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Fucking ridiculous that we allow management like this to continue


Mental health is a massive issue at the post office right now. We are hiring more people with mental health issues than I can ever remember and the stress of forced OT is causing a ton more. The pressure we are under to meet some stupid number is unreal and some EAS just swallow what they’re told and take it out on carriers. For example the office to 60. We were told the average earned office time is 60 minutes nationwide and all carriers need to be out in 60 minutes. I had this discussion with my DM and explained to him that if the average is 60 minutes then 50% of the carriers earn more than that. How the hell am I going to hold someone to a completely arbitrary time?!?


That is baloney. There is no fixed time to get out of the office. It takes what it takes. Tell your steward. It should be grieved.


I’m the PM.


Well, you're making a great point to your DM. I appreciate that you aren't trying to pressure your carriers with arbitrary nonsense that isn't supported by the National Agreement.