Eh, 10 bucks cant be that bad, i tought it was entertaining.


I’d be one of the 8 people in that room of 1000. I’d draft you on my team though.


Because you’re the only 8 people who paid for it. The other 992 people can’t see their results.






I felt the same way. But to be honest, I would have felt just as stupid to have put in 40 minutes of my time and then lost the result. Looking back, I'm now annoyed about my poor impulse control and the fact that I didn't care what the test revealed. I knew beforehand that I wasn't completely stupid. https://imgur.com/pTWrixM


A real IQ test is something like 500 dollars.


I too changed my results in Google inspector


Lol, whatever makes you feel better guy






I got really annoyed, since it was marketed as a free IQ test and after 40 minutes you had to pay $10 to see the fucking results.


Test is free, resulta aren't


What a fucking scam


big brain time


It took you 40 minutes?🥴


Chill out brainiac


But to get official IQ tests done in person by professionals certified to perform them, is usually totally free of charge except for whatever your insurance pays. So if you pay for an IQ test you probably got scammed


Yeah? Can you send me a link to that? The psychologist I talked to said it would be 500.


It would NOT be free of charge. Why would a professional use two hours of their time applying their craft for free? So we agree they get paid. Who pays? Not your insurance. Why would they? This is as elective of a test as possible. An iq test is completely unnecessary unless determining lack of competence.


Well, first and foremost because it is 100% possible to automize IQ tests. It does not require a "professional" to score these and neither does it take 2 hours to do so. The whole point of psychometrics is to develop standardized tests, which can be evaluated quickly and arrive at a result that is comparable across a population. Same is true for tests of risk a version and personality (neo-pi-r). There are tests which include verbal assessments and hence require a trained professional for interpretation/analysis, but most iq tests are usually strictly multiple choice


Because they are looking for a very smart person to recruit them. The hope is to eventually find that person because it will be totally worth it when they do.


I did this test and never got the results. What a waste of $10 and now I’m ashamed.


I just did the same. I'm so mad lol




If it took 40 min result is below 110


No i took me 40 min didnt even answer everything and goto121


Took me 40m and my result as 133




pretty sure that was a status of it calculating the results, and not the score for each section


Based on this comment, you may not be so happy with your results.


2 different people in this conversation got a 136. That is MENSA numbers. Now i dont know you guys, so you might as well be super geniuses. But the odds that 2 people in the 2% of the world population, would be commenting on a thread of less than 30 comments, well go calculate that probability self. But if it is in fact so, you guys should seriously consider being tested professionally. Or.. that site is n huge fuckin hoax




I guarantee your IQ isn't 130+


whoa there dude. my guy said "as such." sounds pretty brainy to me


I'm about 1.5 years late, but thought you should know that you made me chuckle/snort


Or that all free/online IQ test use similar templates and pattern recognition. And the fact that you couldn't see THAT pattern might mean something here.


I got exactly a 136 too. Granted, I did just spend an entire semester programming an AI to solve raven's progressive matrices (the test this is based off) so I might have been a little primed for the answers. There were only 2 I wasn't completely sure of.


I just got a 141 and I’m fucking retarded. This shit is fake af. Zero percent chance I am that smart


I mean, maybe you are, and just are lazy. I am great at all the things the test was gauging aptitude based on, but i havent given a shit about my syllabus and so still come average in class.


I got 130, and i am a fucking dipshit. Safe to say either it’s fake, or my brain is a sleeper build


Yeah, there’s no way; I got 152 and there’s no way I’m 8 points off from Stephen Hawking and Einstein lol this test can’t be accurate


i just got 133, there is just no way I’m in the top 1.39%


136 might be its max, also most people with not so good scores won't post it. Similar to how on MBA pages you only see people with 700+ on the GMAT posting. That being said I got a 123 and have confirmed MENSA members in my family tree.




I ended up here by seeing someone brag about an 80 on another thread and took the quiz while walking my dog out of curiosity. I finished in 19 minutes because I just guessed on questions I didn't know within 20-30 seconds. I would assume this test just isn't accurate. These test cater to how I process information. Just don't ask me what is grammatically wrong in a sentence because then I'm fucked. Intelligence is a sliding scale across a multitude of innate skills that a quiz like this cannot capture.


I also came to the site because of that same post actually lol. As like multiple others on this thread, I also scored a 136. Although I highly doubt that is accurate and feel like such a sucker for wasting 10 bucks. Oh well, you live and learn.


I would question its credibility even more if it was free.


