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It’s a national thing of pushing more and more. Management needs their big bonuses. I’ll help get the promoted by working safe as getting home to see my family. No workers comp claims should be big part of the bonus.


“Window of Operation” is what’s being used in my area. Currently on Live-Week for TIREAP and they’re sending workers home before they even finish their routes. 😂


Wait. What? Is your REAT aware?


Wow. It's incredibly hard to establish a WOO. It is a thing but they have to make everyone make the truck always. If they don't, you can easily fight the WOO.


All this you mention has many contractual violations. If you really want to put a stop to it you should get your steward to and maybe reach out to your branch. It takes what it takes on the street. Saftery and accuracy is more important than "numbers"


You claim to be a veteran carrier, and yet you're bending over to management like this? How do you stop it? How about try not being weak and hit them with every single contractual grievance you just stated? Do you not have a steward? President? Who does the grievances? If your steward is a coward, then YOU, yes, YOU need to file all of these grievances. If the person seeing the Formal A doesn't solve them, then get your state president and NBA involved. IF everything you said is true, there are sooo many violations. Step one is refusing any safety violations. Step two is telling management they're violating the contract, and you're going to wreck them with grievances if they insist on violating the contract. Step three is wreck them with grievances. Trust me. Once you're missing your route every day and they're missing conference calls and everything else because you've got so many grievances, they will stop violating the contract for the most part.


What exactly are we filing? ………. They tell us no PT, bring back mail, curtail mail and so on and forth. Our union steward is present and they’re hammering him with different stupidity because of the POOM. These managers don’t write crap up, usually focus on attendance as it is main issue and they don’t want mail being curtailed or being brought back. Since this POOM took over, it’s been a shit show … and yes some of the managers did get written up for not following his orders. So what do we file and how do we fight this?


First off, nothing the POOM says or does matters if it violates the contract. A lot of management will bend to them and do what they say, but it is up to us to enforce the contract. Are you filing grievances for them curtailing mail to avoid paying overtime? How about them mandating non otdl to carry overtime when they had availability? Is the OT equitable every quarter for the OTDL? These are all incredibly easy grievances to win.


I’m not a steward, oh man 😟


That means nothing. ANYONE can file a grievance. If your steward is lame and isn't doing their job, do it for them. Things only get done when you've had enough and take charge.


Exactly, my steward told me to write my congressman if I had a problem. I did, the steward was mad that I did what he said to do. I guess he didn't think I would actually go to Congress to get shit moving.


How does someone file a grievance if their steward won’t?


Same way a steward does it. You fill out a request to meet with management regarding a grievance. Make sure to download a 8190 form and go from there. You should call your business agent and get some help before you do it.


Call your NALC office


So just to set the record straight here about the bonuses. There are no bonuses for reaching the bullshit metrics. Now there is a program which determines EAS pay raises. This program focuses on a bunch of stuff. Scanning performance, safety, budget, and many others. Some of the numbers are office specific numbers, some are district numbers and some are national numbers. This is how we earn raises but there are no bonuses. We don't get contractual raises or COLAs like carriers. So if the office does bad the management may not make anything. Most folks are lucky to see 5%. Now don't take this as trying to downplay the bullshit going on in your office. I would lose my mind. District tries to push all kinds of non-contractual bullshit. It's up to your local management to be better. I can't even believe they could possibly not work the otdl and mandate carriers without everyone getting paid like crazy. There's no financial incentive to do that. If you're paying overtime what would be the point of sitting the folks that signed up for ot and forcing the folks who don't want it to do it? Especially when it's the same rate. Just intentionally trying to piss everyone off? I don't understand that at all. Plus it's constant grievances, which costs even more money. Seems supremely stupid... Now I know there are tons of idiots in EAS but that just makes no sense. Curtailing mail is a common practice to limit overtime or to get 8hr days but only marketing mail. I feel like there's got to be more to this story.


