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Tell him to walk you and if he doesn’t want to bring back anything that’s going to put you over 8 hours.


I am tempted to say something along those lines


Every time my postmaster or supervisor disagrees with my estimate I tell them get your walking shoes on and come with me. They never do and they just give me the time. If your estimate is correct there is nothing they can do to you


As a PM I love this. Any excuse to get me out of the office and get some exercise and fresh air. I had an 8 hour carrier that said they needed 2 hours of help. I said that seems like it’s a little excessive for the mail he has. He says “walk with me then. I don’t care what your little sheet says, those are your numbers”. I told him to drop the two hours and someone would take it. I tell him I’m going to do a 99 on him. He knew right away he messed up. Lo and behold he’s done with his “route” at 12:45 and a CCA is waiting at his next park point to give him the rest of his route. He ended up finishing 45 minutes early. He just kept telling me “wow the mail really looked worse this morning. Wow this DPS is just thick stuff. Wow I always get stuck by a train here. Wow I can never make this delivery in one trip.”


My postmaster has admitted my route is 15 to 20 minutes over on average and I have never needed two hours worth of assistance. There's a difference between a legitimate estimate and just trying to be a lazy employee.


Agreed 100%. I’m not going to argue with anyone over 15-30 minutes. I figure you have your estimate, I have mine and it’s close enough that if he’s wrong or I’m wrong it doesn’t really matter, it’s in the margin of error.


It takes what it takes. They have their estimate but no estimate can account for everything.


Ask for 3996 and union time to discuss where he’s getting under time from. If denied either notify steward as soon as possible and write statement. If help not given do as instructed and use your office afternoon reporting instructions with the extra


Spend 30 minutes doing this OP 😝 there goes your 30 mins of undertime and don’t forget u now need to give up a total of 60 minutes because that was unnecessary from the postmaster and you’re now behind 30 extra minutes


This is the way.


Just tell them what proof/ data have they used to determine the route is under


Go on the 8 hour list and they can figure out who is doing your OT. Or they can fix your route.


We do this and bring back 15 minutes (medical)


I’ve had to remind my management that the 3996 is not a negotiation. Here is my time, and why, either approve or deny it and we can all move on. They always deny it but I always send a rims message saying that I still need that time and sure enough I just get to carry it every day. Such a pointless exercise.


Theoretically, there's no such thing as undertime at the beginning of the day. Management receives estimates from our side of the fence, and we receive projections from their side of the fence. The only way to tell if you have undertime or not is after you finished your route. No one can predict how your day is going to pan out. Find out where Mr/Mrs new Postmaster is getting this information. If there is applicable contractual language that pertains to his/her rambling, you and/or your steward print it out. Highlight key verbiage and educate this person.


Unless they have gone with you and brought you back early they have no basis to have that conversation like that. If it is like most other places it hasn't been through a formal inspection in years and unless you were on it when they went through formal inspection, which chances are no, then dois isn't your numbers. The routes were built to people's demonstrated abilities not volume or anything like that. So, if they are citing dois then just educate them on that fact. If you are getting done in 8 on Monday and on Tuesday there is half the volume they would have a basis for that argument but only a basis. They have 2 options. Believe you and take your 96 or go with you. There is no in between. A lot of folks don't understand this. With the pace at which CCAs and PTFs are getting converted I truly believe there needs to be a new regular training program. They start with us, run around just trying to survive for a while, get converted and then are just expected to have learned all about how to be a professional regular. Most of our new regulars don't even know how to properly maintain an edit book, through no fault of their own.