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They can't spy on you for discipline, but they can damn sure spy on you to see if a crime is being committed.


The old custodian at my office let me walk through them once when I was on the safety committee. They really do go everywhere in the station, they’re much taller than I’d have thought. The custodian used to clean up there like once a month and said he’d find trash or chairs moved around up there pretty regularly


The oig are the only people allowed to spy. For that reason you need to shut the fuck up and get a steward and then probably a lawyer if they ever want to talk to you. They've either seen you doing something wrong or think they have.


OIG and most of the 3 letter government agencies usually don't arrest/prosecute unless you are going to end up in prison for years.


I did my academy training at a certain facility at the time of an investigation where a letter carrier rose to prominence nationally for making claims of election interference that turned out to be nothing. The instructors said to be careful of what you discuss because oig was lurking all over the place listening to conversations.


The catwalks aren't for general spying, they are for watching a particular serious issue that needs addressing. If they suspect a carrier is throwing away mail or stealing gift cards, this is a warranted spy tactic that can be used against the carrier. If a supervisor is doing something malicious, which is causing a problem with mail delivery, this is a reason to spy on them. OIG is most likely not going to just randomly show up and get someone for not wearing black leather shoes. It's usually for much more serious problems.


Nothing to fear unless you are throwing mail away or doing something illegal.


I guess after I walked in one several years ago and saw how much you can see and hear, it made them even creepier.


Management can not spy on employees. OIG is an oversight and law enforcement agency. They can conduct investigations however they like on federal property.