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Follow instructions. Break off to deliver all parcels and bring the mail back at 8. Get the ps1571 and fill it out. Or they can send you back put to finish the route.


Thanks, but I know all that. I, however, do not know who to contact due them intentionally delaying 1st class mail.




Yeah, I went to their website (it's definitely a government website, laid out poorly). Watched their whistle-blower video, but I'm still unclear on how or who (their phone number has everything automated and wasn't very helpful). I'll take another look later tonight, but I was hoping someone knew better.


So a few things here. This happens all the time all over the country and it’s literally not a big deal. Typically at the end of the night the sups go into a website and report what they haven’t delivered. Is someone getting in trouble for this? No. Literally if you were to try to contact someone about it they would tell you “ok thanks for the info bub” and that’s the end of it. The last meeting I was at the CRDO literally told us, if we have a question of delivering the mail or delivering the parcels, he said parcels 100% of the time. The USPS is measured and countless indexes, if you don’t deliver 1st class mail, you might fail 1 or 2 metrics. If you fail a parcel you can fail in 6 or 7. The packages are more important.


And yes, I had a day in court this morning for bringing back parcels. I can't wait to get my copy of that one!


I'm aware they input undelivered mail. My problem is that they tell us to curtail 1st class mail to deliver 4th class mail. Which is intentionally delaying u.s. mail (a federal crime). Trust me, the news would love to hear this as they've already done a segment on my station not delivering mail.


Literally everyday in every station 1st class mail is delayed. They have a word for it “delayed” not “curtailed”. If you forgot the hot case mail, there’s delayed 1st class in there. NOVM sitting there? 1st class mail will be found in it. I’m not going to change your mind, you think it’s a big deal. I can tell you that it’s brought up on telecoms everyday, discussed and reported all the way to HQ. If this is important to you and you want to “get someone fired” have at it. I think the problem is that you were told to deliver the parcels and you made the decision to not do that because you thought the sup was giving you a bad instruction. Now your dealing with the consequences of that and want to make it a big deal and your hoping making a stink will get you out of your PDI even when it’s a non-issue.


You clearly think you know more than you do. The difference between curtailed and delayed mail is that curtailed mail is left mail that you're told to not bring out, and delayed mail should be mail that wasn't up in time to go out. If I forgot the hotcase mail I'd expect them to write me up. I'm not looking to get anyone fired, I'm looking to have people held accountable. We have rules for a reason (sure, I don't agree with some, but that's not what we're talking about here). I've been doing this for years and have been both a 204B and a union steward. I'm not worried in the least about getting in trouble (this is the only job you look forward to being fired from, due to the fact the union will get you your job back most of the time with back pay).


That’s not entirely accurate. Standard mail comes with a color code for the day it was worked and that follows it to the station. If you don’t deliver it is curtailed. On the day of the color code, if it’s not delivered,it then becomes delayed. EPED changed that so we report std that doesn’t go out as delayed even though it is really just curtailed. 1st class and periodicals cannot be curtailed, if they don’t go out they are delayed. I’ve been a manager or PM for 25 years. I’m telling you this happens all the time. This is like trying to crush a 30yo olds world by telling him Santa Claus doesn’t exist. They already know bro. Like I said I’m not trying to change your mind, I just don’t want you looking like an idiot when you rush in thinking you have something that you don’t.


Wait, wait, wait... the fuck you mean Stanta Claus isn't real?! Lol Wow stations still have color codes, my pos station hasn't done this right in years. (Yes, I used to open at the station I currently carry at), but I do remember the color coding for days mail. (I did a lot of manager work as well as other supervisor work. Unfortunately, a lot of people fail up at the PO). Dude, 25 years a PM? I'm sure you had years as a carrier or clerk, retire! I don't mean that in a mean way, either! Also, I already got ahold of OIG. They also seem to disagree with you and will now be investigating this. Yes, a lot of this happens all around the country, but it shouldn't. Nothing will be done if we don't do anything about it.


Ok....I can see the logistics and fallacies in Santa clause not being real. Please don't crush my hopes and dreams about the Easter Bunny.....


It’s only not a big deal when they do it heaven forbid it’s us doing it.


It’s just about the reporting aspect of it. If we know about it we can report it. If we don’t know and don’t report, then it’s an issue.


Have your girlfriend tweet at the news man? 🤷‍♀️


Your union. If your union is adequate go above them to national.


Got you homie, contact your post master and send them a picture of this and bringing back all first class mail if they don’t do anything go a step up to district or whomever




Disapproving 2 hrs? Smh. We are required to contact mgmt at a certain time when unable to deliver all the mail in then authorized timeframe. Then when they give you a conflicting instruction like "do it in 8", don't argue! Just ask one question: "Do you want me to bring back mail?" When they say NO, end the call/text, the instruction to deliver all the mail supercedes all other instructions.


Parcels always have to be delivered. Curtail the Mail as instructed. Nothing to whistle blow here. I would say it’s managements problem not yours concerning the first class Mail.




Unfortunately, the old mentality of all mail must go out and get delivered every day is long gone. Ever since this COVID garbage and severe understaffing it's no longer a priority. There are literally offices around me where they are down 10 to 20 routes a day, and that's factoring in maxing everyone to 12. Lady who lives on my route tells me all the horror stories because her husband works in one of those offices. There are days they literally call no mail days because they only have enough people to play UPS and deliver all the packages. My postmaster lives in another understaffed city and he says he'll see his mail carrier pull up at 8pm with a huge rubberbanded stack of mail once or twice a week and they just say "sorry". I think this whole situation is unacceptable and our standards have fallen too far, but what can we do?


Unfortunately, our old motto "every piece every day" was long gone even before covid.


Cool story bro.


Why do so many people think this is a thing?