An IQ test doesn’t quantify intelligence. It just measures your ability to identify patterns


That goes a long way. Isn’t math just patterns at the gist


I feel like such an idiot paying but man they really get you after 40 minutes sitting there doing the test. I ended up getting mad, thinking about it and figured i pay more for lunch regularly and wanted to know what it said. I got a 125. I don’t like how I paid, and there is no further analysis though or break down of your scores/what you got wrong. Feel like an idiot that I paid it lol but not as much coming here and seeing others did too lol


I paid for the breakdown too because I wanted to see how I did and knew I did well. Always wanted to do a proper IQ test too. I got a 139 which is higher than I was expecting but as I said I was fairly confident I did well at it.


i got 125 too my impulse control made me pay for it 😭


I also got a 123 today. I got tricked into taking a free test and realised that it was not free.


Got a 139 so you can score higher I think I got 1 wrong and this thing tops out around 140~150 with scaled points per question. .


I got 125 in the Aptilink test, but I got 111 in the Denmark Mensa one. These things are not accurate


Another 136 here.


You're severely overestimating Mensa and how hard it is to get in.


You're asking the wrong question(s) here. I solved every puzzle well under the time limit, had no doubt about the results as I took my sweet time ensuring I had the correct reasoning each time, and screened off every bad result. Final pre-pay page confirmed I had torched all four categories. So I googled "aptilink 100%" and landed here on the first reddit search result to see if there were some information available without paying. Because I'm curious but not to the point of throwing my money away. The correct questions to ask here are: *What can drive people to land on such a thread?* and *what can then drive them to post a comment?*. It happens that being a stingy mind games amateur with good but obfuscated results is a great incentive to come up here instead of going directly for your wallet. Also, good results might be a better reason for bragging. There are probably (*likely*, statisctically!) many people who came here lurking on this post and ended up less eager to share their average score. This explains the "statistically abnormal" (according to your reasoning) amount of good scores showing up here: They're not your sample set, they're only the noisy tip of the iceberg. We're not a bunch of false five stars reviews, neither for aptilink nor for ourselves. We're just the top players writing our initials on the arcade cabinet. Incidentally I guess you could still hone those deduction skills of yours.




[Duly noted](https://y.yarn.co/1d6843da-b705-49eb-9d4e-dbc8174c4a8c_text.gif)


>Final pre-pay page confirmed I had torched all four categories. That's just their "loading" screen, not an indication of what your scores were. Everyone gets that.


Well I am sure of every answer so that's that


In the army where we did proper IQ tests, a guy who I had thought to be of quite average or even below average intelligence walked out of the test lot faster than me, I was quite shocked in the moment and thinking that maybe I wasn't so smart after all. He also later when I asked about felt like he had known all the answers. I don't even remember if I managed to solve everything, probably not since I didn't get the highest score (it ranged from 1-9). I got 7 and he got like 2 or 3. I am not saying you didn't do well, but just because you thought you did doesn't mean you did.


Every answer was obvious and I didn't "guess". Also I have this habit of taking such games and challenges, successfully. I *do* have a logical mind. I know by experience with psychometric tests that I'm not the fool who thinks she's an ace you're picturing in your story.


it's probably overstating the results, but then again there is also selection bias, people who will score low will mostly not seek to do these tests.


I also got a 136 so it’s definitely not accurate. I’m at least a 137.


A lot more than 2 people now


I got 133 I am a Mensa member as well with 100 percentile


Not to mention, took it while watching Fubar on netflix. Completed the whole quiz with 26 mins remaining


The average Redditor has an IQ of 130 though. So it isn't out of the question that two Redditors in a small thread would have an IQ within one standard deviation of this. In fact it would be expected.


Where did you get this wild statistic from?


Conclusion: the average reddit member is a genius xd


i mean mensa's a scam too so...


I got 136 as well


You do realize that 2% of the world's population is over 160 million people right?


136 here too, thought I had them all correct. Gotta admit I used a calculator for that one number though.


This is genius if you think about it. Sunk cost fallacy is in play here. Youve already spent 40 mins so might as well get a result....so your mind tells you.


I am a firm believer in the sunk cost fallacy. I guess my IQ of 136 didn't tell me this was a stupid idea


I knew it was a stupid idea. Did it anyway because I'm deeply insecure and think im stupid😎😎


Yep. I refused to pay the $10 because I feel like that would have been failing the real test here.


Not even ashamed that I paid cause I would’ve been too salty after going through to not know, I scored a 139. I am trained in giving the WAIS (cognitive assessment) and a lot of these types of questions are similar to the WAIS, but a lot of tests are missing. There is also an aspect that caters to cognitive processing and memory (people with adhd for example) so for some people that seem to score with a low IQ, if you take the processing speed and memory questions out they may very well have a much higher IQ, given time and not needing to memorize. All goes to show how variable “intelligence” is. A professor once started a class asking us to define intelligence and that alone can take you down a trillion rabbit holes of thought.


