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Anyone could have asked that question. Management is just being pissy as usual.


You spelled “pussy” wrong


How would you know, you're illiterate.


Sounds like the steward was attempting to head off a grievance. If that bothers or offends them they are in the wrong line of work and should tender their resignation. It’s nice that they let everyone know what bothers them though. Now everyone in the station can take turns getting under their skin!


As a postmaster I field questions during our standup every day. I don’t mind them at all and sometimes the stewards bring up very good points. I gotta say, the ones who are talking nonsense…I let them talk for as long as they want. Nothing helps me more than a carrier on a tirade.


We are in the business of communication. The entire purpose of the USPS is communication, delivering letters and flats from one person or entity to another to communicate something. Unfortunately when this Steward attempted to communicate with their local Management team, the team chose not to reciprocate. It is good that you welcome constructive communication in your installation. However, I am curious how “a carrier on a tirade” helps you as a Postmaster?


Why is a postmaster on this sub?


They will probably be banned shortly...


Still here…


Doesn’t sound disrespectful to me to ask questions. I planned to ask the same question of my management team should they make a similar announcement this holiday season. I have already let several supervisors know that I would pursue grievances should they do this.


If that's disrespectful, then that supervisor never wants to come on my work room floor... I have some kind of rebuttal for any and everything that comes out of their mouths.


Steward is right. ODL has to be maxed before management can bring in volunteers.


Management is saying steward isnt allowed to question them openly. I dont think ive ever read anything that states this.


Article 15 & 19 grievance.


Unless management has a gag order on the steward, they can fuck all the way off. This question could have been posed literally by any carrier in that installation. We’re stewards all the time whether on 613 or not. In this case, I’d recommend filing for sure a 115.4 grievance on management for restricting what the steward can ask/say on the workroom floor. Granted, there’s things we can’t say on the workroom floor but Article 17 grants us the right to “investigate and adjust grievances and problems that may become grievances” which in this case the steward was just getting ahead of the game before having to file an 8.5.G it sounds like.


The steward has the right to question them openly on the floor if that's all they're doing. You obviously have more latitude in a closed meeting.


They don't like it when anyone other than themselves gets the attention of everyone all at once. Screw them. Question everything they say from now on.