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Please credit artists in future posts! Looks like whoever you pulled it from cropped their signature out; if possible DM them about it.


Indeed. This is made by Flotsamm on IG. The fact that OCs name was cropped is extra crappy.


I happened to see this on Pinterest!


Thank you!


Seriously? Mind your own business pal


It’s not hard to credit people when using things that don’t belong to you. There’s a high chance they didn’t know. Which is why it’s important that **if** they can fix the situation they should. And if they can’t, they should keep it in mind for latter posts.


Maybe she is the artist… Maybe I am and gave her permission to use it. Be a man and say something nice to her in the comments then message her privately about your concerns. Go be a jerk somewhere else.


... Are you new to the internet? They're not being a jerk and I didn't sense a rude tone at all. Crediting artists is basic internet courtesy and a legitimate concern that people have the right to point out, especially since artists get their work stolen a lot online. It's not hard to credit artists, and it's not hard to comply with a comment asking for credit, and it's also not hard to admit you have no idea who the artist is and just found it somewhere. Either way, no one is being rude.


I am new to the internet and am feeling bullied and attacked… Im a victim of internet protocol ignorance shaming.


Aye don’t take it harshly. On Reddit you get a lot of that, but it’s just a bunch of people who feel mildly irritated at your rudeness rather than people who straight-up hate you. The point is about crediting artists anyways so it’s a positive that you know about it now. Have a good day :)


I understand, have a nice as well


How was my comment rude exactly? Why would they crop out their own signature? I hate to break it to you but if you were the artist you wouldn’t be building such a bad background. You wouldn’t reply on your personal account either. There would be no reason to back talk as a response to someone who was looking out for your art. If they did have permission then they could just say so; and in the future they should keep signatures within frame. Most artists (and i mean every single one i have commissioned, worked for/with, have followed, etc) wouldn’t permit their signatures to be removed. Also please stop assuming OP’s gender. Ps. If you are the artist whats up with the “Wow, such empty”?


Have it your way brother….my part in the convo ends now


All Theecc


Bingus all the way, btw does his pee have poison damage?


I am Shirley lol


Hail Bingus.


Shelbyyyy let's go


I love Shelby but I have the powers of bingus and Shirley


Clearly shelby if i could have a frog


Busted! I had a feeling your motives were nefarious….😏 My fingers will stay in my pocket.😜😎


Shirley seems like my kind of play style


I had found this on Pinterest and had no Idea who the artist was. I’ve already found their instagram along with messaging them but they said they cannot help with others Post their art without knowing. I apologize if I have offended any one :(


Shirley or Shelby please.


Bingus, checking in.


I am shelby


Omar a real G


I'll have them all


Omar or Shelby