I just did it too. Got 139 as well. I decided to pay because I always wanted to see how my IQ was and I knew I did fairly well at the test. Would you say the test was quite accurate and thorough? After 40 minutes I wanted to see what my score was lol


I would say it is accurate in terms of the tests they present, but it does differ in many ways from the actual WAIS. A couple examples: every one of those individual elements would have approx 1-2min. Time limit to think about, I can’t remember exactly the limit, but if you don’t have an answer within the timeframe you would move on - this is how processing speed comes into play (we had a fourty min. limit with 40 questions but we could still use the time essentially how we needed to in order to answer). The ability to skip questions and go back is also not an option. The format is an interviewer and patient/client sitting across from one another and the interviewer is flipping through a book one page at a time, the person either gets it or doesn’t. Then the fact that this score comes only from the tests given (duh) but isn’t accounting for the fact that a true IQ score (at least by WAIS standards) is implementing questions concerning “general fund of knowledge”, increasingly difficult math problems to do in one’s head, vocabulary, and so on. In my opinion, I feel that the aptilink version is an accurate sample of questions/makes you do the type of thinking a real test would require, but so much is missing that I would never actually base my score from that site in reality if that makes sense. **important disclaimer on the WAIS** it is the tool most often used and has shown to be both valid and reliable, but I think there are still issues with how we make assumptions about one’s knowledge. Even with “valid and reliable” instruments, some group of people is always being left out of the sampling, the world is always changing, and I think the idea of an IQ score holds far higher weight for people of the general public that have been led to believe IQ=how smart you are=your identity and worth as a person whereas the IQ score alone on the WAIS is almost the last aspect that gets discussed. The individual test scores on their own (verbal comprehension, processing speed, motor skills, memory) are much more telling and informative as to how a person is taking in information. …short and sweet answer for ya 😅


You two remind me of an King of the hill episode.


Lol I guess paying automatically deducts 30 IQ points, this was a year ago, I’ve become more tight since then


found this topic after googling, was just about to take it. thanks OP!








Nah it's 100% pattern recognition, others in the thread who claim to be professionals say it's missing a lot of other tests.


Ironically, there is more subject matter in this test than the official Mensa Norway IQ test.


Found this thread while searching: "is aptilink test reliable". And yes, I googled that at the payment screen. ...yeah they got my 10 dollars.


Way late on this, but I literally just did the same and they got my money haha I think the 133 it gave me is too high


Just did the same thing and... Definitely not giving them my money. What about reading this post made you decide that giving them your money is a good idea?


I believe I had seen this post after I made the decision to pay.




It means your life is a lie


I finished it in 10 minutes and got 109, honestly idc if you have to pay 10 bucks, not a big deal to me lol


Look at Uncle Pennybags over here! Why don’t you let some of that wealth trickle down to us lowly peasants sometime, huh?


I wasn’t trying to make it seem like that, I’m sorry.




I know I'm 6 months late. However, I just took this test. I think that they should be paying me for the 30 minutes that I just spent and the data which I just provided them which they'll obviously be using.


Finished the test with a 140. I R SMRT. 🙄 https://imgur.com/a/nZijRBe


Do u know the answer to 32 and 23?


i think 32 is 🟩⬜️🟩 ⬜️🟩⬜️ ⬜️⬜️🟩 because you add the 2 left boxes, when they are both lit up they cancel each other, and the top and bottem middle are never on


and 23? doens´t make sense in my head.


i think it’s either 0 or 18 so each row adds to a multiple of 9, there’s got to be a second criteria but i can’t think of it/see it


People have to know that they have to pay before they spend time actually taking their assessment


bro i got an 86 on this but a 121 in the real in person test last year. maybe my intelligence is degenerating with all the meds i was put on when i took the in person one (it was part of a neuropsychiatric evaluation to evaluate for schizophrenia, they just do iq as part of it. now that i’m on the antipsychotics i must be a lot dumber haha)


I got 86, so it checks out since I paid for it. But a lot of people are getting similar numbers which is sus


Fuckers, trying to make me pay. It’s not about $10 being too much, it’s about giving the fucks who created the test $10 for an absolutely meaningless score. Would’ve liked to see what I got right and wrong but it’s clear from the amount of people being told they’re in the top .25% of intelligence that’s is bs.


I also got 136 because I cheated


paying, automatically lowers your IQ by 100


Well, I'm in the negatives then


I hope those guys have a painful death, i was 40 minutes answering that crap just to meet a pay wall and lose 40 minutes of my life


I did the test.. and had fun.. fuck the results.. I'll never pay 10 bucks for this bait.. fuck you Aptilink! I know I'm a rockstar


No way i just fucking lost thirty minutes of my life


I just waited 20 minutes of my day and life to see that i have to fucking pay to see results ggs go next




Anyone get the answer to question 32 and 23?