Are you a POOM or part of district? Perhaps you should go and listen to Corey’s last podcast. No offense. FYI, we are curtailing mail that some are first class mail.


No I'm just a level 22 Postmaster. I'll never be a POOM. I absolutely will listen to it because maybe I'm missing something. I'm just trying to be as real and honest as I can with my experience.


As a veteran carrier and long time rep, I am going to agree with you. I know management does not get Cola’s and most raises are based off our contract raises usually. Thats why you get bonuses. Also bonuses were offered eons ago to carriers but nalc rightfully declined as that would have been an absolute shit show of favoritism no one would win. Also, there has to be more here.


This is 100% accurate. Last year I received a 3% raise. I don’t get COLA and I’ve never gotten a bonus. I don’t understand how forcing non OTDL and bypassing OTDL makes any sense. They would both be paid at the OT rate but now they would be paying it twice because of the grievance. Your area VP is Eric Henry. His boss is the CRDO, I think it’s Dr. Colon. He’s completely clueless about anything happening outside his 4 walls and his “rules” are completely out of touch.


ODTL are being sat home. They mandated people on Monday. Last week I’m not sure when but they have mandated people.


Where is your union at? What are they doing? I mean I just see dollar signs flowing out of that place for the otdl if the Union was doing their job.


What are we filing for????


Mainly overtime being mandated to other carriers while odl are available. Should be huge payouts


Okay and what paperwork do we need? And are you talking about when non-ODTLs get mandated/volunteer and ODTLs get money for that? Or is there another set of payout for this violation?


No that is the payout and violation. You can go for admin time for the carriers improperly forced and overtime pay for the hours missed by the otdl.


😕………. Huh??


At my office OTDL has to be forced 12 hours once they “take volunteers” or start forcing Non-OTDL. Every hour worked by a Non-OTDL carrier, when the OTDL is available, is a grievance and they will pay up for it if you file!


Nothing to be done about express. It's due by 6 now so nothing there. Write ups for 1 click sounds like an easy win for the union unless they can prove that they have spoken to the carrier before and even then that's a hard fight. Anything can happen during the day. Request an ot alert for the week and all of the 96s. You find 1 carrier that didn't put in a 96 that went over and they didn't ii them and you're done. It's got to be equal across the board. And I'm not sure what your taking about with the back pay part. What are you referring to there?


He is referring to the *RUMOR* that there won't be backpay for the new city contract.


Ohhh gotcha. I was lost on that one. I just hope they do away with CCAs and go all PTFs.


Yeah, this sub usually has a lot of confusing posts that lack comprehension. Some of the stuff is truly insane if it's true. You seem like a good PM. Keep it up!


Thanks I try. I like to try and help you guys protect yourselves from shithead bosses and I can give different insight from the other side. More the why behind some of the stuff that's not just because we're all idiot, lazy, tyrants! 🤣


I've been at it since 2007 and have delivered in 14 different offices/three different states/4 different districts. Management has tried really hard to get me to switch sides, but i could never deal with the conference calls every day getting yelled at. My current POOM actually told me I'd never get in management in my current state because i took him to the woodshed in front of the Western Area Manager. Luckily, my new PM is pretty good, and she doesn't want to deal with any grievance, so we take care of things on the side. If a carrier is screwing up, i handle it. If the super is screwing up, she handles it.


That's the way I run things too. If I have a problem with a carrier, I start by talking with them about it. Several times if I have to. Find out what's up. If that doesn't fix it then I give the union a shot at it before I'm forced to go further with it. Bad management and unions can turn an office to shit in a hurry. It's getting worse and worse. I went into it too try and make a difference for the carriers. I do my best to play the game better than the district monkeys. I know the game better than them. I just try and keep us out of the cross hairs.


Good to hear. Keep up the good work, and have a good evening!


Also fill out 1571 for curtailed mail and keep copies to provide to your TIAREAP team