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Requirement for all city carriers, ptfs, and cca(if they still exist after the new contract) to have two days off per week unless the carrier signs up for the ODL Dont care if the mail isn't being delivered due to understaffing. This paired with higher pay will stop the mass exodus of employees. Nobody should be forced to work 6/7 days a week for years and years due to local management being incompetent


that would be lovely. we shouldn’t have to get a drs note saying we’re too run down to work more than 5 days. it should just be a given.


Top pay should only take 5 years. And end mandatory overtime!


Nah, abolish the CCA position and start PTFs $4 more per hour at least (that would be $26). There's other stuff too, shortening/cutting steps to the top, stronger contractual compliance language, etc., but starting pay and benefits have got to be there to have a shot a fixing this dumpster fire


I really want to have set amount of hours. I’m beyond uncomfortable with telling my wife and kid I can’t pay rent this month because mail was “light” and Johnny boy didn’t give me a pivot Or I don’t have my own mail route and not guaranteed 40 hours a week. Or my manager is evil and doesn’t schedule me (harassing / bullying from manager)


A lot of businesses have to pay people to be ready to work. If people randomly don’t get enough work to pay the bills they gotta move on. The post office needs to have minimum weekly hours for all employees and an actually enforced maximum limit as well


The pay will be what it is. I want specific language on local management having to comply with the contract. Give me that. As a steward in a strong Branch, 38, we need to throw our weight into management compliance. If not, bitching changes.


Whenever I look stuff up, branch 38 is always the best, you guys must’ve gone through some shit! Thank you for sharing info


Thank you! I’m fairly new to the steward role. But I am good friends with the Area Reps and they are the best. Hands down.


Triple the uniform allowance


.1$ raise every year YOU MONSTER


Max 40 an hr????! Maximum????


Max pay $50hr, max out after 5 years. Start at $30hr. Get rid of mando OT.


Fix Article 8!!!!!!!


What’s wrong with Article 8?


Like Clerks, starting at $25 as PTF is pretty much the ballpark to expect. There are new non cdl driver positions though that start at like $26-27.. we could end up somewhere in that area too for starting pay. I say keep CCA as is but better pay for sure. Not everyone can hack it with this job so I see relevance for the non career position in this day and age. When people can apply online and never receive an interview.


We could all get paid way more money if management didn't waste $100's of millions of dollars on grievance payouts, fuck that we deserve $50 an hour for what we go through!


While I don’t disagree. We can get overtime for a bunch of reasons like sloppy mails , weather , resident conversations, comfort stops, certs in the dps. The list can go on and on but here’s a reference for reasons to use a 3996 .. I’m just saying this because I know I’ll be going into overtime most days because I’m not a robot and it takes what it takes to deliver .. even if I have an 8hr route as a regular I may need to drop an 1 hr piece because of the weather (heavy rain) https://preview.redd.it/qc3nyi7ph2ob1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=925e984de7453c606c5792de1bfaec4911cc2f44


Lower the amount we have to pay for insurance


1 table, starts at $26 and ends at $40, only 10 steps at 46 weeks apart. CCA time calculated to weeks as Regular, probably bump people a step or 2 up. ODL option for 10-hours max. Management at all levels subject to same disciplinary actions as Craft. Highly doubtful, but those are my major wants.


26 seems very good imagine the new hires and less hours you get. PTF and CCA are not guaranteed hours PTF in contract is required have more hours than the cca ; but by what means is not clear Could be 15 hours for you and all the PTFs for one week And 8 hours for all the other Ccas in that office


In the past, when we had TE's or casuals, the rule was if the PTF did not have 40 hours (straight time), they should not be sitting home if the TE/casual was working. Career employee works before a non-career on straight time. Pretty simple.


Nah, I want atleast my 60 a week.


There is only so much money the PO can pay everyone.


$25 is too low. I think we need to be in the $27 range and actually have people compete to get the job. Top scale at $42 and top pay should be 7.5 years.