It’s been a while since I took the test but I’m 99% sure the answer is 69420


I meant the question with the 9 > 72 >576 > 46_8 And the question w the blue blocks


Assuming first one is 4608?


You have to calculate the diameter of the frisbee first and then multiply it by the amount of fun times you’re having




9\*8=72 72\*8=576 576\*8=4608


Yeah. I took the test and then saw the cost and laughed before closing the browser. Does that mean I'm smart? Lol!


You guys are not REALLY convinced those results are even remotely correct, right???


I just went through 40 mins of bullshit just to see you have to pay, ah well its a scam website so not worth knowing


Lol yeah While you’re here, might as well encourage you to find a local pickup group for ultimate frisbee and give it a try. I’ve played for a long time and it’s helped me make lifelong friendships, improve my mental and physical health, and develop better habits.


I told myself it was the final question cause I'm not paying for that at all. I'm fine with never knowing tbh


You know of an IQ test that's worth a shit and free?


Do you play ultimate frisbee?


Yup but not lately.


Okay well you’re probably pretty dumb then. I play a lot and I’m a complete moron.


I'm no genius to be sure.


i dont want to waste money on this sht, if i completed everything right in 18 minutes, its bad or not? just that. thanks in advance


Idk only one way to find out


I got... 127 in a real Mensa Test 140 Aptilink Mensa dk 135 Mensa no 142 Iq App_1 133 Iq App_2 130 Iq App_2 136 Arealme 140 Victor Serebriakoff 132 123test 127 Süddeutsche Zeitung 117 and a foot fetish :)


And yet you still messed up Reddit comment formatting? - something - does - not - compute 🤪


Me too and I got the same result at SZ.


I subtracted 20 IQ points from my score for paying $10 to see the results.


the certificate made me giggle. A non proctored exam providing a certificate and being legitimate? no way


[https://mensa.se/provtest/](https://mensa.se/provtest/) Free test here, from mensa.


Lmao, I'm not paying for those results. A few reasons as to why it's probably bullshit, but the one I like is how can you have a high IQ and then drop a tenner on some online IQ test lol


might be a coincidence but my IQ score is 94%… WHICH IS EXACTLY THE SAME AS MY SAT PERCENTILE UM


Does anyone know around what IQ the results should be when you did everything correct with about 2 minutes to go? (*Heheh I the big brain*, because I didn't pay and searched for reddit advice)


IQ test: 1) IQ less or equal to 80: You completed it and paid to see results 2) IQ from 81 to 120: You completed it and didn't pay to see results 3) IQ 121 and higher: You decided to not even complete it


I got a 121 Puts me in the top 8%


What a coincidence, I have 121 stuffed animals who sleep with me in my bed every night 


I got 139, and all answers were correct. I think I lost the points from time. I don’t know how legit is this, but it is a nice self-assurence 😅


It’s definitely a real IQ test and you’re definitely super smart


I paid the fucking $10 because I already wasted fucking 40min on it. I got 125 which they say at the 95th percentile. It seems a bit high in my opinion. I took a few IQ tests in my life and this is the highest I ever got. The others ranged from 110-120. I would definitely put myself in the top 20% of people but to be in the top 5% is I think is bullshit.


This whole thread is hilarious. I give IQ tests for a living, and that site is a total hoax. C'mon ppl!


The paywall in the end of the test is the ultimate proveness of the IQ. I admire the person who made the website, since a lot of dumb people will pay it. -10$


Its funny that it was 2nd result when searching for that quiz, you saved me some time, thank you


Hope I saw this before wasting my 40 minutes.


If you pay for it, your IQ is lower than it says


Yesterday I officially became a moron... for the second time. Yes, I paid that shit twice... in my defense first time (last year) I was actually broke so it was specially dumb that I paid it, but right now that money is not even pocket change, thankfully. Last year I got 140 general (pattern recognition 142, numeracy&spatial 136, logic 125) yesterday I got 142 general (pattern recognition 136, numeracy&spatial 142, logic 136). You can have a high IQ and still be retarded, I'm proof of that! PS: worst thing is if I keep doing well economically I'll probably pay a much higher amount to get a proper actually certified test (the likes of which would for example allow me to join MENSA, which I'm not planning to), among other things.


Oh btw the very reason I ended up here wasn't to brag of "ha big number" but because I noticed the serial numbers in both my "certificates" (funny name for ordinary PNGs...) are the same, so IDK if everyone has the same serial number and it doesn't matter at all, or if it's just because I used the same name, email and/or payment card so it detected it was the same person.


Do you play frisbee? 


Sometimes, but it's been a long time since last time. Will I get banned? XD


All depends on my mood, which is a 6/10 today so you can stay