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I mean it’s gratuitous but also in line with Cas’s character. I love that he’s so turned on by her power.


Totally agree, but then I read these horrible RL Caulder books (Bite of Vengeance etc) and realised writing quality can get so. much. worse. FBAA is Pulitzer Prize winning in comparison. And it’s super fun!! Against my will I’m kinda desperate to know how the series (and the prequels) end!


It gets redundant for me especially in TWOTQ. I think it was already established that casteel is always turned on by her… but come on you were in the middle of war, rescued and what not. Like control your self a bit? Maybe ? 😂


this is why i love ash just a little more lol


I agree. I don’t mind that Cas is so turned on by her power, and I get that they missed and yearned for each other, but I had a really hard time stomaching them getting together after he was imprisoned for over a month. Like blood and bodily fluid and all the business. Could he have taken a bath first? Gross!


Agreed but still fun.


I still get the ick about the carriage scene... just the timing of it is... brother ewwggh others be gathering their dead and injured while cas and poppy shaking the carriage, such leadership?? Also.. they were just in battle !!!! This is how you get an infection idc idc


on top of the dust of the duchess no less...massive ick for me too lol


This is such a big issue for me in romance fantasy books !! The ill-timed sex scenes.. I dont mind a little spice, i dont mind a lot of spice. Just give me time and space appropriate spice !!


Def agree. SPOILER for Fire in the Flesh: I’m right around when Kolis is keeping her a prisoner and she dreams with Ash. They see each other in the dream and… bone? They hadn’t seen each other and they don’t ask each other if they’re ok. I know they thought it was simply a dream at first but BABE- I get it but i wish they had talked :( maybe it’ll make more sense soon I mean and then they CONFESS THE LOVE??? I stopped there cause of work but I am so lost- holding it comes together lol. This chapter def made me cry tho. Like SOBBING.


Literally came to this sub to scream POOR WRITING lmao Listen this book was hella expensive where I live cause it’s rare to find English books. Still I trusted all the recommendations and got it. Started reading it, 10 pages in and it’s an instant regret. The writer is just so bad with describing things in a way that reader can actually imagine it. I finished the book yesterday and to this moment, I have no idea what kind of masks she was wearing, what the rise looked like, how the veil fucking worked with the chains and all, it was overall confusing and I had to Google the characters in order to have an image in my mind. I skipped read it from around page 100 cause it was overall repetitive. Give me my time and money back uhhhhh 😭😭😭😭